wp7 delete picture from saved pictures album - windows-phone-7

In my wp7 app, I am able to save pictures taken from a camera in the saved pictures album and able to read them later. If a particular record is deleted in the app, I want to delete the associated picture with that entity from the saved pictures album.
Has anyone tried this? I don't seem to find any methods on the media library to perform this?

There's no API for removing the user's pictures from their device.
The phone's owner is in exclusive control of this function.
An alternative approach may work for you to keep pictures in isolated storage and offer the user the ability to optionally put them in their media library, passing control of that capability to the phone's owner as well.


Xcode allow user to input image

How would you go about allowing the user to input an image in an Xcode app on iPhone?
For example setting a profile picture, where the actual user chooses the image from their photo library (or take picture etc.)
To pick a photo, you'll need a PHPickerViewController.
This documentation page should help to understand how to use it: Selecting Photos and Videos in iOS.
The easiest way to take a picture is to present a UIImagePickerController with the sourceType of .camera.

Hide images programmatically in iOS

Is it possible to hide pictures taken by the camera or by choosing a file (I am creating a copy of it)?
Or do I have to change the file-extension of the picture, or will it then be rejected by Apple?
I am using XLabs for taking/selecting the picture
If you save it locally as an app data file then it shouldn't be then showed in the gallery.
So, to reiterate: Save the file as an app data-file.

How to make thumbnails in wordpress play audio after click through stratus

I probably searched through the entire web but couldn't find any help on this. Before I ask the question I must mention that I am a complete novice in web development.
I went through a lot of websites that enable you to play audio through stratus after clicking on a thumbnail. Although websites like indieshuffle.com and themusicninja do not use stratus, I was wondering how they get their photos to play songs in their audio players.
Similarly, I don't want my thumbnails to link to the post but instead I want people to play the corresponding soundcloud track after clicking on the thumbnail. Also, if it is possible to have play/pause buttons on the thumbnails it will be great.
Of course, I have ajax and stratus as well as the full width audio player installed as plugins.
I am guessing this has to do with embedding the shortcode for the track somewhere in the image.
Please help!!!
since you are complete new your best bet here is an album plugin or something
that will let you attach an image and have a mp3 file to relate to, and be displayed without much knowledge in coding.

My app file size is already 32Mb

I'll start off by saying I am an absolute beginner. I've been following a very good tutorial on YouTube and reading a few books. So far, I have a working app which consists of a splash screen, load up music and then a menu with 6 buttons. I have got these six buttons opening up a new view. I have created a new Java class and a new layout.xml for each new view. Is this right? Basically, all I want to know is how to make an efficient app which allows me to use my 6 buttons to take me to another set of buttons as a sub-menu and then inside those buttons I want to display the information using text and videos and audio. It's a tutorial app. Once I know how to do this then I should be able to continue developing within the app. Any help or ideas please? Since my app is already so large, I'm guessing I've done something wrong, but as I say, the app is working at least.
I had a similar problem. My app was 40MB. I found out my music files were too big. I was using wav files. When I converted them to ogg files, my app went down to 14MB.
This website was useful: http://media.io
The buttons and extra activities probably don't take up that much space. I'm guessing it's the music and maybe any images that you have.

Windows Phone 7: How to create a picture album for depositing images from app?

I've received requests from my app's users to save images loaded by the app (comic book covers from my remote server) in the local device's picture albums so that they can set the images as lockscreen wallpaper on their device.
In Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary, I see the SavePicture method, but it only takes an image name and the image contents as arguments. Ideally, I would like to be able to define an app-specific album and deposit the images there.
Has anyone had any luck doing this, or am I out of luck?
In the current SDK, you can only save to the Saved Pictures album or the Camera Roll album. There's no way to create your an app-specific album at the moment.
