Hide images programmatically in iOS - xamarin

Is it possible to hide pictures taken by the camera or by choosing a file (I am creating a copy of it)?
Or do I have to change the file-extension of the picture, or will it then be rejected by Apple?
I am using XLabs for taking/selecting the picture

If you save it locally as an app data file then it shouldn't be then showed in the gallery.
So, to reiterate: Save the file as an app data-file.


How to add a quick and dirty, default/dummy icon to Xcode AppIcon asset class?

My app doesn't upload to App Store Connect, for TestFlight, because app store icon is missing (see below error).
What's the fastest way to populate the AppIcon asset class, to solve this?
I don't care what the icon is; this is only an internal test app.
ITMS-90713: Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'com.company.KPdiag9May2022b'. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key.
As far as I know, you don't need to add an icon images to all the size in the asset catalogue. You just need to add one image and Apple's OS will take care of scaling for the rest. Not ideal for those who like to control every pixels in their apps but as you've said, it's for internal testing and you don't care if it even have an icon. Try to add an image for the largest size. It's the 1024x1024 # 1x size. I don't believe the upload process will check if all the image size is populated in your AppIcon asset.
That's the fastest way I know.
I found the fastest solution:
3 clicks and a quick and 'clean' app store icon was ready to drag to the Xcode project -- took 1 minute.
App store icon generator

How to show multiple image in splash screen in Xamarin forms. Ios project

I am trying to show multiple images in splash screen. Now I am showing only one image. How can I show multiple images in Xamarin Forms.ios project. Please suggest any idea. Thanks in advance.
Look into creating a launch screen using the Interface Builder. You can put images, labels, basically every control on there if you want and set it as the launch screen in your info.plist. When creating a new project you will get a launch screen storyboard file in your iOS project.

No option for Landscape in iPhone Launch Images

Is landscape splash screen supported in iPhone? I don't see the option like I do with iPad, as such:
That's Visual Studio?
Because I am able to see the iPhone Landscape option in Xamarin Studio.
Try switching on and off the "Assets Catalog" dropdown to see if that helps.
Also if that doesn't work you could change at anytime from Launch image to Launch screen and there you can configure your Storyboard for all different sizes and orientations.
Note: will check later in VS.
You could add them to your assets. I don't think image assets are rendered properly in VS. It doesn't show specialized image for iPhone, iPad, watch etc. Only the generic one.
Another thing you might want to consider is using launch story board and not launch images. That's the new way of doing it or the suggested way by Apple. You have far more control on it.
Customizing launch images - Manual approach
Open LaunchImage.launchimage and change the default launch images with your own using the proper resolution for each image (e.g., Default-568h#2x.png should be 640px x 1136px). If your images have different file names then open Contents.json and change the key filename for each image.
Xcode WYSIWYG approach
Drag and drop your Assets.xcassets into Xcode (7.1 or newer version). In the opened window choose LaunchImage and add the proper image for each iOS version and device. Close Xcode and rebuild your Xamarin app to use the new launch images.
Further info : Human guidelines reference

Where is phonegap pulling the splash screen from? Replaced all images in xcode

I went to the general tab of my project target in xcode, and changed all of the Launch Images to the ones that I want to see displayed. The preview shows they are the correct ones. I deleted the default images from the platforms/ios/app/resources/splash folder and replaced them with the correctly labeled and correctly sized custom images. AND STILL, phonegap is still using it's default image for the splash screen.
Where is it even pulling that image from? Am I missing a step? I'm using phonegap 3.4.
Hello i think you have change the images in wrong directory. you need to replace images in the below splash folder. i have attached screenshot where you need to change the files.
Hope this helps.

What are all the requirements for replacement application icons for windows phone 7 apps?

I'm trying to create new icons for my windows phone 7 app. Whenever I run the app I get the default icons. This has been my process.
I created a 200 px x 200 px icon in photoshop.
I exported 62 px, 99 px and 173 px square versions as PNG files.
I copied these to the images folder in my project and then ADDed them as existing files in Visual Studio 2010.
I selected each image and changed their properties to "Content" and "Copy Always".
I right-clicked properties and selected the appropriate icons for Icon and BackgroundImage.
Cleaned the solution and uninstalled previous installations from the phone.
Rebuilt the project and checked the WMAppManifest.xml to be sure the proper PNGs were listed.
I redeploy the app and the default icons continue to show in the emulator and the device when either type of deploy is tried.
Any suggestions as to what I'm missing?
There are three images that are automatically added in your WP7 project - ApplicationIcon.png, Background.png and SplashScreenImage.jpg. These are the three images you need to change (directly, not a copy). The names are important as well, since WP7 will look for those filenames in particular.
ApplicationIcon.png is the small tile you see when you slide to the right of your home screen and see the list of apps.
Background.png is the tile that gets shown when pinned to your homescreen.
SplashScreen.jpg is the splash screen that gets shown when your app is first launched.
The 200x200 (and other image sizes you created) don't have to be part of the application itself. They're used for your Marketplace submission. Depending on how the user is browsing the marketplace, the relevant sized tile will be shown. You don't need to include those in the XAP as you'll be asked to upload them when you submit your app. Only the three files mentioned at the beginning need to be in the XAP.
The art files you add to your project need to be in the root directory of your project with your App.xaml. At least this is what fixed it for me. When I added the new art to the images directory they showed up in the properties panel and I could select them. However they did not get used when deployed. I did try changing the path manually in the manifest but that didn't work (or I typed it wrong). Moving the icon art to the root fixed the issue.
