Break out a loop from within a (yielded) block inside the loop - ruby

jobs.each do |job|
msg do
break if stop_all_jobs?!
def msg(msg, &block)
puts 'START ' + msg
puts 'END ' + msg
In the above example break does not break out of the loop as expected. It only breaks out of the msg code block.
This seems a little odd, but I guess it is based on context, that said, how do I break out of the loop from code which is within a yielded code block?

One way is to use throw/catch. No, not exceptions, Ruby has a separate control-of-flow feature that works a bit like exceptions, without all the overhead (although I must admit I'm not sure that there isn't any overhead in using it):
catch :stop_all_jobs do
msg do
throw :stop_all_jobs if stop_all_jobs?!
You can even pass a value as the second argument to throw which will be the result of the catch block.
A potentially more readable solution would, of course, be to pack the code up in a method and use return in place of break. But that wouldn't be as fun.

Use next instead of break.


How to test a simple rescue block in ruby

I have a custom fact in ruby that goes like this:
Facter.add(:some_random_fact) do
setcode do
output = execute_some_method
if !output.nil? then
pruned_output = output.split("\n")
result = true
result = false
result = false
How do I write a unit test using rspec for the rescue block to raise an Exception?
EDIT: Please let me know if the below test is the correct way to test it
it "return fact as false when begin block raises exception" do
output = double(:output)
allow(output).to receive(:split).with(true).and_raise("error occured"))
expect(Facter.fact(:some_random_fact).vallue).to eq(false)
The code you've shown here is weird and I get the feeling we're missing context, but in general you can stub out a method to raise an error like so:
expect(output).to receive(:split).with("\n").and_raise("some error"))
but this is sort of an ugly way to go about things. If the error is raised conditionally depending the type of output, then it's better to find a way to set that variable to an error-producing value. How to do that, I can't tell you without seeing the test of your code.
For example, say you wrapped all this code in a def add_fact(output) - then from your tests you could intentionally pass an error-causing value for the output, and you no longer need to stub split (which is a wierd thing to do). This pattern is known as "dependency injection".

Use break keyword in the method body

I have two loops here:
loop do
prompt(messages('APR_amt', LANGUAGE))
APR_amt = Kernel.gets.chomp
if valid_number?(APR_amt)
prompt(messages('not_valid_num', LANGUAGE))
loan_duration = ''
loop do
prompt(messages('loan_duration', LANGUAGE))
loan_duration = Kernel.gets().chomp()
if valid_number?(loan_duration)
prompt(messages('not_valid_num', LANGUAGE))
This part keeps on repeating for every loop:
if valid_number?(loan_duration)
prompt(messages('not_valid_num', LANGUAGE))
Just different variable passing by on it.
Now what I did is that I created a method for it to shortened my codes:
def check_number(varname)
if valid_number?(varname)
prompt(messages('not_valid_num', LANGUAGE))
But this one did not work. Instead I got an error that pertains to break.
How can I create a method that will work on all of my variables?
You can raise StopIteration instead of calling break. But note that they are not equivalent:
raise StopIteration jumps of a loop created with the loop statement. The exception is not handled by loops created with statements such as while, for, or methods such as each. It has a dynamic scope, which means that it goes up the call stack until it finds the loop (which can be defined in a completely different place in the code).
break jumps out of any block. It has a lexical scope, which means that the block must enclose the break statement in the code. In your code there is no block around break (a method is not a block), and that's the reason you got an error.

Is there a Way To Exit Two Loops by Single Command In Ruby?

Here is the Sample code,
while true
while true
exit all loops when condition true
Can someone tell me if is it possible here to exit first loop when second loop breaks, but then I want to use only one break command and no raise.
You know what's better than using only one break? Not using any at all! :)
Little-used throw/catch is good here
catch(:done) do
while cond1
while cond2
throw :done if condition
For more information, see the docs on throw and catch.
Alright, so apparently boolean flags are a no-go. Oops.
The other thing that pops to mind is catching an error, but you said you don't want to do that, or wrap it in a method and return. Honestly, there doesn't seem to be a way, but here's the simplest I could come up with:
catch (:exit) do
while true
while true
throw :exit if condition
You could also throw an exception, but that seems dirty. Here's the code to do it, though:
while true
while true
raise "Exiting loops" if condition
#Code to go after the loop
Lastly, you could wrap the whole thing in a method and return from that method:
def my_descriptive_method_name()
while true
while true
return if condition

ruby "on error resume next" function

Is there a way of doing the old "on error resume next" routine in ruby?
I've got array of value filled in dynamically from elsewhere (read from MQTT topics to be precise) then I want to do a bunch of numeric calculations on them and publish the results. The values SHOULD be numeric but are possibly missing or non-numeric.
At the moment my code looks something like
//values get loaded here
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
//etc etc
If the calculation fails for any reason the program should just skip that step and go on.
It works but surely theres a better way than all those identical begin..rescue blocks? Ruby is about "DRY" after all..
Is there a way of re-writing the above so that a single begin..rescue construct is used while still allowing all calculations to be attempted?
How safe to do something like
def safe_Publish(topic,value)
return if value.nil?
and call with
safe_Publish('topic2',(value[3]/value[4] rescue nil))
The main problem is that the above catches ALL exceptions not just the ones I'm expecting which makes me a little nervous.
The on error resume next coding style is really dangerous - as it makes finding new bugs you accidentally introduce to your program very hard to find. Instead, I would just write a different version of publish that doesn't throw those exceptions:
def try_publish(topic_name)
rescue TypeError,NoMethodError,ZeroDivisionError
# are you sure you don't want to do anything here? Even logging the errors
# somewhere could be useful.
You can then call this with:
try_publish('topic1') { value[0]*10+value[1] }
If TypeError,NoMethodError or ZeroDivisionError are thrown by the expression, they will be caught and ignored.
Now your original method won't require any rescues.
If you really wanted an on error resume next, you could possibly do it by monkey patching the raise method in Kernel, but that would be a horrible idea.
If you think a bit more carefully about what you are doing, and why you want on error resume next, I think you will see that you don't really need to suppress all exceptions. As the other posters pointed out, that would make it hard to find and fix bugs.
Your problem is that you have a bunch of numbers scraped from the Internet, and want to run some calculations on them, but some may be invalid or missing. For invalid/missing numbers, you want to skip over any calculations which would use those numbers.
A few possible solutions:
Pre-filter your data and remove anything which is not a valid number.
Put each calculation you want to do into a method of its own. Put a rescue Exception on the method definition.
Define "safe" wrappers for the numeric classes which don't raise exceptions on divide by zero, etc. Use these wrappers for your calculations.
The "wrappers" might look something like this (don't expect complete, tested code; this is just to give you the idea):
# This is not designed for "mixed" arithmetic between SafeNumerics and ordinary Numerics,
# but if you want to do mixed arithmetic, that can also be achieved
# more checks will be needed, and it will also need a "coerce" method
class SafeNumeric
attr_reader :__numeric__
def initialize(numeric)
#__numeric__ = numeric.is_a?(String) ? numeric.to_f : numeric
def zero?
def /(other)
if || #__numeric__.nil? || other.__numeric__.nil? # could use a constant for this to reduce allocations
else / other.__numeric__)
def to_s; #__numeric__.to_s; end
def inspect; #__numeric__.inspect; end
# methods are also needed for +, -, *
Then use it like:
numbers = { |n| }
# now you can do arithmetic on "numbers" at will
This shows how to wrap a bunch of quick operations into a loop with each one being protected by a begin/rescue:
values = [1,2,3,0,4]
ops = [ ->{values[0]/values[1]}, ->{values[2]/values[3]} ]
ops.each do |op|
puts "answer is #{}"
rescue ZeroDivisionError
puts "cannot divide by zero"
I prefer the safe_publish method, however, as you can unit test that and it encapsulates the logic of making safe calls and handling errors in a single place:
def safe_publish(topic, &block)
value =
publish(topic, value)
# handle the error
and then you can call this with code like:
safe_publish 'topic0' do

Does begin . . . end while denote a 'block'?

temp = 98.3
print "Your temperature is " + temp.to_s + " Fahrenheit. "
puts "I think you're okay."
temp += 0.1
end while temp < 98.6
In the above example, is everything between begin and end a block?
I'm still confused what a block is.
If you can't call it a block, what would you call that chunk of code between begin and end? Is it ok to call it a chunk?
Block has a special meaning in Ruby. According to Matz, Ruby's creator, you can look at a block as a nameless function - typically something that can be yielded into, and which may also take parameters.
You may see the following kind of disamiguation when describing Ruby syntax:
begin...end (what is called block in other languages) may sometimes be referred to simply as what it is, i.e. an expression (which may in turn contain other expressions - an expression is simply something that has a return value) in Ruby. Some references will still call it a begin/end block, or a code block, adding somewhat to the confusion
do...end or {...} will always be referred to as a block in Ruby
For examples, peruse the the Ruby syntax man page, e.g.
begin expression end
expression while expression
loop block
For further reading, see:
Programming Ruby
Ruby (from other languages)
Much, much more documentation
begin/end are strictly control flow, not blocks.
puts "hi"
# => "hi"
The code runs immediately. If it was a block, it would have to been called somehow in order for the code in it to run, as in this example:
def a_method; end
a_method { puts "hi" }
# nothing..
def a_method
a_method { puts "Hi!" }
# => "Hi!"
