Problem with GetTable Method in Linq 2 SQL - linq

Hi All
I write this code:
using (NWindDataContext context = new NWindDataContext())
var table = context.GetTable<T>();
return table.ToList();
and assign return value to a datagridview.the problem is when table has foreign key result value has reference to related tables and binding going to Exception.
How to get just columns of a table with generic method that accept T type and return columns of Corresponding Table.
thanks Alot

public static List<T> SelectAll<T>() where T : class
using (NWindDataContext context = new NWindDataContext())
var table = context.GetTable<T>();
return table.ToList();
catch (Exception)
and Use Of it:
public void UpdateDataGrid()
dataGridView1.DataSource = Repository.SelectAll<Order>();


calling my apex method in apex trigger getting the error

public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, String> mapCases){
Map<Id, String> mapCases1 = new Map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, Integer> mapIncrements = new Map<Id, Integer>();
//List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction;
if(mapCases != null && mapCases.size() > 0) {
List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction = [ SELECT Id,case__r.origin FROM ICS_Case_Interaction__c Where case__r.Id =:mapCases.keySet()];
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c caseInteracts :lstCaseInteraction ){
if(caseInteracts.case__r.Id != null && caseInteracts.case__r.Status == 'New Customer Message'){
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Status);
mapcases1.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id , TYPE_JIVE_INBOUND);
Integer intIncrement = mapIncrements.get(caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('Increment' +intIncrement);
if(intIncrement != null){
system.debug('Increment++' +intIncrement);
else {
intIncrement = 1;
mapIncrements.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id, intIncrement);
if(mapCases.size() > 0) {
insertByCaseAsync(mapCases, mapIncrements);
catch(Exception ex){
Core_Log_Entry.logEntryWithException('Case Interaction Metrics', 'CaseInteraction','insertInboundEmail', 'Error', null, null, ex);
This is my Method in the class.I am trying to call the apex method in the trigger.but its throwing the error.Could you please help me and try to reach out the best.
The error which I am getting was
line 188, col 106. Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertInboundJive(List) from the type ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler.insertInboundJive(;}
You are trying to pass the wrong parameters. In the method you have defined that when called you need to pass a Map where the values are String however you are passing which is a list of Objects. My approach is to handle the mapping in the trigger and then manipulate data in the controller:
In this case you can do the below to pass the records and get the string of data you want in the controller.. or do it in the trigger so you don't change the controller.
Map<Id,Contact> map = new Map<Id,ICS_Case_Interaction__c>(); // new map
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c con{
map.put(con.Id, con); // enter the records you need for the method
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {
and in the controller you should have
public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, ICS_Case_Interaction__c> mapCases){

Use common linq expression to avoid duplicate of entity to poco

How may I avoid to duplicate the code I use for mapping a database entity to a poco object?
Given this code:
private IQueryable<DummyExtended> Find()
return (from dt in Entities.dummy_table
select new DummyExtended
Description = dt.table_1.table_2.description,
Dummy = new Dummy
Name =,
Notes = d.notes,
HelpText = d.help_text
Can I create a common linq expression to be re-used for both methods?
private IQueryable<DummyExtended> Find()
return (from dt in Entities.dummy_table
select new DummyExtended
Description = dt.table_1.table_2.description,
Dummy = ...???
private IQueryable<DummyAlsoExtended> FindAnother()
return (from dt in Entities.dummy_table
select new DummyAlsoExtended
InnerHtml = dt.table_html.description,
Dummy = ....??
public static Expression<Func<dummy_table, Dummy>> EntityToPoco()
return d => new Dummy
Name =,
Notes = d.notes,
HelpText = d.help_text
I can't quite get it right
Dummy = ExtensionClass.EntityToPoco()
So you have a dummy_table which is a Enumerable or Queryable sequence of objects. Let's assume that the sequence contains objects of class DummyTableElement.
You showed, that if you have a DummyTableElement you know how to convert it into a Dummy object. You want to reuse this function to create other objects like DummyExtended and DummyAlsoExtended. If you want to do this LINQ-alike, it is best to create extension functions for it:
static class DummyTableElementExtensions
public static Dummy ToDummy(this TableElement tableElement)
return new Dummy()
Name =,
Notes = tableElement.notes,
HelpText = tableElement.help_text
Once you have this, you can create similar functions to convert TableElements into DummyExtended and DummyAlsoExtended. They will be one-liners.
In the same extension class:
public static DummyExtended ToDummyExtended(this TableElement tableElement)
return new DummyExtended()
Description = tableElement.table_1.table_2.description,
Dummy = tableElement.ToDummy(),
public static DummyAlsoExtended ToDummyAlsoExtended(this TableElement tableElement)
return new DummyAlsoExtended
InnerHtml = tableElement.table_html.description,
Dummy = tableElement.ToDummy(),
And once you've got these, you can create extension functions to convert any IQueryable of TableElements:
public static IQueryable<DummyExtended> ToDummyExtended(
this IQueryable<TableElement> tableElements)
return tableElements
.Select(tableElement => tableelement.ToDummyExtended();
And a similar one-line function for DummyAlsoExtended.
Your Find function and FindAnother function will also be one-liners:
private IQueryable<DummyExtended> Find()
return dummy_table.ToDummyExtended();
private IQueryable<DummyAlsoExtended> FindAnother()
return dummy_table.ToDummyAlsoExtended();
I'm not sure why you wanted to use an expression in this. It doesn't seem that DummyExtended and DummyAlsoExtended are really similar, except that they both have a property Dummy.
One reason to parameterize the destination of your find function could be because you want to create anonymous classes in your Find function.
Again, once you've created ToDummy this will be a one-liner:
public static IQueryable<TResult> Find<TSource, TResult>(
this IQueryable<TSource> source,
Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> resultSelector)
return source.Select(sourceElement => resultSelector(sourceElement);
Usage would be:
var X = dummy_Table.find(tableElement => new
foo = tableElement.CalculateFoo(),
bar = tableElement.CalculateBar(),
Dummy = tableElement.ToDummy(),

return list from linq function

I want to return list of typenames from the class ApplicaitonType but i recieve error
Error 1 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' C:\Users\sharaman\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\IssueTracking\BAL_IssueTracking\AppQuery.cs 19 17 BAL_IssueTracking
Please provide your feed back on it...much appericated
public static List AppType()
List<ApplicationType> m = new List<ApplicationType>();
var context = new Dll_IssueTracking.IssuTrackingEntities();// Object context defined in Dll_IssuTracking DLL
var query = from c in context.ApplicationTypes//Query to find TypeNames
select new { c.TypeName };
//return query.ToList<ApplicationType>();
m = query.ToList<ApplicationType>();//Error here
return m;
Your query selects a sequence of an anonymous type:
select new { c.TypeName };
It's not clear how you're expecting to turn that anonymous type into an ApplicationType.
Given your data source name, I'd expect the method to be as simple as:
public static List<ApplicationType> AppType()
using (var context = new Dll_IssueTracking.IssuTrackingEntities())
return context.ApplicationTypes.ToList();
In particular, it's pointless to create an instance of List<ApplicationType> and then ignore it, as you currently do:
List<ApplicationType> m = new List<ApplicationType>();
m = query.ToList<ApplicationType>();
return m;
Why would you bother with the variable here, and why would you assign a value to it which you never use?
EDIT: From your comment:
Actually I need to return TypeNames from ApplicaitonType class and bind to Dropdownlist through this function
That suggests your method is declared inappropriately. Either you can return a List<ApplicationType> and specify TypeName as the display part in the data binding, or you can change your method to return a List<string> (assuming that's the type of TypeName):
public static List<string> GetApplicationTypeNames()
using (var context = new Dll_IssueTracking.IssuTrackingEntities())
return context.ApplicationTypes.Select(type => type.typeName)
try with this code
public static List<ApplicationType> AppType()
var context = new Dll_IssueTracking.IssuTrackingEntities();// Object context defined in Dll_IssuTracking DLL
var query = from c in context.ApplicationTypes//Query to find TypeNames
select new ApplicationType{TypeName = c.TypeName };
return query.ToList();

Linq to entities in and generic delete method

I am having trouble creating generic delete method, not even sure if this possible. I have a delete method which will delete record from db based on entity type and row id value (pk),
that works ok but it needs to know the type in advance. In some cases I can only get object
type using Object.GetType() at runtime (like from viewstate) and that is when trouble starts. Here is my method that works when type is known, is there a way to modify it so that it will use Object.GetType() instead of T ?
public void Delete<T>(long Id) where T : class,new()
#region PerformaneMonitor
IDbEntities Db=null;
T item=null;
Db = this.GetDatabase();
item = new T();
Type itemType = item.GetType();
EntityContainer entityContainer = Db.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(Db.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);
var entity = entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.First(b => b.ElementType.Name == itemType.Name);
if (entity.ElementType.KeyMembers.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Unable to delete a record witout unique id");
string PrimaryKeyName = entity.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].Name;
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(item, Id, null);
catch (Exception ex)
this.Delete<T>(item, Db);
#region PerformaneMonitor
so I am trying to convert it to Delete(object EntityType,long Id ) but no luck.
Here what it looks like :
public void Delete(object target,long Id)
#region PerformaneMonitor
IDbEntities Db = null;
Db = this.GetDatabase();
Type itemType = (Type)target;
EntityContainer entityContainer = Db.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(Db.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);
var entity= entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.First(b => b.ElementType.Name == itemType.Name);
if (entity.ElementType.KeyMembers.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Unable to delete a record witout unique id");
string PrimaryKeyName = entity.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].Name;
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(target, Id, null);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
this.Delete(target, Db);
#region PerformaneMonitor
I am getting 'Object does not match target type' on
this line:
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(target, pkey, null);
the object target is actaul instance of specific type which I do in the calling method from Type of object and using reflection and pass to this function but still I have no idea what type it is at run time.
If someone can help it will be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you should do something along these lines: (Sorry, can't test to make sure it works as written.)
object o = itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName);
MethodInfo mi = o.GetType().GetMethod("SetValue");
mi.Invoke(o, new object [] { Id, null });

Help with linq2sql generic lambda expression

In my Database almost every table has its own translations table. I.e. Sports has SportsTranslations table with columns: SportId, LanguageId, Name. At the moment I'm taking translations like:
int[] defaultLanguages = { 1, 3 };
var query = from s in dc.Sports
select new
sportName = s.SportsTranslations.Where(st => defaultLanguages.Contains(st.LanguageID)).First()
I wonder is it possible to implement some kind of generic method, so I could refactor code like here:
var query = from s in dc.Sports
select new
sportName = s.SportsTranslations.Translate()
Solved. Here is the static method I written:
public static class Extras
public static T Translate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> table) where T : class
return table.Where(
t => defaultLanguages.Contains(
(int)t.GetType().GetProperty("LanguageID").GetValue(t, null)
catch (Exception)
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No translation found in table {0}", typeof(T).Name));
