calling my apex method in apex trigger getting the error - apex-code

public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, String> mapCases){
Map<Id, String> mapCases1 = new Map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, Integer> mapIncrements = new Map<Id, Integer>();
//List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction;
if(mapCases != null && mapCases.size() > 0) {
List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction = [ SELECT Id,case__r.origin FROM ICS_Case_Interaction__c Where case__r.Id =:mapCases.keySet()];
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c caseInteracts :lstCaseInteraction ){
if(caseInteracts.case__r.Id != null && caseInteracts.case__r.Status == 'New Customer Message'){
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Status);
mapcases1.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id , TYPE_JIVE_INBOUND);
Integer intIncrement = mapIncrements.get(caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('Increment' +intIncrement);
if(intIncrement != null){
system.debug('Increment++' +intIncrement);
else {
intIncrement = 1;
mapIncrements.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id, intIncrement);
if(mapCases.size() > 0) {
insertByCaseAsync(mapCases, mapIncrements);
catch(Exception ex){
Core_Log_Entry.logEntryWithException('Case Interaction Metrics', 'CaseInteraction','insertInboundEmail', 'Error', null, null, ex);
This is my Method in the class.I am trying to call the apex method in the trigger.but its throwing the error.Could you please help me and try to reach out the best.
The error which I am getting was
line 188, col 106. Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertInboundJive(List) from the type ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler.insertInboundJive(;}

You are trying to pass the wrong parameters. In the method you have defined that when called you need to pass a Map where the values are String however you are passing which is a list of Objects. My approach is to handle the mapping in the trigger and then manipulate data in the controller:
In this case you can do the below to pass the records and get the string of data you want in the controller.. or do it in the trigger so you don't change the controller.
Map<Id,Contact> map = new Map<Id,ICS_Case_Interaction__c>(); // new map
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c con{
map.put(con.Id, con); // enter the records you need for the method
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {
and in the controller you should have
public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, ICS_Case_Interaction__c> mapCases){


How to return 404 when return type if MappingJacksonValue from #RestController

I have the following Spring #RestController method:
public MappingJacksonValue getUserView(User viewer, Long vieweeid) {
User viewee = getUser(vieweeid);
if(viewee == null) throw new ResponseStatusException(
HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "entity not found"
final MappingJacksonValue result = new MappingJacksonValue(viewee);
Class view = Views.Minimal.class;
if(viewer.getId().equals(viewee.getId())) {
view = Views.Full.class;
...some lines omitted...
return result;
Although this is working fine, I am not happy with throwing an exception to return a 404 if the entity requested is not found.
What is the best practice to handle this?
If you like, you can make your method return ResponseEntity<MappingJacksonValue> and then return ResponseEntity.notFound().build():
public ResponseEntity<MappingJacksonValue> getUserView(User viewer, Long vieweeid) {
User viewee = getUser(vieweeid);
if(viewee == null) return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
final MappingJacksonValue result = new MappingJacksonValue(viewee);
Class view = Views.Minimal.class;
if(viewer.getId().equals(viewee.getId())) {
view = Views.Full.class;
...some lines omitted...
return ResponseEntity.ok(result);

Filtering using LINQ.Dynamic over Null properties throw an exception

I am using Linq.Dynamic, I have a List of Tier(string Matricule,string Nom..) although some Tiers have no Matricule, but when run the LINQ where over the Matricule property, System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object is throwed?
here is the detail of the code:
public class Tier
public string Matricule{get;set;}
public string Nom{get;set;}
public string Prenom{get;set;}
public class FilterByPredicate
public BindingList<T> Filter(string propName,string propValue,bool fromFirst)
var predicateString = fromFirst
? "{0}.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith(#{1})"
: "{0}ToString().ToUpper().Contains(#{1})";
return new BindingList<T>(_list.Where(string.Format(predicateString, propName, 0), propValue.ToUpper()).ToList());
in other part of my code i call..
FilterByPredicate fbp = new FilterByPredicate(costumersList>);
tiersBindingSource.DataSource =fbp .Filter("Matricule", textBox1.Text,true);// exception throwed
//but this work fine-> var q = from c in costumersList where c.Matricule.ToUpper().StartsWith(textBox1.Text) select c;
I have found the solution after read the docs, corresponding to "Get started" page, simply compare to null like that:
public BindingList<T> Filter(string propName,string propValue,bool fromFirst)
var predicateString = fromFirst
? "{0} != null and {0}.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith(#{1})"
: "{0} != null and {0}.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(#{1})";
return new BindingList<T>(_list.Where(string.Format(predicateString, propName, 0), propValue.ToUpper()).ToList());

Android getContentResolver insert not returning full URI

I have an activity that is being swapped out when I raise an intent for another activity. onPause calls saveState() to save work so far:
private void saveState() {
if (myUri == null) {
// Inserting a new record
*** myUri = getContentResolver().insert(ContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, values);
} else {
// Update an existing record
getContentResolver().update(myUri, values, null, null);
Before calling getContentResolver(), ContentProvider.CONTENT_URI = 'content://'.
After the call, myUri = 'times/#' where #=row ID. My question is; where is the 'content:...' prefix to the returned uri?
During the call, is called and returns CreatedRow uri
public final Uri insert(Uri url, ContentValues values)
IContentProvider provider = acquireProvider(url);
if (provider == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URL " + url);
try {
long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
*** Uri createdRow = provider.insert(url, values);
long durationMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime;
maybeLogUpdateToEventLog(durationMillis, url, "insert", null /* where */);
return createdRow;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Arbitrary and not worth documenting, as Activity
// Manager will kill this process shortly anyway.
return null;
} finally {
At this point, createdRow = 'times/#'.
The record does actually get saved in the Sqlite database.
Do I have to add the uri prefix in my code or should the full uri be returned?

Linq to entities in and generic delete method

I am having trouble creating generic delete method, not even sure if this possible. I have a delete method which will delete record from db based on entity type and row id value (pk),
that works ok but it needs to know the type in advance. In some cases I can only get object
type using Object.GetType() at runtime (like from viewstate) and that is when trouble starts. Here is my method that works when type is known, is there a way to modify it so that it will use Object.GetType() instead of T ?
public void Delete<T>(long Id) where T : class,new()
#region PerformaneMonitor
IDbEntities Db=null;
T item=null;
Db = this.GetDatabase();
item = new T();
Type itemType = item.GetType();
EntityContainer entityContainer = Db.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(Db.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);
var entity = entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.First(b => b.ElementType.Name == itemType.Name);
if (entity.ElementType.KeyMembers.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Unable to delete a record witout unique id");
string PrimaryKeyName = entity.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].Name;
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(item, Id, null);
catch (Exception ex)
this.Delete<T>(item, Db);
#region PerformaneMonitor
so I am trying to convert it to Delete(object EntityType,long Id ) but no luck.
Here what it looks like :
public void Delete(object target,long Id)
#region PerformaneMonitor
IDbEntities Db = null;
Db = this.GetDatabase();
Type itemType = (Type)target;
EntityContainer entityContainer = Db.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(Db.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);
var entity= entityContainer.BaseEntitySets.First(b => b.ElementType.Name == itemType.Name);
if (entity.ElementType.KeyMembers.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Unable to delete a record witout unique id");
string PrimaryKeyName = entity.ElementType.KeyMembers[0].Name;
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(target, Id, null);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
this.Delete(target, Db);
#region PerformaneMonitor
I am getting 'Object does not match target type' on
this line:
itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName).SetValue(target, pkey, null);
the object target is actaul instance of specific type which I do in the calling method from Type of object and using reflection and pass to this function but still I have no idea what type it is at run time.
If someone can help it will be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you should do something along these lines: (Sorry, can't test to make sure it works as written.)
object o = itemType.GetProperty(PrimaryKeyName);
MethodInfo mi = o.GetType().GetMethod("SetValue");
mi.Invoke(o, new object [] { Id, null });

Birt Report not opening in PDF

Hello guys
I am sending my form values to controller and controller to rptdesign file my it is generating the report in temp folder with proper value but my requirement is that it should user to save or open dialog so that user can save the report or open
i think ajax request will not allow to download any file so if some one know to better solution plz reply
my controller is below
public void generateEmployeeLeaveReport(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
String reportName = "D:/git-repositories/cougar_leave/src/java/com//report/myLeaveSummary.rptdesign";
File designTemplateFile = new File(reportName);
if (!designTemplateFile.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(reportName);
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("empId", NumberUtils.toInt(request.getParameter("id")));
parameters.put("reportTitle", "EMPLOYEE LEAVE");
parameters.put("fromDate", request.getParameter("fromDate"));
parameters.put("toDate", request.getParameter("toDate"));
reportManager.addSystemParams(parameters, null,
File file = null;
try {
ReportType reportType = ReportType.PDF;
OfflineReportContext reportContext = new OfflineReportContext(
reportName, reportType, parameters, null,
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
file = offlineReportGenerator.generateReportFile(reportContext,
.openFile(file.getParent(), response, file.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e, e);
} finally {
if (file != null && file.exists()) {
my ajax request is below
generateReport : function() {
if (this.form.valid()) {
fromDate = new Date($("input[name='fromDate']").val())
toDate = new Date($("input[name='toDate']").val())
if (fromDate > toDate) {
.showError("To date should be greater or equals than From date !")
} else {
var request = GtsJQuery.ajax3(GtsJQuery.getContextPath()
+ '/leave/generateEmpLeaveReport.json', {
data : {
id : $("input[name='employeeId']").val(),
fromDate : $("input[name='fromDate']")
toDate : $("input[name='toDate']").val(),
leaveType : $("select[name='leaveType']")
transactionType : $("select[name='transactionType']")
orderBy : $("select[name='orderBy']").val()
The controller response should be the temp file itself, just adjust the content-type.
