Can't find Monodevelop's mdtool on my system - windows

When I'm on my linux system, I can build Monodevelop solutions from the shell with mdtool. But my windows sytems don't seem to be able to do that. I've searched the hard disk for mdtool.* but don't see it anywhere. Is my Monodevelop install broken?

It appears as though it's mdrun.exe on my Windows setup.

If using Xamarin Studio on windows, it is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xamarin Studio\bin\mdtool.exe


Installing Caffe with CUDNN 8.0 and Visual Studio 2015

I'm a bit over my head here, so please try not to strangle me for all the mistakes I am making until the end :)
I am trying to install Caffe using a Windows 10 pc with VS 2015 and CUDNN 8.0. I initially had trouble with the Microsoft supported Caffe files, so I found this link. I couldn't figure out what to do with the first set of files, so I opened up the second set of files and used the official instructions to edit CommonSettings.props, installed the necessary packages, and hit build.
I got an error saying that OpenCV could not be found, even though it was definitely installed. It seemed like it was looking for OpenCV in a place where it did not exist, so I copied the packages into the directory it was looking in. I am now getting an error cannot open file libboost_log-vc140-mt-1_59.lib. I've looked around and I can't find any file like that. What many things am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Check windows branch of official repository. I built it on win10 x64 machine using vs2015 and it works fine.

How to install the Inspect tool on Windows 10?

Is Inspect a part of the Windows 10 standalone SDK?
Is there any alternative application to "inspect" for windows 10?
I want to install "inspect" tool on my machine running windows 10 build 10586 (for testing purpose).
According to Inspect documentation on MSDN it is not described if it is a part of win 10 sdk also or only upto win 8.1.
Also is there any alternative tool for "Inspect" to debug on windows 10?
Since 10.0.15063 the directory of the tools has changed. See the changelog:
To improve the developer experience, tools and metadata will lay down in versioned folders.
This will allow developers to isolate the SDK and tools between
You have to put the version of the Windows SDK between bin and x64 (or x86 or arm)
For me inspect is in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.15063.0\x64
The folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64 (without the SDK version) exists, but does not contain the inspect tool.
Needed Components for "Inspect":
Inspect is, indeed, included in the Windows 10 "standalone SDK" available from Microsoft here. Note the installer stub allows you to download several "features" (additional toolkits and utility packages) besides the Windows SDK proper. If all you want is Inspect, you can save yourself downloading about 300MB (650MB installed) of unnecessary packages by deselecting everything except "Windows Software Development Kit":
As for an alternative to Inspect, this answer suggests Windows Detective. Not having used the tool, I can't speak personally to its safety or suitability for the purpose, so caveat emptor, YMMV, May the Force Be With You and all that.
If you are using Visual Studio 2017, you can also install Inspect via the Visual Studio Installer.
All you need is to install the following feature, or a later version:
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.15063.0) for UWP: C#, VB, JS
After doing that you should find inspect.exe in the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\<version>\x64
In windows 10, Inspect.exe is available at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\arm64.
Steps in Jul 2022
Download the 22621.1.220506-1250.ni_release_WindowsSDK.iso and launch it, windows 10 will automatically mount it as D.
Install this: d:\Installers\Windows SDK for Windows Store Apps Tools-x86_en-us.msi
After that, inspect.exe will be available in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86\inspect.exe
If you can't find the tool in the Windows 10 SDK, you should be able to download and install the Windows 8.1 SDK from the SDK archive page:
Windows and Windows Phone SDK archive
Inspect is available here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64. Based on version changes you can find it in one of the versions under the x64 folder.
Regarding the second part of the question, about an alternative, I've tested an interesting one that works very well, FlaUInspect. Is targeted for an "automation perspective", giving details useful for writing automated tests for example.
Is open source under an MIT license. Can be found on GitHub.

opengl with windows 8

I just installed windows 8 and microsoft visual studio 2012. The problem comes when I try to run a program, it tells me:
the program can't start because glu32.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
But I have already placed the glu32.dll in the locations that it should.
The graphics drivers shipping with Windows 8 lack proper OpenGL support. You must download the drivers from your GPU vendors website directly and install those.
Also when manually adding missing DLLs you should not add them to system directories, but into right into the directory of the application's .exe files.

installing debugging tools to analyse minidumps on windows 7

I've been trying to install the 'Debugging Tools', in order to try to analyse the dump file a server-crash (Windows Server 2008 R2).
I used to do this in the past, but I cannot find how to install / locate the Debugging Tools for Windows 7.
I've read this KB article:
I've then tried to download the 'Debugging Tools for Windows' from the following article ( I chose the 'Install Debugging Tools for Windows as a Standalone component', downloaded the file and installed.
It did install successfully, yet I still cannot locate the files. This seems like a silly question to me, but I cannot locate the debugging tools in any way! I've even tried to download the mentioned Debugging tools for Windows 7 (, yet again could not locate them!
Any help would be much appreciated
I had the same problem. I searched my whole system and no trace of windbg was found. I didn't bother to find the reason. Instead, I paused the installer and found the windbg MSI file in the temp directory and directly installed it. It works well.
In case someone want the file, I put it here: . The version is 6.12.0002.633 (x86) and its MD5/SHA1 is 2bd67a7b00507ad93539e138a4a6a2bf / 117814c255f19dc67e769c668bc97e547c05a55b. It's also here, directly from Microsoft, but I don't know how long it will last.
Try this to find windbg.exe
cd /d c:
dir /s windbg.exe
Kinda similar problem here:
The Win SDK installer for Win7 which contains Debugging Tools always fails.
However in the install log one can find the above mentioned link
This installer runs fine !
If someone needs other tools from the Win SDK: there are more msi installer links in the log !
I went through the Win SDK installer fail again yesterday on yet another system. I removed all references to the MVC++ 10 complier (again), but the installer still fails (even with the compiler checkbox unselected).
I need cdb.exe for a new Qt setup. There's an MSDN archive that can be found here -
Although I used a different dbg_x86.msi, this one seems to be similar in byte count, etc. and it's from Microsoft's site.
If all else fails, you might wanna try the "Standalone Debugging Tools for Windows 8.1" found here. See my answer for more details.

MonoDevelop on Windows

My google-fu has failed me - can MonoDevelop be used on Windows? Preferably without having to compile from source?
It works well on my home Ubuntu box, and while I have Visual Studio at work, it seems there might be some advantages to having MonoDevelop too.
EDIT: I'm aware of SharpDevelop; I'd prefer to have MonoDevelop if possible, just because I've started to get familiar with the interface, and I believe the SharpDevelop and MonoDevelop are not so closely related any more.
Woohoo! MonoDevelop for Windows is a supported download.
It seems that MonoDevelop on Windows still has a number of outstanding problems, even when built from source (and can only be built on .NET, not on Mono). So obviously there is no installer yet either.
The answer to my question then is No, MonoDevelop on Windows is not ready for normal use.
I guess I'll make do with Visual Studio and SharpDevelop on windows and wait patiently (or maybe even have a look at the outstanding bugs...!)
UPDATE: MonoDevelop for Windows now has a preview installer which can be downloaded here
MonoDevelop has official support for Windows since version 2.2:
Windows Support
Windows now Officially Supported
Windows is now an officially supported
platform for running MonoDevelop. Many
Windows specific issues have been
fixed, and some add-ins such as
debugging and subversion support have
been written specifically for Windows.
Windows Installer
We are releasing a new Windows
Installer which includes almost all
you need to run MonoDevelop. The only
external dependency is gtk#, which is
provided in a separate installer.
You can download the latest stable release.
Try SharpDevelop . MonoDevelop is built on SharpDevelop's code base.
There was a recent blog entry about MonoDevelop on Windows. Now is probably the time to try it out.
Update: MonoDevelop have just been released for Windows and Mac. More from Miguel's blog.
It's possible, but not easy. There's certainly not an installer.
This is pretty much the only guide to getting it to work:
