installing debugging tools to analyse minidumps on windows 7 - windows

I've been trying to install the 'Debugging Tools', in order to try to analyse the dump file a server-crash (Windows Server 2008 R2).
I used to do this in the past, but I cannot find how to install / locate the Debugging Tools for Windows 7.
I've read this KB article:
I've then tried to download the 'Debugging Tools for Windows' from the following article ( I chose the 'Install Debugging Tools for Windows as a Standalone component', downloaded the file and installed.
It did install successfully, yet I still cannot locate the files. This seems like a silly question to me, but I cannot locate the debugging tools in any way! I've even tried to download the mentioned Debugging tools for Windows 7 (, yet again could not locate them!
Any help would be much appreciated

I had the same problem. I searched my whole system and no trace of windbg was found. I didn't bother to find the reason. Instead, I paused the installer and found the windbg MSI file in the temp directory and directly installed it. It works well.
In case someone want the file, I put it here: . The version is 6.12.0002.633 (x86) and its MD5/SHA1 is 2bd67a7b00507ad93539e138a4a6a2bf / 117814c255f19dc67e769c668bc97e547c05a55b. It's also here, directly from Microsoft, but I don't know how long it will last.

Try this to find windbg.exe
cd /d c:
dir /s windbg.exe

Kinda similar problem here:
The Win SDK installer for Win7 which contains Debugging Tools always fails.
However in the install log one can find the above mentioned link
This installer runs fine !
If someone needs other tools from the Win SDK: there are more msi installer links in the log !

I went through the Win SDK installer fail again yesterday on yet another system. I removed all references to the MVC++ 10 complier (again), but the installer still fails (even with the compiler checkbox unselected).
I need cdb.exe for a new Qt setup. There's an MSDN archive that can be found here -
Although I used a different dbg_x86.msi, this one seems to be similar in byte count, etc. and it's from Microsoft's site.

If all else fails, you might wanna try the "Standalone Debugging Tools for Windows 8.1" found here. See my answer for more details.


Installing Caffe with CUDNN 8.0 and Visual Studio 2015

I'm a bit over my head here, so please try not to strangle me for all the mistakes I am making until the end :)
I am trying to install Caffe using a Windows 10 pc with VS 2015 and CUDNN 8.0. I initially had trouble with the Microsoft supported Caffe files, so I found this link. I couldn't figure out what to do with the first set of files, so I opened up the second set of files and used the official instructions to edit CommonSettings.props, installed the necessary packages, and hit build.
I got an error saying that OpenCV could not be found, even though it was definitely installed. It seemed like it was looking for OpenCV in a place where it did not exist, so I copied the packages into the directory it was looking in. I am now getting an error cannot open file libboost_log-vc140-mt-1_59.lib. I've looked around and I can't find any file like that. What many things am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Check windows branch of official repository. I built it on win10 x64 machine using vs2015 and it works fine.

Installing VS2005 on Windows 7

I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows 7 box but am repeatedly getting the same error. When I run the installer it starts to run then pops up with a message saying:
"A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup."
Various suggestions has said that maybe the install is corrupted so I downloaded a fresh copy of the ISO from MSDN today, same issue. Another suggestion is that installing from the ISO may be the issue so I extracted the contents of the ISO to a folder on my HDD, same issue. I have also tried running the files as administrator and in XP compatability mode, same issue.
Searching for this issue the most common responses I've found have been about installing SP1, however I cannot get the base product to install and therefore cannot apply SP1.
Does anyone have any further suggestions as to what I can do to fix this issue and get VS2005 installed? If anyone wants any log files of any variety I am happy to supply so long as you tell me where to look as I'm not sure.
As for why I am using VS2005 and not a newer product, it is required for the ongoing support and maintenance of some older applications we manage. These cannot be easily migrated to a newer version of Visual Studio without some considerable investment of time and that would probably be longer than the time it will take to develop newer, replacement applications (which is currently in progress). Until the new applications are available though we need to maintain an environment to use.
Did you try running setup.exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP? Some discussion here on how to do this.
Another alternative since you alluded to having an MSDN subscription. Download Windows XP and install it into a VM. (If HyperV isn't already in installed with your Win7, you can add it from Control Panel->Programs&Features->Turn Windows Features on/off). Then install VS2005 from there.

VB6 Application Silently Crashes on Startup/Form Loading

I have a VB6 app that loads initially (for a small prompt to enter a license key, only on the first time). It works fine on my machine (windows 7).
I had complaints of it crashing on someone else's machine (both xp and 7), so I made a Windows XP virtual machine. I installed it on the virtual machine, it crashed. I wanted to see where it crashed so I installed Visual Studio on the virtual machine so that I would get a debug prompt. When I ran the program again, it worked.
I am more familiar with C++ and had these kinds of problems, so I figured it was some sort of runtime issue.
I found this VB6 SP6 Redistributable Runtime:
I installed that, and it still wouldn't run.
Any ideas where to go from here?
I have tried depends.exe, it only shows MSJava, which I've heard I can ignore. Does depends.exe also show things like .ocx (Active X controllers?) that are required?
Also, from the cmd prompt, %errorlevel% doesn't seem to get populated. Is that a VB6 things, or does that indicate that this is truely a crash and not a user exit?
Open the Visual Basic project and check both "References" and "Components" under the "Project" menu.
Since it is crashing with the VB runtime installed it is likely a component that you have referenced in the project that either does not exist (or is not registered) on the client under test.
This should be a simple fix.
I had the same problem on my windows 7 computer.
I have uninstalled everything, changed my windows theme to Windows Classic.
I changed following properties of VB setup file.
Right click on setup.exe and go to properties and in compatibility tab change the compatibility mode to windows XP SP2. And in settings uncheck the following check boxes.
Disable Visual themes
Disable Desktop composition
Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
Run this program as an administrator
And have completed installation.
Followed by installing VB 6 service pack 6 from here.
Hope it helps.
It may require something else other than just the runtime, have you tried viewing it with dependency walker on the machine that it crashes on?
It should quickly point out any missing references.
Maybe try again, create a new VM, but install the remote debugger instead of the full VS.
You should create an installer for your application. There may be more dependencies than just the VB6 runtime. A good installation tool will detect at least some of necessary dependencies for you. Have a look at this question or this question

Can't find Monodevelop's mdtool on my system

When I'm on my linux system, I can build Monodevelop solutions from the shell with mdtool. But my windows sytems don't seem to be able to do that. I've searched the hard disk for mdtool.* but don't see it anywhere. Is my Monodevelop install broken?
It appears as though it's mdrun.exe on my Windows setup.
If using Xamarin Studio on windows, it is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xamarin Studio\bin\mdtool.exe

Building and installing Mozilla signtool on Windows 7

Can anyone either point me to (or provide here) a clear, step-by-step approach that will get Mozilla's signtool (distinct from the Windows program of the same name) installed and working in a Windows environment (specifically, Windows 7)? It appears to be the best tool available to build a XPI file to package up a compiled Firefox extension (in this case, a plugin developed in C++ with Visual Studio). There are quite a few purported explanations on the web of how to do this, but I've tried following several now, and each seems to be missing major steps. For what it's worth, I don't care whether I start from source, download binaries to my dev machine, or do whatever else, just so long as it gets me a usable, properly installed signtool so I can use it to package my code.
Found it. is on the mark, in stark contrast to many other web pages on the topic.
