Multiple long polling? - ajax

I'm developing a chat application and I've come across the following thought.. Should I use 'multiple' long polling requests to my server, each one handling different things. For example one checking for messages, one for 'is typing', one for managing the contacts list 'is online/offline' etc.. or would it be better to handle it all through one channel?

My opinion is that you’d be better off with one connection, and sending JSON messages back and forth, e.g.:
User joined:
{"user_add": "st3"}
User left:
{"user_left": "sneeu"}
Message received
{"message": "Good morning!", "from": "st3"}
And these could be sent together in an array, so that users could receive everything since their last response.

Polling is going to be your biggest bandwidth/resource hog, so keep it to a minimum; e.g. issue HEAD requests with appropiate date / if-modified-since headers to allow caching to work sensibly, with the server returning just headers containing the date and time of the last change to any of the properties you're interested in - or perhaps something even more minimal than that; and only issue a full GET if the returned headers imply there is new information.


Which of these is the best practice for web sockets in terms of performance?

This is more of a hypothetical question, so I can't really show any code examples. Imagine if a site like Twitter wanted to live-update stats on a Tweet via web sockets/ In terms of performance, which of these would be the best approach?
Each action (like, retweet, reply) sends a message to the server, which then gets emitted to all clients, and the client is responsible for updating the appropriate tweet.
Each tweet the client loads is connected to a different room so that it only emits and receives messages relevant to itself.
Or perhaps it's dependent on the scale of the application? Maybe 1 is better if you had a Twitter clone with only a few users, whereas I would think 2 is better in Twitter's case because it's a matter of hundreds of "rooms" vs millions of signals/second? And if that's the case, at what point is one approach preferred over the other?
At scale, you do not want to be sending messages to clients that they did not ask for and do not have any use for. Imagine a twitter client that was receiving every single tweet being sent in real time. That could overwhelm that client and it would mean the server would be delivering every single tweet to every single connected client. That obviously doesn't scale on either the server side or the client side.
So option 1 is out.
The appropriate solution has the server send to the client only the messages that is has a particular interest in seeing. This works just fine at any scale. I can't tell whether your option 2 is that or not since rooms are just a tool for making groups of connections that you can send the same message to - they don't really decide who gets what message - that logic must be baked into your server code.
For a twitter-like service, it seems you're going to have to have a system where your server can easily tell which users have an interest in this particular new message. That can presumably be for a number of reasons such as they are following the author, they are following a hashtag present in the message, they are mentioned in the message, etc... That is server-side logic, not just simple rooms.

What would be the best implementation to detect repeating SIP message?

I've wrote a SIP UAC, and I've tried a few ways to detect and ignore repeating incoming messages from the UAS, but with every approach I tried, something went wrong, my problem is that all the messages that has to do with the same call has the same signature, and to compare all of the message text is too much, so I was wondering, what parameter that compose a message should I be looking at when trying to detect these repeating messages.
I had a problem with an incoming Options, which I handled with sending the server an empty Ok response. (Update: after a while of testing I noticed, that I still get every now and then I get another Options request, few every few second, so I try responding with a Bad request, and now I only get the Options request once/twice every registration/reregistration)
currently I have repeating messages of SessionInPogress, and different error messages such as busy here, and unavailable, I get so many of these, and it messes my log up, I would like to filter them.
any idea how to achieve that?
I'll try your Technics before posting back, perhaps this would solve my problems
Here is what I used, it works nicely:
private boolean compare(SIPMessage message1, SIPMessage message2) {
if (message1.getClass() != message2.getClass())
return false;
if (message1.getCSeq().getSeqNumber() != message2.getCSeq().getSeqNumber())
return false;
if (!message1.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(message2.getCSeq().getMethod()))
return false;
if (!message1.getCallId().equals(message2.getCallId()))
return false;
if (message1.getClass()==SIPResponse.class)
return false;
return true;
It's a bit more complicated than ChrisW's answer.
First, the transaction layer filters out most retransmissions. It does this by, for most things, comparing the received message against a list of current transactions. If a transaction's found, that transaction will mostly swallow retransmissions as per the diagrams in RFC 3261, section 17. For instance, a UAC INVITE transaction in the Proceeding state will drop a delayed retransmitted INVITE.
Matching takes place in one of two ways, depending on the remote stack. If it's an RFC 3261 stack (the branch parameter on the topmost Via starts with "z9hG4bK") then things are fairly straightforward. Section 17.2.3 covers the full details.
Matching like this will filter out duplicate/retransmitted OPTIONS (which you mention as a particular problem). OPTIONS messages don't form dialogs, so looking at CSeq won't work. In particular, if the UAS sends out five OPTIONS requests which aren't just retransmissions, you'll get five OPTIONS requests (and five non-INVITE server transactions).
Retransmitted provisional responses to a non-INVITE transaction are passed up to the Transaction-User layer, or core as it's sometimes called, but other than the first one, final responses are not. (Again, you get this simply by implementing the FSM for that transaction - a final response puts a UAC non-INVITE transaction in the Completed state, which drops any further responses.
After that, the Transaction-User layer will typically receive multiple responses for INVITE transactions.
It's perfectly normal for a UAS to send multiple 183s, at least for an INVITE. For instance it might immediately send a 100 to quench your retransmissions (over unreliable transports at least), then a few 183s, a 180, maybe some more 183s, and finally a 200 (or more, for unreliable transports).
It's important that the transaction layer hands up all these responses because proxies and user agents handle the responses differently.
At this level the responses aren't, in a way, retransmitted. I should say: a UAS doesn't use retransmission logic to send loads of provisional responses (unless it implements RFC 3262). 200 OKs to INVITEs are resent because they destroy the UAC transaction. You can avoid their retransmission by sending your ACKs timeously.
I think that a message is duplicate/identical, if its ...
and method name (e.g. "INVITE")
... values match that of another message.
Note that a response message has the same CSeq as the request to which it's responding; and, that a single request you get several, provisional, but non-duplicate responses (e.g. RINGING followed by OK).

How to get intermediate response from server?

I am trying to check pop and smtp values entered by user.. I wish to validate that pop and smtp say for example(, which is entered by user is correct or wrong.
For that I am sending only one request to server by taking both pop and smtp values entered by user which will do two tasks
1. Checks user entered pop by making connection to that particular server ,
2. Checks user entered smtp by sending 1 mail to some dummy mail id..
I finished all these tasks..
But now what my requirement is, I have to show the user after validating each thing.. I mean in ui i have to show as
POP connection Checked.. ok
smtp connection Checked.. ok like that.
But i sent only one request to server for doing both these tasks..So i need to get intermediate status from server after finishing each tasks..So only i can update in client side UI.. But i don't know is it possible to get intermediate responses from server for a single request... Any idea friends? If so can you come up with a little bit of code...
Expecting the suggestions?
you should take a look in the long polling technique, it is possible to retrieve partial response but it doesn't work on all browsers.
You can use HEAD request instead of GET or POST which only return HTTP header
Slightly off topic - but sending a dummy mail can be "dangerous".
Many servers "note" if you try and send to a local address, which does not exist. For example - if the server's domain is "" and you send to a random address, say, and "aaa" is not a valid user, then the server notices this.
The server may then take an action like blocking you, as a sender, for a period of time. (This helps to reduce spam from dictionary attacks.) So your "test" ends up effectively blocking the real mail from being delivered.
The reverse is also true. Let's say you try to send to an external address, which you know is valid (your own email address for example) as the test. In this case the from address must be a valid internal address. If you use an invalid internal address, or worse an address which is not internal, it's likely the server will refuse to deliver the mail (at best) and at worst again institute a temporary block.
The key factor in both these situations is that although the SMTP protocol is very "loose", SMTP servers watch very closely for "bad behavior" because this is one way of distinguishing a spamming program. So any hide of "incorrect" behavior can lead to it arbitrarily refusing to accept your mails (usually for a limited period of time.)
Incidentally, back to your original question.
Both of your tests are pretty much instantaneous. Even if the email server is on the other side of the world you can do both checks inside a couple seconds. So chances are even if you send back 2 packets, to the user they'll appear as "arriving together". And since 1 request from the browser can only handle 1 response from the server you would need to send the response in 2 packets.
ie do first test - send first part of response - do second test - send second part of response.
For a normal HTTP packet this is no big deal. Do some sort of flush / send after the first response is ready, and then again after the second response. The browser is used to displaying partial pages as they arrive.
However for an AJAX request you'll need to get into your framework at quite a low level. Most frameworks, that I'm aware of, require the incoming Async packet to be "complete" before they start to parse it. This is especially true if the packet is formatted as say xml where partial parsing is useless in pretty much all cases.

GET vs. POST ajax requests: When and how to use either?

What are the strengths of GET over POST and vice versa when creating an ajax request? How do I know which I should use at any given time? Is it a security-minded decision?
Also, what is the difference in how they are actually sent?
GETs should be used for idempotent operations, that is operations that can be safely repeated more than once without changing anything. Browsers will cache GET requests (for normal and AJAX requests)
POSTs should be generally be used for non-idenpotent operations, like saving something. Although you can use them for other operations if you want.
Data for GETs is sent over the URL query string. Data for POSTs is sent separately. Some browsers have a maximum URL length (I think Internet Explorer is 2048 characters), and if the query string becomes too long you'll get an error.
You should use GET and POST requests in AJAX calls just as you would use GET and POST requests in normal calls. Basic rule of thumb:
Will the request modify anything in your Model?
YES: The request will modify (add/update/delete) data from your data store,
or in some other way change the state of the server (cause creation of
a file, for example). Use POST.
NO: The request will not affect the state of anything (database, file system,
sessions, ...) on the server, but merely retrieve information. Use GET.
POST requests are requests that you do not want to accidentally happen. GET requests are requests you are OK with happening by a user pointing a browser to via a URL.
GET requests can be repeated quite simply since their data is based in the URL itself.
You should think about AJAX requests like you think about regular form requests (and their GET and POST)
The Yahoo! Mail team found that when using XMLHttpRequest, POST is implemented in the browsers as a two-step process: sending the headers first, then sending data. So it's best to use GET, which only takes one TCP packet to send (unless you have a lot of cookies). The maximum URL length in IE is 2K, so if you send more than 2K data you might not be able to use GET.

Send data to browser

An example:
Say, I have an AJAX chat on a page where people can talk to each other.
How is it possible to display (send) the message sent by person A to persons B, C and D while they have the chat opened?
I understand that technically it works a bit different: the chat(ajax) is reading from DB (or other source), say every second, to find out if there are new messages to display.
But I wonder if there is a method to send the new message to the rest of the people just when it is sent, and not to load the DB with 1000s of reads every second.
Please note that the AJAX chat example is just an example to explain what I want, and is not something I want to realize. I just need to know if there is a method to let all the opened browser at a specific page(ajax) that there is new content on the server that should be gathered.
{sorry for my English}
Since the server cannot respond to a client without a corresponding request, you need to keep state for each user's queued message. However, this is exactly what the database accomplishes. You cannot get around this by replacing the database with something that doesn't just accomplish the same thing in a different way. That said, there are surely optimizations you could do. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn't prematurely optimize situations like this; databases are designed to handle extremely high traffic, and it's very possible (and in fact, likely), that the scenario described will be handled just fine by the database out of the box.
What you're describing is generally referred to as the 'Comet' concept. See the Wikipedia article for details, especially implementation options (long polling, etc.).
Another answer is to have the server push changes to connected clients, that way there is just one call to the database and then the server pushes the change to all the clients. This article indicates it is possible, however I have never tried this myself.
It's very basic, but if you want to stick with a standard AJAX solution, a simple means of reducing load on the server when polling would be to get the AJAX call to forward the last collected comment ID for that client - you then use that (with the appropriate escaping) in the lookup query on the server side to ensure you only return new comments.
