Kernel threads vs Timers - linux-kernel

I'm writing a kernel module which uses a customized print-on-screen system. Basically each time a print is involved the string is inserted into a linked list.
Every X seconds I need to process the list and perform some operations on the strings before printing them.
Basically I have two choices to implement such a filter:
1) Timer (which restarts itself in the end)
2) Kernel thread which sleeps for X seconds
While the filter is performing its stuff nothing else can use the linked list and, of course, while inserting a string the filter function shall wait.
AFAIK timer runs in interrupt context so it cannot sleep, but what about kernel threads? Can they sleep? If yes is there some reason for not to use them in my project? What other solution could be used?
To summarize: my filter function has got only 3 requirements:
1) Must be able to printk
2) When using the list everything else which is trying to access the list must block until the filter function finishes execution
3) Must run every X seconds (not a realtime requirement)

kthreads are allowed to sleep. (However, not all kthreads offer sleepful execution to all clients. softirqd for example would not.)
But then again, you could also use spinlocks (and their associated cost) and do without the extra thread (that's basically what the timer does, uses spinlock_bh). It's a tradeoff really.

each time a print is involved the string is inserted into a linked list
I don't really know if you meant print or printk. But if you're talking about printk(), You would need to allocate memory and you are in trouble because printk() may be called in an atomic context. Which leaves you the option to use a circular buffer (and thus, you should be tolerent to drop some strings because you might not have enough memory to save all the strings).
Every X seconds I need to process the list and perform some operations on the strings before printing them.
In that case, I would not even do a kernel thread: I would do the processing in print() if not too costly.
Otherwise, I would create a new system call:
sys_get_strings() or something, that would dump the whole linked list into userspace (and remove entries from the list when copied).
This way the whole behavior is controlled by userspace. You could create a deamon that would call the syscall every X seconds. You could also do all the costly processing in userspace.
You could also create a new device says /dev/print-on-screen:
dev_open would allocate the memory, and print() would no longer be a no-op, but feed the data in the device pre-allocated memory (in case print() would be used in atomic context and all).
dev_release would throw everything out
dev_read would get you the strings
dev_write could do something on your print-on-screen system


How to access physical address during interrupt handler linux

I wrote an interrupt handler in linux.
Part of the handler logic I need to access physical address.
I used iormap function but then I fell into KDB during handler time.
I started to debug it and i saw the below code which finally called by ioremap
What should I do? Is there any other way instead of map the region before?
If i will need to map it before it means that i will probably need to map and cache a lot of unused area.
BTW what are the limits for ioremap?
Setting up a new memory mapping is an expensive operation, which typically requires calls to potentially blocking functions (e.g. grabbing locks). So your strategy has two problems:
Calling a blocking function is not possible in your context (there is no kernel thread associated with your interrupt handler, so there is no way for the kernel to resume it if it had to be put to sleep).
Setting up/tearing down a mapping per IRQ would be a bad idea performance-wise (even if we ignore the fact that it can't be done).
Typically, you would setup any mappings you need in a driver's probe() function (or in the module's init() if it's more of a singleton thing). This mapping is then kept in some private device data structure, which is passed as the last argument to some variant of request_irq(), so that the kernel then passes it back as the second argument to the IRQ handler.
Not sure what you mean by "need to map and cache a lot of unused area".
Depending on your particular system, you may end up consuming an entry in your CPU's MMU, or you may just re-use a broader mapping that was setup by whoever wrote the BSP. That's just the cost of doing business on a virtual memory system.
Caching is typically not enabled on I/O memory because of the many side-effects of both reads and writes. For the odd cases when you need it, you have to use ioremap_cached().

What happens to program when it accesses kernel space

I have read about user space and kernel space and how a program's execution path can bring it from user space to kernel space, I suppose an example of this is if my program runs like this
Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
char buffer[64000];
socket.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sender);
since this call requires accessing the network card, I think it should go into kernel space.
My question is:
What happens as the program makes the socket.receivefrom(...) call
Does the thread go to sleep and give up its core since it is going
to kernel space and only gets woken up when the char buffer has been
Does the thread go directly to kernel space and come back to user space after writing into the char buffer
No. The thread goes to execute kernel code, at kernel-permissions (ring 0 in an x86). The thread might go to "sleep" (i.e. the CPU might go and execute a different program, or will go idle, this depends on what the scheduler decides) inside the kernel. However, it might not go to sleep at all, if, for example, data is already available from the network card. From a user perspective, you know that when the call returns you have your data in the buffer, and you might expect the call to take a while.
It depends on the scheduler. You might get an interrupt at any time and execute something else. But generally, yes, you go to the kernel and back.

How to unmap a spte?

I am looking for a way to catch "read" on a particular gfn in kvm source.
Looks like the function stack removes the write permission for the given page, by flipping write bit using PT_WRITABLE_MASK. Thus trapping writes.
rmap_write_protect(kvm, gfn) --> kvm_mmu_rmap_write_protect(kvm, gfn, slot)
For trapping reads, I see equivalent flag PM_PRESENT_MASK. Thus one way probably is writing wrapper routines similar to above to flip both read(present) and write bits. Or would it be just enough to drop the spte instead using below function ?
Is kvm_flush_remote_tlbs() required after either of above approaches ?
kvm_flush_remote_tlbs is required because even though you write protect or drop the guest page form the current CPU their mapping might be cached in the other CPU tlbs. After you do drop_spte whenever the guest tries to access the particular gfn it will trap to the host. The corresponding entry in EPT is updated in the __direct_map function. If you want trap on every access, you should prevent kvm to create such mapping, instead you can emulate that instruction in kvm by calling emulate_instruction.

Does Windows clear memory pages?

I know that Windows has an option to clear the page file when it shuts down.
Does Windows do anything special with the actual physical/virtual memory when it goes in or out of scope?
For instance, let's say I run application A, which writes a recognizable string to a variable in memory, and then I close the application. Then I run application B. It allocates a large chunk of memory, leaves the contents uninitialized, and searches it for the known string written by application A.
Is there ANY possibility that application B will pick up the string written by application A? Or does Windows scrub the memory before making it available?
Windows does "scrub" the freed memory returned by a process before allocating it to other processes. There is a kernel thread specifically for this task alone.
The zero page thread runs at the lowest priority and is responsible for zeroing out free pages before moving them to the zeroed page list[1].
Rather than worrying about retaining sensitive data in the paging file, you should be worried about continuing to retain it in memory (after use) in the first place. Clearing the page-file on shutdown is not the default behavior. Also a system crash dump will contain any sensitive info that you may have in "plain-text" in RAM.
Windows does NOT "scrub" the memory as long as it is allocated to a process (obviously). Rather it is left to the program(mer) to do so. For this very purpose one can use the SecureZeroMemory() function.
This function is defined as the RtlSecureZeroMemory() function ( see WinBase.h). The implementation of RtlSecureZeroMemory() is provided inline and can be used on any version of Windows ( see WinNT.h)
Use this function instead of ZeroMemory() when you want to ensure that your data will be overwritten promptly, as some C++ compilers can optimize a call to ZeroMemory() by removing it entirely.
WCHAR szPassword[MAX_PATH];
/* Obtain the password */
if (GetPasswordFromUser(szPassword, MAX_PATH))
/* Before continuing, clear the password from memory */
SecureZeroMemory(szPassword, sizeof(szPassword));
Don't forget to read this interesting article by Raymond Chen.

Can address space be recycled for multiple calls to MapViewOfFileEx without chance of failure?

Consider a complex, memory hungry, multi threaded application running within a 32bit address space on windows XP.
Certain operations require n large buffers of fixed size, where only one buffer needs to be accessed at a time.
The application uses a pattern where some address space the size of one buffer is reserved early and is used to contain the currently needed buffer.
This follows the sequence:
(initial run) VirtualAlloc -> VirtualFree -> MapViewOfFileEx
(buffer changes) UnMapViewOfFile -> MapViewOfFileEx
Here the pointer to the buffer location is provided by the call to VirtualAlloc and then that same location is used on each call to MapViewOfFileEx.
The problem is that windows does not (as far as I know) provide any handshake type operation for passing the memory space between the different users.
Therefore there is a small opportunity (at each -> in my above sequence) where the memory is not locked and another thread can jump in and perform an allocation within the buffer.
The next call to MapViewOfFileEx is broken and the system can no longer guarantee that there will be a big enough space in the address space for a buffer.
Obviously refactoring to use smaller buffers reduces the rate of failures to reallocate space.
Some use of HeapLock has had some success but this still has issues - something still manages to steal some memory from within the address space.
(We tried Calling GetProcessHeaps then using HeapLock to lock all of the heaps)
What I'd like to know is there anyway to lock a specific block of address space that is compatible with MapViewOfFileEx?
Edit: I should add that ultimately this code lives in a library that gets called by an application outside of my control
You could brute force it; suspend every thread in the process that isn't the one performing the mapping, Unmap/Remap, unsuspend the suspended threads. It ain't elegant, but it's the only way I can think of off-hand to provide the kind of mutual exclusion you need.
Have you looked at creating your own private heap via HeapCreate? You could set the heap to your desired buffer size. The only remaining problem is then how to get MapViewOfFileto use your private heap instead of the default heap.
I'd assume that MapViewOfFile internally calls GetProcessHeap to get the default heap and then it requests a contiguous block of memory. You can surround the call to MapViewOfFile with a detour, i.e., you rewire the GetProcessHeap call by overwriting the method in memory effectively inserting a jump to your own code which can return your private heap.
Microsoft has published the Detour Library that I'm not directly familiar with however. I know that detouring is surprisingly common. Security software, virus scanners etc all use such frameworks. It's not pretty, but may work:
HANDLE g_hndPrivateHeap;
HANDLE WINAPI GetProcessHeapImpl() {
return g_hndPrivateHeap;
struct SDetourGetProcessHeap { // object for exception safety
SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// put detour in place
~SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// remove detour again
void MapFile() {
g_hndPrivateHeap = HeapCreate( ... );
SDetourGetProcessHeap d;
These may also help:
How to replace WinAPI functions calls in the MS VC++ project with my own implementation (name and parameters set are the same)?
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?
Imagine if I came to you with a piece of code like this:
void *foo;
foo = malloc(n);
if (foo)
foo = malloc(n);
Then I came to you and said, help! foo does not have the same address on the second allocation!
I'd be crazy, right?
It seems to me like you've already demonstrated clear knowledge of why this doesn't work. There's a reason that the documention for any API that takes an explicit address to map into lets you know that the address is just a suggestion, and it can't be guaranteed. This also goes for mmap() on POSIX.
I would suggest you write the program in such a way that a change in address doesn't matter. That is, don't store too many pointers to quantities inside the buffer, or if you do, patch them up after reallocation. Similar to the way you'd treat a buffer that you were going to pass into realloc().
Even the documentation for MapViewOfFileEx() explicitly suggests this:
While it is possible to specify an address that is safe now (not used by the operating system), there is no guarantee that the address will remain safe over time. Therefore, it is better to let the operating system choose the address. In this case, you would not store pointers in the memory mapped file, you would store offsets from the base of the file mapping so that the mapping can be used at any address.
Update from your comments
In that case, I suppose you could:
Not map into contiguous blocks. Perhaps you could map in chunks and write some intermediate function to decide which to read from/write to?
Try porting to 64 bit.
As the earlier post suggests, you can suspend every thread in the process while you change the memory mappings. You can use SuspendThread()/ResumeThread() for that. This has the disadvantage that your code has to know about all the other threads and hold thread handles for them.
An alternative is to use the Windows debug API to suspend all threads. If a process has a debugger attached, then every time the process faults, Windows will suspend all of the process's threads until the debugger handles the fault and resumes the process.
Also see this question which is very similar, but phrased differently:
Replacing memory mappings atomically on Windows
