How to unmap a spte? - linux-kernel

I am looking for a way to catch "read" on a particular gfn in kvm source.
Looks like the function stack removes the write permission for the given page, by flipping write bit using PT_WRITABLE_MASK. Thus trapping writes.
rmap_write_protect(kvm, gfn) --> kvm_mmu_rmap_write_protect(kvm, gfn, slot)
For trapping reads, I see equivalent flag PM_PRESENT_MASK. Thus one way probably is writing wrapper routines similar to above to flip both read(present) and write bits. Or would it be just enough to drop the spte instead using below function ?
Is kvm_flush_remote_tlbs() required after either of above approaches ?

kvm_flush_remote_tlbs is required because even though you write protect or drop the guest page form the current CPU their mapping might be cached in the other CPU tlbs. After you do drop_spte whenever the guest tries to access the particular gfn it will trap to the host. The corresponding entry in EPT is updated in the __direct_map function. If you want trap on every access, you should prevent kvm to create such mapping, instead you can emulate that instruction in kvm by calling emulate_instruction.


How to access physical address during interrupt handler linux

I wrote an interrupt handler in linux.
Part of the handler logic I need to access physical address.
I used iormap function but then I fell into KDB during handler time.
I started to debug it and i saw the below code which finally called by ioremap
What should I do? Is there any other way instead of map the region before?
If i will need to map it before it means that i will probably need to map and cache a lot of unused area.
BTW what are the limits for ioremap?
Setting up a new memory mapping is an expensive operation, which typically requires calls to potentially blocking functions (e.g. grabbing locks). So your strategy has two problems:
Calling a blocking function is not possible in your context (there is no kernel thread associated with your interrupt handler, so there is no way for the kernel to resume it if it had to be put to sleep).
Setting up/tearing down a mapping per IRQ would be a bad idea performance-wise (even if we ignore the fact that it can't be done).
Typically, you would setup any mappings you need in a driver's probe() function (or in the module's init() if it's more of a singleton thing). This mapping is then kept in some private device data structure, which is passed as the last argument to some variant of request_irq(), so that the kernel then passes it back as the second argument to the IRQ handler.
Not sure what you mean by "need to map and cache a lot of unused area".
Depending on your particular system, you may end up consuming an entry in your CPU's MMU, or you may just re-use a broader mapping that was setup by whoever wrote the BSP. That's just the cost of doing business on a virtual memory system.
Caching is typically not enabled on I/O memory because of the many side-effects of both reads and writes. For the odd cases when you need it, you have to use ioremap_cached().

Making a virtual IOPCIDevice with IOKit

I have managed to create a virtual IOPCIDevice which attaches to IOResources and basically does nothing. I'm able to get existing drivers to register and match to it.
However when it comes to IO handling, I have some trouble. IO access by functions (e.g. configRead, ioRead, configWrite, ioWrite) that are described in IOPCIDevice class can be handled by my own code. But drivers that use memory mapping and IODMACommand are the problem.
There seems to be two things that I need to manage: IODeviceMemory(described in the IOPCIDevice) and DMA transfer.
How could I create a IODeviceMemory that ultimately points to memory/RAM, so that when driver tries to communicate to PCI device, it ultimately does nothing or just moves the data to RAM, so my userspace client can handle this data and act as an emulated PCI device?
And then could DMA commands be directed also to my userspace client without interfering to existing drivers' source code that use IODMACommand.
Trapping memory accesses
So in theory, to achieve what you want, you would need to allocate a memory region, set its protection bits to read-only (or possibly neither read nor write if a read in the device you're simulating has side effects), and then trap any writes into your own handler function where you'd then simulate device register writes.
As far as I'm aware, you can do this sort of thing in macOS userspace, using Mach exception handling. You'd need to set things up that page protection fault exceptions from the process you're controlling get sent to a Mach port you control. In that port's message handler, you'd:
check where the access was going to
if it's the device memory, you'd suspend all the threads of the process
switch the thread where the write is coming from to single-step, temporarily allow writes to the memory region
resume the writer thread
trap the single-step message. Your "device memory" now contains the written value.
Perform your "device's" side effects.
Turn off single-step in the writer thread.
Resume all threads.
As I said, I believe this can be done in user space processes. It's not easy, and you can cobble together the Mach calls you need to use from various obscure examples across the web. I got something similar working once, but can't seem to find that code anymore, sorry.
… in the kernel
Now, the other problem is you're trying to do this in the kernel. I'm not aware of any public KPIs that let you do anything like what I've described above. You could start looking for hacks in the following places:
You can quite easily make IOMemoryDescriptors backed by system memory. Don't worry about the IODeviceMemory terminology: these are just IOMemoryDescriptor objects; the IODeviceMemory class is a lie. Trapping accesses is another matter entirely. In principle, you can find out what virtual memory mappings of a particular MD exist using the "reference" flag to the createMappingInTask() function, and then call the redirect() method on the returned IOMemoryMap with a NULL backing memory argument. Unfortunately, this will merely suspend any thread attempting to access the mapping. You don't get a callback when this happens.
You could dig into the guts of the Mach VM memory subsystem, which mostly lives in the osfmk/vm/ directory of the xnu source. Perhaps there's a way to set custom fault handlers for a VM region there. You're probably going to have to get dirty with private kernel APIs though.
Finally, why are you trying to do this? Take a step back: What is it you're ultimately trying to do with this? It doesn't seem like simulating a PCI device in this way is an end to itself, so is this really the only way to do what greater goal you're ultimately trying to achieve? See: XY problem

Modifying Linux process page table for physical memory access without system call

I am developing a real-time application for Linux 3.5.7. The application needs to manage a PCI-E device.
In order to access the PCI-E card spaces, I have been using mmap in combination with /dev/mem. However (please correct me if I am wrong) each time I read or write the mapped memory, a system call is required for the /dev/mem pseudo-driver to handle the memory access.
To avoid the overhead of this system call, I think it should be possible to write a kernel module so that, within e.g. a ioctl call I can modify the process page table, in order to map the physical device pages to userspace pages and avoid the system call.
Can you give me some orientation on this?
Thanks and regards
However (please correct me if I am wrong) each time I read or write the mapped memory, a system call is required
You are wrong.
it should be possible to write a kernel module so that, within e.g. a ioctl call I can modify the process page table
This is precisely what mmap() does.

What happens when I printk a char * that was initialized in userspace?

I implemented a new system call as an intro exercise. All it does is take in a buffer and printk that buffer. I later learned that the correct practice would be to use copy_from_user.
Is this just a precautionary measure to validate the address, or is my system call causing some error (page fault?) that I cannot see?
If it is just a precautionary measure, what is it protecting against?
There are several reasons.
Some architectures employ segmented memory, where there is a separate segment for the user memory. In that case, copy_from_user is essential to actually get the right memory address.
The kernel has access to everything, including (almost by definition) a lot of privileged information. Not using copy_from_user could allow information disclosure if a user passes in a kernel address. Worse, if you are writing to a user-supplied buffer without copy_to_user, the user could overwrite kernel memory.
You'd like to prevent the user from crashing the kernel module just by passing in a bad pointer; using copy_from_user protects against faults so e.g. a system call handler can return EFAULT in response to a bad user pointer.

Change user space memory protection flags from kernel module

I am writing a kernel module that has access to a particular process's memory. I have done an anonymous mapping on some of the user space memory with do_mmap():
prot = PROT_WRITE;
retval = do_mmap(NULL, vaddr, vsize, prot, MAP_FLAGS, 0);
vaddr and vsize are set earlier, and the call succeeds. After I write to that memory block from the kernel module (via copy_to_user), I want to remove the PROT_WRITE permission on it (like I would with mprotect in normal user space). I can't seem to find a function that will allow this.
I attempted unmapping the region and remapping it with the correct protections, but that zeroes out the memory block, erasing all the data I just wrote; setting MAP_UNINITIALIZED might fix that, but, from the man pages:
MAP_UNINITIALIZED (since Linux 2.6.33)
Don't clear anonymous pages. This flag is intended to improve performance on embedded
devices. This flag is only honored if the kernel was configured with the
CONFIG_MMAP_ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED option. Because of the security implications, that option
is normally enabled only on embedded devices (i.e., devices where one has complete
control of the contents of user memory).
so, while that might do what I want, it wouldn't be very portable. Is there a standard way to accomplish what I've suggested?
After some more research, I found a function called get_user_pages() (best documentation I've found is here) that returns a list of pages from userspace at a given address that can be mapped to kernel space with kmap() and written to that way (in my case, using kernel_read()). This can be used as a replacement for copy_to_user() because it allows forcing write permissions on the pages retrieved. The only drawback is that you have to write page by page, instead of all in one go, but it does solve the problem I described in my question.
In userspace there is a system call mprotect that can modify the protection flags on existing mapping. You probably need to follow from the implementation of that system call, or maybe simply call it directly from your code. See mm/protect.c.
