categories of a section appear of the same order - joomla

I have the following structure of categories under the Info-s section. The latter four categories appear to all have been allocated of the 3rd position. Either changing this number on the admin screen or in the order drop-down inside of the category pages doesn't seem to have any effect.
I suspect this is due to the way those categories have been created (using the Copy functionality).
Any ideas?

try to do it once again after clearing your joomla cache & global check-in in the tool menu in joomla admin back-end
Please update the progress if you need any further help

By deleting and reorganising the section with its respective categories seemed to have fixed this.


Why is my wish list limited to one item?

Im using magento 1.9 and im having an issue with the wishlist, for some reason it will only let me have one item in my wishlist and when I goto add another item to the wishlist it replaces the item that was already in my wishlist, there is nothing in the configuration to limit the wishlist item im just a bit confused at why it would be doing this, any ideas ?
Right!!, after hunting the web to try and find a solution I have found a solution, you have to edit the file app/code/core/Mage/Wishlist/Model/Wishlist.php
public function getItemCollection()
and change
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
this worked for me and im using magento
the source for this fix is here:
This is an out of the box feature, you do not need to edit any core code to fix this. Correction: You don’t have to edit any code
I had the same issue and found it was from an improper import of products and that website availability was incorrectly set.
It seems that Magento added a website filter on the wishlist collection to prevent items not available in a website from appearing in a customer's wishlist.
It also seems that items may not have a website value => which prevents wish list items from appearing (or just 1 item, the last one added).
How to fix it : Simply select your store products on catalog page, select ‘Update Attributes’ action and click on submit.
Select Websites panel and check your website in ‘Add Product To Websites’ block.
Reindex your data if necessary.
You can now add your products to your wishlist and see all of them in your wishlist. This is the proper solution and does not remove functionality from your Magento webstore.
Simply reindex everything in: System > Index management

Magento configurable products attributes not showing in front end

We have a Magento store on Community Edition which uses configurable products with attribute sets to allow customers to select their preferred size and colour for a specific item (e.g., a shirt).
Each clothing range has its own attribute set, which was used to create the product, with simple products for each permutation of the product for stock keeping purposes.
We've compared all of the product's settings, and can't see any discrepancies between them, and yet one product range does not display the attribute drop-downs and add-to-cart button in the frontend, despite appearing in the frontend fine other than that.
I don't know if you have already found a solution, but after searching for a whole day, I've found what's causing the missing attributes in the front end for me... After deleting and readding simple products for a dozen times and making notes on the way I was quite sure that I correctly added simple and configurable products, so the problem has to be somewhere else. A casual look at the console in FireBug revealed a conflict in prototype.js... that's strange, since Magento comes with it. And I sure have not changed anything in it!
Did you at one point added jQuery to your Magento installation? If so, you HAVE to add 'jQuery.noComflict;' to the end of your jQuery file and the critical point is, to include the jQuery file BEFORE the prototype.js: The prototype.js is loaded by Magento in default/layout/page.xml at the beginning, so you have to add this line befor the prototype.js
If you don't do that the drobdown item is shown but with not selectable entries, that's because the js/varien/product.js relies on the prototype.js to work. Without it your list won't be populated!
Hope it helps anyone searching for this mysterious problem... (the problem is also described here: Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict)
Usually when the add-to-cart button does not display it is because your product has no inventory set. Remember that the configurable product needs to be set to in stock and the associated simple products have to have at least one item with non-zero inventory and be set as 'in stock'.

Display products of some sub-categories when browsing magento catalog

I have several layers of categories such as:
Laundry Accessories
And I would like users to browse Laundry and see all Washers and Dryers, but not any accessories. But still allow users to browse through the accessories category by itself, and to use the Layered Navigation while doing so.
Does anyone know a way I could accomplish this?
If you set the Washers and Dryers categories to be anchors their products will show up in the parent category. This is on the second tab when editing the category.
However, I have found in the 1.4 family (haven't tested 1.5) that changing from not anchored to anchored wouldn't have any affect. This is probably related to a cache I wasn't clearing but the simple solution for me was to delete 'Washers' and create it again, this time making sure Anchor was "yes"

Virtuemart Joomla menu highlights wrong item

I have a Virtuemart 1.1.7a install on Joomla 1.5. We're using a Joomla menu as the shop side menu. Not every category is listed in this menu (only the 'parent' categories, no subcategories). When users navigate to a sub category (i.e one not in the list) it highlights the wrong category from the side menu. You can see this on:
and selecting 'Local Authors'. Then menu item 'Postcards' is highlighted on the left.
It would be preferable to either a) highlight no category or b) highlight 'Books' (which is the parent category of 'Local Authors').
I've had a look on the VM forums and web at large for issues with Joomla menus in VM, but the vast majority of results relate to an earlier problem regarding Itemids loading the wrong products ,but this is not the case here. Simply fixing the highlight would suffice!
Yes, virtuemart has issues with this. Unless you want to dive into the Virtuemart code (which can take you a long time to find the code dealing with the Itemid), I would recomment to add extra menu-items under the category that is it's parent. If you don't want these to be visible, you can go to the menu module and set the depth of the menu. The right parent would now be highlighted, because it has a child in it's roots.
Here is something that might help:
I didn't see "Local Authors", but I saw the problem with Gifts (when I click on Gift, and then on Mugs, for example, I have postcards highlighted). I believe the problem is either in your template or in your data itself.
Try to remake all the menu buttons as in delete and create new ones.
Turns out using Joomla menus for VM categories just doesn't really work that well. Replaced Joomla menu with VM menu (i.e. mod_virtuemart), and styled to suit.

How can I keep one specific article always on top on the front page?

On my Joomla website, I'd like to have a "about our company" article always be the first article on the front page. I want the other articles to shift down in position as new articles are added, but to keep the "about our company" one constantly on top.
I tried setting the order of that article on the front page manager to -1, but it still shifted down when I added a new article.
Any ideas?
You could write that info in a module and publish that module in a position that shows up before the component.
Do you have the front page sorted by date? If you do then make the about us article have a created date of 2099-01-01 and make sure you switch off show date for that article
Unless you find an adequate plugin for this specific need, I'm afraid you have to manually modify the template.
Depending on the setup, you can use the section or category info as a "fake" article. Enable showing the section/category description in the menu item (it's off by default) and you'll have a text that is always at the top.
I was struggelng with the same issue,... and have found the solution in the joomla documentation.
In the frontpage manager set order number for the article that you want to be "always-on-top" to -1 (minus one). This will make sure it will always have a lower order number than the other articles, even when other people submit articles.
For Joomla 1.5, go to your FrontPage Manager. The article you want to always have at the top, type is -1 in the ORDER column (as William said above). Now next to the name of this column, there is a picture of a floppy disk - you MUST click on this icon to SAVE the order.
Now your WELCOME article is numbered -1 and will always be at the top of your front page.
This question is Google top result, yet Joomla has been upgraded many times since it was asked and answered. Here is a more recent option:
In Joomla 3.4, you can do this by going to the settings of the category that displays the articles, then to its Blog Layout, then set Article Order to Featured Articles Order. This makes featured articles appear above normal articles.
In 2020, one could add Custom Fields (available since Joomla 3.7) to Joomla articles, or just to articles in a certain category, and then modify the template to query this Custom Field and handle articles accordingly.
in the order number in joomla 1.5 setting the order number to a minus figure doesn't work, it keeps reverting back to the default number.
