Creating an ec2 AMI with an ebs backed instance - is it possible - amazon-ec2

Following the instructions at I created an instance with mysql's dbs running on an EBS volume.
I've been installing other software on the instance's filesystem (not the EBS volume) and would like to be able to save the whole it as an AMI.
In Elasticfox, both AMI commands were greyed out.
Is it not possible to do this?

I am not so familiar with ElasticFOX, but in general you cannot create an AMI of an EC2 instance created from instance-store explicitly. You need a series of ec2-ami-tools to create one. I have wrote a script which I used to create an AMI. Feel free to use.
Copy the following script:
-make sure, you update the following before use
Imagename Shortname
Path to priavetKey
Path to certificateKey
S3 User-id (in general, this is yourAWS account ID)
Bucket Name
Path to JavaHome
Give permission to the file.
chmod +x
It should create an AMI image under your account and register it with the name you have given.


How to create a EC2 instance from snapshot in cloudformation?

I'd like to specify the snapshot id which would be used to create a root device image for a EC2 instance created with cloudformation. How do I do that?
I could only find a way to make volume from a snapshot, but no way to use it in the instance.
If you want to use an EBS snapshot as the basis of the root disk (EBS volume) for an instance, you need to first register the snapshot as an AMI (e.g., using ec2-register).
Make sure to specify the correct architecture and kernel (AKI) when you register the snapshot as an AMI.
Alternatively, instead of taking a snapshot and registering it as separate steps, you could use the ec2-create-image command/API/console function to perform the snapshot and registration in a single step. This also takes care of picking the right architecture, kernel, and other parameters.
Once you have an AMI, you can tell CloudFormation to use that AMI when running a new instance.
I concur. This has nothing to do with cloudformation, but I just did this following a crippling 'do-release-upgrade'. It's just a matter of creating an image from the snapshot, and in my case making sure to change the virtualization type to "hardware assisted virtualization" (HVM). Then you can just launch the resulting image (AMI).

Mounting Old EBS Volume to the new Instance - Amazon EC2

1) I had an instance and sudo commands were not working do to some mistakes on this instance
so i had to create a new instance.
2) I want to use old EBS volume with new instance and to stop old instance.
3) I created a new instance (New EBS Volume is created automatically with new instance)
4) I created snapshot of old volume and attached with new instance.
5) So two EBS volumes are attached with new instance.
6) When i login using SSH into new instance, i don't see old data anywhere.
7) I want every old data on new instance.
my question is.....
how i can use old volume with new instance?
please help me.. i am trying it from last 10 hours continuously :(..
What you need to do is mount the old volume on the new instance. Go to the Amazon EC2 control panel, and click "Volumes" (under Elastic Block Store). Look at the attachment information for the old EBS volume. This will be something like <instance id> (<instance name>):/dev/sdg
Make a note of the path given here, so that'd be /dev/sdg in the example above. Then use SSH and connect to your new instance, and type mkdir /mnt/oldvolume and then mount /dev/sdg /mnt/oldvolume (or whatever the path given in the control panel was). Your files should now be available under /mnt/oldvolume. If this does not solve your problem, please post again with the output of your df command after doing all of this.
So, to recap, to use an EBS volume on an instance, you need to attach it to that instance using the control panel (or API tools), and then mount it on the instance itself.

EC2 Amazon - User Data Not Working For Bundled/Snapshot AMI

I started an default instance of EC2 Wowza AMI (LINUX) and then I bundled/snapshot it via 'ec2-bundle-vol', uploaded it to s3 and registered the AMI.
When I start the bundled AMI with user data (zip file) with a script, it doesn't seem to execute it.
But when I start a default instance with the same user data (zip file), it works.
Does anyone know why my bundled AMI is not executing the user data I specify?
I'm not familiar with wowza or how they have their AMIs setup but...
On its own the ec2 user data does nothing - it only has relevance because a script running on that machine checks for the presence of the user data and does something with it.
Sometimes these scripts are set so that they only do stuff on the instance's first boot, they then drop a file somewhere so that on subsequent reboots the startup scripts aren't rerun.
If the wowza amis work on this basis then when you first boot up the ami this process is followed, so the data you've saved into the new AMI includes the "don't run startup scripts again" file. If this is the case you'd need to delete that file before creating your ami.
The user data mechanism on EC2 allows a script on the image to download the startup package as a file via HTTP from a link-local address (169.254.something) - if it's plaintext, it will execute directly. If it's compressed data, wowza startup will unpack it to /opt/working - the Wowza startup process is logged to wowzamediaserver_startup.log in Wowza's logs directory.
I had the same issue. Looking at our script I discovered that we were removing a cloud init dependancy in the script, making it a run once operation. The dependancy in question was boto.

Why are two keypairs both allowing access to my EC2 instance based on a custom AMI?

I created an EBS-backed AMI from an Canonical Ubuntu Mavrick instance that was running with a keypair called us-west-01.pem
Then I started another instance using that AMI and at startup, assigned a new keypair to it called us-west-01.pem. However, when I tried to scp some data to the instance, I was able to get authenticated using us-west-01.pem:
scp -i /.ec2/us-west-01.pem -r /somepath/* ubuntu#myDnsValue:/somepath/
It also works with the correct us-west-02 key. I tried with another key, and it failed. The only explanation would be that the key used at the time of preparing the AMI is still accepted. How can I remove this so as to secure each instance with its own key?
Thanks in advance.
Depending on how you create the AMI (bundle or using rsync), you can remove or omit $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys for the user ubuntu and root.

What is a good way to access external data from aws

I would like to access external data from my aws ec2 instance.
In more detail: I would like to specify inside by user-data the name of a folder containing about 2M of binary data. When my aws instance starts up, I would like it to download the files in that folder and copy them to a specific location on the local disk. I only need to access the data once, at startup.
I don't want to store the data in S3 because, as I understand it, this would require storing my aws credentials on the instance itself, or passing them as userdata which is also a security risk. Please correct me if I am wrong here.
I am looking for a solution that is both secure and highly reliable.
which operating system do you run ?
you can use an elastic block storage. it's like a device you can mount at boot (without credentials) and you have permanent storage there.
You can also sync up instances using something like Gluster filesystem. See this thread on it.
