What is a good way to access external data from aws - amazon-ec2

I would like to access external data from my aws ec2 instance.
In more detail: I would like to specify inside by user-data the name of a folder containing about 2M of binary data. When my aws instance starts up, I would like it to download the files in that folder and copy them to a specific location on the local disk. I only need to access the data once, at startup.
I don't want to store the data in S3 because, as I understand it, this would require storing my aws credentials on the instance itself, or passing them as userdata which is also a security risk. Please correct me if I am wrong here.
I am looking for a solution that is both secure and highly reliable.

which operating system do you run ?
you can use an elastic block storage. it's like a device you can mount at boot (without credentials) and you have permanent storage there.

You can also sync up instances using something like Gluster filesystem. See this thread on it.


How do I prevent access to a mounted secret file?

I have a spring boot app which loads a yaml file at startup containing an encryption key that it needs to decrypt properties it receives from spring config.
Said yaml file is mounted as a k8s secret file at etc/config/springconfig.yaml
If my springboot is running I can still sh and view the yaml file with "docker exec -it 123456 sh" How can I prevent anyone from being able to view the encryption key?
You need to restrict access to the Docker daemon. If you are running a Kubernetes cluster the access to the nodes where one could execute docker exec ... should be heavily restricted.
You can delete that file, once your process fully gets started. Given your app doesnt need to read from that again.
You can set those properties via --env-file, and your app should read from environment then. But, still if you have possibility of someone logging-in to that container, he can read environment variables too.
Set those properties into JVM rather than system environment, by using -D. Spring can read properties from JVM environment too.
In general, the problem is even worse than just simple access to Docker daemon. Even if you prohibit SSH to worker nodes and no one can use Docker daemon directly - there is still possibility to read secret.
If anyone in namespace has access to create pods (which means ability to create deployments/statefulsets/daemonsets/jobs/cronjobs and so on) - it can easily create pod and mount secret inside it and simply read it. Even if someone have only ability to patch pods/deployments and so on - he potentially can read all secrets in namespace. There is no way how you can escape that.
For me that's the biggest security flaw in Kubernetes. And that's why you must very carefully give access to create and patch pods/deployments and so on. Always limit access to namespace, always exclude secrets from RBAC rules and always try to avoid giving pod creation capability.
A possibility is to use sysdig falco (https://sysdig.com/opensource/falco/). This tool will look at pod event, and can take action when a shell is started in your container. Typical action would be to immediately kill the container, so reading secret cannot occurs. And kubernetes will restart the container to avoid service interruption.
Note that you must forbids access to the node itself to avoid docker daemon access.
You can try mounting the secret as an environment variable. Once your application grabs the secret on startup, the application can then unset that variable rendering the secret inaccessible thereon.

Get path to file in storage

I saved a file to storage using:
Which saved it to:
How can I get the path to this file/folder (not the URL)? What is the correct way to do this using Laravel's Filesystem?
There is no correct way to do this; because it should not be done. The Storage is an opaque system to talk to different storage systems; as such there is no api to get the backing file path. As an example, that wouldn't work with Amazon S3. The only path your application knows about is the string you send to the Storage facade to work with the file, there are no guarantees that this string is used to generate the filename when the storage system stores the file.
There are some hacks you can use that works for the local disk, but those are not available for the Storage system in general. Using these solutions means that you'll limit yourself to only use the local disk; this will cause you troubles when you need to scale out and add another server. You'll then have two servers with two separate local disks, with separate content.
The correct way to work with the files, that will work for all configurations, is to get the file content (Storage::get), do the modifications (including storing them in a temporary file) and then write back the new file content (Storage::set).
If you're really sure that you will only ever use the local filesystem, use the File facade instead of the Storage facade. I'm unable to find any documentation for this, only the interface it exposes.
Reference: https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/13610
Try this
you can only get the storage folder path from laravel function, you can give nested folder name after it, it will bind the base url as well

How to give RW permissions on a folder in Windows Azure?

I am deploying an MVC 3.0 web app to Windows Azure. I have an action method that takes a file uploaded by the user and stores it in a folder within my web app.
How could I give RW permissions to that folder to the running process? I read about start up tasks and have a basic understanding, but I wouldn't know,
How to give the permission itself, and
Which running process (user) should I give the permission to.
Many thanks for the help.
In addition to #David's answer below, I found this link extremely useful:
For local storage, I wouldn't get caught up with granting access permissions to various directories. Instead, take advantage of the storage resources available specifically to your running VM's. With a given instance size, you have local storage available to you ranging from 20GB to almost 2TB (full sizing details here). To take advantage of this space, you'd create local storage resources within your project:
Then, in code, grab a drive letter to that storage:
var storageRoot = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("moreStorage").RootPath;
Now you're free to use that storage. And... none of that requires any startup tasks or granting of permissions.
Now for the caveat: This is storage that's local to each running instance, and isn't shared between instances. Further, it's non-durable - if the disk crashes, the data is gone.
For persistent, durable file storage, Blob Storage is a much better choice, as it's durable (triple-replicated within the datacenter, and geo-replicated to another datacenter) and it's external to your role instances, accessible from any instance (or any app, including your on-premises apps).
Since blob storage is organized by container, and blobs within container, it's fairly straightforward to organize your blobs (and store pretty much anything in a given blob, up to 200GB each). Also, it's trivial to upload/download files to/from blobs, either to file streams or local files (in the storage resources you allocated, as illustrated above).

EC2 Amazon - User Data Not Working For Bundled/Snapshot AMI

I started an default instance of EC2 Wowza AMI (LINUX) and then I bundled/snapshot it via 'ec2-bundle-vol', uploaded it to s3 and registered the AMI.
When I start the bundled AMI with user data (zip file) with a script, it doesn't seem to execute it.
But when I start a default instance with the same user data (zip file), it works.
Does anyone know why my bundled AMI is not executing the user data I specify?
I'm not familiar with wowza or how they have their AMIs setup but...
On its own the ec2 user data does nothing - it only has relevance because a script running on that machine checks for the presence of the user data and does something with it.
Sometimes these scripts are set so that they only do stuff on the instance's first boot, they then drop a file somewhere so that on subsequent reboots the startup scripts aren't rerun.
If the wowza amis work on this basis then when you first boot up the ami this process is followed, so the data you've saved into the new AMI includes the "don't run startup scripts again" file. If this is the case you'd need to delete that file before creating your ami.
The user data mechanism on EC2 allows a script on the image to download the startup package as a file via HTTP from a link-local address (169.254.something) - if it's plaintext, it will execute directly. If it's compressed data, wowza startup will unpack it to /opt/working - the Wowza startup process is logged to wowzamediaserver_startup.log in Wowza's logs directory.
I had the same issue. Looking at our script I discovered that we were removing a cloud init dependancy in the script, making it a run once operation. The dependancy in question was boto.

WindowsAzure: Is it possible to set directory permissions within the web.config?

A PHP scriptof mine wants to write into a log folder, the resulting error is:
Unable to open the log file "E:\approot\framework\log/dev.log" for writing.
When I set the writing permissions for the WebRole User RD001... manually it works fine.
Now I want to set the folder permissions automatically. Is there an easy way to get it done?
Please note that I'm very new to IIS and the stuff around, I would appreciate precise answers, thx.
Short/Technical Response:
You could probably set permissions on a particular folder using full-trust and a startup taks. However, you'd need to account for a stateless OS and changing drive letters (possible, not likely) in this script, which would make it difficult. Also, local storage is not persisted, so you'd have no way to ensure this data stayed in the case of a reboot.
Recommendation: Don't write local, read below ...
EDIT: Got to thinking about this, and while I still recommend against this, there is a 3rd option: You can allocate local storage in the service config, then access it from PHP using a dll reference, then you will have access to that folder. Please remember local storage is not persisted, so it's gone during a reboot.
Service Config for local:
Accessing config from php:
Long / Detailed Response:
In Azure, you really are encouraged to approach things as a platform and not as "software on a server". What I mean there is that ideas such as "write something to a local log file" are somewhat incompatible with the cloud "idea". Depending on your usage, you could (and should) convert this script to output this data to some cloud-based or external storage, vs just placing it on the disk.
I would suggest modifying this script to leverage the PHP Azure SDK and write these log entries out to table or blob storage in Azure. If this sounds good, please provide the PHP and I can give an exact example.
The main reason for that (besides pushing the cloud idea) is that in Azure, you cannot assume the host machine ("role instance") will maintain an OS state, so while you can set some things such as folder permissions, you can't rely on them sticking that way. You have no real way to guarantee those permissions won't be reset when the fabric has to update your role and react to some lower level problem. For example, a hard-drive cage on the rack where your current instance lives could fail. If the failure were bad enough, the Fabric controller would need to rebuild your instance. When that happens, your code is moved to an entirely different server, so the need would arise to re-set those permissions. Also, depending on the changes, the E:\ could all of a sudden need to be the F:\ or X:\ drive and you wouldn't know.
Its much better to pretend (at some level) that your application is running "in Azure" and not "on a server in azure", so you make no assumptions about the hosting environment. So anything you need outside of your code (data, logs, audits, etc) should be stored somewhere you can control (Azure Storage, external call-out, etc)
