i just realized am sending a verification email to users/mebers but people how have hotmail account hey cant click the link...is basically stripped... what am doing wrong? there is a workaround?
When you say that it's stripped, do you mean the hyperlink is stripped, or the link itself is stripped? If the former, try sending just a plaintext link for them to copy and paste into the address bar. If the link itself is being removed from the email, you might try formatting the link in such a way that it doesn't appear to be a link, or create a manual verification for Hotmail users.
I have a problem with the link with MailChimp. The problem is that MailChimp is sending an email to confirm subscription every time somebody is filling any kind of form. But, I don't want MailChimp to do that, because my prospects are not subscribing for newsletter (I mean, not each time they are filling a form). So, I'm afraid my prospects will run away when they will see that strange email in there inbox.
Is there a way to shut this email off ?
Thank you.
A confirmation is good to know that users exist or you want be sending it to people whose email addresses were bought but are no longer using them. Also buying an email list is not recommended (not saying you are), it will affect the deliverability of the campaign and not to mention complaints can cause black listing. Now having said that try and see if you can change the optin status from double to single (even if they give the option). I know dotmailer does/used to give an to change a user from double option to single optin.
There is a method in Parse to send the confirmation e-mail with a link to not confirm? Because in the app is uncomfortable to go out and confirm and return.
Something like "If you decided to signup here, please ignore this link, otherwise if you not, click on the link"
If you are using the Parse SDK, you aren't forced to use the email verification. It's just an option. So your user are able to register without the need of email verification and they will get the pass recovery mail if they don't have verified address.
My app uses a parse.com backend. I'm having problems changing the confirmation sent from parse when users sign up. they get an email that asks them to confirm their email address but instead of it being from parse I want to change it to an email that has my own branding on it. Any thoughts?
I'm pretty sure you can do it on the dashboard. Go to parse.com, select your app, then settings, then email. There you'll find the templates.
That might be silly question but I really need to know the answer. If I got the Outlook client installed on my machine and I click on the mailto link on the website the subject and body specified in the link is passed to the client. Is anything else attached to the message? Any headers or addition information about my website?
I am asking this question because I have such a link on my website and every time I test it the email fails spam checks with Postini.
I also get this message:
Your email has been encoded as 'Quoted-printable', and yet one of the lines of content is longer than the maximum 76 characters. No line within a quoted-printable body may exceed that size.
When I remove long links I am not getting this message but the email still fails the Postinig check.
Thanks for help,
mailto: links are just interpreted by the browser as a signal to say "Open the default mail client to send an email to this person". Everything else is treated as a classic mail by Outlook.
Maybe it is something in your mail that Postini recognises as a potential spam phrase?
help out a noob with a simple web development question??
I want to create a Contact-Me form on my website, but I'd like it to not go through the email client that's installed on the user's machine, in case they're at a public terminal. I don't mind if the email comes from "me" to "me", as long as nobody can use it to spam me! Is there a way to get it to safely use the SMTP server it uses when I myself send an email? (This is a Yahoo-hosted website, and I have a Yahoo email account associated with it.)
Sure. You want a simple contact form that posts to some .php/.asp/.whatever script. That script should be able to use the SMTP server from your host (Yahoo!). You may end up sending from a different email than your personal #yahoo.com one, but just look up the info for your host.
I Googled "yahoo hosting send email" and the first result looks very relevant: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/smallbusiness/webhosting/php/php-17.html
As for wanting to stop spam from coming in through the form, just implement a captcha. I'd recommend using reCAPTCHA - it's free and has sample code that you can basically just plug in.