Parse Email Verification inverse - parse-platform

There is a method in Parse to send the confirmation e-mail with a link to not confirm? Because in the app is uncomfortable to go out and confirm and return.
Something like "If you decided to signup here, please ignore this link, otherwise if you not, click on the link"

If you are using the Parse SDK, you aren't forced to use the email verification. It's just an option. So your user are able to register without the need of email verification and they will get the pass recovery mail if they don't have verified address.


Verified email in Spring Boot/Security registration

How to verify an email provided during registration is a real one? Confirmation link is an obvious choice, but I've seen websites where some kind of email verification happens right after you click 'register'. If email is fake, the process stops. How can this be done in Spring?
(example: safaribooksonline)
You have to check if the mail got bounced. If it does, it's not a valid email. You can use an api provided by neverbounce and here is the github link for that in java.
You can try the MailboxValidator API.
Just sign up for the free API key at
Then you can use the Java code at or use Maven

How to verify email in Parse with Swift?

I am looking on how to verify email in Parse with Swift (send an email to the person and use a link in the email to confirm that the email belongs to them). I have only found how to do it in Objective-C. How would I go about doing this in Swift? I saw that in Parse there is a column called emailVerified and it's a boolean and that's what I'm assuming it means. Is that what it means or am I mistaken?
At, navigate to your app's Dashboard and click on the Settings tab. You can enable email verification in the Email settings panel.
There is also a small section in the developers guide linked here Parse verifying emails confirmation email change

My app uses a backend. I'm having problems changing the confirmation sent from parse when users sign up. they get an email that asks them to confirm their email address but instead of it being from parse I want to change it to an email that has my own branding on it. Any thoughts?
I'm pretty sure you can do it on the dashboard. Go to, select your app, then settings, then email. There you'll find the templates.

Can outlook (web) notify me that I have email?

I have two email accounts. One of them I use every day. The other one, I have to fire up a VPN, authenticate through a firewall, and then run Outlook Web Access. Triple-yuck.
I'd like to set up a rule that says "Whenever I receive an email to, send an email to letting me know to check annoyingaccount." I do not want am not allowed to forward the actual email to mydailyaccount. I simply want a notice that email is waiting for me.
I see options that will let me forward the email or send a text message, but I don't see an option to just send a boilerplate email. Is there something I'm missing, or a "trick" I need to do, or am I just out of luck?
There is not an option like this in the Rules Wizard.
You can forward the email to your account and use rules to:
File the AnnoyingAccount email in a folder (so it is out of the way)
Display an a custom message in your MyDailyAccount email.
Take a look at the the display a specific message in the New Item Alert window option found on the 2nd screen of the Rules Wizard.
Here is a quick How To:

Classic ASP e-mail verify that e-mail exists

Here's something I couldn't find an answer to. Say you have a form and on that form you have a field for someone to enter their e-mail address. Now after the e-mail address is entered, is there a way after using RegEx to verify that it follows the syntax of an e-mail address, to then verify that it is a valid e-mail that can receive messages?
I looked all over the net and found a deprecated way to do it that has since been stopped by patches, so I was wondering if there wasn't a way to do it on the server maybe polling the smtp server or something.
If you're looking to verify that the user hasn't made a mistake (or is giving you a bogus address because they aren't interested in your messages), you should probably do what every other system does: don't activate the account (or whatever) until you get some verification that the user has gotten the email by clicking a link or entering a code that the email contains.
You need to do this because you might never get an indication that an email address is invalid - some servers are configured to throw away some (or all) invalid email addresses or dump them in a spam bin. Just because the email appears to have been successfully sent doesn't mean it's valid or that it's getting to the right person.
