Is there a standard way to check for updates in a Dashboard widget? - dashboard

I'm writing a Dashboard widget in Dashcode, and I'd like to add some sort of check-for-updates functionality. I already looked into Sparkle, but AFAICT it's not applicable to widgets like this. Is there a commonly-used library to do update checking, or will I have to develop my own system?
I only need a very simple setup... automatically checking for new versions would be a plus, but if the user had to click a button in order to check that would be OK with me.

Inasmuch as "is there a function that will..." then i have not come across it.
What i did was as follows
In the plist there is the version of the widget and you put the number in there, lets say 1.0. Which you should be able to access and use. (see code) For reason i didn't and added this global var widget_version = "1.4"; and then updated that when the widget updated.
Then on a server accessible by the web you create a php (or whatever) file that has the number of current version of the widget. Again lets say 1.1.
Then you write a javascript function than will check this current widget version against the server version and display a graphic or message to tell the user. It is best to let the user decide if they want to upgrade rather than making it automatic.
Following is the code i used. Please copy and or hack as you wish.
function getSoftwareUpdate() {
// so use the built in CURL to do a REST call n.b. in widget preference you will need to check 'allow network access'
var softwareUpdate = widget.system("/usr/bin/curl ''", null).outputString;
//alert(softwareUpdate); // tells you the function has been called
//alert("the update number from the REST " + softwareUpdate); // for debugging will show the key
// in main.js add this line
// var widget_version = "1.4"; // this is changed when you update the widget code for new release
// yes it's a global variable and bad but i was in a hurry
// the following line should get the widget number but for some reason i didn't do it
// localVersion = widget.preferenceForKey(preferenceForKey);
//alert("the internal preference key " + widget_version);
// then check to see if they match
if(softwareUpdate == widget_version)
{ hide_update('softwareupdate')
function hide_update(el) { // hide the update graphic
if(document.getElementById(el).style.display != "none")
document.getElementById(el).style.display = "none";
function show_update(el) { // show the update graphic
if(document.getElementById(el)) {
if(document.getElementById(el).style.display == "none")
document.getElementById(el).style.display = "block";
// this is the php that is called by curl and acts as REST
// data
$UPDATE_database = <<<_UPDATE_
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
// load data
$xml = simplexml_load_string($UPDATE_database);
$result = $xml->xpath("widgetversion");
print $result[0];
Hope this helps


Howto add a custom link provider

In the latest release of vscode (1__49), there is a code snippet on creating a new link provider. I can't seem to find a reference on where to apply this code.
provideTerminalLinks: (context, token) => {
// Detect the first instance of the word "test" if it exists and linkify it
const startIndex = (context.line as string).indexOf('test');
if (startIndex === -1) {
return [];
// Return an array of link results, this example only returns a single link
return [
length: 'test'.length,
tooltip: 'Show a notification',
// You can return data in this object to access inside handleTerminalLink
data: 'Example data'
handleTerminalLink: (link: any) => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Link activated (data = ${})`);
What is the process for getting the editor to utilize this feature?
You will need to create a vscode extension that includes your code.
As it so happens, I have just set up a fresh extension that will use the TerminalLinkProvider. You can take a look at how the sample code integrates into a sample extension on GitHub.
A good place to start with your first extension is the official guide.
After that, just add your code to the activate(...) function of your extension.
You can built your extension as a .vsix file and install it in any vscode instance you use, but if you think that your code might be of value to others, consider publishing it!

how the nativescript radlist view load on demand works

This might not be the question but it was the list of doubts which comes when learning native script from scratch.
I had a 1000 or more list of data stored in data table. know i want to display it on a list view but i don't want to read all the data at once. because i have images stored in other directory and want to read that also. So, for 20 to 30 data's the performance is quite good. but for 1000 data it is taking more than 15 minutes to read the data as well as images associated with it. since i'm storing some high quality images.
Therefore i decided to read only 20 data's with their respective images. and display it on list. know when user reaches the 15th data of the list. i decided to read 10 more data from the server.
know when i search this i came across "RadListView Load on Demand".
then i just looked at the code below.
public addMoreItemsFromSource(chunkSize: number) {
let newItems = this._sourceDataItems.splice(0, chunkSize);
public onLoadMoreItemsRequested(args: LoadOnDemandListViewEventData) {
const that = new WeakRef(this);
const listView: RadListView = args.object;
if (this._sourceDataItems.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
args.returnValue = true;
} else {
args.returnValue = false;
In nativescript if i want to access binding element xml element. i must use observables in viewmodel or exports.com_name on associated js file.
but in this example it is started with public..! how to use this in javascript.
what is new WeakRef(this) ?
why it is needed ?
how to identify user has scrolled to 15 data, as i want to load more data when he came at 15th data.
after getting data how to update array of list and show it in listview ?
Finally i just want to know how to use load on demand
i tried to create a playground sample of what i have tried but it is giving error. it cannot found module of radlistview.
Remember i'm a fresher So, kindly keep this in mind when answering. thank you,
please modify the question if you feel it is not upto standards.
you can check the updated answer here
TypeScript to JavaScript
You may use any TypeScript compiler to convert the source code to JavaScript. There are even online compilers like the official TypeScript Playground for instance.
In my opinion, it's hard to expect ES5 examples any more. ES6-9 introduced a lot of new features that makes JavaScript development much more easier and TypeScript takes JavaScript to next level, interpreter to compiler.
To answer your question, you will use the prototype chain to define methods on your class in ES5.
YourClass.prototype.addMoreItemsFromSource = function (chunkSize) {
var newItems = this._sourceDataItems.splice(0, chunkSize);
YourClass.prototype.onLoadMoreItemsRequested = (args) {
var that = new WeakRef(this);
var listView = args.object;
if (this._sourceDataItems.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
args.returnValue = true;
} else {
args.returnValue = false;
If you are using fromObject syntax for your Observable, then these functions can be passed inside
addMoreItemsFromSource: function (chunkSize) {
WeakRef: It helps managing your memory effiencetly by keeping a loose reference to the target, read more on docs.
How to load more:
If you set loadOnDemandMode to Auto then loadMoreDataRequested event will be triggered whenever user reaches the end of scrolling.
loadOnDemandBufferSize decides how many items before the end of scroll the event should be triggered.
Read more on docs.
How to update the array:
That's exactly what showcased in addMoreItemsFromSource function. Use .push(item) on the ObservableArray that is linked to your list view.

Does the ace core classes keep track of all of the editor instances on a page?

I'm planning on having multiple ace editor instances on a page and I'd like to know if the core libraries are keeping track of them so I can easily get a reference to them later.
If not, would keeping the editor instances in a dictionary or object be a good way to do it? Could I create an object on the ace class and should they be by reference or id?
var editor1 = ace.edit("myEditorDivID");
var editor2 = ace.edit("myEditorDivID2");
var editors = ace.editors;
console(editor1==editors["myEditorDivID"]); // true
console.log(editors["myEditorDivID"]); // editor1
var editorIds = ace.editorIds;
console.log(editorIds[0]); // myEditorDivID
And is there an ace destroy method that should be used to remove references to these instances?
Nevermind on part two of this question. I just found the destroy methods:
I just thought of something else. If we can keep track of the id's or references we can prevent same id collisions. It can also help track how many editors are on a page or if multiple are being created by accident.
I just looked at the ace source and don't see anything keeping track of the editors as they are created. Should I try to whip something up or let someone else tackle it?
Update 2:
I'm thinking to add an editors property and set it by id. I've added an answer with a suggestion.
Answering my own question, no, it does not. But I suggest the following Pseudo code:
ace.addEditorById = function (id, editor) {
if (ace.editors[id]!=null) throw Error ("Editor already created");
ace.editors[id] = editor;
ace.getEditorById = function (id) {
return ace.editors[id];
ace.removeEditorById = function (id) {
var editor = ace.editors[id];
if (editor) {
delete ace.editors[id];
ace.editors = {};
// then when I create an editor I use the following code:
editor = ace.edit("editor1");
editor2 = ace.edit("editor2");
Maybe the editor can be added in the edit call. What do you think?

Cocoa ITLibrary - ITLibMediaItem.location always nil/NULL

I am getting always nil ITLibMediaItem.location attribute.
// let library: ITLibrary = try ITLibrary(APIVersion: "1.0")
// library.reloadData()
if let mediaItem = iTuneMediaItem {
if let location = mediaItem.location{
return location.path
print("nil location")
print("nil mediaItem")
If i enable commented line to reload library before get location it is working, but i don't want to reload library every time because it takes time if we have large iTunes playlist.
can please anyone explain how we can fix without reloading library every time?
I am using ITLibMediaItem from ITLibPlaylist.items[]
I figure the fix is need to make static app level attribute of ITLibrary and reload once at init.

Get Firefox to run XUL type script on startup

With Firefox 17.0.1 I am using an add-on called KeyConfig 20110522 to set some new hot keys and also set the acceltext of menuitems for my new keys as well as for add-ons that do not bother to do so.
I want the acceltext of the menuitems to be set when Firefox starts, but currently I am just using a hot key to execute the following code against the UI via KeyConfig:
// more of the same...
I need a couple of beginners tips:
How can I execute arbitrary code against the UI in the same way as I execute against an HTML page via the console?
Is there a sneaky way to get a clump of code to execute on browser start-up without delving into XUL development?
Is there a way to trace commands executed against the UI so I can get at command calls instead of using triggers when I set my hot keys like so:
Any other tips on this type of low-level hacking would also be welcome.
You can execute arbitrary code against the Firefox UI from an addon, but as you say, doing all the XUL related stuff is a bit boring :-)
Enter "Bootstrapped" extensions!
Part 1:
A "Bootstrapped" (or re-startless) extension needs only an install.rdf file to identify the addon, and a bootstrap.js file to implement the bootstrap interface.
Bootstrapped Extension:
Good example:
The bootstrap interface can be implemented very simply:
function install() {}
function uninstall() {}
function shutdown(data, reason) {}
function startup(data, reason) { /* YOUR ARBITRARY CODE HERE! */ }
You compile the extension by putting install.rdf and bootstrap.js into the top-level of a new zip file, and rename the zip file extension to .xpi.
Part 2:
Your code is privileged and can use any of the Mozilla platform APIs. There is however an issue of timing. The moment-in-time at which the "startup" function is executed is one at which no Chrome window objects exist yet!
If it's important for your code that you have a Chrome Window, we need to wait for it to appear:
// useful services.
var loader = Cc[";1"]
var wmSvc = Cc[";1"]
var logSvc = Cc[";1"]
// get the first gBrowser
var done_startup = 0;
var windowListener;
function do_startup(win) {
if (done_startup) return;
done_startup = 1;
var browserEnum = wmSvc.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
var browserWin = browserEnum.getNext();
var tabbrowser = browserWin.gBrowser;
/* your code goes here! */
// window listener implementation
windowListener = {
onWindowTitleChange: function(aWindow, aTitle) {},
onCloseWindow: function(aWindow) {},
onOpenWindow: function(aWindow) {
var win = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
win.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
win.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
if (aEvent.originalTarget.nodeName != "#document") return;
// CODE ENTRY POINT (put this in bootstrap "startup" function)
