How to install freeimage.dll on Windows? - image

How to register/install freeimage.dll on my Windows XP machine? I have download the library and open my command shell pointing to the freeimage folder. I ran regsvr32 but the library won't install .

Just copy it to local or windows/system directory, only ActiveX and COM servers need regsvr32.

maybe the library has dependencies not fullfilled. try checking its dependencies using this tool:
this software shows you all DLL's requiered by an EXE or DLL or OCX, if a dependency fails then regsvr32 fails to.
first check that all dependencies are fullfilled.
i think freeimage.dll is very old to be used on this days...maybe OS incompatibilities or a Service Pack update can cause a fail.


How to pack a Vala application under Windows?

On windows I use Vala via MSYS2. How do I properly package the application so that it can run on another computer(along with Gtk). What and where windows should be placed from MSYS2 dll to exe you can run from anywhere?
You are using MSYS2 so you could try a three staged approach:
Create a PKGBUILD file and use makepkg-mingw to build a MSYS2 package of your application
Install MSYS2 in a temporary directory and then your application's MSYS2 package, this will resolve the dependencies
Use a tool like msitools or NSIS to create an installer for the files in your temporary directory, msitools plays nicer with installs in a corporate environment, but is not graphical, NSIS provides a GUI interface
Some references:
Building and distributing your application - GTK Windows download page
How to build your GTK+ application on Windows - detailed instructions for building the intermediate MSYS2 package, by Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
What is major difference between MSI and EXE installation files?

Deployment- Java Application

I have created a Java application. And its ready for deployment.
I have made jar file from my code. wrapped it using launch4j and bundled jre with it and accessing my exe file(generated by launch4j).
So,No need to install JRE and Everything works fine.
But one small problem is that my Exe file has to be at some predefined relative path to the Bundled JRE.
For example let say user has installed it in E:/(My Soft) where My soft contains JRE files an my Exe file. Now if user copies the exe file to his desktop then he will not be able to execute it.
So, I want to is there any way i can bundle jre within my exe or any other tweek so that user can Execute the exe file from anywhere on his pc ?
Try use jnlp starter for your programms. Read more in official oracle documentation JNLP
There's one option to bundle JRE with exe is to create a Portable Edition app with for example jPortable. So you can execute exe anywhere on the PC without installing JRE. But the better option is to create a custom installer which will check current installation of JRE in the client PC and install it as an required option if no other compatible JRE found.

How is the latest InstallJammer used on a Windows machine?

I'm using InstallJammer to create installers for my product. The source and binaries are located on SourceForge, but when I downloaded the latest (1.2.15) tar.gz file I found no executables. I tried running the .tcl files, but without success.
As it happens, I remembered I had an InstallJammer installer (.exe) that I had downloaded months ago for the same version (1.2.15). Once I ran that, InstallJammer was installed on my Windows machine and I had an "InstallJammer.exe" file in my Program Files directory that launched the GUI. Afterwards, I searched the web for this InstallJammer installer, but was unable to find it anywhere.
My issue is solved for now, but I'm posting in case anyone else has run into this. So my official question for the benefit of all is this: how do you get InstallJammer installed on a Windows machine using the sourceforge tar.gz file? Or, alternatively, where do you find the .exe installer for InstallJammer?
As you've probably read on the InstallJammer website, active development of InstallJammer has been discontinued. The source files are still present, but the Windows installer for version 1.2.15 is no longer available on the Sourceforge site. However there still are some download sites that have the 1.2.15 installer,
e.g. this one
Also on the old InstallJammer site there still are 2 snapshot versions with Windows executable. I haven't tried them yet, as I am still using the 1.2.15 version myself.

How to use cmake's try_run under windows on network drives

I'm using CMake to build my project. The project uses some parts of the vxl ( library. Since I don't need the full vxl lib, I build only the parts I need within my projcet by using cmake's ExternalProject. The Linux port of my project compiles without problems.
The Windows port also compiles fine, if I run everything locally (on C:) on my Windows box! My home dir is mounted as network drive. If I put the cmake build stuff to my home (lets say Z:\ProjectBuild), the vxl configuration (executed by ExternalProject) won't be correct.
The vxl cmake project carries out several tests (e.g. for data types) that use the cmake try_run() command. The created test exe in Z:\ProjectBuild\path\to\exe\ has a side-by-side configuration problem. Windows cannot resolve the path to debugging CRT dlls. If I do the same thing on C:, I don't run in any problems, however I want to have the build stuff in my home. The use of the Visual Studio command prompt didn't solve the problem.
I'm not sure, if it is a cmake problem (in terms of cmake configuration) or a Windows/Visual Studio problem (side-by-side configuration or path).
Any suggestions?
My machine:
Windows XP,
VS 2005 (SP1),
CMake 2.8.1
Thank you
The problem seems to be solved. Using another mapped drive under Windows solves the problem. It seems to be sync problem with the Samba shares for my mapped home dir.
The created manifest for the little test application wasn't completely written and than VS embeds a empty manifest without any side-by-side configuration.

Is there any Glade3 installer for Windows?

I downloaded file:
and when I extract it an run glade-3.exe from /bin folder, I get "no libxml2.dll" error.
Now, I want to find installer (like GTK+ bundle for GTK+) that would install glade3 and all it's dependencies for Windows XP.
Well glade3 worked for me after I downloaded:
and put it in path
This is not the answer, but it can help run it.
Another thing. I previously installed GTK+ bundle, so if you didn't do that, you may need more dll's etc...
Just for the record, the newer version available at is an installer that already includes libxml.
