How to build a Apple Mail bundle with Xcode? - xcode

I know that plugins aren't offically supported by Apple, nevertheless there is the possibility to execute plugins and some are doing that by using python-applications (e.g.
But because Apple is giving the possibility to use a great tool like Xcode, I would rather work with that tool. My question is: What type of project do I have to choose and which settings have to be done to create a mail-plugin with Xcode?

Only tutorial I've found is available here: by James R. Eagan


How to make ipa file from react native cli for testing?

Do I need a paid developer account from apple?
2)IF no, then how to do it?
I have Xcode installed.
This is very unclear to me
You can test through Apple's test flight.
Please refer to the official document for the contents.
If you want to automate repetitive distributions, you can use the following library.
circleci document

Is it possible to create a standalone Quick Look extension/plug-in?

According to Apple we should new build Thumbnail or Preview Extensions instead of the old Quick Look generators which will be deprecated (probably in Big Sur).
There is also no Option to create a Quick Look plug-in project in Xcode anymore. Instead you need to create an application that contains a quicklook extension target.
My question is: Can I not create a standalone Quick Look extension (or plug-in) anymore to preview files without a useless wrapper app that fulfils no purpose? Has anyone tried or found out if this is still an option?
Thank you.

Where are the sample projects in Xcode 4?

In older versions of Xcode they have been in the developer folder, just wondering where they are available now, do I have to download them from somewhere?
If you find the name of the project you want from the Documentation tab in Organiser you can simple choose "Open Project" and it will be downloaded to a folder of your choice.
Make sure you have downloaded the documentation first via xCode/Preferences/Downloads/Documentation/Check & Install Now.
There a lot of sample codes. Just a simple search in google.
raywenderlich iPhone Tutorials with source code
Github - search for repos
Apple's own sample codes
The Open Source iPhone Apps List in maniac dev
Cocos2d samples
I bet this is a good start.
Hope this helps. Have fun.

Using Apple's coding examples in XCode 4.3.2 - Base SDK Missing

I'm discovering XCode and iOS development.
Delving into the iOS documentation, I've tried to download and run some of the programming examples.
As an example, I'll use AccelerometerGraph.
If I download the code and try to compile, i get an error message, and I realize that the Navigation panel tells me : Base SDK Missing.
After fiddling around (the existing answers on stackoverflow refer to the Xcode 3.2 answer, which doesn't work) I figured I should go to "Editor > Validate Settings…" and accept the changes.
It "seems" to work, (as in the "Missing SDK" message disappears, and I can compile) but I'm wondering if i'm missing something more fundamental.
Also, I thought if there is such a fundamental change, it would be useful to have it up there in one of the questions.
Go to the project settings and choose "Latest SDK" for the SDK option and that should fix your projects.
And if you want to be super helpful, file a bug with Apple (at and tell them to update these outdated sample projects to use the latest SDK's if possible.
Not missing something more fundamental. Apple's sample projects have a variety of vintages. Mostly they compile and link under the current versions of Xcode and friends. Some need to be brought up to date. What you found was one that was originally set up for an obsolete version of the SDK and it compiles and links fine with one that was automagically found on your system when you updated it.

Is there any documentation to how to write custom Xcode Project Templates?

Is there any documentation available on how to write plugins for the xcode? I have googled the subject but i was not able to find any reasonable answer, so i was wondering if someone here knows the resources which can help.
In general i am looking for how i can create "Project Templates" for different kind of languages or framework. In other words creating "Custom Project Templates".
"No" is an answer, whether you like it or not. Apple doesn't document this.
You can create project templates without needing a plug-in. Just look in /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates/ and follow the same format (you can add yours in your user’s app support directory).
Maybe…but not from Apple.
You could alternatively write an AppleScript, perl, python or bash script that can be executed from Xcode.
The scripts are listed in the Script menu (between Window and Help), which also offers a script editor ("Edit User Scripts...").
You can use this template which is a well researched one available in the market.
