Trying to sort out msi installer security permission requirements - windows

I've been asked to sort out what the security requirements are for our MSI installers. Unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck on what is required of a Windows Installer Component ID Launch Condition. I can't seem to dig up where those component id's are even stored. Any insight would be greatly appriciated.

The short answer: there are no permissions required. Everyone can evaluate the launch condition.
Components are handled internally by Windows Installer, along with the cached MSI. It doesn't matter where their information is stored because Windows Installer is fully integrated with user accounts, permissions and the UAC.
Basically, Windows Installer can do whatever it wants. None of its built-in actions will fail because of permissions because they were designed this way.
Additonally, searches only read information. Since the component information is stored internally and it's not accessible to your users, there's no reason a permission problem would occur.


Per Machine App Registration

I'm building an installer with WiX to install a program, per machine (not per user), and it gives them the option to register the program. Registration involves entering user name and organization (or accepting some defaults from Windows settings), and entering a valid registration key. When the registration key is validated, I write registry settings in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE area with this information. Under Windows, when one runs the MSI, it prompts automatically for an admin password to be able to set registry values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. So far life is good...
I am including an option in the MSI to give the user the option to defer registration until a later point in time. However, if the user is a normal user and they are running the application, if I have a dialog in the app which prompts for name/org/product-key, Windows doesn't the app to write the information to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. So a user cannot use the application itself, running as a normal user, to perform a registration per-machine as the MSI does after prompting for admin credentials.
My thought then was, for post-installation registration, to either (a) find a way from within the application to elevate privileges, with a prompt for admin credentials, allowing it to write HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE (is this possible?), (b) include an option in the installer that, when run and the app is already installed and not registered, walks through the registration as it would during a normal install. It would then prompt for the admin credentials and life is good again. Alternatively, (c) create a separate MSI that just does registration, install this with the program, and call this MSI from the program when the user selects the "Register..." command in the program.
I've not seen either of these approaches done by any applications before, so I'm not sure either is a good approach. Other than that, however, I'm not sure how, post-installation, I can conveniently allow the user to do a per-machine app registration. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do it from a command within the app, but re-running the installation MSI would be minimally acceptable.
How is this normally done? Or are per-machine installations even normally accompanied by per-machine registrations?
Very good question - I have dealt with this issue many times myself. No ideal solutions, but several options (as you have already discovered).
Before answering, I want to point out that I have a strong aversion against doing too much registration and configuration in the setup itself. It is error prone, and much better done in the application itself for a plethora of reasons: Installer with Online Registration for Windows Application (recommended quick read - tidbits from real life experience).
Writing to HKCU
As you already know, one option is to keep the license key and registration in HKCU only. This is often acceptable unless you want to share a license key between many users on the box. The license key, if added to HKCU, will also generally roam with the user to other computers - which can be helpful or desirable.
Personally, this is the option I prefer: not registering anything in the setup, but writing to HKCU or the user-profile from the application (as explained in the link above as well). As stated, the only drawback is that you can't write a shared license key to HKLM so it applies to all users and not just a single user. This appears to be the core of the problem you are describing.
Writing to HKLM
Setup writes HKLM: Write the HKLM license key (and registration) during the setup to HKLM as Phil has described above using the default Windows Installer properties (just listing this as an option - which you already know about). This should work OK in my opinion - but your issue seemed to be to allow the "deferred registration".
Custom HKLM ACL permissioning: In order to write to HKLM from your non-elevated application, one way to do it is to use your setup to apply custom ACL permissions to the location in HKLM where you want to write the shared registry key from your application. Your application can then freely update this specific location in HKLM at any time without elevated rights. You simply add ACL write access for "Users".
WiX supports this, but I don't have a sample for you available, please check the WiX documentation for permissioning.
Using custom permissioning is generally frowned upon (and I agree it is not ideal design), but it allows any user to add a license key to HKLM without any elevation after the install (and also allows any users to delete it - which can be a problem).
See section 14 here for a quick description of why custom permissioning is not generally recommended: How do I avoid common design flaws in my WiX / MSI deployment solution?
In summary, I don't generally suggest setting custom permissions, but it will definitely work. I have done it myself when client requirements are such that this is the only thing they will accept. It will violate logo requirements for Windows applications, but it should be less serious than the security issues that result from option 3 below.
Run app as admin: If you don't want to apply ACL permissions, I believe you can prompt the user for admin rights for your application as described here (I believe this is what Phil referred to in his comment if I understand correctly):
How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator? (the legendary Hans Passant - one more answer).
This is most definitely not recommended (but we want to show people what is possible too). Your whole application will run with admin rights all the time, which is not a good idea at all.
Doing this will violate a key part of logo requirements for Windows applications and you will also open your application up to attack from malware.
Definitely try to make your users understand the consequences of this "easy fix". I would make sure to put all responsibility on the client if they go for this option - they must understand what they are doing.
Note that you should be able to use this manifest approach to launch a separate EXE with elevated rights to do only the registration. See next bullet point.
Elevate app on demand: I am not familiar with the technical details of elevating your application on demand whilst it is running - as you invoke a dialog or feature that needs HKLM access. Perhaps Phil knows a way to achieve this? I found some links though:
Elevating during runtime (from Code Project)
How to elevate privileges only when required? (good read)
Skimming the linked content above, it seems like you can launch a separate EXE with elevated rights to do your registration - a known option for you I assume.
Would love to hear back if this is something you decide to try. Could be useful for all of us.
Internet validation: Just throwing an option out there: what I often want to do is to put the whole registration license key validation online from within the application (never, ever try this from the setup, just so that is mentioned - a setup that tries to access the Internet might be the biggest deployment anti-pattern of all - at least for now).
I write the license key from the setup, and the validation of it takes place on application launch against a server on the Internet. Then there is no validation code in your application or your setup to crack.
You need an Internet "handshake" and you can repeat this process per user - allowing you to tightly control who is using your license key.
Nothing is ever easy, and proxy server issues could cause problems. Corporate deployment would also mean that such "online activation" is frowned upon. They want applications fully installed after deployment.
Separate registration MSI: I would prefer not to create a separate MSI just for the registration process as you mention in your question. This just seems like unnecessary complexity that can break easily. For one thing you get a dual source problem that must be permanently maintained. I would guess that this could become a classic support issue.
Re-run original MSI: I am honestly not sure if re-running your original setup to do the registration will launch it elevated or not. I think it will be elevated (should be, can't see any reason why it shouldn't - the MSI database stores a flag to determine if elevation is required "Word Count"), and then you should be able to add your registration details provided you access the registration dialog from the setups "modify" or "repair" modes.
This kind of registration is usually done using the standard Windows Installer properties so it just works.
If you have a verification key then it's typically associated (in the dialog) with the standard PIDKEY property which then after validation becomes the ProductId property.
Similarly the user name and company name are associated in the dialog with the USERNAME and COMPANYNAME properties.
After this, they're available through (Win32) MsiGetProductInfo () by asking for RegOwner etc:
or similar APIs (WMI does some of this).
So generally speaking you just set the properties from the dialogs and it all just works with no need for you to write them to the registry.

Create elevated console/cmdline app windows - suggestions?

Looking for suggestions on how to go about the following, i.e what would be the best language to do it in etc, third party tools are a no :(
I've been tasked to create some sort of windows shell/command line interface that will allow a standard users to install a specific set of applications (configurable by administrators) (installation requires Admin/UAC elevation) due to security restrictions the user cannot have elevated privileges so they'll be able to run the shell as a standard user and it would have hidden/encrypted credentials built in to run the installs as.
Some of the requirements are as follows:
It would need to work on Server 2008 R2, 2012 r1 and 2012 r2
The credentials used to perform the install would have to be hidden (encrypted) from the end user.
Ideally it could work by us providing some config to it prior to handing that server over to the customer and limit what it could be used to install to a particular .exe or .msi (so we know of a need to install an app, we are advised of the name of the install and can logon and can enter it into a form maybe so only that app can be installed, then hand the server over to the customer who runs the same utility or shell extension or whatever and can then install their app.
Even more ideally it was more intelligent than that and some means of ensuring any .msi was indeed installing the application that the msi name related to (seems unlikely but just in case a normal user created an .msi to grant himself further admin access as per )
Ideally its lifespan would be limited in terms of time (unsure if this could be for example to x number of days).
Any pointers on how to go about this, seems like a good challenge :)
Thanks for reading all that!
Thanks for the responses,
I managed to do this in C#, with no prior experience in the language :)
The application has 2 parts to it, a GUI and a service. It works by having the application send an install command via IPC to it's counterpart elevated service. (Thanks Hans Passant for pointing me in the right direction there). The service initiates the installer under it's own elevated account but displays the installer GUI on the users session. Files are HMACSHA1 checksum validated prior to install, on both the app and the service.
If a user requires the ability to install application in the Program Files folder, then instruct the domain administrator to give Full Control of the Program Files folder to Everyone:
Just because the default setting forbids standard users from modifying programs, doesn't mean you have to keep it that way. Windows is a secure operating system that gives you the capability to keep it secure.
If your administrator only wants some users to be able to modify the contents of the Program Files folder, then only give that permission to certain users.
The better solution is to re-design the applications so that they do not install in a (by default) protected location. Have them instead install in:
A user is always allowed to write anything in their own profile folder.

How do I update a VB6 app from XP to Vista?

I work on a vb6 application which is having problems with Vista, for the obvious reasons (writing to program files, and other things that are no longer allowed by default).
Where should I store application data or user's saved files?
Do I need priviledges to create folders and files, there, too?
What other common actions will cause problems?
The program has an updater which must download and register files, how do I elevate priviledges when this occurs?
Some of these questions have obvious answers, but I want to get the obvious stuff right.
Depending upon what you are doing, you might be in for a world of pain. There are no hard and fast answers to any of those questions, but from someone who is going through the same issues right now, here's what I know.
1) Where should I store application data or user's saved files?
This depends on what you are wanting to do. If you want them per user, store them in Users/AppData, if you want them for all users, store them in Common/AppData
If SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, -1, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, sTempPath) = 0 Then
sCommonAppdata = Left$(sTempPath, InStr(1, sTempPath, Chr(0)) - 1) & "CompanyName\AppName"
End If
Change that to CSIDL_APPDATA for the Users AppData directory. Note: These map to totally different places on the filesystem for XP and Vista so when you are debugging prepare to look in different places.
2) Do I need priviledges to create folders and files, there, too?
You need Adminsitrator access to write anything in Program Files, if at all possible don't do it! We are currently running into issues that the API's for VB and the standard API's behave differently on files in Program Files.
3) What other common actions will cause problems?
There are lots of hidden gotchas. Just to name a few, you cannot communicate through IPC or Named Pipes to other applications (we have a Service that we were talking to through a Tray Notification Icon and that had to be completely re-written). Anything were you see a UAC notification is very difficult. Also you cannot write to anything in the Registry in LOCAL_MACHINE without Administrator, so you either have to stick to LOCAL_USER or raise credentials (see below).
4) The program has an updater which must download and register files, how do I elevate priviledges (sic) when this occurs?
Good luck with this, I highly recommend that you don't write it in VB6, like I said, the VB6 file api's appear to access files differently from the standard API's. If you need to elevate privileges see this post that someone kindly helped me with.
In the sort term turning off UAC and installing the ActiveX installer server will help. Long term you need to put data and configuration information in the users directory under \users or in \programdata.
In the short run it might not be necessary at all to modify your application, because
Vista comes with a set of compatibility options to allow legacy applications to run. This includes file and registry virtualization, a feature which basically redirects write operations to protected folders such as C:\Program Files to a virtual location only visible for the specific application running in a compatibility mode.
Some more details are mentioned in this article: How To Manage Windows Vista Application Compatibility in Dr. Dobb's.
Karl Peterson wrote a nice article on where to store user data & app data, with a VB6 class that retrieves the location of the special paths for you.

Is it possible to silently run an NSIS installer in VISTA?

I made an updater which silently runs in XP and works just fine. But when it comes to Vista, the idea of silent installation gets ruined when UAC prompts the user to cancel or allow the user from running the program.
Is there anything at all we can do about this?
I know this post is old... 4 months to be exact. But Actually, yes it is VERY VERY possible. I wish to correct the people above.
Just add this line to your NSIS script.
RequestExecutionLevel user
This line tells Windows Vista and Windows 7 that this program does not require administrative access, which Vista/7 thinks.
Unfortunately there's no way around this. UAC is actually intended specifically to prevent this type of thing where programs install software or make changes to the machine without the user's awarness.
This is effectively a side effect of UAC and user permissions. From a security perspective, it does make sense.
If this is something you need to do, you should look to implement a system that is designed to run patching and deployments with elevated permissions. Microsoft's own Systems Management Server would do the trick, but is obviously quite a large scale solution!
You can read about it here.
UAC for non-MSI installs is a bit of a grey area, with signed MSI packages things get much easier and less confusing for the user.
You might want to take a look at Clickonce Deployment which may solve some of your problems.
Actually, it is possible, under very preconceived circumstances. Specifically, "service" can launch an installer, in a user session, with full privileges and bypass UAC prompting (already has it).
Of course this requires your user to have already installed your service, which DOES require Admin approval.

What are the advantages of installing programs in AppData like Google Chrome?

I just noticed that Chromium was installed in AppData in both Vista and XP. If Google does that and if other applications does this, than is that becuase there is some form of protection? Should we write installers that does the same thing as Google?
Windows still lacks a convention for per-user installation.
When an installer asks whether to install for the current user or all users, it really only refers to shortcut placement (Start Menu; Desktop). The actual application files still go in the system-wide %PROGRAMFILES%.
Microsoft's own ClickOnce works around this by creating a completely non-standard %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Apps (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming on Vista / Server 2008) directory, with both program files and configuration data in there.
(I'm at a loss why Microsoft couldn't add a per-user Program Files directory in Vista. For example, in OS X, you can create a ~/Applications, and the Finder will give it an appropriate icon. Apps like CrossOver and Adobe AIR automatically use that, defaulting to per-user apps. Thus, no permissions issues.)
What you probably should do: if the user is not an admin, install in the user directory; if they do, give them both options.
One advantage nobody mentioned are silent auto-updates. Chrome has an updater process that runs all the time and immediately updates your chrome installation.
I think their use-case is non-standard. They need a way to fix vulnerability issues (since it's a browser) as soon as possible. Waiting for admins approving every single update company-wide, is simply not good enough.
As far as I can tell, the only reason why Chrome installs into the Application Data folder is so that non-admin users can install it.
The Chrome installer currently does not allow the user to pick where the application is to be installed. Don't do that – instead, give the user a choice between a per-user (somewhere like App Data) and computer-wide (Program Files) installation.
Windows 7 and Windows Installer 5.0 provide real per-user installation capabilities now.
You can sort of fudge it in Vista and XP by using ~/AppData/Local or the equivalent like Chrome does. Microsoft themselves use this for the ClickOnce installers.
So at least on Windows 7 and beyond the solution is simple.
Frankly, I have yet to see the first installer that really allows both per-user and per-machine installations. Many installers offer this option in their GUI, but the setting only affects where the shortcuts etc. go -- the binaries always fo to %ProgramFiles%.
In fact, it is pretty hard to create Windows Installer packages that allow both kinds of installs, to say the least. With the advent of UAC, I'd say its is impossible: Per user installations must not require elevation, per machine installations have to. But whether an MSI package requires elevation is controlled via a bit in the summary information stream -- there is no way to have user input have impact on that.
Whether per-user or per-machine is the better choice greatly deoends on the application. For small packages, however, I tend to prefer per-user installations. Besides being slightly more user-friendly by not requiring an UAC prompt or runas, they also signalize the user that the setup will not do much harm to the computer (assuming he is a non-admin).
The Chrome installer really ought to allow global installation (with elevation) in addition to per-user. I don't want to have to maintain an installation for every user; I want to be able to centrally manage upgrades and so on. Chrome doesn't allow that.
That said, the option to install per-user is quite nice, as it means no permissions issues.
Just so you people know, Google has created an MSI installer for global system installation and management. It's located here:
I do not see anything in %PROGRAMFILES% on Win7. Looks like Chrome must be installed for each user on the machine.
Perhaps the true reason of doing this is faking number of Chrome installations by few times ! Thus making it first browser in the world !
