Graph view like iAd producer - cocoa

Is there a way to use the same tree graph component as Apple uses for iAd producer? An equivalent would be fine, but if it's already in the cocoa framework, can somebody point to the specific component?

There's a framework for iPhone and Mac called Core Plot, available on Google Code. However, if you're looking to put graphs in the iAd itself, you'd need to find a Javascript-based framework.
Ah, you're looking for a visual layout control. Sorry, the only thing I know of like that is "EFLaceView", but there's no reliable download link to it anywhere. If you google it, you might find it. EFLaceView is a bit different from what's shown in the screenshot (it's more like what you see in Quartz Composer), but it's pretty similar.
Edit: Aha, there's a link to it here: any Cocoa control code that I can use that acts as a patch bay?


Xamarin.Forms - Choose list

I don't know what is the real name of what I want to do, but I would like to make a list similar as this website link (Standard Select part at the top), does anyone can help me? I know it's something easy but I can't find what I want to do it for Xamarin. Maybe I don't search in the right direction, I assume it too!
There's no 1-1 implementation of a dropdown control in Xamarin.Forms but you'll get very close by using the Picker control.
Please notice that the default Picker control doesn't support binding so you might want to look for an extended version with that support.
There is no such thing built in Xamarin.Forms. You can choose one of the controls described in documentation.
To implement what you are looking for you will have to use Custom Renderer with control like this from Android. Of course for iOS you will have to use something different because there is no such control on iOS platform, but you can use this.
Have you looked at the Syncfusion AutoComplete control?
I think this is the closest you will get to what you are looking for.
They also provide a free community licence for developers

Develop an iPhoto-like cocoa app for mac OSX

I plan to develop a mac OSX app that has a UI similar to that of iPhoto - a panel on the left and a grid view of images on the right. I am thinking of using NSSplitView to create two panels and using NSCollectionView for the grid.
I guess this must be a pretty popular and common UI pattern for mac apps. I am new to cocoa development. Can anyone with previous experience point me to any related cocoa code samples and design document?
Thanks a lot in advance.
This missing piece here is an NSOutlineView in source list mode, put that in your left pane. But otherwise seems like a good place to start.
You might also be interested to see what the developer of Sonora approached this problem; although this is a music app the layout is almost the same.

MvvmCross vnext : monodroid use a VideoView inside a plugin

I was playing with Xamarin Mobile api MediaPicker which uses MediaRecorder with monodroid to make a plugin to record a video.
Android must preview the video inside a VideoView. This restriction applies to wp7 and ios too for privacy.
So, I need to get the VideoView (or Rectangle in wp7) from my custom view and setPreviewDisplay to this VideoView in my plugin (or init MediaPicker with this VideoView).
What is the best way to implement my portable plugin which requires UI element ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
What is the best way to implement my portable plugin which requires UI element ?
I guess my first question is "do you need a portable plugin?"
What is the interface that you actually need at the ViewModel layer or lower?
My guess is that the cross-platform interface that the ViewModel will see might contain just:
some control commands (things like start/stop)
some summary information - e.g. video length
a file access layer - this may be as little as a file path?
If that's the case, then I'd probably implement most of the logic within Controls/Views/UIViews in the UIs, and would then bind the relevant commands and values to those ViewModel properties.
So I wouldn't personally implement this as a plugin at all!
I've previously done a couple of apps which use video views - one for video capture (Android only), one for bar code scanning.
I found that the basic available samples worked quite well. However, once I started trying to extend them, then they became quickly fragile, they were hard to get working and they were quite frustrating to develop!
I would genuinely recommend starting your current develop as UI View code. After you've got it working, then you might find a nice way to split up the control and interface into a plugin - but I suspect that this won't be where most of your time is spent.
e.g. for my next QR code app, I plan to use the separate UI controls in - at the ViewModel level, I can hopefully just expose some sort of Command which acts on the decoded QR strings.

UI rendering issues with Segmented Control

I'm working on a simple app to learn Cocoa and I've encountered a little rendering bug with the segmented controller.
As you can see here, the view does not display fully opaque. I've looked around to try and find a solution to this to no avail. I did at one point think that maybe this control wasn't supposed to be used in this way but a quick browse through the system preferences yielded several views using this technique.
The control you are looking for is actually NSTabView. Docs here:

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.
