UI rendering issues with Segmented Control - cocoa

I'm working on a simple app to learn Cocoa and I've encountered a little rendering bug with the segmented controller.
As you can see here, the view does not display fully opaque. I've looked around to try and find a solution to this to no avail. I did at one point think that maybe this control wasn't supposed to be used in this way but a quick browse through the system preferences yielded several views using this technique.

The control you are looking for is actually NSTabView. Docs here:


Are there any visual differences between WKWebView and UIWebView?

I wanted to migrate away from the deprecated UIWebView in Xamarin Forms iOS, and I read online that WKWebView is now the default in Xamarin Forms 4.x, and I was currently in 3.6.0.x.
So I decided to update hoping that the Webview would automatically update for me, but I realized there is no way to tell because I don't know what, and if there even is a difference in how the webviews look. I've looked online but can't find any side by side pictures of the same app/interface using WK vs. UI. Is there a difference at all?
The only difference I saw after updating, was that on one of the pages, the loading icon wouldn't disappear whereas it did after a couple of seconds in UI.
Welcome to StackOverflow! :)
The easiest way to answer this question is simply going to be to test it. To my knowledge, both UIWebView and WKWebView use the exact same underlying WebKit code/engine to render HTML content. There may be differences due to separate defaults and properties that one has vs. the other, but for the most part, they should be identical. But you shouldn't take my word for it! If you can, give it a try.

Need advice on how to fix RBLPopover so that it will dynamically resize like NSPopover

RBLPopover is a Popover made by the Guys from Github that aims to mimimc NSPopover but fixes some of it's flaws, like canBecomeKeyWindow. It is part of the Rebel Framework they currently hosting on GitHub. I decided to use this Popover for my Statusbar Application and ran now into a problem. NSPopover is able to resize it's size dynamically and animated if it's shown and you use setContentSize. Then it will automatically resize animated to the newly given size. However, RBLPopover is not doing that. After 8 hours on looking into RBLPopover's Code I was not able to fix this, one reason will be lag of knowledge on my Part on how Views work internally in Detail.
The Code for RBLPopover can be found here:
Can someone give me a hint on how to fix this? I don't ask for code, just some advice/concept on how to achieve this. Is there some Method that is missing in it's parent class? I don't believe that showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge: is the right method to change. I believe that something more fundamental is missing but I don't get it.

SketchFlow wizard-like window

Is there a way to create a wizard-like window in SketchFlow 4?
it needs the standard prev/next buttons, and of course the "Finish" button on the last page.
Are you having problems creating that? Sounds like a straightforward use of the prototyping features in SketchFlow. Simply link the sequence of screens together and use buttons with navigation behaviors to navigate between the screens.
I'm doing the same thing right now. We came at it two different ways - up to you which you prefer.
One is to use a TabControl and use the tabs as the steps of the wizard. This means you don't have to deal with adding the nav links back and forth, but you might have trouble getting the look you're hoping for.
The other way, as Chuck mentions, is just to essentially clone each step of the wizard screen as its own individual SketchFlow screen, with just the content section changed. Then you can link up each screen with the navigation hooks in the SketchFlow Map.
The latter is certainly more customizable, and once you get the hang of how to reuse sections of your design, tends to work better.

Premade Cocoa component for a UI control like this? (rounded rectangle showing a stack of items)

Luckily, the code that WebKit uses to make this control draws onto a canvas using basic drawing operations, so it shouldn't be too hard to convert into a Cocoa control. This is what I have so far:Development progress so far http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/8418/capturedcran20100623074.png
I'll update here again once I get it finished.
Original question
I don't know what to call this sort of control, so I'll show pictures (from the iTunes dialog for a media player and the WebKit Web Inspector's Resource panel):
iTunes showing disk usage using this control http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8245/capturedcran20100622144.png
Google Chrome's use of the control to show resource download speed http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/8245/capturedcran20100622144.png
I'm interested in using this sort of control in my Cocoa application. I've searched all over the Internets but haven't found much, seeing as I don't know its name - is there some sort of shared component that I can use for this?
On Safari it's implemented using javascript, see: SummaryBar.js.
That's a totally custom control, and I don't know of any open source counterpart (other than the one inside the Webkit source). Would you care to provide one? :)

Switch Between Views in Cocoa (not Cocoa Touch)

It seems like there is a lot of online information regarding switching between views in Cocoa Touch, but not that many in "desktop" Cocoa. For an app I am creating, I am wondering the pros/cons of the methods (and please list the methods if you could), and which one people personally use/suggest. I don't think that using an invisible border NSTabView will do the trick for this specific app, but I value all your options. I will be changing the view with some buttons at the side as show in iPhoto, iTunes, and generally most Mac apps out there.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: I have looked into using NSViewController, but am wondering what advice anyone has about how to use this/why not to use this.
Cathy Shive has created a framework called KTUIKit which was designed with single window applications modeled after iPhoto/iTunes/etc. The KTTabViewController class in particular may be of interest, as it provides a way of switching between an arbitrary number of subviews. They provide a formal way of dealing with nesting views, keeping the responder chain intact, and keeping various notifications properly observed/unobserved. There are also a series of blog posts describing some of the reasoning behind the design and how the classes work (the blog posts refer to them with an "XS" prefix instead of "KT", but they're basically the same thing).
Check out Brandon Walkin's excellent BWToolkit
NSViewController will work fine. I've used it for a very similar situation without any problems.
