Search on Ehcache Element - ehcache

I have list object(List that is in cache,Is anyone knows how to do search on that
list object withehcache api.Please give me any samples.
Thanks in Advance --Raju

Search has only been introduced in Ehcache 2.4 (which is still beta as of today).
You can get the beta here :
and a sample app using Search here :


all category search ecommerce suggest popular search

I made a ecommerce app for learning purpose.
I have implement search box using elasticsearch, it can search and give suggestion item's name.
example :
input -> macbo
suggestion :
laptop macbook 14
laptop mackbok xxxxxx
now I want implement search box for "general" means nothing category selected so when we type a something it's not give us spesific item's name but something like most popular search query/terms.
I cannot figured out how the basic ideas behind this, can someone give me some advise.
I guess you are looking for suggestions, not the actual search results and If I understand this correctly then you could use the term suggestor available in Elastisearch.

Premium-Data Google Places

I have found the following interesting text at Google .
For me, the point type is interesting :
type is the name of the evaluated aspect . Example : atmosphere , service , food , overall impression , etc.
How can I apply this? Unfortunately I have no support found and the German Hotline has no plan :(
Can someone please help ?
Premium Data (also known as Zagat) is deprecated as of May 2, 2016 and will only continue working until May 2, 2017. Since after this time, Zagat ratings and reviews (what you are looking for) will no longer be available there is no point building any solutions around it.
If you want to still know about about it you can use this form to contact sales.
thanks for the answer. So it makes no sense to use it, or where it can be only up to 2017 continue to be used

How to Implement Solrnet in Mvc 3 Project with facet and weights

I have found many examples but not a single example which runs properly. I am having trouble.
I want to implement Solrnet in MVC3 and want to search with facets and weights.
I tried this example but it gives me an error:[]
Please give me an example which works properly.

magento top searches - trailing slashes

“5 Most Recent Searches” and popular searches page is full of search terms that have “slashes” appended to them:
’{search_term}’, ’{search_term}/’, \’{search_term}//’ ... ’{search_term}///////////////////////’
does anyone know if its a Magento bug?
any idea what may cause this problem?
I'm using Magento 1.7
We are running a number of shops on v 1.7 and never encounter such issue. My guess is that some crawler attacks your search form with a list of poorly generated searches.
I don't really know why my previous post with solution was deleted, but anyway... This is problem with web crawler. Try to find which one is messing your search function in your store and try to block it.

Lucene.NET MatchAllDocsQuery doesn't honor document boost?

I have a Lucene index of document, all nearly identical (test 1, test 2, etc.) except that some have a higher boost than others. When using a default query (MatchAllDocsQuery OR .Parse(":") on the query parser) the documents come back in the order they went in every time. By adding a search term ("test" in this case), the document boost is apparent and the documents are sorted according to the boost. I can change the boost levels around and the new order is reflected in the results. All my code is pretty standard fair, I'm using a default Sort() is both cases.
I found that this same bug was reported and fixed in Lucene back in 2005-2006, and I checked my MatchAllDocsQuery.cs file (Lucene .NET 2.9.2) and it seems to have this change present, but the behavior is as described in the ticket above.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Perhaps someone running the Java version has experienced this (or not)? Thanks.
Uh, don't I feel silly now. This is as-designed behavior. I guess. According to Lucene in Action, MatchAllDocsQuery uses a constant for the boost.
