Magento as low as price displays on some pages but not all? - magento

price has disappeared from some pages -
but still shows on cisco page, cant figure out why, any help appreciated

Boxes.css line 642 is this:
.grid-row .item .price-box .regular-price .price { display: none; }
Which is hiding the prices.


Magento Homepage blank space under main slider

I cant find any related solution to my problem here on stack over flow but here we go. i have checked footer space and marked related module with zero spacing for slide but still it is not working.
Please see and under main homepage slider i have some unwanted space and don't know why its there. Please need help to find out why and where the problem is. sorry if its very basic thing but i am new to magento so cant figure out the reason. I have tried all options but no luck.
Thanks in advance.
Your main content container is showing and even though it is empty, the CSS has padding and a minimum height:
.main {
padding: 20px 0;
min-height: 370px;
You can either use CSS to overwrite this min-height on the homepage only
.container.full-width {
padding: 0;
min-height: 0;
or just hide this element on the homepage only.
.container.full-width {
display: none;

Double images in IE8

I have a rendering issue in IE8 where double images are being displayed. This is the page in question
I have read else where that it could be the closing of tags in the wrong order. I don't think that it's the case here.
Could anyone perhaps point me in the right direction?
Page renders OK in Firefox and Chrome.
Thanks in advance.
try changing your product_thumb_bg class in your css, remove the width and height :
.products_thumb_bg {
/* show product image as background */
float: left;
margin: 10px 0px;

z-index issue with twitter bootstrap dropdown menu

I'm using twitter bootstrap dropdown menu in a fixed navbar at the top of my page.
It all works fine but am having issues with the drop down menu items showing behind other page elements rather than in front of them.
If I have anything on the page with position: relative (like jquery ui accordion, or a google chart) then the drop down menu shows behind it. Tried changing the z-index of the dd menu and of the nav-bar, but doesn't make any difference.
The only way I can get the menu to sit above the other content is to change the content to position: fixed; OR z-index: -1; -but both of these solutions cause other problems.
Appreciate any help you can give me.
I think this is probably some standard issue with CSS positioning that I've misunderstood, so haven't posted any code, but can do if needed.
Just realized what's going on.
I had the navbar inside a header which was position: fixed;
Changed the z-index on the header and it's working now - guess I didn't look high enough up the containers to set the z-index initially !##!?
IE 7 on windows8 with bootstrap 3.0.0.
.navbar {
position: static;
.navbar .nav > li {
z-index: 1001;
Ran into the same bug here. This worked for me.
.navbar {
position: static;
By setting the position to static, it means the navbar will fall into the flow of the document as it normally would.
This will fix it
.navbar .nav > li {
z-index: 10000;
In my case in addition to z-index I had to set overflow: visible in parents elements
I had the same problem and after reading this topic, I've solved adding this to my CSS:
.navbar-fixed-top {
z-index: 10000;
because in my case, I'm using the fixed top menu.
Still the issue with Bootstrap v3, navbar and dropdown have same z-index ;-( I just increased .dropdown-menu z-index to 1001.
Solved by removing the -webkit-transform from the navbar:
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
pillaged from
Just give
position: relative;
z-index: 999;
to the navbar
This fixed it for me:
.navbar-wrapper {
z-index: 11;
Solved this issue by removing transform: translateY(50%); property.
This worked for me:
.dropdown, .dropdown-menu {
.navbar {
position: static;
z-index: 1;
I had the same problem, in my case because i forgot this in my NavBar style:
overflow: hidden;
I ran into a situation where a button with a Bootstrap drop down was embedded in a DataTables row. In that instance, I had to remove fixedColumns: true in the settings because that was injecting a position: sticky into the element style.
Did not work:
$(document).ready(function () {
var table = $('#order').DataTable({
fixedColumns: true,
fixedHeader: true, ...
Did work:
$(document).ready(function () {
var table = $('#order').DataTable({
fixedHeader: true, ...
I'm late to the party here but for anyone using the bootstrap sticky-top class beware that it's z-index is higher than what is defined for the dropdown so anything within it will bleed through the dropdown's menu.
This was my scenario and the other answers here that referenced position: sticky put me onto it.
In my case, this was caused because I had a CSS animation with transform operations applied to a parent <div>. I worked around the problem by moving the animation to a different element.

Disable 'Prices' appearing in Magento

How do I disable ALL Prices being shown on the public end of Magento?
I basically want to allow my customer to add products to their cart but for the item prices/totals etc to be invisible.
Many thanks for any pointers
Either remove the template code which renders the price or simply add a css class and hide it using styling!
You should do that in your catalog/navigation, catalog/product/view, checkout/cart, sales/order/view, in checkout/review, etc...
Hide price-box class from css it will help you
A css (partial ?) solution to play around:
.price-box .price{
display: none;
.price-box:after {
content: '-'; /*contact us for price*/
.cart-price .price {
display: none;
.cart-price:after {
content: '-';
.cart-table-totals {
display: none;
label[for=s_method_flatrate_flatrate] {
display: none;
#checkout-review-table tfoot {
display: none;
#shipping_method-progress-opcheckout .price {
display: none;
EDIT here is a free module that will do this for you:
I am not sure how advanced or not you are but this could be done as a module. You would add an attribute to the product, and based on whether it is true or no you would hide the pricing in the relevant templates.
Here is a detailed thread on how to do this:
If you are in the mood to spend a few $$ you could buy this module:
Or if you are in the mood to spend tons of money you could buy this one:
This post was very useful for me:
hiding price:
insert at the very beggining of the file:
<?php if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
insert at the very end of the file
<?php } ?>

How do I edit this "GO" button in Magento?

I have a simple Magento website. It's still very basic cause I'm a beginner.
I tried but have failed badly.
This is what I want to do:
Remove the "GO" button (submit) and place a small image instead.
this is my website:
any help? Please... I tried editting so many files but I can't get rid of this code:
Add what you need to the end of styles.css
.header .form-search button.button span span {
.header .form-search button.button span {
That will give you a red box, you should be able to take it from there.
