Not hitting breakpoints attached to NUnit - visual-studio-2010

I'm using the latest NUnit, 2.5.9, on Windows 7 64-bit, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, and the projects are .Net 3.5.
The problem is that I attach to NUnit (there is NOT an nunit-agent appearing), and symbols are loading, but my break points aren't being hit. There is no error indicator next to the breakpoint indicating something is wrong.
The first run seems to take some time to start the test, but subsequent runs after that seem to complete almost instantly. I assume because StructureMap (required for the objects i'm testing) has already done its thing and doesn't need to repeat that setup.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

I sort of figured out the answer. I reset all of my settings to the standard Visual C# Development Settings and debugging suddenly works again.
I'm not sure which setting got everything back on the right track; I didn't see a "disable debugging while debugging setting."


Visual Studio 2010 hangs on attach to process / debugging

Whenever I try to debug a Visual Studio 2010 web project, VS hangs, and ultimately crashes. This happens if I try to start the project using F5, or through Attach to Process, before the process list even appears.
Hitting F5 in, for example, a Windows Form project works fine, but attach to process fails here too.
Any ideas on what can be causing this? Obviously attaching to the devenv.exe process won't work as I can't get the Attach to Process dialog to appear...
Oh, running W7 (x64), VS2010 SP1 (had same problems without SP1)
In Solution Explorer there is a Show All Files icon (highlighted in the photo below):
Make sure it's turned off,
When It's turned on, Visual Studio tries to index all the files in the solution and if you have a giant Solution it could take forever!
I hope this has helped someone :)
Have you recently installed Mono and/or Mono Tools for VS2010?
I found that to be the problem it my case. Not sure why, but it somehow got in the way.
In my case hangs when executable type was not correctly set, ex. Managed v4.0 and trying to attach to Native.

Automatically attaching to support behavior not completely successful

I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution containing several C# projects, with Resharper 5.1 installed and enabled. All these projects target the .NET Framework 4.
This solution has been working fine for months, but this morning I got the following message when the solution was loaded:
I've looked around for an explanation on the meaning of this message, but with little luck.
Additionally, I haven't been able to repro this error, and it doesn't seem to have broken anything on my project.
Still, I don't like these kind of unexplained errors, so I was wondering if anyone reading this knows the root cause?
Hmm, that's special. It must be a debugger notification, the part of VS that 'attaches' and makes "Managed" a category. The other category is "Unmanaged", a different kind of debugger interface. It clearly lost its marbles there.
Counter-measures, in order, are:
Restart VS.
Install Service Pack 1, it has many debugger fixes.
Consider moving 3 up the list if you haven't installed it yet, there are a ton of bug fixes and tweaks and works well.
In Visual Studio 2012 and Windows 8.1, I had this problem,I changed X86 from Solution Properties/Build/Platform target then my problem resolved.
This has been nagging me for a while. Finally I found a solution.
When I press the help button they suggest I sort out the attached debug option. Without any result I finally managed to check the Enable SQL Server Debugging option under Project Properties - Debug.
I have the exact same setting as you: VS2010 with several C# projects pointing to Net 4 and Resharper 5.1. I'm on Windows XP SP3
I was getting the exact same error, along with an empty VS icon in the taskbar.
The empty icon got away when I shifted VS to my main monitor (I have 2) and restarted. It seems that VS doesn't like to be in the second monitor.
As for your error, I cleaned up the Resharper cache (I'm storing it in the TEMP folder, not the solution folder) restarted, and didn't get the error again
In Debug Menu - GoTo Solution Properties and select debug tab and tick the ENABLE SQL SERVER DEBUGGING checkbox

Visual Studio 2010 debugger skipping

Occasionally during debugging the debugger skips forward randomly. Sometimes I Step into a function inside of another function and instead of going to the next line it skips through to a seemly random place in the future. sometimes to a line partway through another function.
It always seems to respect breakpoints though, i.e. if a breakpoint is set in the future it never will skip past it.
I'm running 64 bit Win 7 and visual studio 2010 ultimate. I'm not using threads. This never happened for me in visual studio 2008. How can I fix this?
Do you have optimizations turned on? If the program is highly optimized, the order of execution can be thrown off, and things can be expanded or rearranged in ways that are not always clear.
I'm running into similar problems debugging a C# program with Visual Studio 2010 on an XP machine. The debugger just randomly skips to some other line or the next break point.
It seems that Microsoft has released a Fix for this in the SP1.
Are you sure that the assembly your code calls has debug symbols? You maybe referencing a dll that was compiled in release mode.
This can happen when the debugger is running against pdb files that don't match the source code you are looking at. Make sure the bin (or where you are running from) is up to date and was built from the same source code you are running in the debugger.
Are you using threads or background workers? When debugging I believe that all threads are paused so it could be switching between them. Otherwise you may have out of date debugging information, Delete your bin and obj directories and do a clean build.
This can also happen when your Debug solution configuration is up to date, but you try to debug the program in Release configuration (if that is not also up-to-date)... or vice versa.
You can switch back and forth between running in Debug or Release configuration using the drop-down next to the green 'play' arrow at the top of the screen.
I had a similar problem in Visual C++ 2008 on Windows 7 32-bit recently. Several minutes before the problem first appeared, a system dialog window “VC.exe encountered a problem and needs to quit” was displayed but the Visual C++ window seemed to survive.
After the problem first appeared, I tried several ways to getting it back to work like rebuilding the solution or restarting Visual Studio. However, it continued to behave strange: It failed to link with an object file I hadn’t touched for weeks, displayed “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version.” etc.
Nothing helped until I rebooted the computer and finally rebuilt the solution (twice, actually).
Click Rebuild Solution.

Browser keep stopping with user breakpoint and opens visual studio 6 in debug mode

Following my last question (see: Problem in hosting ActiveX on Vista (in a Visual Studio 6 C++ application)) I ran into a strange problem. I hope this’ll be a simpler issue to the experts here:
Each time I run certain application like iexplorer or firefox, the Visual Studio 6 suddenly opens up in debug mode with a message “User breakpoint called from code at 0xSOMETHING”.
I can press F5 to continue but the applications run slowly and needless to say I have no wish to debug these applications…
My guess is that when I worked on my VC++ application I placed breakpoints at windows methods like CAxDialogImpl::Create(), AtlAxCreateDialogA() etc’, and for some reason it was kept somewhere.
Of course I now removed all the breakpoints and re-compiled the project but still this keeps happening!
I checked in the tools->options but the “Just-in–time debugging” is not marked.
Any idea?
(I use Visual Studio 6 which I installed on Vista)
Thanks a lot,
Not sure this helps but anyways:
Try disbaling the default debugger option. (It says Dr. Watson but it depends what you have set as the default debugger)
Also as per this post Visual Studio 6 is not supported on Vista. Only Visual Basic is.
You should probably re-ensure yourself that you have removed all calls to DebugBreak() and manual break-points. Also try to ensure that when you recompile you re-register everything to point to the right places (i.e. the activex pointed to by the guid in the registry is actually the latest recompile).

Visual Studio detaches from application as soon as debugging starts

I have a web application that I've always been able to run in Visual Studio and it debugs just fine (breakpoints work, I can pause execution, etc). Recently, the behavior changed suddenly, and a few things happen:
I start debugging, it lauches IE and loads the application, but after a few seconds (sometimes the page hasn't even displayed yet), Visual Studio acts as if debugging has stopped - I'm able to edit code in VS again, and the "Play" button on the toolbar is enabled. The application continues to run in the IE window just spawned, but I'm not attached to it
During this few seconds that VS is "debugging", because it detaches, my breakpoints show as hollow - as if I'm set to "Release" mode and they won't be hit. In fact, I have a breakpoint set in Page_Load, and it skips right by. I've checked, and I'm set to debug mode, though the compile mode dropdown is missing from my toolbar (I checked in the build properties to ensure I was in debug mode).
Can anybody shed some light here?
It turns out that this was actually a result of an upgrade to Windows Vista. VS wasn't being "Run as an Administrator", which caused it to lack the rights to attach to other processes for debugging. As a result, debugging would stop right after it started. Changing the VS shortcut to run as an administrator resolved this problem.
I've experienced samely looking behavior. The cause was in existence of several <system.web> sections (which is allowed by web.config schema). Visual Studio debugger (versions 2008 and 2010 were tested) looks in the first encountered section only. So if your <compilation debug="true"> tag is not in the first one, it thinks that there are no compilation.debug setting present and genrally tryes to add <compilation debug="true"> to the first <system.web>. In some cases VS2008 just silently procceds in this case. For example look here:"
Have you installed anything else on the server / workstation recently?
We have a third party app that doesn't allow us to debug, w3wp.exe crashes immediately upon an attempt to debug.
I ran into something similar when I had placed some code in a constructor that was crashing. Exact same issues where the Debug would disconnect just after the application started up.
The short if it, check that you haven't configured a class constructor to run during web startup that is crashing...
Quick windows 7 update: I had to add "localhost" to my list of trusted sites to correct this issue...go figure.
Just a workaround for those (like me) for whom the above solutions do not work: After starting the app you wish to debug, go to Debug -> Attach to Process, and attach it to the process you want to debug. Works on my machine.
In my case, I faced this issue with Visual Studio 2019 and 2022 as well.
I tried upgrading/downgrading Visual Studio versions but nothing helped.
On debugging, I finally found the root cause and sharing it here to help others facing the same problem.
I was using Brave browser with Visual Studio and whenever I uploaded a file in my application, the Visual Studio debugging stopped automatically. The root cause of this issue is the feature in Visual Studio to stop debugging on closing the browser. With Brave browser Visual Studio feels like we have closed the browser on uploading the file. So to fix this issue I have turned of this setting as given here.
You can find this setting here
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects > Stop debugger when browser window is closed, close browser when debugging stops
Just turn it off and everything should work fine.
