Automatically attaching to support behavior not completely successful - visual-studio-2010

I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution containing several C# projects, with Resharper 5.1 installed and enabled. All these projects target the .NET Framework 4.
This solution has been working fine for months, but this morning I got the following message when the solution was loaded:
I've looked around for an explanation on the meaning of this message, but with little luck.
Additionally, I haven't been able to repro this error, and it doesn't seem to have broken anything on my project.
Still, I don't like these kind of unexplained errors, so I was wondering if anyone reading this knows the root cause?

Hmm, that's special. It must be a debugger notification, the part of VS that 'attaches' and makes "Managed" a category. The other category is "Unmanaged", a different kind of debugger interface. It clearly lost its marbles there.
Counter-measures, in order, are:
Restart VS.
Install Service Pack 1, it has many debugger fixes.
Consider moving 3 up the list if you haven't installed it yet, there are a ton of bug fixes and tweaks and works well.

In Visual Studio 2012 and Windows 8.1, I had this problem,I changed X86 from Solution Properties/Build/Platform target then my problem resolved.

This has been nagging me for a while. Finally I found a solution.
When I press the help button they suggest I sort out the attached debug option. Without any result I finally managed to check the Enable SQL Server Debugging option under Project Properties - Debug.

I have the exact same setting as you: VS2010 with several C# projects pointing to Net 4 and Resharper 5.1. I'm on Windows XP SP3
I was getting the exact same error, along with an empty VS icon in the taskbar.
The empty icon got away when I shifted VS to my main monitor (I have 2) and restarted. It seems that VS doesn't like to be in the second monitor.
As for your error, I cleaned up the Resharper cache (I'm storing it in the TEMP folder, not the solution folder) restarted, and didn't get the error again

In Debug Menu - GoTo Solution Properties and select debug tab and tick the ENABLE SQL SERVER DEBUGGING checkbox


Why VS2019 get suddenly very slow and laggy while trying to debug a c# application?

I am working on a c# code for the last couple of weeks and I debug it very often.
VS 2019 was working properly but suddenly it got very slow and laggy when I tried to debug my code.
I checked all resources on my machine. All seem as before and are available enough.
Even I checked the same IDE with other codes. All runs and debugs fast enough as before.
I also updated my IDE to the last version (currently 16.8.5 by the end of February 2021).
Did anybody has the same experience with the VS2019 ever?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure whether the issue is caused your code with IDE environment together. Please try the following suggestions:
1) disable any third party installed extensions under Extensions-->Manage Extensions-->Installed to check whether an extension caused that.
2) reset settings under Tools-->Import and Export Settings-->Reset all settings and you can also make a backup of the settings
3) close VS, delete all files under C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_xxx\ComponentModelCache
and also delete .vs hidden folder under your solution folder, bin and obj folder.
4) type devenv /safemode under Developer Command Prompt for VS to start a pure VS and then try your project.
5) create a new project with your same code and check if this works.
Besides, if all do not help, you could try a small reproducible sample with us.
If debugging suddenly becomes slow, you might consider checking your symbol settings and debugging settings. If you for example enable .NET framework source stepping, debugging can be slow, or if you do not cache symbols or disable for example Just My Code or enable other stuff, like IntelliTrace or install a bad extension.
It might not be an alternative for you, but I am pleased to inform you that I have been using Visual Studio 2022 and it is radically faster. Yes, this is not opinionated, this is an observation. It IS faster. Maybe it is because I do not have many extensions on it, but it is also a 64-bit application with less memory pressure on the GC. So you can first check your settings and then give VS 2022 Preview versions for a spin. I have used it for months and the amount of bugs are rather small if you do typically development. For a Preview version, I am impressed with what they are working for nextgen Visual Studio.
You should also clean your solution and delete and bin and obj folders via for example Powershell script to make sure your binaries are updated. Then rebuild.
If you have "live share" extension enabled, perhaps can try to disable / uninstall that. This one was causing my problem.
Ok, #Mr Qian no 3 did the trick for me.
Situation: After a "Cleanup" (Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe) my VS2019 was partially gone. Good tool. :-(
After (re)install, I had 2 folders "ComponentModelCache" over 2 folders of 16.0_xxx : 16.0_4f678462 and 16.0_119826cb
I renamed both "ComponentModelCache" folders (you can delete later, when it has effect)
Build ran as never before...
Thank you, Mr Qian
My problems started as I upgraded to Visual Studio 2022 (from 2019) and upgraded to Windows 11 (naughty naughty, two major changes).
Turns out Windows Defender didn't preserve my exceptions. Using this PowerShell script as a template saved a bit of time:
Performance is back to where is was pre my Windows 11/Visual Studio 2022 upgrade.
Visual studio 2019 (16.8.5) has this problem in debugging. I have updated it into 16.11.8 and it works properly.

the breakpoint will not currently be hit at Vs 2015

In my WCF project at Vs 2015 when I add break point for debugging I got this message:
the breakpoint will not currently be hit no symbols have been loaded for this document.
I do googleing and none of other's answer worked for me !!!
for example: Right click the Solution in solution explorer, click "clean solution", this deletes all the compiled and temporary files associated with a solution.
and this and this
any suggestion?
thank you
If your solution is having shared projects with other solutions which is also open then close the other solution. Then clean the solution and restart Visual Studio. Then do rebuild (rather than build, though it is cleaned).
Hope this will fix the issue.
I finally got what is my problem. I have a big mistake. I decide write that , where was my problem because maybe it is helpful for other developer.
I fresh installed windows and after that I installed VS 2015. because I did not install IIS , Vs used of IIS Express. this is was my problem. for solve that, I installed IIS and then in properties of my project and Web section and server part I select Local IIS and then Create virtual directory. now my problem gone.
Right Click the Project and click properties.
Under Build the Active Configuration should be set to Debug.
While running the code with F5 or Play button.
Make sure Debug is selected instead of Release in the drop down next to Play button.
I put myself in a stupid situation.
I remember setting this, and it was a bad idea...
In the Attach to Process dialog, I had the Attach to: set to the older Managed setting 3.5, 3.0, 2.0.
when I should have been using Managed (4.6, 4.5, 4.0). I'm actually using 4.7, but this works for me.
Be sure to match your target framework!

msvsmon.exe crashed when debugging

When I debugging in VS2013 update3, msvsmon.exe crashed when hit at a breakpoint.
It shows "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted".
I'm not using remote debug.
Is it possible to shut down the msvsmon.exe to avoid calling it when debugging ?
Deleting all of the breakpoints solves the problem when I hit this error. Disabling the breakpoints was not enough - they had to be deleted.
I was able to attach to a process numerous times. Once I added a conditional breakpoint (with a few checks), I started getting this error when attempting to attach to that same process.
The error provided in the question is one problem. I also received an error stating that a debugger was already attached when I tried again. Either way, deleting breakpoints solved it.
Try turning on Options > Debugging > General > "Use Managed Compatibility Mode"
I got this error/crash too while debugging and trying to inspect a variable with 50 MB of text data in it. This option worked in both VS2013 and in VS2015 to allow me to debug and inspect the variable with large data.
A couple of things that worked for me:
Try Closing VStudio and relaunching.
If not, reboot helps.[I know thats generic, but its worth a shot]
Disable unnecessary break points.
I had this error also, and I too have Astrill installed. Completely uninstalling Astrill fixed the issue.
I reached out to Astrill support, and they answered (within 2 hours) saying the correct fix is to hold Ctrl and press the "Help" button on the Astrill application, and then choose "Uninstall LSP". This has fixed the issue without needing to un-install Astrill.
I don't know what LSP is, but I presume it's some sort of proxy.
In my case, it was caused by a VPN software. It changed my hosts file and my localhost was not anymore.
So check your localhost in the hosts file (e. g. %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) and make sure it is
This error just occurred for me with visual studio 2015 RTM. Deleting all the breakpoints resolved the "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted" condition.
So If you clear all your breakpoints, in your version, you will not need to avoid using MSVSMON.exe.
I was using the OzCode debugger extension. Unfortunately they don't have a way to completely disable the extension - you can only disable certain features - so I had to completely uninstall it to confirm it was what was contributing to the crashes.
I got the same error. No effect after deleting all breakpoints and repairing Visual Studio (I have 2013 Community Edition). The problem was the Bitdefender software. I have Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 and had set Active Thread Control (Modules->Antivirus) to Normal level. But after setting this settings to Permissive the error doesn't show up anymore.
This error occured to me, when I tried to debug with Visual Studio / Service Pack 3, when Service Pack 4 was already released. After updating to the Service Pack 4 I was able to debug.
So, try installing the newest version of Visual Studio
This (or something that manifests in exactly the same way) is still an issue in VS2017. In my case it was caused by a dependency being too large to debug. The dependency in question was a generated client for a large REST API. I was able to debug again after slimming down that dependency.
Here's yet another answer: I changed my project from "Platform Target: Any CPU" to "Platform Target: x86". Went from needing about 5 attempts to debug to working every single time.
I had previously tried every suggestion in this thread: I reinstalled, I killed all breakpoints, and looked for fishy software interactions.
I started getting this exact error today in my VS2019 project. Attempting to expand/inspect simple data structs in VS debugger would make it freeze for a minute and then I'd get that "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted" message:
If I add msvsmon.exe process to windows defender exclusions list, then the problem disappears.
I hit this in Visual Studio 2019 (16.4.3) (C++) with a cause that I have not seen mentioned: I had accidentally added a Watch with incorrect syntax that was attempting to instantiate a singleton rather than returning the existing instance.
Repeatedly choosing right click > Clear All in the Watches view while debugging fixed the issue.
Fixed by changing Options->Projects and Solutions->Web Projects -> Use 64bit version of IIS......... to False.
In my case i am using the wcf Service on the wpf application and inputting parameters from here.The Wpf Application Execution on Facing this error "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted".
That case i am hosing the Wcf service and run the wpf application exe
In this type of Execution on I didn't Facing any Error like -- "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted"
please,try this proceed error solved because some execution process didn't supporting the debugging..... we are removing the Debuggers on also we face same error.
that case on helped this process.......
I just experience this with VC2017 Community Edition 15.7.2. Turning off the Microsoft Symbol Server lookup while debugging fixed it for me.
I've just had the problem in VS 2015. I hadn't noticed that one of my breakpoints was bogus - I had inadvertently pressed F9 to set a breakpoint when the disassembly window was showing in the previous debugging session. The solution was simply to delete that one bogus breakpoint - I got to keep all my others.
I tried almost every answer in here, but for my case, nothing worked.
Switching to 32-bit just made Visual Studio 2019 crash instead of msvsmon.exe crashing.
What did work for me is to set a very early breakpoint and use that opportunity to close the "Parallel Stacks" window. I didn't need that anyway, but it was open by default in my layout.
In my case, I had this error when I had the "Locals" tab opened during debugging and hitting a breakpoint. For some reason VS might've been unable to display one of the local variables. The error disappeared when switched to a different tab before hitting the breakpoint where the error was occurring.
My problems started after moving a project to a new folder. I wasn't having any luck with any of these answers using VS2019. I even deleted the entire .vs folder thinking maybe something got corrupted. No luck.
But on a whim I tried starting the project with CTRL-F5 instead of just F5 and that actually worked. It's consistent. CTRL-F5 runs fine. F5 gives me the msvsmon.exe error.
I have no idea what's going on, but at least I can get the project to run again.
This problem is at least 1 1/2 years old maybe more. Today is 6-11-22 and I have the problem in Ms Studio Pro 2022 with a fresh install of windows 11 not much of anything else in the computer. Then I uninstalled it and install Ms Studio Community 2022 put in 1 breakpoint at the beginning and I got the error.
Today 6-12-22 I reinstall Ms Studio Community 2022. For some reason I switch from x86 to x64 went through a about 1000 changes of errors and a crashed form1.resx file thank goodness for a backup I had or I'd be done again. anyways so far have several break points with no problems.
I deleted all my watch variables. That fixed the problem for me.
I know it doesn't directly address the error, but as a workaround, I'm using the Rider IDE from JetBrains, and am not encountering the error (code, system, etc. the same).
Visual Studio version: Professional 2017, 15.5.4
Rider version: 2017.3
None of the other answers worked for me, when I encountered this error. If you are not actually remotely debugging, you can use another editor until you figure out the problem or it resolves itself (the latter was the case for me).

Not hitting breakpoints attached to NUnit

I'm using the latest NUnit, 2.5.9, on Windows 7 64-bit, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, and the projects are .Net 3.5.
The problem is that I attach to NUnit (there is NOT an nunit-agent appearing), and symbols are loading, but my break points aren't being hit. There is no error indicator next to the breakpoint indicating something is wrong.
The first run seems to take some time to start the test, but subsequent runs after that seem to complete almost instantly. I assume because StructureMap (required for the objects i'm testing) has already done its thing and doesn't need to repeat that setup.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I sort of figured out the answer. I reset all of my settings to the standard Visual C# Development Settings and debugging suddenly works again.
I'm not sure which setting got everything back on the right track; I didn't see a "disable debugging while debugging setting."

VS2010 express beta2 - no add reference dialog, no open file/project dialogs

Just installed VS2010 express for Windows Phone last night. Install went smoothly. It creates a project, compiles, and deploys the app to the emulator.
Here's the problem: When I try to "Add Reference" through the Project menu, I do not get the Add Reference dialog box. Same thing if I right click References in the solution explorer and click Add Reference. That's not all. "File...Open" and "File...Open Project" also fail to throw up an open file dialog box. When attempting any of these actions, the IDE quickly loses and regains focus. Even pressing a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+O) causes the IDE to quickly lose and regain focus, but no open file dialog box appears.
This is what I have tried, not particularly in this order:
1. Turned off UAC
2. Monitored file and registry access using Process Monitor during a File...Open operation. File activity showed mostly "SUCCESS" with a few "FAST IO DISALLOWED" and a few "INVALID DEVICE REQUEST" results. Registry activity showed mostly "SUCCESS" with some "NAME NOT FOUND" and a few "BUFFER OVERFLOW" results.
3. Created a new, clean Windows account to run the IDE from
4. Forced a test project to add a reference to "System.Xml.Linq" by editing the ".csproj" project file. Project failed to load in the IDE.
I don't have these problems at all on 2 other Windows 7 computers with VS2010 C# express beta 2 installed. One machine is 32bit and the other 64bit, both Home Premium edition.
My system: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64bit
Other Visual Studio products installed: VS2008 C# express, VS2008 C++ express
One other thing to note: Several months ago I installed the non-phone distribution of VS2010 C# express beta 2, and I had the same exact problems. Back then I chalked it up to being beta and went back to VS2008 C# express, where I do not have these issues.
Matt, if you're still reading this post, I have a solution:
Do you have the Tablet PC Input Service disabled? Enable and start it. This was suggested to me over on the MSDN forums, and it worked for me immediately. I have this service disabled, but I turned it on, fired up VS2010, and it just worked right off. I confirmed this solution by turning the service off again, starting VS2010, and noting that it breaks once again. Turned the service on once more, started VS2010, and it works perfectly. Amazing.
I do not think it's acceptable to require this particular service just for VS2010 to function correctly. Hopefully they fix this in the inevitable service pack. FYI, I had this service disabled because I turn off all services I don't require. So now I have two "wisptis.exe" tasks eating up ~8MB of RAM and starting every time I turn on the PC. Or I can shut the service off again and just resort to my previous workaround. haha
Here is a work around.
Just run wisptis.exe from command line and start the visual studio.
If you don't wanna run each and every time you restarts the computer,then just put wisptis.exe in a .bat file and move it to the startup folder,so that it will be automatically executed on each and every startup.
EDIT 1 :- Or else just press 'WIN'+'R' and type 'wisptis' and press 'Enter'.
I experienced the exact same problem. I'm running VS2010 Express on Windows 7 (x64). Re-enabling the "Tablet Input" service "fixed" the problem.
VS2010 has always worked fine, and then suddenly for no apparent reason "ctrl-O", "Add Reference", "Open Project", and other similar functions stop working.
No amount of repair/uninstall/reinstall would fix the problem.
I always disable the "Tablet Input" service on Win 7, because I use a Wacom tablet, and dislike the visual notification of (tablet) mouse clicks this service causes. VS2010 has so far been working fine in this setup with Tablet input service disabled, but then suddenly the problem arose, and I had to re-enable the "Tablet Input" service to make it go away.
I have another computer with the exact same setup - Win 7 (x64), VS2010 Express, Wacom table, and disabled "Tablet Input" service - and here VS2010 is still working just fine. Both computers also have almost identical software installed and updates installed, so I still have no idea where the difference lies.
Has anyone had more luck in finding the root cause?
I also use Power Toys, but I have not been able to correlate this installation with the problematic behavior of VS2010.
I'm having close to the same issue with the exception that my New | Project dialog works, but Add Reference and Ctrl + O just cause the interface to lose focus and regain focus without every launching the dialog. I have tried running devenv /ResetAddin and devenv /ResetSkipPkgs, but neither helped. I have UAC turned off as well. I don't experience the issue with VS2008.
Here's my setup:
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate RTM
Visual Studio 2008 Team System Developer Edition with Team Explorer 2008 and VS2008 SP1
The only addins I run:
.NET Reflector
Other Related Products I run:
Microsoft Expression Studio 3
SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition with SP1
tonight I uninstalled the VS2010 Express beta 2+phone tools and installed the now final RTM VS2010 Express C#. It STILL had the problem! For kicks, I tried importing a VS2008 project because it has some extra references in the project, and I was curious how they would be handled. The project imported successfully, but compiled with errors that it couldn't find a reference for a SyndicationFeed object, even though the reference for it was successfully added to the References list upon import. I remove the reference (System.ServiceModel.Web), hold my breath, and try to Add Reference one more time. Amazingly, the Add Reference dialog pops up, I add the reference back, recompile and bingo. File...Open and File...Open Project now throw up the proper file open dialogs as well.
To be sure this isn't a fluke only related to importing an old project, I shut down VS2010, start it back up, create a brand new project and try Add Reference. It works still. The File/Project dialogs also show up. I have no idea how, but importing a VS2008 project apparently made VS2010 correct itself on my machine.
Thank you for replying to my post. After hours of Googling over the past few days, your post is the first I've seen of anyone else having this issue besides me.
I found a workaround, but it's annoying having to do this:
1. Create a new project
2. Close VS2010, don't bother saving the new project
3. Start VS2010 again, and everything works as it should. I can access the Add Reference dialog, and I can do a File...Open and Open Project from the menu and toolbar.
If I close VS2010 and start it again, it is broken once more. Performing my workaround fixes it again for that session.
Still looking for a permanent solution.
I finally figured out a work-around. If I temporarily disable the Power Tools, the original Add References dialog opens fine. After adding my references, I can enable the Power Tools again.
