matching algorithm - algorithm

I'm writing an application which divides a population of users into pairs for the purpose of performing a task together. Each user can specify various preferences about their partner, e.g.
location (typically, within X miles/kilometers from where the user lives)
Ideally, I would like the user to be able to specify whether each of these preferences is a "nice to have" or a "must have", e.g. "I would prefer to be matched with a native English speaker, but I must not be matched with a female".
My objective is to maximise the overall average quality of the matches. For example, assume there are 4 users in the system, A, B, C, D. These users can be matched in 3 ways:
Option 1 Match Score
A-B 5
C-D 4
Average 4.5
Option 2 Match Score
A-C 2
B-D 3
Average 2.5
Option 3 Match Score
A-D 1
B-C 9
Average 5
So in this contrived example, the 3rd option would be chosen because it has the highest overall match quality, even though A and D are not very well matched at all.
Is there an algorithm that can help me to:
calculate the "match scores" shown above
choose the pairings that will maximise the average match score (while respecting each user's absolute constraints)
It is not absolutely necessary that each user is matched, so given a choice between significantly lowering the overall quality of the matches, and leaving a few users without a match, I would choose the latter.
Obviously, I would like the algorithm that calculates the matches to complete as quickly as possible, because the number of users in the system could be quite large.
Finally, this system of computing match scores and maximising the overall average is just a heurisitic I've come up with myself. If there's a much better way to calculate the pairings, please let me know.
The problem I've described seems to be a similar to the stable marriage problem for which there is a well-known solution. However, in this problem I do not require the chosen pairs to be stable. My goal is to choose the pairs so that the average "match score" is maximized

What maximum match algorithms have you been looking at? I read your question too hastily at first: it seems you don't necessarily restrict yourself to a bipartite graph. This seems trickier.

I believe this problem could be represented as a linear programming problem. And then you can use Simplex method to solve it.

To find a maximum matching in an arbitrary graph there is a weighted variant of Edmond's matching algorithm:'s_matching_algorithm#Weighted_matching
See the footnotes there.

I provided a possible solution to a similar problem here. It's an algorithm for measuring dissimilarity--the more similar measured data is to expected data, the smaller your resulting number will be.
For your application you would set a person's preferences as the expected data and each other person you compare against would be the measured data. You would want to filter the 'measured data' to eliminate those cases like "must not be matched with a female", that you mention in your original question, before running the comparison.
Another option could be using a Chi-Square algorithm.

By the looks of it your problem is not bipartite, therefore it would seem to me that you are looking for a maximum weight matching in a general graph. I don't envy the task of writing this as Edmond's blossum shrinking algorithm is not easy to understand or implement efficiently. There are implementations of this algorithm out there, one such example being the C++ library LEMON ( If you want a maximum cardinality maximum weight matching you will have to use the maximum weight matching algorithm and add a large weight (sum of all the weights) to each edge to force maximum cardinality as the first priority.
Alternatively as you mentioned in one of the comments above that your match terms are not linear and so linear programming is out, you could always take a constraint programming approach which does not require that the terms be linear.


Algorithm to best match item pairs given similarity score

I am trying to match two lists of products by name.
Products come from different websites, and theirs names may vary from one website to the other in many subtle ways, e.g. "iPhone 128 GB" vs "Apple iPhone 128GB".
The product lists intersect, but are not equal and one is not a superset of the other; i.e. some products from list A are not in list B, and vice versa.
Given an algorithm that compares two strings (product names) and returns a similarity score between 0 and 1 (I already have a satisfactory implementation here), I'm looking for an algorithm that performs an optimal match of list A to list B.
In other words, I think I'm looking for an algorithm that maximizes the sum of all similary scores in the matches.
Note that a product from one list must be matched to at most one product from the other list.
My initial idea
for each product in A, get the similary with each product in B, and retain the product that yields the highest score, provided that it exceeds a certain threshold, such as 0.75. Match these products.
if the product with the highest score was already matched to another product in A earlier in the loop, take the second-to-highest, provided that it exceeds the threshold above. Match to this one instead.
My worry with this native implementation is that if there's a better match later in the loop, but the product from B has already been assigned to another product from A in a previous iteration, the matching is not optimal.
An improved version
To ensure that the product is matched to its highest similarity counterpart, I thought of the following implementation:
pre-compute the similarity scores for all A-B pairs
discard the similarities lower than the threshold used above
order by similarity, highest first
for each pair, if neither product A nor product B has already been matched, match these products.
This algorithm should optimally match product pairs, ensuring that each pair got the highest similarity.
My worry is that it's very compute- and memory-intensive: say I have 5,000 products in both lists, that is 25,000,000 similarity scores to pre-compute and potentially store in memory (or database); in reality it will be lower due to the minimum required threshold, but it can still get very large and is still CPU intensive.
Did I miss something?
Is there a more efficient algorithm that gives the same output as this improved version?
Your model could be reformulated in graph terms: consider a complete weighted bipartite graph, where vertices of the first part are names from list A, vertices of the second part are names from list B and edges are weighted with precomputed scores of similarity.
Now your problem looks really close to the dense Assignment_problem, which optimal solution can be found with Hungarian algorithm (O(n³) complexity).
If optimal solution is not your final goal and some good approximations to optimum can also satisfy your requirements, try heuristic algorithms for assignment problem, here is another topic with a brief overview of them.
Your second algorithm should provide a decent output, but it's not optimal. Check the following case:
Set0 Set1
A-C = 900
A-D = 850
B-C = 850
B-D = 0
Your algorithm's output: [(A,C), (B,D)]. Value 900.
Optimal output: [(A,D), (B,C)]. Value 1700.
The problem you are working with is exactly the Assigment Problem, which is "finding, in a weighted bipartite graph, a matching in which the sum of weights of the edges is as large as possible". You can find many ways to optimally and efficiently solve this problem.

Optimal selection election algorithm

Given a bunch of sets of people (similar to):
Select 1 from each set, trying to minimize the maximum number of times any one person is selected.
For the sets above, the max number of times a given person MUST be selected is 2.
I'm struggling to get an algorithm for this. I don't think it can be done with a greedy algorithm, more thinking along the lines of a dynamic programming solution.
Any hints on how to go about this? Or do any of you know any good websites about this stuff that I could have a look at?
This is neither dynamic nor greedy. Let's look at a different problem first -- can it be done by selecting every person at most once?
You have P people and S sets. Create a graph with S+P vertices, representing sets and people. There is an edge between person pi and set si iff pi is an element of si. This is a bipartite graph and the decision version of your problem is then equivalent to testing whether the maximum cardinality matching in that graph has size S.
As detailed on that page, this problem can be solved by using a maximum flow algorithm (note: if you don't know what I'm talking about, then take your time to read it now, as you won't understand the rest otherwise): first create a super-source, add an edge linking it to all people with capacity 1 (representing that each person may only be used once), then create a super-sink and add edges linking every set to that sink with capacity 1 (representing that each set may only be used once) and run a suitable max-flow algorithm between source and sink.
Now, let's consider a slightly different problem: can it be done by selecting every person at most k times?
If you paid attention to the remarks in the last paragraph, you should know the answer: just change the capacity of the edges leaving the super-source to indicate that each person may be used more than once in this case.
Therefore, you now have an algorithm to solve the decision problem in which people are selected at most k times. It's easy to see that if you can do it with k, then you can also do it with any value greater than k, that is, it's a monotonic function. Therefore, you can run a binary search on the decision version of the problem, looking for the smallest k possible that still works.
Note: You could also get rid of the binary search by testing each value of k sequentially, and augmenting the residual network obtained in the last run instead of starting from scratch. However, I decided to explain the binary search version as it's conceptually simpler.

Select some from many binary sequences so that the result of "or" them together is 1111111111....111

I have N binary sequences of length L, where N and L maybe very large, and those sequences maybe very sparse, say have much more 0s then 1s.
I want to select M sequences from them, namely b_1, b_2, b_3..., such that
b_1 | b_2 | b_3 ... | b_M = 1111...11 (L 1s)
Is there an algorithm to achieve it?
My idea is:
STEP1: for position from 1 to L, count the total number of sequences which has 1 at that position. Name it 'owning number'
STEP2: consider the position having minimum owning number, and choose the sequence having the maximum number of 1s from the owning sequence of that position.
STEP3: ignore the chosen sequence, update owning number and go back to STEP2.
I believe that my method cannot generate the best answer.
Does anyone has a better idea?
This is the well known set cover problem. It is NP-hard — in fact, its decision version is one of the canonical NP-complete problems and was among the 21 problems included in Karp's 1972 paper — and so no efficient algorithm is known for solving it.
The algorithm you describe in your question is known as the "greedy algorithm" and (unless your problem has some special features that you are not telling us) it's essentially the best known approach. It finds a collection of sets that is no more than O(log |N|) times the size of the smallest such collection.
Sounds like a typical backtrack task.
Yes, your algoryth sounds reasonable if you want to have a good answer quickly. If you want to have the combination of the least possible samples you can't do better than try all combinations.
Depending on the exact structure of the problem, there is an other technique that often works well (and actually gives an optimal result):
Let x[j] be a boolean variable representing the choice whether to include the j'th binary sequence in the result. A zero-suppressed binary decision diagram can now represent (maybe succinctly - depending on the characteristics of the problem) the family of sets such that the OR of the binary sequences corresponding to a variable x[j] included in the set is all ones. Finding the smallest such set (thus minimizing the number of sequences included) is relatively easy if the ZDD was succinct. Details can be found in The Art of Computer Programming chapter 7.1.4 (volume 4A).
It's also easy to adapt to an exact cover, by taking the family of sets such that there is exactly one 1 for every position.

URL path similarity/string similarity algorithm

My problem is that I need to compare URL paths and deduce if they are similar. Below I provide example data to process:
I tried Levenshtein distance to compare, but for me is not enough accurate. I do not need 100% accurate algorithm, but I think 90% and above is a must.
I think that I need some sort of classifier, but the problem is that each portion of new data can containt path that should be classified to the new unknown class.
Could you please direct me to the right thoutht?
Levenshtein distance is best option, but tuned distance. You have to use weighted Edit distance and possibly split path on tokens - words and numbers. So for example version like "2.5.6-rc2 and 2.5.6" can be treated as 0 weight difference, but name token like phpMyAdmin and javaMyAdmin give 1 weight difference.
When checking #jakub.gieryluk suggestion I accidentally have found solution that satisfy me - "Hobohm clustering algorithm, originally devised to reduce redundancy of biological sequence data sets."
Tests of PERL library implemented by Bruno Vecchi gave me really good results. The only problem is that I need Python implementation, but I belive that I can either find one on the Internet or reimplement code by myself.
Next thing is that I have not checked active learning ability of this algorithm yet ;)
I know it's not the exact answer to your question, but are you familiar with k-means algorithm?
I guess even the Levenshtein can work here, the difficulty however is how to compute centroids with that approach.
Perhaps you can divide input set into disjoint subsets, then for each URL in each subset compute the distance to all the other URLs in the same subset, and the URL that has lowest sum of distances, should be the centroid (of course, it depends on how big is the input set; for huge sets it might be not a good idea to do so).
The good thing about k-means is that you can start with absolutely random division, and then iteratively make it better.
The bad thing about k-means is that you have to precise k before start. However, during the run (perhaps where the situation stabilized after first couple of iterations), you can measure intra-similarity of each set, and if it is low, you can divide the set into two subsets and go on with the same algorithm.

Algorithm for filling a matrix of item, item pairs

Hey guys, I have a sort of speed dating type application (not used for dating, just a similar concept) that compares users and matches them in a round based event.
Currently I am storing each user to user comparison (using cosine similarity) and then finding a round in which both users are available. My current set up works fine for smaller scale but I seem to be missing a few matchings in larger data sets.
For example with a setup like so (assuming 6 users, 3 from each group)
Round (User1, User2)
1 (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)
2 (x1,y2) (x2,y3) (x3,y1)
3 (x1,y3) (x2,y1) (x3,y2)
My approach works well right now to ensure I have each user meeting the appropriate user without having overlaps so a user is left out, just not with larger data sets.
My current algorithm
I store a comparison of each user from x to each user from y like so
Round, user1, user2, similarity
And to build the event schedule I simply sort the comparisons by similarity and then iterate over the results, finding an open round for both users, like so:
event.user_maps.all(:order => 'similarity desc').each do |map|
(1..event.rounds).each do |round|
if user_free_in_round?(map.user1) and user_free_in_round?(map.user2)
#creates the pairing and breaks from the loop
This isn't exact code but the general algorithm to build the schedule. Does anyone know a better way of filling in a matrix of item pairings where no one item can be in more than one place in the same slot?
For some clarification, the issue I am having is that in larger sets my algorithm of placing highest similarity matches first can sometimes result in collisions. What I mean by that is that the users are paired in such a way that they have no other user to meet with.
Like so:
Round (User1, User2)
1 (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)
2 (x1,y3) (x2,nil) (x3,y1)
3 (x1,y2) (x2,y1) (x3,y2)
I want to be able to prevent this from happening while preserving the need for higher similar users given higher priority in scheduling.
In real scenarios there are far more matches than there are available rounds and an uneven number of x users to y users and in my test cases instead of getting every round full I will only have about 90% or so of them filled while collisions like the above are causing problems.
I think the question still needs clarification even after edit, but I could be missing something.
As far as I can tell, what you want is that each new round should start with the best possible matching (defined as sum of the cosine similarities of all the matched pairs). After any pair (x_i,y_j) have been matched in a round, they are not eligible for the next round.
You could do this by building a bipartite graph where your Xs are nodes in one side and Ys are nodes in another side, and the edge weight is cosine similarity. Then you find the max weighted match in this graph. For the next rounds, you eliminate the edges that have already been used in previous round and run the matching algorithm again. For details on how to code max weight matching in bipartite graph, see here.
BTW, this solution is not optimum since we are proceeding from one round to next in a greedy fashion. I have a feeling that getting the optimum solution would be NP hard, but I don't have a proof so can't be sure.
I agree that the question still needs clarification. As Amit expressed, I have a gut feeling that this is an NP hard problem, so I am assuming that you are looking for an approximate solution.
That said, I would need more information on the tradeoffs you would be willing to make (and perhaps I'm just missing something in your question). What are the explicit goals of the algorithm?
Is there a lower threshold for similarity below which you don't want a pairing to happen? I'm still a bit confused as to why there would be individuals which could not be paired up at all during a given round...
Essentially, you are performing a search over the space of possible pairings, correct? Maybe you could use backtracking or some form of constraint-based algorithm to make sure that you can obtain a complete solution for a given round...?
