Word frequency tally script is too slow - bash

Created a script to count the frequency of words in a plain text file. The script performs the following steps:
Count the frequency of words from a corpus.
Retain each word in the corpus found in a dictionary.
Create a comma-separated file of the frequencies.
The script is at: http://pastebin.com/VAZdeKXs
# Create a tally of all the words in the corpus.
echo Creating tally of word frequencies...
sed -e 's/ /\n/g' -e 's/[^a-zA-Z\n]//g' corpus.txt | \
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | \
sort | \
uniq -c | \
sort -rn > frequency.txt
echo Creating corpus lexicon...
rm -f corpus-lexicon.txt
for i in $(awk '{if( $2 ) print $2}' frequency.txt); do
grep -m 1 ^$i\$ dictionary.txt >> corpus-lexicon.txt;
echo Creating lexicon...
rm -f lexicon.txt
for i in $(cat corpus-lexicon.txt); do
egrep -m 1 "^[0-9 ]* $i\$" frequency.txt | \
awk '{print $2, $1}' | \
tr ' ' ',' >> lexicon.txt;
The following lines continually cycle through the dictionary to match words:
for i in $(awk '{if( $2 ) print $2}' frequency.txt); do
grep -m 1 ^$i\$ dictionary.txt >> corpus-lexicon.txt;
It works, but it is slow because it is scanning the words it found to remove any that are not in the dictionary. The code performs this task by scanning the dictionary for every single word. (The -m 1 parameter stops the scan when the match is found.)
How would you optimize the script so that the dictionary is not scanned from start to finish for every single word? The majority of the words will not be in the dictionary.
Thank you!

You can use grep -f to search for all of the words in one pass over frequency.txt:
awk '{print $2}' frequency.txt | grep -Fxf dictionary.txt > corpus-lexicon.txt
-F to search for fixed strings.
-x to match whole lines only.
-f to read the search patterns from dictionary.txt
In fact, you could even combine this with the second loop and eliminate the intermediate corpus-lexicon.txt file. The two for loops can be replaced by a single grep:
grep -Fwf dictionary.txt frequency.txt | awk '{print $2 "," $1}'
Notice that I changed -x to -w.

This is typically one of those scripts that you'd write in Perl for speed. But if, like me, you hate write-only programming languages, you can do it all in Awk:
awk '
while ((getline < "dictionary.txt") > 0)
dict[$1] = 1
($2 && $2 in dict) { print $2 }
' < frequency.txt > corpus-lexicon.txt
No need for the rm -f corpus-lexicon.txt in this version.

Use a real programming language. All of the app start ups and file scans are killing you. For instance, here's an example I just whipped up in Python (minimizing lines of code):
import sys, re
words = re.findall(r'(\w+)',open(sys.argv[1]).read())
counts = {}
for word in words:
counts[word] = counts.setdefault(word,0) + 1
open(sys.argv[2],'w').write("\n".join([w+','+str(c) for (w,c) in counts.iteritems()]))
Testing a against a large text file I had sitting aound (1.4MB, 80,000 words according to wc), this completes in under a second (18k unique words) on a 5 year old powermac.


Bash: Working with CSV file to build a loop and save the result

Using Bash, I'm wanting to get a list of email addresses from a CSV file to do a recursive grep search on it for a bunch of directories looking for a match in specific metadata XML files, and then also tallying up how many results I find for each address throughout the directory tree (i.e. updating the tally field in the same CSV file).
accounts.csv looks something like this:
updated to more accurately reflect real-world data
email,date,bar,URL,"something else",tally
address#somewhere.com,21/04/2015,,https://blah.com/,"blah blah",5
something#that.com,17/06/2015,,https://blah.com/,"lah yah",0
another#here.com,7/08/2017,,https://blah.com/,"wah wah",1
For example, if we put address#somewhere.com in $email from the list, run
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
on it and then add that result to the tally column.
At the moment I can get the first column of that CSV file (minus the heading/first line) using
awk -F"," '{print $1}' accounts.csv | tail -n +2
but I'm lost how to do the looping and also the writing of the result back to the CSV file...
So for instance, with another#here.com if we run
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
and the result is say 17, how can I update that line to become:
another#here.com,7/08/2017,,https://blah.com/,"wah wah",17
Is this possible with maybe awk or sed?
This is where I'm up to:
# make temporary list of email addresses
awk -F"," '{print $1}' accounts.csv | tail -n +2 > emails.tmp
# loop over each
while read email; do
# count how many uploads for current email address
grep -rl "${email}" --include=\*_meta.xml --only-matching | wc -l
done < emails.tmp
XML Metadata looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>example <br /></description>
<title>Some Title Name Goes Here</title>
<addeddate>2017-05-28 06:20:54</addeddate>
<publicdate>2017-05-28 06:21:15</publicdate>
<curation>[curator]email#address.com[/curator][date]20170528062151[/date][comment]checked for malware[/comment]</curation>
how to do the looping and also the writing of the result back to the CSV file
awk does the looping automatically. You can change any field by assigning to it. So to change a tally field (the 6th in each line) you would do $6 = ....
awk is a great tool for many scenarios. You probably can safe a lot of time in the future by investing some minutes in a short tutorial now.
The only non-trivial part is getting the output of grep into awk.
The following script increments each tally by the count of *_meta.xml files containing the given email address:
awk -F, -v OFS=, -v q=\' 'NR>1 {
cmd = "grep -rlFw " q $1 q " --include=\\*_meta.xml | wc -l";
cmd | getline c;
$6 = c
} 1' accounts.csv
For simplicity we assume that filenames are free of linebreaks and email addresses are free of '.
To reduce possible false positives, I also added the -F and -w option to your grep command.
-F searches literal strings; without it, searching for a.b#c would give false positives for things like axb#c and a-b#c.
-w matches only whole words; without it, searching for b#c would give a false positive for ab#c. This isn't 100% safe, as a-b#c would still give a false positive, but without knowing more about the structure of your xml files we cannot fix this.
A pipeline to reduce the number of greps:
grep -rHo --include=\*_meta.xml -f <(awk -F, 'NR > 1 {print $1}' accounts.csv) \
| gawk -F, -v OFS=',' '
NR == FNR {
# store the filenames for each email
if (match($0, /^([^:]+):(.+)/, m)) tally[m[2]][m[1]]
FNR > 1 {$4 = length(tally[$1])}
' - accounts.csv
Here is a solution using single awk command to achieve this. This solution will be highly performant as compared to other solutions because it is scanning each XML file only once for all the email addresses found in first column of the CSV file. Also it is not invoking any external command or spawning a sub0shell anywhere.
This should work in any version of awk.
cat srch.awk
# function to escape regex meta characters
function esc(s, tmp) {
tmp = s
gsub(/[&+.]/, "\\\\&", tmp)
return tmp
# while processing csv file
NR == FNR {
# save escaped email address in array em skipping header row
if (FNR > 1)
em[esc($1)] = 0
# save each row in rec array
rec[++n] = $0
# this block will execute for eaxh XML file
# loop each email and save count of matched email in array em
# PS: gsub return no of substitutionx
for (i in em)
em[i] += gsub(i, "&")
# print header row
print rec[1]
# from 2nd row onwards split row into columns using comma
for (i=2; i<=n; ++i) {
split(rec[i], a, FS)
# 6th column is the count of occurrence from array em
print a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], em[esc(a[1])]
Use it as:
awk -f srch.awk accounts.csv $(find . -name '*_meta.xml') > tmp && mv tmp accounts.csv
A script that handles accounts.csv line by line and replaces the data in accounts.new.csv for comparison.
#! /bin/bash
# Copy file
cp ${file_old} ${file_new}
while read -r line; do
# Skip first line
if [[ $x -gt 1 ]]; then
# Read data into variables
IFS=${delimiter} read -r address foo bar tally somethingelse <<< ${line}
cnt=$(find . -name '*_meta.xml' -exec grep -lo "${address}" {} \; | wc -l)
# Reset tally
# Change line number $x in new file
sed "${x}s/.*/${address} ${foo} ${bar} ${tally} ${somethingelse}/; ${x}s/ /${delimiter}/g" \
-i ${file_new}
done < ${file_old}
The input and ouput:
# Input
$ find . -name '*_meta.xml' -exec cat {} \; | sort | uniq -c
2 address#somewhere.com
1 something#that.com
$ cat accounts.csv
# output
$ ./test.sh
$ cat accounts.new.csv

Eliminate temp file usage from shell script that extracts patterns from a file

I have an input text file:
Given the sample data upto the max level of dot(.) we need unique type of 1 representative sample(complete line) without dates. So the output will be
(The order of the lines in the output doesn't matter.)
Below program works fine but it generates many intermediate temp files. How could we do without that in shell?
#input file name and path assumed in current directory
rm $resultfilepath
rm $tmpfilepath
#using awk to filter only series data without dates
awk -F' ' '{print $1}' $file >> $tmpfilepath
#getting all the unique dataclass_names at column 1
DATACLASSNAME=(`cut -f 1 -d'.' $tmpfilepath | sort | uniq`)
for i in "${DATACLASSNAME[#]}"; do
rm $tmp1filepath
#we are filtering the file with that dataclass
awk -F'.' -v awk_dataclassname="$i" '$1==awk_dataclassname' $tmpfilepath >> $tmp1filepath
#also we are calculating the number of delimeter in filtered record and sorting it
COLCOUNT=(`awk -F'.' '{print NF}' $tmp1filepath | uniq | sort`)
for j in "${COLCOUNT[#]}"; do
rm $tmp2filepath
#in the filtered data we are taking series of a particular dimension length and dumping data
awk -F '.' -v awk_colcount="$j" '(NF==awk_colcount){print}' $tmp1filepath >> $tmp2filepath
#reducing column no by 1
newj=$(echo $((j - 1)))
#removing last column(generally observation dimension) by cut column
GREPSAMPLE=(`cut -f -$newj -d'.' $tmp2filepath | uniq`)
SAMPLELENGTH=(`wc -l $tmp2filepath`)
#we are now taking unique series sample
for k in "${GREPSAMPLE[#]}"; do
#doing grep of unique sample but taking the whole line
echo `grep $k $tmp1filepath | head -1` >> $resultfilepath
cat $resultfilepath
echo "processing finish"
The whole thing can be accomplished with just this awk invocation.
awk '{
key = $0;
sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", key); # Let key be everything up to the last dot
if (!seen[key]) { print $1 } # If key has not been seen, print 1st col
seen[key] = 1; # Mark the key as seen
}' "$file" > "$resultfilepath"
In general, when you have a script that involves lots of awking and grepping, chances are that you can just write an awk script.

'Read' command stripping '\n' string

I want to extract data from a file which looks like this :
The idea is to show on the screen (without creating a temporary file, nor modifying the original file) what follows :
To sum up :
Strip the characters before ':'
Put the filenames before their corresponding directory
Sort the filenames by alphabetical order
Do a carriage return between each filename and its corresponding directory
I succeed doing all this, but there is still an ugly thing in my code concerning point #4 :
cut -f 2 -d ':' $big_file | \
sort -u | \
while read file ; do
echo "$(basename "$file")zipzapzupzop$(dirname "$file")" # <-- ugly thing #1
done | \
sort -dfb | \
while read line ; do
echo $line
done | \
sed 's/zipzapzupzop/\n/' # <-- ugly thing #2
At the beginning, I had written :
echo "$(basename "$file")\n$(dirname "$file")"
in place of ugly thing#1, in order to be able to do
echo -e "$line"
in the second while boucle. However, the read command strips each time the '\n' string, so that I obtain
I tried to protect the '\' character by another '\', but the result is the same.
man read
is of no help either. So, is it a proper way to do this ?
read is a shell builtin, and man read may be giving you the docs for the (mostly unrelated) syscall.
read -r will prevent read from processing \ sequences.
The whole thing could have been done with a single awk script though:
awk '
start = index($0, ":") + 1
end = match($0, "[^/]*$")
out[NR] = substr($0, end) "\n" substr($0, start, end - start - 1)
for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
print out[i]
If you don't need to handle spaces in filenames, you can do this:
cat $bigfile | sed 's/.*://' | while read file; do
echo "$(basename $file) $(dirname $file)"
done | sort | awk '{print $1"\n"$2}'
You can do it with the following pipeline (should be on one line, I've split it and added comments for readability):
| sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' # Remove from start of line to first ':'
-e 's?/\([^/]*$\)? \1?' # Replace final '/' with a space
| sort -k2 # Sort on column 2 (filename)
| awk '{print $2"\n"$1}' # Reverse fields
See the following transcript:
echo 'BK20120802130531:/home/michael/Scripts/usb_backup.sh
| sed -e 's/^[^:]*://'
-e 's?/\([^/]*$\)? \1?'
| sort -k2
| awk '{print $2"\n"$1}'
Just keep in mind that sort may not work as expected with lines containing spaces.
Assuming you do not have hash tags in your filenames you could use this coreutils pipeline:
cut -d: -f2- infile \
| sed -r 's,(.*)/([^/]*)$,\2#\1,' \
| sort -t'#' \
| tr '#' '\n'
cut removes the first part.
sed splits the path, swaps filename and directory and delimits them with a #.
sort hash tag delimited text.
tr finally replaces the hash tag with a newline.
If you know the number of path elements, you can use the simpler version:
cut -d: -f2- infile \
| sort -t/ -k4,4 \
| sed 's,(.*)/([^/]*)$,\2\n\1,'

Why uniq -c output with space instead of \t?

I use uniq -c some text file.
Its output like this:
123(space)first word(tab)other things
2(space)second word(tab)other things
So I need extract total number(like 123 and 2 above), but I can't figure out how to, because if I split this line by space, it will like this ['123', 'first', 'word(tab)other', 'things'].
I want to know why doesn't it output with tab?
And how to extract total number in shell? ( I finally extract it with python, WTF)
Update: Sorry, I didn't describe my question correctly. I didn't want to sum the total number, I just want to replace (space) with (tab), but it doesn't effect the space in words, because I still need the data after. Just like this:
123(tab)first word(tab)other things
2(tab)second word(tab)other things
Try this:
uniq -c | sed -r 's/^( *[^ ]+) +/\1\t/'
uniq -c text.file | sed -e 's/ *//' -e 's/ /\t/'
That will remove the spaces prior to the line count, and then replace only the first space with a tab.
To replace all spaces with tabs, use tr:
uniq -c text.file | tr ' ' '\t'
To replace all continuous runs of tabs with a single tab, use -s:
uniq -c text.file | tr -s ' ' '\t'
You can sum all the numbers using awk:
awk '{s+=$1}END{print s}'
$ cat <file> | uniq -c | awk -F" " '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'
One possible solution to getting tabs after counts is to write a uniq -c-like script that formats exactly how you want. Here's a quick attempt (that seems to pass my minute or so of testing):
awk '
(NR == 1) || ($0 != lastLine) {
if (NR != 1) {
printf("%d\t%s\n", count, lastLine);
lastLine = $0;
count = 1;
printf("%d\t%s\n", count, lastLine);
' yourFile.txt
Another solution. This is equivalent to the earlier sed solution, but it does use awk as requested / tagged!
cat yourFile.txt \
| uniq -c \
| awk '{
match($0, /^ *[^ ]* /);
printf("%s\t%s\n", $1, substr($0, RLENGTH + 1));
Based on William Pursell answer , if you like Perl compatible regular expressions (PCRE) maybe a more elegant and modern way would be
perl -pe 's/ *(\d+) /$1\t/'
Options are to execute (-e) and print (-p).

Count how many times each word from a word list appears in a file?

I have a file, list.txt which contains a list of words. I want to check how many times each word appears in another file, file1.txt, then output the results. A simple output of all of the numbers sufficient, as I can manually add them to list.txt with a spreadsheet program, but if the script adds the numbers at the end of each line in list.txt, that is even better, e.g.:
bear 3
fish 15
I have tried this, but it does not work:
cat list.txt | grep -c file1.txt
You can do this in a loop that reads a single word at a time from a word-list file, and then counts the instances in a data file. For example:
while read; do
echo -n "$REPLY "
fgrep -ow "$REPLY" data.txt | wc -l
done < <(sort -u word_list.txt)
The "secret sauce" consists of:
using the implicit REPLY variable;
using process substitution to collect words from the word-list file; and
ensuring that you are grepping for whole words in the data file.
This awk method only has to pass through each file once:
awk '
# read the words in list.txt
NR == FNR {count[$1]=0; next}
# process file1.txt
for (i=0; i<=NF; i++)
if ($i in count)
# output the results
for (word in count)
print word, count[word]
' list.txt file1.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed):
tr -s ' ' '\n' file1.txt |
sort |
uniq -c |
sed -e '1i\s|.*|& 0|' -e 's/\s*\(\S*\)\s\(\S*\)\s*/s|\\<\2\\>.*|\2 \1|/' |
sed -f - list.txt
Split file1.txt into words
Sort the words
Count the words
Create a sed script to match the words (initially zero out each word)
Run the above script against the list.txt
single line command
cat file1.txt |tr " " "\n"|sort|uniq -c |sort -n -r -k 1 |grep -w -f list.txt
The last part of the command tells grep to read words to match from list (-f option) and then match whole words(-w) i.e. if list.txt contains contains car, grep should ignore carriage.
However keep in mind that your view of whole word and grep's view might differ. for eg. although car will not match with carriage, it will match with car-wash , notice that "-" will be considered for word boundary. grep takes anything except letters,numbers and underscores as word boundary. Which should not be a problem as this conforms to the accepted definition of a word in English language.
