CRM 4 entity["name"] = "New value"; - dynamics-crm

How do I update en entity for example: updateEntity["name"] = ":"... I don't understand how i should work with images (pre/post) and "New Steps" pre/post. Please give me some guidlines how I update an entity. Everyting seems to be fine exept the last step... how to update an entity with some value (string). thanks... Fred
Whats wrong with the code below???
// Obtain the target business entity from the input parmameters
DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity)context.PreEntityImages["PreServiceMobile"];// context.InputParameters.Properties["Target"];
DynamicEntity updateEntity = (DynamicEntity)context.InputParameters.Properties["Target"];
updateEntity["name"] = "value";

You can only set values in the input entity during a pre stage plugin. In a post stage plugin, the entity has already been saved. If you need to update the entity in a post stage, you need to call CrmService.Update(entity)


Update picklist value to null with Sdk.Sync.Update does nothing

Is it possible to update a record's attribute of picklist type with null by using Sdk.Sync.Update? It's not working for me.
Here's what I do:
var detailsObj = updatedDetailsObj; // I get updatedDetailsObj from previous logic, not shown here
var operation = new Sdk.Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.setId(operationId, false); // I have operationId from previous logic, not shown here
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.String("op_updatedAccount", detailsObj.UpdatedAccount)); // works, get updated
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.OptionSet("op_updatedExplanation", null)); // doesn't get updated
After the completion of Sdk.Sync.update, the string field get updated, but the picklist field is left with its previous value, instead of null.
I also took a look inside the XML being sent inside Sdk.Sync.update, and indeed, it lacks the pair of "op_updatedExplanation" and null.
How can make it work?
I'm not doing it inside a form but inside a grid page, so that the user checks several records and I need to make the update on all of them.
standard CRM SDK code (assuming entity name and field name):
Entity operation = new Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.Id = operationId;
operation["op_updatedexplanation"] = null;
where service is an IOrganizationService instance
Please use this snippet to set value as null.
This will just set the value in the form. You may have to save the form to see the value getting stored in database.;
If the control is disabled - you have to set the submitmode attribute also.

Plugin performance in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015

Time to leave the shy mode behind and make my first post on stackoverflow.
After doing loads of research (plugins, performance, indexes, types of update, friends) and after trying several approaches I was unable to find a proper answer/solution.
So if possible I would like to get your feedback/help in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015 plugin performance issue (or coding technique)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015
2 Entities with Relationship 1:N
EntityB has the following columns:
Id | EntityAId | ColumnDemoX (decimal) | ColumnDemoY (currency)
Entity A has: 500 records
Entity B has: 150 records per each Entity A record. So 500*150 = 75000 records.
Create a Post Entity A Plugin Update to "mimic" the following SQL command
Update EntityB
Set ColumnDemoX = (some quantity), ColumnDemoY = (some quantity) * (some value)
Where EntityAId = (some id)
One approach could be:
using (var serviceContext = new XrmServiceContext(service))
var query = from a in serviceContext.EntityASet
where a.EntityAId.Equals(someId)
select a;
foreach (EntityA entA in query)
entA.ColumnDemoX = (some quantity);
The foreach for 150 records in the post plugin update will take 20 secs or more.
While the
Update EntityB Set ColumnDemoX = (some quantity), ColumnDemoY = (some quantity) * (some value) Where EntityAId = (some id)
it will take 0.00001 secs
Any suggestion/solution?
Thank you all for reading.
You can use the ExecuteMultipleRequest, when you iterate the 150 entities, save the entities you need to update and after that call the request. If you do this, you only call the service once, that's very good for the perfomance.
If your process could be bigger and bigger, then you should think making it asynchronous as a plug-in or a custom activity workflow.
This is an example:
// Create an ExecuteMultipleRequest object.
requestWithResults = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
// Assign settings that define execution behavior: continue on error, return responses.
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
ContinueOnError = false,
ReturnResponses = true
// Create an empty organization request collection.
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
// Add a UpdateRequest for each entity to the request collection.
foreach (var entity in input.Entities)
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = entity };
// Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call.
ExecuteMultipleResponse responseWithResults =
Few solutions comes to mind but I don't think they will please you...
Is this really a problem ? Yes it's slow and database update can be so much faster. However if you can have it as a background process (asynchronous), you'll have your numbers anyway. Is it really a "I need this numbers in the next second as soon as I click or business will go down" situation ?
It can be a reason to ditch 2013. In CRM 2015 you can use a calculated field. If you need this numbers only to show up in forms (eg. you don't use them in reporting), you could also do it in javascript.
Warning this is for the desesperate call. If you really need your update to be synchronous, immediate, you can't use calculated fields, you really know what your doing etc... Why not do it directly in the database? I know this is a very bad advice. There are a lot of reason not to do it this way (you can read a few here). It's unsupported and if you do something wrong it could go really bad. But if your real situation is as simple as your example (just a calculated field, no entity creation, no relation modification), you could do it this way. You'll have to consider many things: you won't have any audit on the fields, no security, caching issues, no modified by, etc. Actually I pretty much advise against this solution.
1 - Put it this logic to async workflow.
2 - Don't use
Get all the records (150) from post stage update the fields and ExecuteMultipleRequest to update crm records in one time.
Don't send update request for each and every record

Plugin Pre Operation Create - Update field error

My plugin fire on Pre Create operation on Entity X. When trying to update a field on the Entity X using the following code I am getting error:
trEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
trGuid = (Guid)trEntity.Id;
tr = (Entity)service.Retrieve("EntityX", trGuid,
new ColumnSet(new string[] { "field_a", "field_b" }));
tr["field_a"] = null;
The error I am getting is:
Entity X with Id = 11505683-2292-b537-e311-143710e56fb7 Does Not Exist
Since you are in Pre-Create, the entity doesn't exist yet in the database.
You don't need to explicitly call Update in a Pre event. You can just update the Target entity (trEntity in your case) and the changes you make will be saved with the Create operation. The Target entity is the actual entity that is about to be created, so feel free to update fields directly on the Target in the Pre event.
trEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
trEntity["field_a"] = null;
How are you creating your service?
This also happens when you try to update a record outside of the current transaction i.e. using a manually created OrganizationServiceProxy instead of using the one provided by IOrganizationServiceFactory.CreateOrganizationService.

Grab System Created Values CRM 2011

I'm facing a problem when I try to grab the Extended Amount Attribute inside the Opportunity Product Line Entity.
As follows my requirements are that upon creation of a an Opportunity Product Line I have a post-create plugin on it which applies a discount onto the extended amount and creates another line, with the new discounted extended amount. When I try to output the value on another field just to check what it gets, I keep getting 0 strangley. My code is as follows:
// Part where I grab the value
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
Money extenedAmount = (Money)entity["baseamount"];
//Create new line
Entity oppportunity_product = new Entity("opportunityproduct");
oppportunity_product["manualdiscountamount"] = extenedAmount;
Is it even possible to grab the amount? Would really much appreciate if someone could help me out here. Thanks in advanace.
After creation, you want to add a post image. Then reference the post image instead of the target.
if (context.PostEntityImages.Contains("PostImage") &&
context.PostEntityImages["PostImage"] is Entity)
postMessageImage = (Entity)context.PostEntityImages["PostImage"];
throw new Exception("No Post Image Entity in Plugin Context for Message");

updateEntity["new_totalsum"] = new CrmMoney(calculatedvalue);

I can not update the webform. To bee updated I have to push the save button two times. I´ve tried with DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity)context.PreEntityImages["PreCalculate"]; DynamicEntity updateEntity = (DynamicEntity)context.InputParameters.Properties["Target"];
... updateEntity["new_totalsum"] = new CrmMoney(calculatedvalue); The problem is it will not bee updated the first time I push the save button. I have registred the image PreCalculate as Preimage and Message: Update; Eventing Pipeline Stage of Excecution: Pre Stage; Execution Mode : Syncronous
What´s wrong? Thanks
You need to write the modified record back into the Target when you're done, so your changed values will be used when writing the record to the database. At the end of your plugin's Execute() method, do
context.InputParameters[ParameterName.Target] = updateEntity;
