Update picklist value to null with Sdk.Sync.Update does nothing - dynamics-crm

Is it possible to update a record's attribute of picklist type with null by using Sdk.Sync.Update? It's not working for me.
Here's what I do:
var detailsObj = updatedDetailsObj; // I get updatedDetailsObj from previous logic, not shown here
var operation = new Sdk.Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.setId(operationId, false); // I have operationId from previous logic, not shown here
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.String("op_updatedAccount", detailsObj.UpdatedAccount)); // works, get updated
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.OptionSet("op_updatedExplanation", null)); // doesn't get updated
After the completion of Sdk.Sync.update, the string field get updated, but the picklist field is left with its previous value, instead of null.
I also took a look inside the XML being sent inside Sdk.Sync.update, and indeed, it lacks the pair of "op_updatedExplanation" and null.
How can make it work?
I'm not doing it inside a form but inside a grid page, so that the user checks several records and I need to make the update on all of them.

standard CRM SDK code (assuming entity name and field name):
Entity operation = new Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.Id = operationId;
operation["op_updatedexplanation"] = null;
where service is an IOrganizationService instance

Please use this snippet to set value as null.
This will just set the value in the form. You may have to save the form to see the value getting stored in database.
If the control is disabled - you have to set the submitmode attribute also.


D365 - UCI - A validation error occurred. The value 895390001 of 'MULTISELECT' on record of type ENTITY' is outside the valid range. Accepted Values:

I am trying to use the Multiselect option set and want to build it dynamically, the addOption() is populating the multiselect field correctly, but on save of record it is prompting the validation error.
On change of contact lookup, I am populating the abc_multiselect field. It is populating fine dynamically then user selects the required options from multiselect field, but on save of record (Ribbon Save button not custom save event of form) the CRM is not accepting the values.
MSCRM Version
Server version: 9.2.22081.00182
Client version: 1.4.4647-2208.1
function polulate(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var multiselect = formContext.getControl("abc_multiselect");
var high = {value : 895390001, text : "High"};
The error is;
On Popup
One or more of the option values for this picklist are not in the range of allowed values.
Exception Message: A validation error occurred. The value 895390001 of 'abc_multiselect' on record of type 'abc_ENTITY' is outside the valid range. Accepted Values:
ErrorCode: -2147204326
HexErrorCode: 0x8004431a
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Plugin/Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.TargetAttributeValidationPlugin
ApiStepKey: fc743e7d-fbea-4695-bdb9-7d78334c8474
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 3907c6d7-ef4a-437e-946f-55e0f956fc3e
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: System
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: System
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMessageName: PicklistValueOutOfRange
ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode: 400
HelpLink: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398563&error=Microsoft.Crm.CrmException%3a8004431a&client=platform
[Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel: Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.TargetAttributeValidationPlugin]
[fc743e7d-fbea-4695-bdb9-7d78334c8474: TargetAttributeValidationPlugin]
Activity Id: 28d5f67f-bf24-4eca-9124-cf95cf06dc30
I also tried to make all option set values hard coded (Added during the multiselect field creation), it worked smoothly. No issue ! But on dynamically population; on save, the CRM is not accepting the values.
I have tried this , this, this and this but all in vain.
Any one can guide, what is missing?
Update 1
function polulate(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var multiselect = formContext.getControl("abc_multiselect");
var high = {value : 895390001, text : "High"};
I also checked by changing the value from 895390001 to 895390000 and even to 100 and 101 but still same issue.
This should solve your issue? most probably option set does not have 895390001 or it is already selected. you could also try to clear all option sets and then add
clear options
For using addOption those options need to be there in metadata first. You cannot add an option that is not present in metadata. Example can be Suppose you have Option A, 1 and 3 in Metadata. now you want to add another option 4 using Javascript "addOption", it is not possible.
In your case, get a maximum possible set or options in the optionset now onload of form or Onchange of field "removeOption " the options that are not required.

Difference between New/AndNew by New() in Genexus

How is the difference between this two news?
ProductId = &ProductId
ProductPriceListDate = &Today
ProductPriceListPrice = &price
&Product = new()
&Product.ProductId = &ProductId
&Product.ProductPriceListDate = &Today
&Product.ProductPriceListPrice = &price
Supossing i don't fill this properties, in both way the record will be inserted with null or it will be inserted with empty ('') and 0?
First option is inserting a record directly in the database and null or empty value will be used depending on Initialize not referenced attritutes property.
Second option I think that you're using a Business Component. This case is quite different because is not only inserting a record but triggering transaction rules.
Anyway, in this case "empty" is stored
Note: it seems that you forgot to include save() method in the second option.

Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve

In attempting to merge contacts in Microsoft CRM, I am using the following code -
//c1ID and c2ID are GUIDs of duplicated contacts.
EntityReference target = new EntityReference();
target.LogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName;
target.Id = c2ID;
MergeRequest merge = new MergeRequest();
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
merge.SubordinateId = c1ID;
merge.Target = target;
merge.PerformParentingChecks = true;
Contact updater = new Contact();
Contact updater2 = new Contact();
updater = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c1ID)).First();
updater2 = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c2ID)).First();
MergeResponse mergedR = (MergeResponse)xrmSvc.Execute(merge);
When I try my Execute call here,I get this error -
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve. Attribute: owneridname.
Am I not setting something correctly?
Having updatecontent does not change the issue. In fact, I get the error on lookups entered into the updatecontent. I find you have to build new entityreferences:
if (match.Contains("new_mostrecentcampaign"))
master["new_mostrecentcampaign"] =
new EntityReference(match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").LogicalName
, match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").Id);
Merge.UpdateContent = master
I realize this is a pretty old question, but for those of you who have run into the same issue in 2021 and beyond, here's the reason this error happens.
TL;DR: Ensure the EntityReference values for the attributes does not specify the Name property.
Everything that gets added to the Entity set to UpdateContent will be applied to the Target contact. When programmatically executing a MergeRequest within a plugin/workflow, the attributes of the UpdateContent get applied (as desired).
Where this breaks down is for EntityReference value types (lookups). The internal Microsoft code that performs this operation tries to interpret all properties of the EntityReference object, including Name.
So when the existing values from the SubordinateId contact are pulled using IOrganizationService.Retrieve (to dynamically get the latest version), the Name property is automatically set for those lookup attributes (the child record). This operation is not valid, even though it's not the user code that's directly executing it.
This brings us full circle to explain the original error:
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve
I wish I had some documentation for this, but although the official documentation notes that the UpdateContent is optional, experience proves that it is in fact necessary. In the MergeRequests I've tested, I always include that property in the request, and there's a post in the MSDN forums for Dynamics 3.0 that suggests the same.
In fact, when I try to merge two contacts in my org without UpdateContent assigned, I actually get a FaultException saying the following:
Required field 'UpdateContent' is missing
Even though the documentation says it's optional!
So I'd suggest populating the UpdateContent property with something as in the below and see if that works:
var merge = new MergeRequest
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
SubordinateId = c1ID,
Target = target,
PerformParentingChecks = true,
UpdateContent = new Contact()

Wicket DropDownChoice setting model value

I have a table (Dataview) with content from a database, where each row/object has an "edit" button. When I try to edit the object, the DropDownChoice-value (in a form) is not correctly updated (even though it is correct in the database). The value that gets set in the DDC is the first item in the (sorted) list "placeList", where I obviously want the correct value from my object (event.getPlace().getName()).
Here is the code (wicket 1.5):
List<Place> placesList = UtGuidenApplication.getInstance().getUgpService().getAllPlaces();
DropDownChoice<Place> selectablePlaceField = new DropDownChoice<Place>("Sted", new PropertyModel<Place>(event, "eventPlace.name"),
placesList, new ChoiceRenderer<Place>("name"));
Terje Eithun,
I think you have an error in your model. You've written new PropertyModel<Place>(event, "eventPlace.name") which contains the name of your event as model, but the list of choices contains places. I think using new PropertyModel<Place>(event, "eventPlace") should solve the issue.

Updating an Entity Without Saving the Data back to the Database

I have created a new query like the following
var pressData = from press in dataContext.Releases
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Later in the code I want to update the entity from a session variable, but not save any data back to the database. Here is the code I am trying to accomplish this with....
var edit = pressData.Where(a => a.Heading == sectionPreview.HeadingContent && a.ID == sectionPreview.tionID).FirstOrDefault();
if (edit != null)
edit.Body = sectionPreview.SectionContent;
The code aboves purpose is to look at pressData and replace the body content with the new body from a session variable(not shown here), but NOT save it to the db. I want pressData to be filtered and updated only in the entity. So when I bind it to the control in this case it binds the data stored in my session.
this.rptSections.DataSource = pressData;
I am getting a complier error stating
Property or indexer 'AnonymousType#1.Body' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only.
I checked the entity model and nothing is read only not any fields not anything. I must be missing something?
Anonymous Types encapsulate a read only property collection - for more information, read here. The compiler rewrites anonymous types as a constructor injections, ie:
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Is really rewritten as:
new Anonymous`1(press.Heading, press.Desc, press.PublishDate.ToString(), press.BodyContent, press.ReleaseID, press.CreatedBy)
And the properties are read only (public get, private / protected set, to use an easy comparison). If you want to solve your issue, instead of taking the data and making an anonymous object, create a real type and set properties on it.
