include files depended on target - makefile

I have a Makefile which includes makefiles from sub-directories.
However, what I want is to include these "sub"-makefiles on base of a selected target.
Background is, that the sub-makefiles define different object files and depending on these object files the target executable should be created.
Assuming sub-makefile1 sets the variable
OBJECTS := foo.o foo1.o
sub-makefile2 sets
OBJECTS := bar.o bar1.o
And the generic rule would be:
lib/ $(OBJECTS)
link $^ -o $#
The targets are (for example):
foo: lib/
bar: lib/
whereas target foo should include the foo makefile, target bar the bar-makefile.
Any idea how to handle this situation?

Beta has mentioned the $(MAKECMDGOALS), but not described it:
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),foo)
include sub-makefile1
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),bar)
include sub-makefile2
# Rest of Makefile follows...
This isn't such a great idea, as it will only work when make is called interactively. You can hack around this by making rules for foo and bar that recursively invoke make:
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),foo)
include sub-makefile1
foo: # ...
# Normal commands to build foo
$(MAKE) $<
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),bar)
include sub-makefile2
bar: # ...
# Normal commands to build bar
$(MAKE) $<

The specific thing you're asking for -- conditional inclusion -- is difficult in Make. It can be done, but it's not elegant.
There are several ways to get the effect you want. You could use a conditional on MAKECMDGOALS. You could could have your makefile invoke a second makefile, and pass it the name of the subdirectory to use. But (without knowing more about the situation) I think this way is the tidiest:
include sub-makefile1
include sub-makefile2
link $^ -o $#
foo bar : % : lib/
(You could be clever with variable names like foo_OBJECTS to save a line or two, but I advise against that.)


makefile target-specific changing srcs files

I'm trying to write a Makefile with a rule to make the project with another main.cpp file, because I'm testing my code with different options
I have different versions of the main function, that I put inside differents files : main.cpp, main_1.cpp, main_2.cpp, ..., to test different versions of my code, and they all have the same dependencies
first I was just commenting and un-commenting the Makefile variable MAIN that define the main.cpp file, but I was hoping there is a way to choose the one I want to try with a specific rule ?
I tried something with target-specific variables but it didn't work :
# # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
NAME = my_program
VPATH = srcs
CXX = c++
CXXFLAGS = -I ./headers
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o)
MAIN = main.cpp
#MAIN = main_1.cpp
SRCS = $(MAIN) file.cpp
# # # # #
# # # # #
all: $(NAME)
# target-specific variables
test-1: MAIN = main_1.cpp
test-1: re
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(OBJS) -o $(NAME)
rm -f $(OBJS)
fclean: clean
rm -f $(NAME)
re: fclean all
.PHONY : all clean fclean re
the error output for main test_1 is :
c++ -I ./headers -c -o main.o srcs/main.cpp
c++ -I ./headers -c -o file.o srcs/file.cpp
c++ main_1.o Webserv.o -o my_program
c++: error: main_1.o: No such file or directory
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'my_program' failed
make: *** [my_program] Error 1
I think, then, that target-specific is not the right tool for what I'm trying to do.
Does Make provide a way to accomplish that (modifying the list of srcs files when calling a specific rule, and having the compilation working great with the new srcs files) ?
I'm vaguely thinking something like this.
test-%: main_%.cpp file.cpp
Now, make test-1 will produce an executable with that name from main_1.cpp instead of main.cpp, and similarly test-2 from main_2.cpp, etc.
If you have subsequent targets which hardcode my_program which should actually depend on which version you made, this might not be suitable, or at a minimum, you'd have to refactor those to use the current output executable. Similarly, you might want to add test-[1-9] to the files to remove in the clean target (or perhaps add a realclean target to remove them too).
Tangentially, several of your make variables don't seem to serve any immediate purpose. Putting stuff in variables makes sense for things you want to be able to override at compile time, or vaguely for making a general-purpose Makefile which can be applied with only minor modifications across several projects; but in isolation, these seem like unnecessary complexities you should probably avoid for the time being.
Your immediate problem could perhaps be solved by refactoring the dependency chain, but on the whole, I'd recommend keeping it as simple as possible. make already knows how to compile common source formats; all you really need to put in the Makefile are the dependencies which are not trivially obvious and any .PHONY targets, and overrides to select e.g. a specific default action.

How "make" reads/resolves Makefile with percentage-matched target vs. explicit?

I thought I understood that % pattern matching:
%.o : %.c
...was equivalent to "explicitly" writing the targets' rules:
f1.o : f1.c
f2.o : f2.c
(assuming those are the only .c files)
I also know that writing multiple rules for the same explicit target results in the rule being overwritten by the last defined rule:
r :
r :
(make outputs #2)
So, how exactly does make resolve the Makefile below?
foo : bar
bar :
% : %.c
When bar.c is the only .c file in the directory (or there's none), it outputs:
If there's only foo and foo.c (and the Makefile):
I wasn't sure what to expect when there was a bar.c file, but I thought when there wasn't that the only "command" being run would be #bar.
So, how are these rules/dependencies being resolved like this?
The reason that I'm interested is because this implicit/explicit "double-rule" syntax seems essential to understanding how -M and include work to automate header dependencies, for example:
a.out: main.o
g++ main.o
%.o: %.cpp
g++ $< -c
main.o: main.cpp foo.h # <-- what *.d files look like
...causes desired behaviour like:
a.out: main.o
g++ main.o
main.o: main.cpp foo.h
g++ $< -c
I thought I understood that % pattern matching ... was equivalent to "explicitly" writing the targets ... (assuming those are the only .c files)
That's not right.
A pattern rule is a template that tells make how it CAN build a target. Pattern rules are only used if there's no explicit rule for that target already. A pattern rule doesn't say "go find all files that match this pattern and create explicit rules for them". It says, "if you find you need to build a target but you don't have any explicit rule already, and the target matches this pattern, then here's how you can build it".
For example, if you have a makefile that contains ONLY pattern rules, even if those pattern rules match existing files, and you just type make, you'll get a message that make has nothing to do. That's because you've not asked make to build anything, you just told make HOW to build something.
I also know that writing multiple rules for the same explicit target results in the rule being overwritten by the last defined rule
Of course, you will get a warning if you do this about overwriting an existing recipe.
It's important to understand that you can have as many different lines adding new prerequisites to a target as you like. It's not until you create a recipe that you have created an explicit rule. Until then, there's no actual rule that matches the target.
On top of MadScientist's expert answer, I thought I'd explain how it applies to both outputs for the Makefile (which might be useful for make beginners like me):
foo: bar
bar :
% : %.c
When there's no bar file:
bar :
...then bar is a "non-file" (phony) target. A phony target with no prerequisites always executes the recipe - as opposed to a file target where no prerequisites means that the target never has its recipe executed (not sure why this doesn't result in warnings). So, ironically, when there's no bar file, we see #bar output, otherwise we don't.
As MadScientist says in his answer, % : %.c can never match bar/bar.c because there's an explicit rule for bar (ie. one with a recipe). However, we can use the recipe in
% : %.c
... if we have the files foo/foo.c. This is because foo : bar isn't an explicit rule (has no recipe). The Makefile becomes equivalent to:
foo: bar
bar :
foo : foo.c
...which is equivalent to:
foo: bar foo.c
bar :
So make will output #% if there's no bar file, or if foo's timestamp is older than either bar or foo.c.
To work out the combination of files we need to get both #bar and #%, we use our logic from the #bar section (above) which is simpler: We cannot have a bar file. Looking at the #% section, we see that if we have no bar file then we still need both foo and foo.c files (but timestamps won't matter). So the directory will be: foo, foo.c, Makefile, plus any other file except for bar.

Apply a single Makefile target rule to multiple input files

Say I have the following set of inputs:
list = foo \
bar \
And say I have a rule such as follows:
# Do something here
I know I am able to invoke the rule by statically defining the target and its dependency:
$(somedir)/foo : foo
$(somedir)/bar : bar
$(somedir)/baz : baz
However, would there be a way to apply this rule to an evergrowing $(list) of inputs rather than having to statically define them all?
To be more specific, I am looking for a way to run a rule for each input and get an output (which is $(somedir)/input). Is this possible in Make?
Well, not sure I understand all the details but it seems to me that pattern rules are exactly what you need:
$(somedir)/%: %
# your recipe
This tells make that any $(somedir)/foo depends on foo and is built by the given recipe. Of course, you will also need to tell make which target you want to build:
make somedir=there there/foo there/bar
Bonus: if you know the list you can add a phony target to build them all at once:
list = foo bar baz
.PHONY: all
all: $(addprefix $(somedir)/,$(list))
$(somedir)/%: %
# your recipe
Second bonus: to help writing your recipe you can use automatic variables: $# expands as the target, $< as the first prerequisite, $^ as all prerequisites, etc. So your recipe could resemble this:
$(somedir)/%: %
build $# from $<

Makefile: order of adding prefix affects how a list of targets is built from a common dependency

I have a C project in which multiple .o files are to be generated from a common file. This main file uses preprocessor directives to conditionally include other .h files as needed, depending on target-specific variables defined in the makefile.
I've written this rule below, but depending on the order in which I apply my variable references I get different outcomes.
One small(ish) change, two different outputs
Consider two versions of code from my Makefile. In version A we have the following snippets:
MAIN_OBJ:= $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4)
... omitted non-relevant rules (including an all: rule)
$(CC) -DUSE_$(MFLAG) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
This only successfully builds the first target, $(OBJECT_DIR)/$(MAIN_1). The remaining three never get compiled and make stops there.
Now in version B we redefine MAIN_OBJ so that the directory prefix is included within the target list itself:
MAIN_OBJ:= $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4)
MAIN_OBJ:= $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)/,$(MAIN_OBJ)
... omitted non-relevant rules (again)
$(CC) -DUSE_$(MFLAG) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
This solution works, and compiles all 4 .o files, each with the proper $(MFLAG) value.
What's happening here?
This is probably a dumb question, but why does Version A only compile one .o file? I recognize version B is a generally better way to write rules.
Let me provide one more example that will perhaps illustrate my confusion.
Say we want to write a much more common type of rule: compiling targets from a list with a pattern rule for finding dependencies.
Doing something similar to Version A wouldn't result in a single .o being successfully generated:
MY_FILES:= $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.c))
MY_OBJ:= $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c, %.o, $(MY_FILES))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
Clearly the above is a bad idea, and you should write something like this instead:
MY_FILES:= $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.c))
MY_OBJ:= $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c, $(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o, $(MY_FILES))
$(MY_OBJ): $(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
But my question is this:
Why in this case does adding the directory prefix in the rule itself result in nothing being built, while in version A of my makefile the first target was successfully made?
"Version A" fails because make is just expanding things like you asked it to. A variable reference like this:
says "expand the variable OBJECT_DIR, then add a "/", then expand the variable MAIN_OBJ". So you get:
$(OBJECT_DIR)/$(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4): ...
So, only the first one is actually prefixed by the OBJECT_DIR value, not all of them (since you didn't show what the values were for all these variables I didn't complete the expansion).
Secondly, make always builds just the first target that it finds in the makefile (unless you override that with the command line or .DEFAULT). You don't say what the "non-relevant rules" are that you omitted, but unless one of them was an all target or similar that depends on all the MAIN_* targets, make will only build the first one which is the behavior you saw.
ETA Prepending to all words is trivial using various methods; see the GNU make manual.
One option:
$(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)/,$(MAIN_OBJ)): ...
Another option:
$(MAIN_OBJ:%=$(OBJECT_DIR)/%): ...
Another option:
$(patsubst %,$(OBJECT_DIR)/%,$(MAIN_OBJ)): ...

using the same make file in a separate directory

I have a makefile in directory foo and would like to use the same makefile in a subdirectory bar. I have been doing the following:
<do work in foo>
cd bar;
make -f ../Makefile <target to make in bar>
This gets very messy when I try to do target specific variable values as I need to pass them on the command line when calling make in bar. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
I cannot tell from the question whether the following solution suites your needs, it might - or might not - work for you.
If your situation is that you simply want the same Makefile features available, include could be a solution. You can create a Makefile in directory bar in which you do everything you need specific to bar, and besides that, you do:
include ../foo/Makefile
Caveat! This doesn't work straight-forward. There cannot be two recipes with the same name. For example, if you want foo/Makefile to do recipeBar for all, and you want foo/Makefile to do recipeFoo and recipeBar for all, the following does not work:
.PHONY: all
.PHONY: all
include foo/Makefile
Instead, the recipes have to be separated into unique names. However, dependency rules can be there multiple times, so it's not really a challenge to workaround this caveat. So, the following would work:
.PHONY: all
all: allFoo
.PHONY: allFoo
.PHONY: all
all: allBar
.PHONY: allBar
include foo/Makefile
Now, if you run make in bar, it would run recipeFoo and recipeBar.
If the sequence matters to you and recipeFoo must run before recipeBar, make allBar dependent on allFoo, like this:
.PHONY: all
all: allBar
.PHONY: allBar
allBar: allFoo
include foo/Makefile
If you want your target-specific variables available when you call another make (for which I recommend to use $(MAKE) not make), you can export your variables - with the corresponding consequences (environment space overflow risk on some Windows versions, .
For example, if you have a target-specific variable FOO for target all in Makefile, and you want that when calling Submake.mak that variable is known, it works like this:
all: export FOO:=bar
.PHONY: all
$(MAKE) -f Submake.mak
.PHONY: all
echo $(FOO)
Create a link (hard or symbolic, your choice) in bar to ../Makefile. Then, as Carl points out in his comment, you can make -C bar and everything should work. (As of gmake 3.81, at least, make switches to the new directory first, then does its thing. I cannot speak for gmake 4.0.)
