makefile target-specific changing srcs files - makefile

I'm trying to write a Makefile with a rule to make the project with another main.cpp file, because I'm testing my code with different options
I have different versions of the main function, that I put inside differents files : main.cpp, main_1.cpp, main_2.cpp, ..., to test different versions of my code, and they all have the same dependencies
first I was just commenting and un-commenting the Makefile variable MAIN that define the main.cpp file, but I was hoping there is a way to choose the one I want to try with a specific rule ?
I tried something with target-specific variables but it didn't work :
# # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
NAME = my_program
VPATH = srcs
CXX = c++
CXXFLAGS = -I ./headers
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o)
MAIN = main.cpp
#MAIN = main_1.cpp
SRCS = $(MAIN) file.cpp
# # # # #
# # # # #
all: $(NAME)
# target-specific variables
test-1: MAIN = main_1.cpp
test-1: re
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(OBJS) -o $(NAME)
rm -f $(OBJS)
fclean: clean
rm -f $(NAME)
re: fclean all
.PHONY : all clean fclean re
the error output for main test_1 is :
c++ -I ./headers -c -o main.o srcs/main.cpp
c++ -I ./headers -c -o file.o srcs/file.cpp
c++ main_1.o Webserv.o -o my_program
c++: error: main_1.o: No such file or directory
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'my_program' failed
make: *** [my_program] Error 1
I think, then, that target-specific is not the right tool for what I'm trying to do.
Does Make provide a way to accomplish that (modifying the list of srcs files when calling a specific rule, and having the compilation working great with the new srcs files) ?

I'm vaguely thinking something like this.
test-%: main_%.cpp file.cpp
Now, make test-1 will produce an executable with that name from main_1.cpp instead of main.cpp, and similarly test-2 from main_2.cpp, etc.
If you have subsequent targets which hardcode my_program which should actually depend on which version you made, this might not be suitable, or at a minimum, you'd have to refactor those to use the current output executable. Similarly, you might want to add test-[1-9] to the files to remove in the clean target (or perhaps add a realclean target to remove them too).
Tangentially, several of your make variables don't seem to serve any immediate purpose. Putting stuff in variables makes sense for things you want to be able to override at compile time, or vaguely for making a general-purpose Makefile which can be applied with only minor modifications across several projects; but in isolation, these seem like unnecessary complexities you should probably avoid for the time being.
Your immediate problem could perhaps be solved by refactoring the dependency chain, but on the whole, I'd recommend keeping it as simple as possible. make already knows how to compile common source formats; all you really need to put in the Makefile are the dependencies which are not trivially obvious and any .PHONY targets, and overrides to select e.g. a specific default action.


Makefile and subdirectories

I'm struggling with the correct syntax of a makefile.
This is my folder structure:
│ Makefile
│ header.h
How must the makefile look to ensure correct results?
This is my current makefile:
SOURCES = src/function.c src/function.c src/function.c
CC = cc
RM = rm -f
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror
NAME = output.a
all: $(NAME)
ar rcs $(NAME) $(OBJECTS)
fclean: clean
$(RM) $(NAME)
re: fclean $(NAME)
my current output if i run make all:
cc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -c src/function1.c src/function2.c
ar rcs output.a src/function1.o src/function2.o src/function1.o
ar: src/function1.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:15: output.a] Error 1
if i run make flcean the output looks the following:
rm -f src/function1.o src/function2.o
rm -f output.a
So it doesn´t remove anything because the .o files are stored in the root, not the /src subdirectory
I'm struggling with the correct syntax of a makefile.
Your makefile syntax is fine. In fact, your makefile is syntactically valid and reasonably well structured. It looks a lot better than many of the ones we see around here.
I guess what you're actually struggling with is that it doesn't work, even after you fix the weird disagreement between the source file list in the makefile itself and the actual source files on disk. But "doesn't work" is a pretty vague, though lamentably common, description. You would get better help, faster, by saying something along the lines of "the .o files are created in the top-level directory instead of in the src/ directory." (Which is exactly what I expect to happen, and as a result, the ar command will fail, and the clean target will not clean the .o files.)
You need to understand that make itself doesn't know much about building software. What it knows is how to match rules to patterns so as to execute associated recipes of shell commands. The particular kinds of patterns it matches and the built-in rules that come with it are oriented toward building software, but you can't expect it to go very far with anticipating what you mean. It, like any other computer program, will happily do what you say, instead, when that differs. In this case, it just runs the cc command with the arguments you specify, and cc will choose under those circumstances to put the .o files in the working directory.
From a stylistic and best-practices standpoint, it's best to write rules that build only their target file, unlike your rule for $(NAME) that attempts to build not just $(NAME) but also all the component object files. The object files would be better built according to their own rule or rules. Making the object files prerequisites of the rule for $(NAME) will ensure that they get built when needed. That will also allow for them to not be built when that is not needed. That variation on your rule would look like this:
ar rcs $# $^
Note also that in the recipe, I have substituted automatic variable $# for a repetition of the rule target name. That's good form, but not obligatory. I have also substituted automatic variable $^ for a repetition of the prerequisite list. That's less clear-cut, in part because $^ is specific to GNU make, but if you're ok with that dependency then it's a great way to avoid repeating yourself.
Now, about building the object files: you could write a pattern rule (GNU make only) or a suffix rule that builds an object file from a corresponding C source file, or you could even write a separate rule for each object file. But you don't actually need to do that. make comes with a built in rule that will serve your needs in that area just fine, so your best bet may be to not attempt to provide your own rule for that at all. That is: modifying the rule for $(NAME) as suggested above should be sufficient for successful building, supposing, again, that the contents of your SOURCES variable accurately reflect the source files you want to build.

How do I read source files from a directory and create object files into another folder in a makefile?

I have the following source files:
% ls
data_lexicon.c data_lexicon.h lex.l makefile
And the following makefile:
% cat makefile
CC = cc
CFLAGS = -Wall -std=c89
OBJFILES = lex.o data_lexicon.o
TARGET = lexical_analyzer_1
all: $(TARGET) lex.c
lex.c: lex.l data_lexicon.h
lex -olex.c lex.l
rm -f $(OBJFILES) lex.c $(TARGET)
If I do make all I get:
% ls
data_lexicon.c data_lexicon.o lex.l
lexical_analyzer_1 data_lexicon.h lex.c
lex.o makefile
So far so good.
However, I would like to move the source files (data_lexicon.c, data_lexicon.h, lex.l) to a folder src and generate the intermediate files (data_lexicon.o lex.c, lex.o) into a obj folder.
I create both folders but I do not understand how the makefile file shall be configured.
I am using FreeBSD make, so the more portable the solution given the better.
However, I would like to move the source files (data_lexicon.c,
data_lexicon.h, lex.l) to a folder src and generate the intermediate
files (data_lexicon.o lex.c, lex.o) into a obj folder.
It never ceases to amaze me how people insist on making extra work for themselves. You can certainly do what you describe, but it will require writing explicit rules for the object files.
First of all, however, you need to understand that make itself doesn't really know anything about directories. (Traditional make doesn't, anyway. GNU make and perhaps others know a little about them.) That is, it doesn't have any sense of varying directories against which it resolves file names. Rather, every target name is resolved against make's working directory. If you want to refer to something in a subdirectory, then you must say so. To begin with:
OBJFILES = obj/lex.o obj/data_lexicon.o
Similar goes for target and prerequisite names in rules:
obj/lex.c: src/lex.l src/data_lexicon.h
lex -o$# src/lex.l
That's also one reason to favor make's automatic variables, such as the $# in the above rule representing the name of the target being built.
Your makefile presently relies on make's built-in rule for building object files from corresponding C source files, but "corresponding" means target and prerequisite names are identical, including any path components, except for the suffixes (.c vs .o). You will no longer have that correspondence for data_lexicon.o, so you will need to write an explicit rule for it building it. This part is left as an exercise.

Makefile: order of adding prefix affects how a list of targets is built from a common dependency

I have a C project in which multiple .o files are to be generated from a common file. This main file uses preprocessor directives to conditionally include other .h files as needed, depending on target-specific variables defined in the makefile.
I've written this rule below, but depending on the order in which I apply my variable references I get different outcomes.
One small(ish) change, two different outputs
Consider two versions of code from my Makefile. In version A we have the following snippets:
MAIN_OBJ:= $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4)
... omitted non-relevant rules (including an all: rule)
$(CC) -DUSE_$(MFLAG) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
This only successfully builds the first target, $(OBJECT_DIR)/$(MAIN_1). The remaining three never get compiled and make stops there.
Now in version B we redefine MAIN_OBJ so that the directory prefix is included within the target list itself:
MAIN_OBJ:= $(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4)
MAIN_OBJ:= $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)/,$(MAIN_OBJ)
... omitted non-relevant rules (again)
$(CC) -DUSE_$(MFLAG) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
This solution works, and compiles all 4 .o files, each with the proper $(MFLAG) value.
What's happening here?
This is probably a dumb question, but why does Version A only compile one .o file? I recognize version B is a generally better way to write rules.
Let me provide one more example that will perhaps illustrate my confusion.
Say we want to write a much more common type of rule: compiling targets from a list with a pattern rule for finding dependencies.
Doing something similar to Version A wouldn't result in a single .o being successfully generated:
MY_FILES:= $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.c))
MY_OBJ:= $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c, %.o, $(MY_FILES))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
Clearly the above is a bad idea, and you should write something like this instead:
MY_FILES:= $(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.c))
MY_OBJ:= $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c, $(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o, $(MY_FILES))
$(MY_OBJ): $(OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $<
But my question is this:
Why in this case does adding the directory prefix in the rule itself result in nothing being built, while in version A of my makefile the first target was successfully made?
"Version A" fails because make is just expanding things like you asked it to. A variable reference like this:
says "expand the variable OBJECT_DIR, then add a "/", then expand the variable MAIN_OBJ". So you get:
$(OBJECT_DIR)/$(MAIN_1) $(MAIN_2) $(MAIN_3) $(MAIN_4): ...
So, only the first one is actually prefixed by the OBJECT_DIR value, not all of them (since you didn't show what the values were for all these variables I didn't complete the expansion).
Secondly, make always builds just the first target that it finds in the makefile (unless you override that with the command line or .DEFAULT). You don't say what the "non-relevant rules" are that you omitted, but unless one of them was an all target or similar that depends on all the MAIN_* targets, make will only build the first one which is the behavior you saw.
ETA Prepending to all words is trivial using various methods; see the GNU make manual.
One option:
$(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)/,$(MAIN_OBJ)): ...
Another option:
$(MAIN_OBJ:%=$(OBJECT_DIR)/%): ...
Another option:
$(patsubst %,$(OBJECT_DIR)/%,$(MAIN_OBJ)): ...

Compile multiple executables from multiple source directories to single bin directory using makefile

I'm trying to create a makefile for a suite of programs that I am working on. The programs are all written in fortran and the source files are contained in different directories. I can't seem how to figure out how to get things to work. My current sumfile is
#Compiler and compiler flag variables
F_FLAGS=-O2 -fbounds-check -Wall
F_FLAGSDB=-g -fbounds-check -Wall
#paths to libraries
# Paths to directories
# Get file names of component source files
#get names of files in src1
FORT_FILES=$(wildcard ./SRC1/*.f)
#get names of files in src2
FORTFILES+=$(wildcard ./SRC2/*.f)
#get names of files in src3
FORTFILES+=$(wildcard ./SRC3/*.f)
#get file names for output
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR),$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
# make commands
# Set the default option to compile the library with optimization
default: all
# create all command
all: $(EXE_FILES)
#echo toolkit has been built with optimization
#If compiling for debugging replace the compiler flags to remove optimization and add debugging
#Run compiler with debugging flags
debug: $(EXE_FILES)
#echo toolkit has been built with debugging
# Compile all of the source files into executables
$(EXE_FILES): % : %.f
# install the library in /usr/local/lib
cp -p $(BIN_DIR)* /usr/local/bin/toolkit/
# remove executable files for a clean build
rm $(BIN_DIR)*
The problem I am running into is that I get the following error when I try to run make:
make: *** No rule to make target `Display.f', needed by `Display'. Stop.
which I am assuming is because I have lost the directory that the source file comes from. Can someone help me here? I am totally stuck and don't know how to proceed.
In addition (this is more a general question about make), is there a way to tell make to recompile everything if the COMMON_LIB changes?
Thanks for your help!
Suppose your source files are
1) There is a flaw here:
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR),$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
This will produce
BINalpha BINbeta BINgamma BINdelta
when I think you intended
BIN/alpha BIN/beta BIN/gamma BIN/delta
A simple fix:
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR)/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
2) Now look at the static pattern rule:
$(EXE_FILES): % : %.f
So to build BIN/alpha, Make must first find BIN/alpha.f, which doesn't exist. To make it look for alpha.f, do this:
$(EXE_FILES): $(BIN_DIR)/% : %.f
3) How to find the sources?
You could do some delicate coding to help Make remember where it found alpha.f, but there's no need when we can use the vpath directive:
vpath %.f SRC1 SRC2 SRC3
4) One last look at that rule:
This command:
Will produce e.g. BIN/BIN/alpha, which is silly. A non-PHONY Make rule should produce a file whose name is the target of the rule. It prevents a lot of trouble.
A few further refinements may be possible, once you have this working perfectly.

Is it possible to add a dependency to another Makefile?

I'm not asking if it is possible to call Makefile from another Makefile.
Suppose I have a rule for generating an executable which looks like this:
my-prog: some.o local.o dependencies.o
Note that I'm exploiting built-in rules here.
Now suppose I start using a third-party library. I'd like to keep this built-in syntax and just add the external rule to the dependency list:
my-prog: some.o local.o dependencies.o somelib/libsomelib.a
But that won't work:
No rule to make target 'somelib/libsomelib.a', needed by 'my-prog'.
I know that I can solve this issue by calling explicitly the other Makefile:
my-prog: some.o local.o dependencies.o
$(MAKE) -C somelib/ libsomelib.a
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $^ somelib/libsomelib.a
But that's what I'm trying to avoid. Any ideas?
In select cases it might be possible to just include the other Makefile, but in those cases they could likely have been written as one in the first place, so...failing that, the best you can do to make the dependency tracking work is to extend the recursive make approach -- your own makefile can't track the dependencies of somelib/libsomelib.a, so you will have to ask the other Makefile to do it for you every time. I'm afraid there's no way around that.
You can, however, enable yourself to keep using the implicit rules and shift the dependency tracking of foreign libs to the other makefile. I'm thinking along the lines of phony targets for these foreign builds like so:
$(MAKE) -C somelib/ libsomelib.a
# This target needs to be phony so it is run every time because only the other
# makefile can determine that there's nothing to be done.
.PHONY: somelib/libsomelib.a
# then you can use it as a dependency just like locally built targets
my-prog: some.o local.o dependencies.o somelib/libsomelib.a
This can be extended to multiple foreign targets like this:
# list foreign targets here
somelib/libsomelib.a \
foo/libfoo.a \
# split the target into directory and file path. This assumes that all
# targets directory/filename are built with $(MAKE) -C directory filename
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $#) $(notdir $#)
