How to override 'where' in rails 3 - activerecord

I have upgraded my application from rails 2.3.8 to 3.0.3 . But I'm facing a problem. I was using 'find' but the overriding doesn't work in rails 3:
# override activerecord's find to allow us to find by name or id transparently
def self.find(*args)
if args.is_a?(Array) and args.first.is_a?(String) and (args.first.index(/[a-zA-Z\-_]+/) or args.first.to_i.eql?(0) )
I'm wondering if there is a way to make this work in rails 3 or even by using where instead.

The problem you're are facing is an upgrading from a rails 2.3.X to a rails 3.0.X application. Although, it could seem a simple task it isn't, especially if you have a real application and not a toy one. I suggest you to take a look to a screencast series from Rayn Bates, you could start from to get a complete idea off the problem you are facing.
If you only need to read about ActiveRecord new interface is a great article.


Moodle with Ruby On Rails

Currently, I am working on a rails application which requires the user to be registered automatically in the moodle. I searched for it and found these gems,
But, nothing seems to work for me. I even searched on youtube but found nothing with the rails.
However, using the moodle_rb gem I was able to create an object which returned me the sites info using the sites_info function. Other than that I am unable to use any of the web services of the moodle. I have created an external service and added some functions like auth_email_get_signup_settings and auth_email_signup_user which accepts none parameters.
May anyone guides me through this? or even a minor help would also be great.
I am using a token to create the object.
Thanks in advance.
Can you show us how you tried to configure your gems? For example, according to the docs the moddle-api gem requires a configuration like:
Moodle::Api.configure do|c| = ''
c.token = 'mytoken'
If you did configure the gem like the above, can you show some of the code that you tried to call once the gem was installed and configured?

is there any alternative for scenario.steps method in cucucmber 2.0.0?

I have just upgraded to Cucumber 2.0.0 and looks the version 2 is not supporting the steps method for the scenario.
The below code in the my hooks is not working due to this and dont see any alternative method in ruby docs for cucumber version 2.0.0
#step_t =
scenario.steps.each do |step|
Please let me know if anyone got a chance to get the steps of a scenario using cucumber 2.0.0
Not sure about 2.0.0, but with 2.0.2 I am able to get steps like that:
Doesn't matter if it's scenario outline or not.
And if you need array of steps names:

Rails lib class not being loaded in production, works ok in dev

I have a class in the lib directory: lib\db_cache.rb, that defines class DbCache.
My Rails model can access it when in dev mode and also when I run rails console in production mode.
But when I run the production mode rails server, the model class, eg Foo, complains about "uninitialized constant" Foo::DbCache,
org/jruby/ `const_missing',
org/jruby/ `call'
I have this line in application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{Rails.root}/lib)
I have also tried the other variations shown in the linked SO questions - but no joy.
I am using jruby 1.7.3 (1.9.3p385) - Java 1.7.0_13-b20, on linux. Rails is version 3.2.12.
I've seen these questions Rails - why would a model inside RAILS_ROOT/lib not be available in production mode? and Best way to load module/class from lib folder in Rails 3? but that doesnt seem to help my case.
Thanks in advance for any ideas on this.
PS My work-hack-around for now is to require 'db_cache' in my model class :(
It sounds like you are trying to extend a class. Without seeing the db_cache.rb file I can't know for sure.
If that is the case it is perfectly fine to have
extend DbCache
in your model class definition
The problem seemed to related to enabling config.threadsafe! in /config/environments/production.rb
This is what I had:
# Enable threaded mode
if defined?(Rails::Server)
puts "Rails Server running - so enable threadsafe!"
As I am using jruby, I dont believe this is so much of an issue. At least, when I removed these lines, things worked much better :)

Ruby on Rails with chargify

I want to integrate chargify to my rails app. I have user object and I want the user to be able to subscribe for one month and update the boolean column on user object. I prefer to use the API not hosted pages. How can I do that?
Is there any example for chargify on ruby on rails for handling subscriptions but with details about mvc for newbies?
Based on this thread and the Googles it looks like there is not a whole lot out there.
You could try looking at the Rails 2 example here and converting it or use the gem here (gem "chargify", "~> 0.3.0").
I know none of this is aimed at newbies but the info seems to sparse.
This might get you going. It seems that Chartify itself is written in Rails, and therfore their API is ruby code, which you can use...

A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active

Whenever two concurrent HTTP requests go to my Rails app, the second always returns the following error:
A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
From there it gives an unhelpful stack trace to the effect of "we went through the standard server stuff, ran your first before_filter on ApplicationController (and I checked; it's just whichever filter runs first)", then offers the following:
which I'm assuming is a generic response and doesn't really say much.
Google seems to tell me that people developing Rails Engines will encounter this, but I don't do that. All I've done is upgrade my Rails app from 2.2 (2.1?) to 2.3.
What are some possible causes for this error, and how can I go about tracking down what's really going on? I know this question is vague, so would any other information be helpful?
More importantly: I tried doing a test run in a "production" environment just now, and the error doesn't seem to persist. Does this only affect development, then, and need I not worry too much?
This is a bug in Rails 2.3.3:
There is a patch for it (but incomplete?) in 2-3-stable:
You have a few options to address the problem:
Revert to Rails 2.3.2, wait for 2.3.4 to come out, probably at the end of August. 2.3.3 has a couple bad issues, so that might be best.
The problem should not happen in production mode, nor will it happen in development mode under the Thin server. If you are having this issue on Google Engines in production mode, the patch is your only hope. If it's only in dev mode, you can just run your local server with Thin instead of Mongrel.
If it is Google Engines, you can move off of Google Engines and host your app another way. This seems like a lot of work though.
Best of luck, this is a really bad bug many people are running into.
I addition to the workarounds mentioned in the other answers, I have encountered two others:
Add "config.cache_classes = false" to your config/environments/development.rb file. This has the unfortunate side effect of requiring you to restart your server whenever you want to see your changes.
Add 'unloadable' inside your controller classes in your engine. See and
I haven't tried the second approach, since I found the other solution first, but there is of course a trade-off between avoiding having to edit plugin code, which may be reverted if a newer version of the plugin is downloaded, and then the ease of development provided by not having to restart the development server all the time in the second solution.
i faced with same problem for my new engine on rails 2.3.4 and i found solution here.
calling unloadable method solved my problem.
Trying running "rake rails:update" to make sure the configs are scripts are up to date. You may have to check the existing ones against a template application.
i had this error and from memory it was one of one of these three things that fixed it.
1) I needed to update mongrel/rack
2) I had an environment variable from restful authentication that i had moved into the production.rb and development.rb files from the environment.rb - shifting it back to environment.rb seemed to help
3) will_paginate was out of date
We called out to an activerecord model in a namespaced module which overrides the "name" class method. Rails expects that the name method returns Product::Categories::MilkProducts::Firstproduct but gets just Firstproduct and throws an error. So if you get this error first check if you redefined
Firstproduct.method(:name).owner should be Module
module Product::Categories::MilkProducts
class Base
class Firstproduct < Base
self.product = Product.first
