Ruby on Rails with chargify - ruby

I want to integrate chargify to my rails app. I have user object and I want the user to be able to subscribe for one month and update the boolean column on user object. I prefer to use the API not hosted pages. How can I do that?
Is there any example for chargify on ruby on rails for handling subscriptions but with details about mvc for newbies?

Based on this thread and the Googles it looks like there is not a whole lot out there.
You could try looking at the Rails 2 example here and converting it or use the gem here (gem "chargify", "~> 0.3.0").
I know none of this is aimed at newbies but the info seems to sparse.

This might get you going. It seems that Chartify itself is written in Rails, and therfore their API is ruby code, which you can use...


Moodle with Ruby On Rails

Currently, I am working on a rails application which requires the user to be registered automatically in the moodle. I searched for it and found these gems,
But, nothing seems to work for me. I even searched on youtube but found nothing with the rails.
However, using the moodle_rb gem I was able to create an object which returned me the sites info using the sites_info function. Other than that I am unable to use any of the web services of the moodle. I have created an external service and added some functions like auth_email_get_signup_settings and auth_email_signup_user which accepts none parameters.
May anyone guides me through this? or even a minor help would also be great.
I am using a token to create the object.
Thanks in advance.
Can you show us how you tried to configure your gems? For example, according to the docs the moddle-api gem requires a configuration like:
Moodle::Api.configure do|c| = ''
c.token = 'mytoken'
If you did configure the gem like the above, can you show some of the code that you tried to call once the gem was installed and configured?

Idiomatic REST API versioning in Padrino app

I am writing a Padrino app which will expose a few services via REST apis. I need to version the apis. I found this answer which explains how to version an api such that the version is embedded in the uri. I would rather put my version info in the Accept header or some other HTTP header (let's not go into the whole embed-in-uri vs put-in-header debate for now). Is there an idiomatic way of implementing this in a Padrino controller? I would like to avoid littering version checks in all my routes. Is there any way I can put the check in a central place (DRY) or - better still - let Padrino take care of this for me with some magical directives?
Try to implement (ofc, w/o 'v1' in url) this.
Also found that. It should work since Padrino is the little bro of Sinatra.
Can't test for the moment. Please keep me aware !

Replying to tweets on your timeline with twitter gem

I am trying to create a simple reply from my twitter timeline but ran into some problems and as a ruby newbie I had problems in understanding the doc.
Twitter.mentions_timeline.each do |tweet|
reply_to = tweet.from_user_name()
#Twitter.update("##{reply_to} Not today.")
This is what've written so far, which is not much. Unfortunately the tweet doesn't have any from_user_name when using the mentions_timeline it seems. I am using this gem and does not find any good examples of this:
Would be very nice to have some nice example of how to grab ones tweets from the timeline and replying to those. Also does twitter have anything that distinguish "new tweets" or do I need to create some kind of storage myself to seperate new from old?
Thanks in advance :)
EDIT: to clarify, I want to get all tweets sent to me directly and reply to them. I don't really want to continue in any conversation.
A little late, but in the lastest version of twitter gem you can reply to a tweet with:
#client.update("##{reply_to.user.username} Not today.", in_reply_to_status_id:
Hope this helps someone.
Here are a few examples that might be helpful for anyone using sferik's twitter gem for something like this. Note, I'm using version 5.0.0 currently, so your mileage may vary.
Assuming you've configured the REST client and assigned it to a variable named client, you can get an array of your last 20 mentions (or however many you've received in the past 2 months, if fewer) with this line:
The respective mentioners of those tweets can be acquired similarly with this:
You could then use client.update as suggested to reply as you see fit.
One tool I find incredibly useful when I'm exploring API's in Ruby is pry. Just require it, drop a binding.pry, and run your code in Terminal. Then you can explore to your heart's — or API's limit's — extent.

How do I get Twitter follow request with the Tweetstream Ruby gem?

According to this Ars Technica tutorial, "the streaming API makes it easy to detect when the user gets a new follower. To detect follow event objects, look for the "event" key and check if it has the string "follow" as the value."
The tweetstream gem supposedly exposes all methods from the API. However I can't figure out, how to get to those follow requests!
Any ideas?
The tweetstream gem is fairly complete, but sometimes you need to delve into the source to find stuff:
client.on_event(:follow) do |event|
p event[:source][:screen_name]
end :)

How to override 'where' in rails 3

I have upgraded my application from rails 2.3.8 to 3.0.3 . But I'm facing a problem. I was using 'find' but the overriding doesn't work in rails 3:
# override activerecord's find to allow us to find by name or id transparently
def self.find(*args)
if args.is_a?(Array) and args.first.is_a?(String) and (args.first.index(/[a-zA-Z\-_]+/) or args.first.to_i.eql?(0) )
I'm wondering if there is a way to make this work in rails 3 or even by using where instead.
The problem you're are facing is an upgrading from a rails 2.3.X to a rails 3.0.X application. Although, it could seem a simple task it isn't, especially if you have a real application and not a toy one. I suggest you to take a look to a screencast series from Rayn Bates, you could start from to get a complete idea off the problem you are facing.
If you only need to read about ActiveRecord new interface is a great article.
