silent installation with install4j - installation

I am trying to make some silent installations with install4j, like running other executable programs but the user still can see the gui of these programs. What should I do to hide them?

When running an installer created with install4j add -q for unattended mode.

use below responce file with the following command.
yEd-3.20.1_with-JRE13_64-bit_setup.exe -q -varfile "response.varfile"
response.varfile:just install the application manually on any one machine, after you can get the response file on the location "C:\Program Files\yWorks\yEd"

I think it is impossible to hide a GUI of another process.


Oracle bi config.cmd not run in windows 10

I am trying to install oracle bi on Windows 10.
I ran the install file and set weblogic and repository, but when I go to this directory:

and try to run the config.cmd, the command prompt opens and immediately closes. It doesn’t show me the setup window.
How can I solve this problem?
Very simple solution: not trying to install OBI on an unsupported platform!
By the way the response in here will stay the same as on the Oracle communities ...
I had the same issue as you and I was to gave up but I decided I don't do it and I start to search for this problem. The first things to have to do is check your PATH JAVA_HOME. My native language is Spanish and my windows OS is in Spanish.
My JAVA_HOME was C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 and I have a problem to time installing so I change by C:\Progra~2\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 then I restart my laptop and I open CMD as Admin and put cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin because in this route was installed my OBI. After that just put C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin>config.cmd and I can continue to the configure of OBI.
Progra~1 = 'Program Files'
Progra~2 = 'Program Files(x86)'
If you forgot anything, just enter to link to refer:

Flexera Installshield 2015 Uninstall Custom Action before System Changes

I'm running into an issue using installshield as installerproject for my windows service.
I have an exe which I can run with -I
which installs my project as windows service.
This executes fine as I can set the param in the last dialog where "Show Launch Program" is set true.
But now when I'm uninstalling the whole program it should run the command
/Program Files(x86)/company/app/main.exe
command with -U parameter.
But I can only specify custom action to run after the main.exe has already been deleted.
Does anyone knows a way to run my custom action before the uninstallation process deletes my files?
The problem was with the installed version of installshield.
With the Limited Edition (LE) you are just able to create custom actions in some dedicated steps and not everywhere while installing.
I've written now an own command line file which I'm providing together with the SETUP.exe.

Windows deletes make executable file upon running. Why?

I am trying to get some code running which uses make. I've downloaded and installed both MinGW (standard 32 bit) and TDM-GCCs flavor of MinGW on my 64-bit Windows 7 machine.
When I run make (i.e. mingw32-make.exe) in Administrator mode, I get the following error message:
Windows cannot access the specified path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
The weird/scary part is that, upon running, it immediately deletes the exe file.
I ran a checksum SHA1 as recommended in the comments using the Microsoft (R) File Checksum Integrity Verifier V2.05:
C:\path\to\folder>fciv.exe -sha1 mingw32-make.exe
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
c8ae5c780ab7bed652883d6443b5bfe5e23d30c9 mingw32-make.exe
I don't understand what this output means, but maybe it's helpful to someone.
This happens regardless of where the file is located on my pc.
This behavior is specific to the make program (others such as gfortran and gcc appear to be working fine)
Renaming the file makes no difference.
I am an administrator on the pc
Same behavior when I run the program from the explorer or command line.
My anti-virus program (Avast) does not detect any problems with the file when I scan it.
I got the MinGW setup file from this SourceForge page.
I got the TDM-GCC web installer from this page.
The file size is 219,662 bytes (from both the main MinGW and TDM-GCC packages)
I have run make from the command line where I have started the command prompt by way of selecting Run as Administrator in the context menu.
I have also tried to run make by selecting Run as Administrator when I have it selected.
I run the command mingw32-make when this behavior occurs. I have also tried renaming it to things like make and foo with the same result.
The first time this happened with both MinGW it deleted the original file and I re-installed it using the mingw-get application. From thereon after I started making copies of the original mingw32-make for testing.
For the make executable, I have all permissions (including Read & execute) except the special permissions field.
After using the process manager I found out it was indeed Avast that was the problem :S A couple of lines revealed avast actually deleted the file before windows got around to executing it, which was the reason for the windows message. I put Avast on 'Silent Mode' a while back; I thought the only purpose of this mode was to suppress notifications about minor updates, but apparently it also gave Avast permission to deal with 'threats' silently as well.
After figuring that out the solution was straightforward. I just went into the settings and created an exception for the mingw32-make.exe file. It now runs without issue.
Thanks very much for your help everyone!
User account has administrator privilege but when user started to work , not all privilege are taken in account , just start your application for compiling with run with administrator mode try this :

Nuget.exe crashes when invoked from cmd.exe

I'm trying to automatically download Nuget.exe from a Rakefile, in order to minimize the amount of initial setup needed to run my samples on GitHub.
I've understand how to download a file (I'm using HTTParty) and how to save a binary file (using the b flag on but now I've got problem running Nuget.exe. In particular:
if I launch it directly or from PowerShell, the executable runs fine;
if I launch it from cmd or from a Rakefile (which in turn runs cmd), Windows tells me that the program "stopped working".
I reproduced the same behavior with the Nuget bootstrapper, so I thought that the cause was some configuration in my computer.
It then occured to me that I installed ansicom, a library to handle ANSI sequences. I disabled it and then Nuget started without any problem.

Erlang project can't launch on Windows generated by rebar

I compiled an generate my project(which called eddy) on Windows with rebar successfully, but can not launch.
eddy.cmd start
erlsrv.exe: The service eddy_1 is not an erlsrv controlled service.
Before you can start the service, you have to install it:
eddy.cmd install
eddy.cmd start
If you just want to run it, use the console option:
eddy.cmd console
Maybe you'll find your way here: google search result. Check your eddy.cmd file or any other command file called.
