Erlang project can't launch on Windows generated by rebar - windows

I compiled an generate my project(which called eddy) on Windows with rebar successfully, but can not launch.
eddy.cmd start
erlsrv.exe: The service eddy_1 is not an erlsrv controlled service.

Before you can start the service, you have to install it:
eddy.cmd install
eddy.cmd start
If you just want to run it, use the console option:
eddy.cmd console

Maybe you'll find your way here: google search result. Check your eddy.cmd file or any other command file called.


Run termbox-go app in GoLand's console

I want to create a Go app with a console UI using the termui library (which is built on top of the termbox-go library). I can build the app and run it from the command line, but it will not start inside the GoLand IDE (2018.1.3) on Windows 10.
It fails during the termbox-go init when calling syscall.Syscall with SetConsoleScreenBufferSize parameter. The size for the screen buffer is 80x25. Error message is just "The parameter is incorrect."
How can I debug a termbox-go app in the GoLand or other IDE?
I think the way to solve this is to build your executable with Go 1.10 or newer, compile it with the following flags: -gcflags="all=-N -l" (these are very important and will allow the debugger to work a lot better, and then use the Run | Attach to Local Process... option from GoLand and attach to the local process.
I'll see if I can replicate the bug and update this accordingly.

How to create a exe file from an elixir project

I am new to elixir and I am trying to create a command line app for Windows. I would like to deploy the app as an exe file that can be run from command prompt. I would also like the end user to not be required to install erlang to run the app if possible.
I have looked everywhere on Google and found nothing that seemed to help. I have installed Rebar3 but I don't know if that is what I need or not.
EDIT: I am currently using escript to run the app but I still have to type "escript app_name [args]" and I want to just run it as "app_name [args]".
You can create a release with exrm. Include it in your app dependencies in your mix file and then you'll be able to do something like : MIX_ENV=prod mix do compile, release
It will generate a tarball that contains everything you need to run your app. Including a bat file to start it on windows. It might not be a exe as you requested in your question, but it's still easy to from windows CLI
you'll find more information in the Phoenix doc (most of it applies to elixir apps without phoenix):

Nuget.exe crashes when invoked from cmd.exe

I'm trying to automatically download Nuget.exe from a Rakefile, in order to minimize the amount of initial setup needed to run my samples on GitHub.
I've understand how to download a file (I'm using HTTParty) and how to save a binary file (using the b flag on but now I've got problem running Nuget.exe. In particular:
if I launch it directly or from PowerShell, the executable runs fine;
if I launch it from cmd or from a Rakefile (which in turn runs cmd), Windows tells me that the program "stopped working".
I reproduced the same behavior with the Nuget bootstrapper, so I thought that the cause was some configuration in my computer.
It then occured to me that I installed ansicom, a library to handle ANSI sequences. I disabled it and then Nuget started without any problem.

GAE Go Windows - "Cannot run program", "is not a valid Win32 application"

I've been trying to run a GAE Go project I developed on my Mac on my Windows machine with GoClipse after installing and configuring the appropriate SDKs and so forth. When attempting to run the project, I get this error:
Exception occurred executing command line. Cannot run program
"C:\GoogleAppEngine\" (in directory
"D:\Golang\workspace\Project\src\pkg"): CreateProcess
error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
How can I fix that error in order to run my project?
While the below configuration works on the Mac as it has Python installed by default, Windows requires a different configuration.
On Mac the GoClipse External Tools Configuration would be:
Location: /GoogleAppEngine/
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}
Arguments: .
The Windows configuration should look like:
Location: C:\Python27\Python.exe
Working Directory:
Arguments: C:\GoogleAppEngine\ "${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}"
Trying to run .py (Which IMO is a Python file?) wont work directly on windows. You will need to install Python and then pass the above filename to Python something like (I don't know Python so don't go by exact syntax, you might need to look around)
python "C:\GoogleAppEngine\
The reason it's working on Mac is because Python comes pre-installed on mac as cited here But on windows it doesn't. So you can install Python and add the Python's bin folder to path, and then run above script and it should run fine!

silent installation with install4j

I am trying to make some silent installations with install4j, like running other executable programs but the user still can see the gui of these programs. What should I do to hide them?
When running an installer created with install4j add -q for unattended mode.
use below responce file with the following command.
yEd-3.20.1_with-JRE13_64-bit_setup.exe -q -varfile "response.varfile"
response.varfile:just install the application manually on any one machine, after you can get the response file on the location "C:\Program Files\yWorks\yEd"
I think it is impossible to hide a GUI of another process.
