How to stop web page refresh to view disappearing error message - debugging

We're working on a Joomla site for GiveCamp, and our code is running into some error in production that didn't occur in test.
Nothing is showing up in the server logs, and some error appears on the screen very very briefly, then is replaced by another error page.
How can we freeze the display to view the first page?
Like stepping through code in a debugger, but in the browser?
The only thing we've come up with is making a video and stopping the playback; there's got to be a smarter way of capturing the web traffic, right?
We're open to using a different browser or adding extensions -- I think we've viewed this in Firefox and Conkeror, so far...
UPDATE: we ended up recording a screen-case, then stopping the playback to see the error. I am still hoping to find a better solution, something that would be caching the web stream.

I know it might be late since you've already found your solution, but the following might be useful for for anyone else having the same problem:
Try using a FF extension to capture the response headers like httpfox or live http headers. These will allow you to capture everything received from the web-server and then go through it to find your message. There are also a bunch of dedicated packet sniffing tools such as wireshark - this will capture everything. If you're on windows, theres an awesome app called fiddler.


How to handle errors with Laravel and Vue.js

I am just starting to develop an application with Laravel and Vue.js
Currently I have it setup so that Laravel acts like a backend API, while Vue.js renders all of the front-end views. All working well and I am getting the hang of working with a SPA.
One thing I am struggling with. When I was using only Laravel, I was getting the Whoops error handling screen if the were any exceptions being generated on the PHP's end. However since switching over to a SPA, I no longer see the exceptions being thrown (I feel like it something to do with Laravel running on the server, but Vue in the browser, clarification would be amazing though...).
I tried searching the internet for ways to make this happen, most suggested using something like Clockwork or Debugbar. However I don't know if that actually fits the requirements I want.
Whoops was beneficial that it let me see the source of the issue, so I could investigation further, and for someone still learning this was great.
Are there any standard processes that are typically adopted to get the above result? Or is there something I am missing, and as a result I am going about it the wrong way (perhaps there is a reason the exceptions don't get thrown the same way).
Any advice would be really appreciated.
You can use the "network tab" within the browsers developer tools (available in chrome (CTRL + SHIFT + I), firefox, edge etc.) and investigate the detailed response of the request. It is not as pretty as the actual Woops screen (since it heavily relies on JS and nice css formatting) but it usually meets your requirement of being able to track down the actual source of the issue.
Example of chrome dev tool network tab

broken images on browser

So, there's this blog I visit often, and it has a lot of pictures.
But the thing is, they are all broken. The image is there, and I found that if I use a proxy server and access the blog, some pictures are there. Some are still broken, so then I have to right click the broken image, copy the image URL, open the URL in a different tab/windows, and once that picture finishes loading, I refresh the blog, and the picture I loaded on a different windows now shows....
Does anyone know why this happens, and how I can get it fixed?? Thanks.
In case you don't understand what I mean, This is the blog that makes this happen
This applies to Firefox, chrome, IE in my case.
This is very likely to be the case that the target server is configured to prevent hotlinking. When accessing the images via the page you posted, the HTTP response code of the images is 403, it indicates the server can be reached and understood the HTTP request, but refuses to take any further action.

IE6 cannot download javascript files over HTTPS

I'm totally stumped here, so any ideas would be appreciated.
I have a RichFaces application, which recently became non-functional when used from IE6. The problem began when I included the following line in my main template:
<a4j:loadScript src="resource://jquery.js"/>
This results in the following generated HTML:
<script src="/AgriShare/a4j/g/3_3_3.Finaljquery.js.jsf" type="text/javascript"></script>
By "non-functional" I mean that pages no longer load, b/c the first page appears to hang the browser for a long time, and then all references to jQuery say that the object was not defined. Eventually this appears to put IE6 in a state where further clicks do nothing.
After a lot of trial and error I have established the following:
The app still works in Chrome, Firefox and IE8
The app still works in IE6, if I switch to HTTP. So, the problem appears to be related to HTTPS, which I can't dispose of.
I further narrowed down the problem by trying to manually request 3_3_3.Finaljquery.js.jsf in IE6 address bar. It asks me if I want to save the file (so it can see it is there), but when I say 'Save', it hangs for about 5 seconds and then says:
Internet Explorer cannot download 3_3_3.Finaljquery.js.jsf from [host_name].
The connection with the server was reset.
Doing the same download over HTTP succeeds.
Gradually reducing the size of the file, I noticed that the download eventually succeeds over HTTPS, if I get the files size below ~ 110KB. There is no specific size it works at though. I tried the same trick with prototype.js and it worked at a different size value.
I can't trace the SSL session, b/c I cannot get access to the certificate's private key, so now I have absolutely no clue what to try next.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Try using Fiddler for debugging. It can handle SSL.
You might also want to consider hosting the server yourself and taking a look at the server log.
The problem was solved by turning off compression of javascript files in Web Cache.
Sounds like the problem might be related to this:;en-us;327286

Sporadic page load failure

An issue has started recently, within Chrome and reportedly Firefox, pages would be loading fine and browsing would be as normal and then suddenly then a page would fail to load (continuing to spin as if loading). The page that fails is often not the same.
If I refresh the page or try to goto another page on the domain within the same browser, the browser doesn't even try to resolve the name or make a connection, and is then unable to load the page.
Swapping to another browser and I am back to browsing the domain normally again, while the original browser(in most cases Chrome) will not load the pages until a restart.
This has happened with 3 different people on 3 different machines in both Chrome and Firefox.
The domain that it is running off has allot of ajax calls within certain pages, I am not sure if the server is tripping out due to the number of requests from the one client...I am not sure.
I am not sure if this is a server, client or script functionality issue, as I can not personally reproduce it. I can do little to debug or work out what is causing this or how to fix it...
As you can see I am not sure of allot with this problem :) so I am throwing it out to stack-overflow in the hope that someone may have had similar experiences or have any directions I could look towards.
If the page is making many requests in a short time, your firewall (router) may block it. I've noticed this behavior on my own router, and had to set it to a less restrictive level to make things work.

Error redirecting to a custom URL protocol

In my post here, I made mention of having an issue with a custom URL protocol link being sent in an email. I got around that issue by sending a link to a web page, which then did the redirect to the custom URL protocol (presumably the issue with sending the direct link was that Gmail (and possibly other providers) were seeing my protocol as "unsafe" and therefore stripping it out of the email).
This is fine and dandy, except in IE8 (I'm unsure about IE7). If I go to that page in FF3 and Chrome, it opens my program as I would expect. In IE8, I just get a generic "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error. Does anyone have any idea why IE8 won't prompt me to run the program?
Custom URL's are often considered dangerous or insecure content in the modern web universe. Your experience with gmail is an example. Many browsers have designs that limit or block URL schemes they do not recognize. The error page might be IE8's default behavior. I have not had much luck with researching my IE8-specific issues, so someone else will probably have to fill in the blanks. (Wiki flag is ON).
