broken images on browser - image

So, there's this blog I visit often, and it has a lot of pictures.
But the thing is, they are all broken. The image is there, and I found that if I use a proxy server and access the blog, some pictures are there. Some are still broken, so then I have to right click the broken image, copy the image URL, open the URL in a different tab/windows, and once that picture finishes loading, I refresh the blog, and the picture I loaded on a different windows now shows....
Does anyone know why this happens, and how I can get it fixed?? Thanks.
In case you don't understand what I mean, This is the blog that makes this happen
This applies to Firefox, chrome, IE in my case.

This is very likely to be the case that the target server is configured to prevent hotlinking. When accessing the images via the page you posted, the HTTP response code of the images is 403, it indicates the server can be reached and understood the HTTP request, but refuses to take any further action.


Lightbox2: Display other picture if named image is lost

I have a lot galleries displayed with Lightbox2 and it works fine.
Now I want to delete the larger version of the pictures, but keep the gallery with the thumbnails for visitors.
How can I manage, that lightbox2 displays an alternative image, if the given file in the html is not existing?
I couldn't find an option in lightbox.js to handle with missing targets.
I had the same question, but after a little research I decided that Lightbox2 is not the right place to handle missing images. Instead, that should be handled at the server or application level.
The web server will respond with a 404 error for any missing resource, whether a web page, image, or anything else. In most cases, it also returns a small HTML page to alert the user (such as this example at Google).
You can usually configure your server or application to return a default 404-style image instead of an HTML page if the requested resource was an image. That will then be displayed to the user instead of the broken image symbol.
How you do this of course depends on the particular server/application stack you are using, but here is a good solution for Apache.

Facebook wont detect my IMAGE

hey guys i am having a problem that i see others with online but i am yet to find a fix for my website.
facebook not detecting my images as of a couple of hours ago, i tried disabling hotlinks in cloudflare, tried fb debuger and scrapping tool etc no solution.
example if you try to share this page, no picture appears:
ERROR message
"Provided og:image URL, ........testsite/wblob/5433A6CF57A599/2803/3DF62/w3l6_ERf2C3ADvxqhgccQg/jasmin.png could not be downloaded because it exceeded the maximum allowed sized of 8Mb."
the image is not over 8mb
ALso correct url is shown in the raw tag area
When I opened that link I don't see the image regardless; I opened up Chrome's debugger and saw this:
A Parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script,,
is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be
blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network
connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a
subsequent console message.See for more details.
So the way that page is displaying the image is likely not up to standards.

Gmail's new image caching is breaking image links in newsletter

I've got some automatic emails that are sent out upon signup completion for my site.
Until recently, they worked fine. Now Google's new system is rewriting the images and storing them in it's cache (supposedly)
However, Google's new rewriting of my image links are completely breaking them, giving a 500 error and a broken link image.
Lets say my normal image url is:
Google is rewriting this to:
However, there is nothing at that URL.
So, either there is something wrong with the links that are being created by Google or the images are just not being uploaded to the googleusercontent server, but I have no idea how to solve the issue.
Im using PHP, the phpmailer library and a Ubuntu server on Amazon EC2, but Im not sure that is related to the issue.
I think I have figured out the GoogleImageProxy issue.
This is something related to CACHING concept. suppose, you have recently deployed your PHP code on your server but you forgot to upload images. you tested once with your email logic. your system generated an HTML email. When this email will hit the Gmail server GoogleImageProxy will try to fetch and store the images from your site on its own proxy server. while fetching the images, GoogleImageProxy found some 404 statuses against your missing images and 403 against some protected images. GoogleImagesProxy has stored these statuses into its own proxy server.
Now tried to open your email, and you noticed some 404 statuses against your images. This is something understandable. You immediately realized that you forgot to upload some images, so you uploaded them to your server. and also you have fixed some permissions against protected images.
You are all done now. Now you try to run your PHP-email script once again. As a result, you receive another email in your Gmail or Hotmail inbox. you had fixed all the issues with your images. Now the images must be displayed in your email content. but you are still unable to see the images.
Ah, possibly you forgot to clear your browser's cache. Clear your browser's cache and load the Gmail or Hotmail page once again. But the result will be still the same. Try to apply dozens of fixes/patches and try to run your PHP-email script a thousand times. But the result will be still the same. No improvement.
What the hell is going on? Let me explain it to you. Go to your access log and try to find requests from GoogleImageProxy. You'll be surprised to see that there will be only 2 or 3 three requests from GoogleImageProxy depending on the number of different images used in your email. GoogleImageProxy never tried to fetch images Even after you have fixed the issues with your images by uploading missing images and setting permissions for protected images. Why? Clearing your browser's cache has no impact. GoogleImageProxy will never fetch the fresh images even for your newer email because the images are now cached into GoogleImageProxy along with their last status code and not cached in your own browser.
GoogleImageProxy has set its own expiry date for the images. I think one month. so now the fresh copy of images will be fetched after the expiry date. I mean after one month. You can not force GoogleImageProxy to fetch the images. But it is important for you to display images in your email. What can be the solution?
Following is the only way to force GoogleImageProxy to fetch your images
Rename your images to something else with png, jpg, or gif extensions
Don't use any kind of query string in your image URL like ?t=34343
your image must include png, jpg, or gif as an extension.
your image URL must be mapped onto your image directly.
If you need to use some proxy URL for your protected images then your response must include the proper header like
Content-Type: image/jpeg
File extension and content-type header must match
Status-code must be 200 instead of 403, 500, etc
Try to repeat the whole process for every run of PHP-email script. because every time GoogleImageProxy will cache your images and you'll have to repeat the same process for every new try.
Hopefully this will fix the issue for most of the people.
Based on your example, it looks like you are using traditional extensions (.jpg, .png, .gif). Some folks on this thread, describing the same issues you are facing, have stated that using those extensions solves the problem.
Other possible solutions:
Image links broken in Gmail because of google's Image proxy
Doubtful, but maybe a cookie problem
Image URL proxy whitelist setting - this has turned out to be the solution for a few users who are under Google Apps. Via Gmail is not showing image when image url is getting appended with
I was having a similar issue, but it was caused by the length of the URL. Google generates the following URL when caching an image from gmail:[hash]#[url])
The hash generated is based on the URL of the image, but the size will vary based on characters used. I ran several tests with different sized URLs, and found the cached image would fail to load consistently (400/Invalid Request) if the hash exceeds 2076 characters in length (close to 2048 bytes + meta? not sure).
Again, the image URL could generate a hash that exceeds this many characters at ~1000 special characters, or 1500+ simple characters. If the hash exceeds 2076 characters in length, the request fails.
I realize this is an old post, but hopefully this helps other devs scouring Google
I know this is an old question but the same thing happened to me. When I checked my access logs this is what I found - - - [10/Apr/2014:17:57:18 -0400] "GET /newsletters/Apr10_2014/cad/cad2.jpg HTTP/1.1" 403 457 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7 (via GoogleImageProxy)"
You can see that my server was blocking the GOOGLEIMAGEPROXY giving it a 403 Forbidden reply. I decided to check my .htaccess and sure enough I was blocking the term PROXY. After removing the term, the images appear just fine now on Gmail. Hope that helps.
I just tried ,
after replacing the image (without changing image name)
Open email in new browser , it shows new image
Ctrl+f5 (forces a cache refresh) in the chrome (my default browser) ,
also shows new image
use .png or .jpg
otherwise image will not render
url add auto
HTTPS image locations do cache. Several of our production environments have no problems with gmail proxying image locations using a HTTPS uri. I could see gmail ignoring your content if the SSL certificate is invalid in some way.
Check that the content-type returned for the image file by your server is correct.
You can check this using Fiddler.
In my case the size of file was the problem, it was 22 Mb (i know right?), and after we reduced the size everything started working like a charm.
Check file size and if it's too big, compress it.
I know this is an old question but I've met this problem. In my case images are stored at Google Cloud Storage. What is interesting is that link{bla_bla}/logo.png
returns 307 (temporary redirect) and Location header containing something like
Seems like GoogleImageProxy does not process 307 correctly
I have a perfect solution of this problem, which worked for me if you are using PHPMailer then you just have to add another option in PHPMailer for attaching image like this
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('../absolutepath/image/image.jpg', 'logoimg', '../absolutepath/image/image.jpg');
Here we have given absolute path of image and give it a name call 'logoimg' or whatever you want.
Now you can add this logoimg to wherever in your HTML Body like this
$mail->Body = "
<h1>Test of PHPMailer html body with image</h1>
<p>This is a test picture: <img src=\"cid:logoimg\" /></p>";
That's All.
I had this issue when I was sending gifs. I found that the file size matters to Googles Proxy server. I suggest making the files as small as possible and see if that works. You can use your Gmail account and add a photo from a URL to test. If the gif shows up when you are composing your email it will be receivable.
happy coding.
Is it working from Outook/hotmail? It should then we can isolate it as google issue. In your case it is not.
Size of the image can be a problem. Try to reduce it and see this site might be accessible from your system. But
is it also accessible from google server?
Try changing extension.. this is the trick: You might have tried several things but it would still fetch from cache(which invalidates your efforts) but when the extension changes, it fetches again and all the work you did before comes into play and if it works you might think it is the 'extension' that did the trick!! (like many of those who speaks about extensions)
In my case of running into this issue, the problem was that accidentally the path to the image in the email template had triple slashes in the URL, e.g. https:/// This was hard to spot, and while it was working in other email clients who could successfully resolve the URL, Google's image proxy wasn't able to handle it and resulted in a 404 for the proxied image address.
It's March 6 and you've probably already figured this out, but thought I'd chime in to help others. I discovered that JPGs don't work in gmail. The PNG format works great. Sorry I can't explain why, but sometimes it's better not to ask why. Use PNG!

Javascript Upload and real image refresh/reload

I need to create, for a specific project, an image manager that works via Ajax (to get the list of images, display them, ...).
The upload of new images, or image modification, is done via an Ajax script (using the new javascript File API).
The upload works fine, but I encounter a problem in case of image modification : the image displayed by the browser after upload is the cached one and not the uploaded one !!
I know it's a classic cache problem, that can be solved via the 'imagesrc?new Date.getTime()' hack, but I can't use it here.
in fact, this hack doesn't really reload the image, it only create a new instance of the image into the cache, associated to the image url 'imagesrc?new Date.getTime()'.
So, if at any moment, into the image manager, I retry to display the image, without adding the '?new Date.getTime()' to the src, it will display again the old image.
And I either cannot add this hack systematically (because, for example, if the image manager needs to display a lot of very heavy images, it's usefull to get them from the browser cache until they are modified).
I searched a way to solve this problem on internet (really replace the cached image after a javascript upload instead of using the above hack), but I found nothing.
Is there a way to do this, or is it totally impossible ?
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
Configure your server to send ETag-headers for the images.
An ETag is a hash-value of the file that changes when the file is modified. If an ETag is sent, the browser will add an If-None-Match-header containing the last received ETag of that ressource on its next request and the server will respond with 304: not modified to save traffic if nothing has changed or send the new file if there is one.

Display images and not allow hot linking

We need to display ~40 images in a page and not allow users to hot link those images. We are currently using <img src="..."> which points to a handler that checks the cgi.http_referer and display the images using cfcontent. However, some images will fail to load (~6 images out of 40), if I refresh the page, some other images will fail to load.
This problem seems to appear when I have to display more than 10 images. I suppose this is because I'm using cfcontent? If so, what should I use instead?
To find out exactly why those images are failing, you'll need to do a little more work. You should use something like Firebug in FireFox, or the console in Safari or Chrome, to find out what's happening with those requests that are failing. You can also use something like Fiddler on Windows for IE or Charles on the Mac, Windows, or Linux to see the full HTTP requests that are happening in the background, along with the full return values from your ColdFusion app server. Until you know exactly why they're failing, we can't come up with any sort of solution.
The other thing to remember, is that if you do this via ColdFusion, then for every page load, you're hitting your CF server with 40 more requests. So one page then results in 41 hits to your CF server for processing. Make sure that code is as tight as it can possibly be.
If I was going to go this route, I'd do it at the server level (IIS or Apache) using some sort of server-level filter to prevent the hotlinking. But just remember, that there will always be a way around it.
