Writing MetaData inside HDFS - hadoop

We are using nutch to crawl our intranet site.
We are extracting the meta data in xml file, in the indexing phase(We modified the code of indexer.java), and when ran in local mode it gave us the required metadata.
Now, we thought of using nutch in cluster mode(using hadoop), when we crawled nutch in cluster, we are able to get the index but not the metadata which we used to get previously, in local mode we used(java's IO classes to write meta to files). For hadoop we have changed this to hadoop file system io classes. Yet we are not able to get the meta.
Are there any solution, or are we missing something?
Thanks in advance,

We are extracting the meta data in xml file, in the indexing phase(We modified the code of indexer.java), and when ran in local mode it gave us the required metadata.
modifying the indexer is not the best option as illustrated by the issue you've encountered
you could :
add the metadata as part of the injection (if you want to do that for the seeds only)
or write a custom indexing plugin : and e.g. get it to load the XML md from a file in conf/
the content of conf/ is added to the job file and is distributed across the nodes of the cluster. There are quite a few examples of indexing plugins in the code.
Maybe you should use the Nutch user list to get a broader audience?


How to use AvroParquetReader inside a Flink application?

I am having trouble using AvroParquetReader inside a Flink Application. (flink>=1.15)
Motivaton (AKA why I want to use it)
According to official doc one can read Parquet files in Flink into FileSource. However, I only want to write a function to load parquet file into Avro records without creating a DataStreamSource. In particular, I want to load parquet files into FileInputFormat which is a complete separate API (for some weird reasons). (And I could not see easily how one could cast BulkFormat or StreamFormat into it, if one dig one level deeper.)
Therefore, it would much simpler if one use org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroParquetReader to read it directly.
Error description
However, I found this error after run the Flink application locally: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found.
This is quite unexpected, since the flink-s3-hadoop-fs jar has already been loaded inside the plugin system (and the file path has already been added to HADOOP_CLASSPATH as well). So not only flink knows where it is, so should the local hadoop as well.
Without this AvroParquetReader, the Flink app can write to S3 without problem.
The Hadoop is not a flink shaded one, but installed separately with version 2.10.
Would love to hear if you have some insights about this.
ParquetAvroReader should be able to read the parquet files without problem.
there is an official hadoop guide that has some potential fixes for the issue and can be found here. If I recall correnctly this issue was cause by some Hadoop AWS dependencies missing.

Magic committer not improving performance in a Spark3+Yarn3+S3 setup

What I am trying to achieve?
I am trying to enable the S3A magic committer for my Spark3.3.0 application running on a Yarn (Hadoop 3.3.1) cluster, to see performance improvements in my app during S3 writes. IIUC, my Spark application is writing about 21GBs of data with 30 tasks in the corresponding Spark stage (see below image).
My setup
I have a server which has the Spark client. The Spark client submits the application on Yarn cluster via the client-mode with PySpark.
What I tried
I am using the following config (setting via PySpark Spark-conf) to enable the committer:
"spark.sql.sources.commitProtocolClass": "org.apache.spark.internal.io.cloud.PathOutputCommitProtocol"
"spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class": "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.BindingPathOutputCommitter"
"spark.hadoop.mapreduce.outputcommitter.factory.scheme.s3a": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.commit.S3ACommitterFactory"
"spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.committer.name": "magic"
"spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.committer.magic.enabled": "true"
I also downloaded the spark-hadoop-cloud jar to the jars/ directory of the Spark-Home on the Nodemanagers and my Spark-client servers.
Changes that I see after applying the aforementioned configs:
I see PRE __magic/ directory if I run aws s3 ls <write-path> when the job is running.
I don't see the warning WARN AbstractS3ACommitterFactory: Using standard FileOutputCommitter to commit work. This is slow and potentially unsafe. anymore.
A _SUCCESS file gets created with (JSON) content. One of the key-value that I see in that file is "committer" : "magic".
Hence, I believe my configs are getting applied correctly.
What I expect
I have read in multiple articles that this committer is expected to show a performance boost (e.g. this article claims 57-77% time reduction). Hence, I expect to see significant reduction (from 39s) in the "duration" column of my "paruqet" stage, when I use the above shared configs.
Some other point that might be of value
When I use "spark.sql.sources.commitProtocolClass": "com.hortonworks.spark.cloud.commit.PathOutputCommitProtocol", my app fails with the error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hortonworks.spark.cloud.commit.PathOutputCommitProtocol.
I have not looked into enabling S3gaurd, as S3 now provides strong consistency.
correct. you don't need s3guard
the com.hortonworks binding was for the wip committer work. the binding classes for wiring up spark/parquet are all in spark-hadoop-cloud and have org.spark prefixes. you seem to be ok there
the simple test for what committer is live is to print the JSON _SUCCESS file. If that is a 0 byte file, you are still using the old committer. it does sound like you are.
grab the latest spark+hadoop build you can get, there's always ongoing improvements, with hadoop 3.3.5 doing a big enhancement there.
you should see performance improvements compared to the v1 committer, with commit speed O(files) rather than O(data). it is also correct, which the v1 algorithm doesn't offer on s3 (and which v2 doesn't offer anywhere

Newbie: Hadoop IIS Logs - Reasonable approach?

I am a totaly beginner at the topic hadoop - so sorry if this is a stupid question.
My fictional scenario is, that I have several webserver (IIS) with several log locations. I want to centralize this log files and based on the data I want to analyze the health of the applications and the webservers.
Since the eco system of hadoop overs a variety of tools I am not sure if my solution is a valid one.
So I thought that I move the log files to hdfs, create an external table on the directory and an internal table and copy the data via hive (insert into ...select from) from the external table to internal table (with some filtering because of the comment lines beginning with #)
When the data is stored within the internal table I delete the previous moved files from hdfs.
Technical it works, I tried it already - but is this is reasonable aproach?
And if yes - how would I automatize this steps since now I did all the stuff manually via Ambari.
THanks for your input
Yes, this is perfectly fine approach.
Outside of setting up the Hive table ahead of time, what's the left to automate?
You want to run things on a schedule? Use Oozie, Luigi, Airflow, or Azkaban.
Ingesting logs from other Windows servers because you have a highly available web service? Use Puppet, for example, to configure your log collections agents (not Hadoop related)
Note, if it's only log file collection that you care about, I would probably have used Elasticsearch instead of Hadoop to store data, Filebeat to continuously watch log files, Logstash to apply per-message level filtering, and Kibana to do visualizations. If combining Elasticsearch for fast indexing/searching and Hadoop for archival, you can insert Kafka between the log message ingestion and message writers/consumers

Simple deeplearning4J Java based Spark example?

I need to run a simple Java based deeplearning4j example in hadoop cluster and I found one here. My need to specify the input from command line (which should be a path on HDFS) and output should go to HDFS, for later view
However, in the example there is no mention, it is hard coding the input from local file system and output goes to local file system.
Can anyone help me here?
Maybe some combination of this recent pull request on our examples:
and Spring-hadoop could help you?
I mean conceptually all you'd do is change the file system type.
The FileSystem api in hadoop can point to either local or an hdfs url so there shouldn't be much change.

crawler + elasticsearch integration

I wasn't able to find out, how to crawl website and index data to elasticsearch. I managed to do that in the combination nutch+solr and as nutch should be able from the version 1.8 export data directly to elasticsearch (source), I tried to use nutch again. Nevertheless I didn't succeed. After trying to invoke
$ bin/nutch elasticindex
I get:
Error: Could not find or load main class elasticindex
I don't insist on using nutch. I just would need the simpliest way to crawl websites and index them to elasticsearch. The problem is, that I wasn't able to find any step-by-step tutorial and I'm quite new to these technologies.
So the question is - what would be the simpliest solution to integrate crawler to elasticsearch and if possible, I would be grateful for any step-by-step solution.
Did you have a look at the River Web plugin? https://github.com/codelibs/elasticsearch-river-web
It provides a good How To section, including creating the required indexes, scheduling (based on Quartz), authentication (basic and NTLM are supported), meta data extraction, ...
Might be worth having a look at the elasticsearch river plugins overview as well: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-plugins.html#river
Since the River plugins have been deprecated, it may be worth having a look at ManifoldCF or Norconex Collectors.
You can evaluate indexing Common Crawl metadata into Elasticsearch using Hadoop:
When working with big volumes of data, Hadoop provides all the power to parallelize the data ingestion.
Here is an example that uses Cascading to index directly into Elasticsearch:
The process involves the use of a Hadoop cluster (EMR on this example) running the Cascading application that indexes the JSON metadata directly into Elasticsearch.
Cascading source code is also available to understand how to handle the data ingestion in Elasticsearch.
