how to auto-delete records that have expired in data/time - activerecord

Hey I hope you can help me,
I am trying to find a way to let rails auto-delete records who have reached their expiring date.
I got an 'appointment' model where the user can set date and time. The records are viewed ascending in a table. I want to destroy it after its done.
Many thanks!

It's not a common practice in databases to delete things when you do not want to see them anymore. Instead, I would suggest you to filter your table records based on the expiry date, and on the current date. This way, you are also able to display expired appointments, if necessary.
Hope this helps!


Laravel keep information about users on multiple sessions

I'm implementing my database. xD
Should I make changes, but I would like any further information about it, by those who are more experienced than me.
1) Should I make sure to keep a tracking for security reasons.
I would like to create a table "access", which contains the following fields.
id, id_user, browser, os, dates, ip.
What should I change, to ensure that each time the user login, is added a new record in this table.
If you have more tips on how to improve this point, I'd be grateful.
2) I would like to do so you can make the user choose whether the session of his choice or whether permanent or not.
I could only find a way to do it, that the session lasting for a certain period of time.
But I would like to implement a graft.
3) Should I implement multiple sessions, I'll explain.
The possibility that every user experience their sessions, such as facebook ago.
You can see how many active sessions exist and on what date.
I thought at a table like this:
id, id_user, queues, browser, os, dates, ip.
What do you think, you can do what?
If yes, what should I change in the structure of laravel to do this?
Thank you in advance who will help me.
I apologize for my English and the long text.
1) You should use also timestamp that logging table. You can use the built in updated_at and created_at timestamps. In your login function simply create a new instance of the model, populate the attributes and save() it.
2) There is a built in remember me behavior that you can use. More details can be found in the Laravel docs
3) Can you explain more of why you would want to implement multiple sessions? Why would this be useful for your application?
I hope my answer helps.

mutual exclusion in joomla

I created an extension for joomla using:
I just covered that if two users are logged on to the site will fit together perform two records in the database and then this statement will return in both cases the same value.
in php you can solve this problem with the transactions.
In joomla how do I solve this problem?
If you have a table you are working with that extends JTable then make sure that you included the check out functionality that is optionally a part of that. THis must means adding a couple of fields like what is in the content table. This will prevent two people from editing the same row at the same time which creates a race condition in which one of the other will lose their data.
Please note that both php and joomla functions to return the last insert id rely on the mysql implementation, and mysql returns the last id inserted on the currently open connection so concurrency is not an issue
#iacoposk8 Your are right it might possible that in very rear case. Such time try to add current logged in user id in your sql query or any where so that it doesn't make any confict. I hope you get it what i want to say. Thanks

Store a value with Rails

I've got a Rails app where I need salaries to be paid every month for instance. So I need to store the last time the salaries where paid somewhere.
I don't want to use database because I don't want to create a table just for that, I think it doesn't make much sense. I've thought of writing it to the cache but I don't know if the data is secured and can't be lost.
Has someone got an idea of a place where I can store this time ?
Thank you in advance.
You could add the salaryPaid variable to the employee model, and update it each time you pay the salary (or whatever is equivalent for your app). This would still use a database but it would just make a new entry for each employee and would be easy to manage with migrations.

Saving to a model related to another instance of this model in CakePHP 1.3

I'm relatively new to cake, and once again I'm having to work around how it does things to get what I want. I'd really love to find out the "correct" way of doing what I need.
I'm building a "performance" system, that's used each month to review how someone did against their goals from last month.
This month's review sets new goals, and also records the result against last month.
I have a Review model, which hasMany Goals.
In the edit view for this months Review I display some data from last month's Review & some fields from the Goals related to last month's Review.
I need to save the result for each of last months Goals, as well as to be able to set this months Goals too - so I'm saving data to Goals related to the current Review, as well as another one.
When I try to save the "unrelated" Goals, CakePHP forces the review_id to be the id of the current one - I even tried looping in the Review::afterSave callback and checking each review_id - although I can send the right review_id value to Goal->save, the database still gets updated with the current Review id, rather than the one I set.
Can anyone tell me the "cake" way to save to models related to another instance of the current model? Is this even possible?
Ok, this may not be the most efficient way of doing it - but I'm on a deadline.
So, instead of retrieving last month's Review, I created another "hasMany" relationship, using a finderQuery that has a subselect to find the ID of the last months query, and use that to select the Goals with that review_id. It uses {$__cakeID__$} to find the ID of the current Review as explained here:
Because everything's related to each other in a way that Cake understands, things just update automatically on saveAll.
It means I have a ridiculous subselect query relating the last months Goals to this months Review, but it works.
One day I'll figure out how to optimise it so it doesn't make my database cry....

CodeIgniter + QuickAuth + One User, only One Session

this may be a easy question, but I really need a light to go on.
I have this huge PHP system in codeigniter, and I'm using the library Quick Auth, and I need let users log on only at one computer/browser at a given time. So if Jake logs on In PC1, then Jakes tries to log on in PC2, PC1 session get invalidated and closed.
I was trying to manually search in the ci_sessions database table to try to eliminate the other user session, but seems like too pain. I want to know if there's one simple solution, I have no problem extending session, but I need more like an advice.
Thanks in advance
You will have to modify either the table indexes or session library code to limit one user to a single session. This can be done by:
Adding a unique index for the username (or ID) and the cookie/session ID
Modifying the library code to INSERT OR REPLACE based on the user/cookie
