I need to use something equivalent to RankedMax in Mma 8.0, but I only have version 7.0. Is this something doable, or it has to be done at the kernel/implementation level?
Many thanks!
According to the more information section of the 8.0 help page for RankedMax, the function is equivalent to this:
RankedMax[list_, 1] := Max[list]
RankedMax[list_, n_] /; n == Length#list := Min[list]
RankedMax[list_, n_] := Module[{m=Length#list}, Quantile[list, (m - n + 1) / m]]
The Quantile function is available in 7.0.
If I have a function depends on for example 2 parameters f[a,b], and I know the value of this function should range between 300 < f < 400, how I know the possible ranges of the parameters
in Mathematica.
That may depend on the specific function. Can you post it?
There is no general answer to your question. The output of a function may be range bound regardless of the input parameters. For example, this Lissajous function never exceeds -1 < x < 1
f[a_, b_] := ParametricPlot[{Sin[a/b t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi b}]
f[1, 2]
f[9, 10]
I am using usual for-loop for computation in Mathematica:
For[i=1,i<n+1,i++, ...calculation... ]
For each i I need to define a function F_i[x_,y_]:=.... Here "i" is suuposed to be a label of the function. This is however not the corrcet Mathematica expression.
The question is, how to define multiple functions distinguished by the label i? I mean, what is the correct syntax?
Thanks a lot.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but I have some confidence that the for loop is not the way to go in Mathematica. Mathematica already has pattern matching that likely eliminates the need for the loop.
What about something like this
f[i_][x_,y_]:= i(x+y)
or something like this
or even
Here are some steps which may help. There are two versions below, the second one includes the value of i on the RHS of the function definition.
n = 2;
For[i = 1, i < n + 1, i++,
f[i][x_, y_] := (x + y)*i]
f[1][x_,y_] := (x+y) i
f[2][x_,y_] := (x+y) i
f[2][2, 3]
5 i
n = 2;
For[i = 1, i < n + 1, i++,
With[{j = i},
f[i][x_, y_] := (x + y)*j]]
f[1][x$,y$] := (x$+y$) 1
f[2][x$,y$] := (x$+y$) 2
f[2][2, 3]
Say you want to integrate an expression depends on n variables and on n in n dimension in way that n can be variable as well.
Something like this?
multyIntegrate[fun_, n_Integer] :=
With[{x = Sequence ## Table[Unique[mi], {n}]}, Integrate[fun[x], x]]
multyIntegrate[g, 3]
f[i___] := Total[{i}.{i}]
multyIntegrate[f, 3]
Can Mathematica do Bayes Rule conditional probability calculations, without doing the calculation manually? If so how?
I have been searching both the Mathemtaica doco and the web for a hint but cannot find anything. I am not after how to do Bayes Rule manually via Mathematica, I want to know if there is a way to define the conditional probabilities and calculate other ones automagically.
So to use the toy example assuming Bernoulli distributions
P(Cancer+) = 0.01
P(Cancer-) = 0.99
P(Test+|Cancer+) = 0.9
P(Test-|Cancer+) = 0.1
P(Test+|Cancer-) = 0.2
P(Test-|Cancer-) = 0.8
Is it possible to work out
P(Cancer+|Test+) = 0.0434
So using the below.
Print["P(C+) = ", PCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.01]];
Print["P(C-) = ", PCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.99]];
Print["P(T+|C+) = ", PTestTGivenCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.9]];
Print["P(T-|C+) = ", PTestFGivenCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.1]];
Print["P(T+|C-) = ", PTestTGivenCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.2]];
Print["P(T-|C-) = ", PTestFGivenCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.8]];
Print["P(T+,C+) = ", PTestTAndCancerT = Probability[vCT&&vTTCT,{vCT\[Distributed]PCancerT,vTTCT\[Distributed]PTestTGivenCancerT}]];
Print["P(T-,C+) = ", PTestFAndCancerT = Probability[vCT&&vTFCF,{vCT\[Distributed]PCancerT,vTFCF\[Distributed]PTestFGivenCancerT}]];
Print["P(T+,C-) = ", PTestTAndCancerF = Probability[vCF&&vTTCF,{vCF\[Distributed]PCancerF,vTTCF\[Distributed]PTestTGivenCancerF}]];
Print["P(T-,C-) = ", PTestFAndCancerF = Probability[vCF&&vTTCF,{vCF\[Distributed]PCancerF,vTTCF\[Distributed]PTestFGivenCancerF}]];
Print["P(C+|T+) = ?"];
Print["P(C+|T-) = ?"];
Print["P(C-|T+) = ?"];
Print["P(C-|T-) = ?"];
I can work out the joint probabilities by defining all the probability tables manually, but is there a way to get Mathematica to do the heavy lifting?
Is there a way to define and calculate these kind of conditional probabilities?
Many thanks for any assistance, even it its “You can’t... stop trying” :)
PS : was this an attempt at doing something along these lines? Symbolic Conditional Expectation in Mathematica
Actually... I worked this out symbolically in the past, and it covers a lot of simple (unchained) probabilities. I guess it wouldn't be that hard to add chaining(see below). You're welcome to reply with augmentation. The symbolic approach is far more flexible than working with Bernoulli distributions and creating a proc for Bayes theorem and thinking about the right way to apply it every time.
NOTE: The functions are not bound, like in the post above ((0 < pC < 1) && (0 < pTC < 1) && (0 < pTNC < 1)) because sometimes you want "unweighted" results, which produce numbers outside of 0-1 range, then you can bring back into the range by dividing by some normalizing probability or product of probabilities. If you do want to add bounds for error checking, do this:
P[A_ /;0<=A<=1] := some_function_of_A;
use Esc+cond+Esc to enter \\[Conditioned] symbol in Mathematica.
Intersection[A_Symbol, B_Symbol] := {A, B}
Intersection[A_Not, B_Symbol] := {A, B}
Intersection[A_Symbol, B_Not] := {A, B}
P[Int_List/; Length#Int == 2] := P[Int[[2]] \[Conditioned] Int[[1]]] P[Int[[1]]]
(*// P(B) given knowledge of P(A) //*)
P[B_, A_] := If[NumericQ#B, B,
P[B \[Conditioned] A] P[A] + P[B \[Conditioned] Not#A] P[Not#A]]
P[Not#B_, A_: 1] := If[NumericQ#A, 1 - P[B], 1 - P[B, A]]
P[A_ \[Conditioned] B_] := P[A \[Intersection] B]/P[B, A]
P[Not#A_ \[Conditioned] B_] := 1 - P[A \[Conditioned] B];
You then use it as such:
Don't need "not cancer" since P[!Cancer] yields 0.99 (Esc+not+Esc types a very pretty logical not symbol, but Not[A], !A or \[Not]A work just fine too)
P[Test \[Conditioned] Cancer] = 0.9
P[Test \[Conditioned] ! Cancer] = 0.2
again: P[!Test \\[Conditioned] Cancer] will be 1-P[Test \\[Conditioned] Cancer] by definition, unless you override it.
Now let's query this model:
P[Test, Cancer]
P[!Test, Cancer]
P[Cancer \[Conditioned] Test]
P[!Cancer \[Conditioned] Test]
P[Cancer \[Conditioned] !Test]
P[!Cancer \[Conditioned] !Test]
I guess it would be a nice idea to define P(B|A1,A2,A3,...,An), anyone up for coding the chain rule using NestList or something like it? I didn't need it for my project, but it wouldn't be that difficult to add, should someone need it.
I wouldn't complicate the issue with Print statements and BernoulliDistributions. You know the probabilities, so the simplest thing to do is to calculate them directly, but perhaps using vectors to get P(B), and using the fact that pr(cancer) = 1-pr(not cancer) and so on.
Bayes' Theorem states that P(A|B)=(P(A ⋂ B))/(P(B))
The intersection is calculated as the conditional probability (test given cancer) times the probability of cancer.
So something like the following should work:
conditionalProb[pC_, pTC_, pTNC_] /;
(0 < pC < 1) && (0 < pTC < 1) && (0 < pTNC < 1) :=
(pTC * pC)/({pTC, pTNC}.{pC, 1 - pC})
conditionalProb[0.01, 0.9, 0.2]
And yes, the Probability functionality in version 8 does allow you to calculate conditional probabilities "automagically", but for a problem like this with Bernoulli-distributed events, it's overkill.
Memoized functions are functions which remember values they have found.
Look in the doc center for some background on this in Mathematica, if necessary.
Suppose you have the following definition
f[0] = f[1] = 1
f[x_] := f[x] = f[x - 1] + f[x - 2]
in one of your packages. A user may load the package and start asking right away f[1000].
This will trigger a $RecursionLimit::reclim error message and abort.
Even if the user then tries something smaller, say f[20], by now the definition of f is corrupt and the result is not good anymore.Of course the package developer might increase the recursion limit and warn the user, but my question is:
How can you improve the f definition so that if the user asks for f[1000] he/she gets the answer without any problem? I am interested in a way to trap the user input, analyze it and take whatever steps are necessary to evaluate f[1000].
I can easily imagine that one can change the recursion limit if the input is more than 255 (and then bring it back to the original level), but what I would really like to see is, if there is a way for the f to find out how many values it "knows" (fknownvalues) and accept any input <=fknownvalues+$RecursionLimit without problems or increase the $RecursionLimit if the input is higher.
Thank you for your help
Here is the code assuming that you can determine a value of $RecursionLimit from the value of the input argument:
ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] := ff[x] = ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2];
f[x_Integer] :=f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = x + 5},
I am using a local function ff to do the main work, while f just calls it wrapped in Block with a proper value for $RecursionLimit:
In[1552]:= f[1000]
Out[1552]= 7033036771142281582183525487718354977018126983635873274260490508715453711819693357974224
If you want to be more precise with the setting of $RecursionLimit, you can modify the part of the code above as:
f[x_Integer] :=
f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];
The Print statement is here for illustration. The value 10 is rather arbitrary - to get a lower bound on it, one has to compute the necessary depth of recursion, and take into account that the number of known results is Length[DownValues[ff]] - 2 (since ff has 2 general definitions). Here is some usage:
In[1567]:= f[500]//Short
During evaluation of In[1567]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 507
Out[1567]//Short= 22559151616193633087251269<<53>>83405015987052796968498626
In[1568]:= f[800]//Short
During evaluation of In[1568]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 308
Out[1568]//Short= 11210238130165701975392213<<116>>44406006693244742562963426
If you also want to limit the maximal $RecursionLimit possible, this is also easy to do, along the same lines. Here, for example, we will limit it to 10000 (again, this goes inside Module):
f::tooLarge =
"The parameter value `1` is too large for single recursive step. \
Try building the result incrementally";
f[x_Integer] :=
With[{reclim = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
(f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = reclim },
Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];
ff[x]]) /; reclim < 10000];
f[x_Integer] := "" /; Message[f::tooLarge, x]]
For example:
In[1581]:= f[11000]//Short
During evaluation of In[1581]:= f::tooLarge: The parameter value 11000 is too
large for single recursive step. Try building the result incrementally
Out[1581]//Short= f[11000]
During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 9007
During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 2008
Out[1583]//Short= 5291092912053548874786829<<2248>>91481844337702018068766626
A slight modification on Leonid's code. I guess I should post it as a comment, but the lack of comment formatting makes it impossible.
Self adaptive Recursion Limit
$RecursionLimit = 20;
ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] :=
ff[x] = Block[{$RecursionLimit = $RecursionLimit + 2}, ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]
-> 1346269
-> 20
Trying to set $RecursionLimit sparsely:
$RecursionLimit = 20;
Module[{ff}, ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] := ff[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit =
If[Length#Stack[] > $RecursionLimit - 5, $RecursionLimit + 5, $RecursionLimit]},
ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]
Not sure how useful it is ...