Array of dummy variables in mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

Say you want to integrate an expression depends on n variables and on n in n dimension in way that n can be variable as well.

Something like this?
multyIntegrate[fun_, n_Integer] :=
With[{x = Sequence ## Table[Unique[mi], {n}]}, Integrate[fun[x], x]]
multyIntegrate[g, 3]
f[i___] := Total[{i}.{i}]
multyIntegrate[f, 3]


Making a matrix in a for loop

I am currently working with mathematica and I got stuck on some technicalities.
Rvec[R_] := UnitVector[Length[R], RandomInteger[{1, Length[R]}]]
Fvec[R_] := R - Rvec[R] + Rvec[R]
vec[R_] := Module[{S = Fvec[R]}, If[Count[S, -1] > 0, R, S]]
Loop[R_, n_] := For[i = 1; L = R, i < n + 1, i++, L = vec[L]; Print[L]]
The idea is that I now have a loop going that will randomly subtract one number from one entry in a set and add it to another in the next iteration, but with the catch that no entry can drop below zero. The output I then get is a set of outcomes put beneath each other.
Having done that I would like to know how I could put the entire output in the form of one matrix:
Instead of having the output like that, I would like to have it in matrix form, as in having this set of outputs placed in a larger set containing those sets as elements. This would greatly help me, as I would be able to manipulate and work with the entire output.
If you need to make matrix by consequently adding vector by vector, you can do like this:
vector = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
matrix = {}; (* Initialize matrix *)
Do[matrix = Append[matrix, vector], 5]; (* Construct matrix by adding line by line*)
MatrixForm[matrix] (* Print matrix *)
Please tell me If I didn't understanf youy problem properly.

Finding the range of paramter space in Mathematica

If I have a function depends on for example 2 parameters f[a,b], and I know the value of this function should range between 300 < f < 400, how I know the possible ranges of the parameters
in Mathematica.
That may depend on the specific function. Can you post it?
There is no general answer to your question. The output of a function may be range bound regardless of the input parameters. For example, this Lissajous function never exceeds -1 < x < 1
f[a_, b_] := ParametricPlot[{Sin[a/b t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi b}]
f[1, 2]
f[9, 10]

smallest integer not obtainable from {2,3,4,5,6,7,8} (Mathematica)

I'm trying to solve the following problem using Mathematica:
What is the smallest positive integer not obtainable from the set {2,3,4,5,6,7,8} via arithmetic operations {+,-,*,/}, exponentiation, and parentheses. Each number in the set must be used exactly once. Unary operations are NOT allowed (1 cannot be converted to -1 with without using a 0, for example).
For example, the number 1073741824000000000000000 is obtainable via (((3+2)*(5+4))/6)^(8+7).
I am a beginner with Mathematica. I have written code that I believe solves the problems for the set {2,3,4,5,6,7} (I obtained 2249 as my answer), but my code is not efficient enough to work with the set {2,3,4,5,6,7,8}. (My code already takes 71 seconds to run on the set {2,3,4,5,6,7})
I would very much appreciate any tips or solutions to solving this harder problem with Mathematica, or general insights as to how I could speed my existing code.
My existing code uses a brute force, recursive approach:
(* this defines combinations for a set of 1 number as the set of that 1 number *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] == 1] := list
(* this tests whether it's ok to exponentiate two numbers including (somewhat) arbitrary restrictions to prevent overflow *)
oktoexponent[number1_, number2_] :=
If[number1 == 0, number2 >= 0,
If[number1 < 0,
(-number1)^number2 < 10000 \[And] IntegerQ[number2],
number1^number2 < 10000 \[And] IntegerQ[number2]]]
(* this takes a list and removes fractions with denominators greater than 100000 *)
cleanup[list_] := Select[list, Denominator[#] < 100000 &]
(* this defines combinations for a set of 2 numbers - and returns a set of all possible numbers obtained via applications of + - * / filtered by oktoexponent and cleanup rules *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] == 2 && Depth[list] == 2] :=
cleanup[DeleteCases[#, Null] &#DeleteDuplicates#
{list[[1]] + list[[2]],
list[[1]] - list[[2]],
list[[2]] - list[[1]],
If[oktoexponent[list[[1]], list[[2]]], list[[1]]^list[[2]],],
If[oktoexponent[list[[2]], list[[1]]], list[[2]]^list[[1]],],
If[list[[2]] != 0, list[[1]]/list[[2]],],
If[list[[1]] != 0, list[[2]]/list[[1]],]}]
(* this extends combinations to work with sets of sets *)
list_ /; Length[list] == 2 && Depth[list] == 3] :=
Module[{m, n, list1, list2},
list1 = list[[1]];
list2 = list[[2]];
m = Length[list1]; n = Length[list2];
combinations[{list1[[i]], list2[[j]]}], {i, m}, {j, n}]]]
(* for a given set, partition returns the set of all partitions into two non-empty subsets *)
partition[list_] := Module[{subsets},
subsets = Select[Subsets[list], # != {} && # != list &];
Table[Sort#{subsets[[i]], Complement[list, subsets[[i]]]}, {i,
(* this finally extends combinations to work with sets of any size *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] > 2] :=
Module[{partitions, k},
partitions = partition[list];
k = Length[partitions];
Flatten#(combinations /#
combinations[partitions[[i]][[2]]]}, {i, k}])]]
Timing[desiredset = combinations[{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}];]
{71.5454, Null}
Range[1, 3000], #] &#(Cases[#, x_Integer /; x > 0 && x <= 3000] &#
{2249, 2258, 2327, 2509, 2517, 2654, 2789, 2817, 2841, 2857, 2990, 2998}
This is unhelpful, but I'm under my quota for useless babbling today:
(* it turns out the symbolizing + * is not that useful after all *)
f[x_,y_] = x+y
fm[x_,y_] = x-y
g[x_,y_] = x*y
gd[x_,y_] = x/y
(* power properties *)
h[h[a_,b_],c_] = h[a,b*c]
h[a_/b_,n_] = h[a,n]/h[b,n]
h[1,n_] = 1
(* expand simple powers only! *)
(* does this make things worse? *)
h[a_,2] = a*a
h[a_,3] = a*a*a
(* all symbols for two numbers *)
allsyms[x_,y_] := allsyms[x,y] =
DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[{f[x,y], fm[x,y], fm[y,x],
g[x,y], gd[x,y], gd[y,x], h[x,y], h[y,x]}]]
allsymops[s_,t_] := allsymops[s,t] =
reach[{}] = {}
reach[{n_}] := reach[n] = {n}
reach[s_] := reach[s] = DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[
{i,Complement[Subsets[s],{ {},s}]}]]]
The general idea here is to avoid calculating powers (which are
expensive and non-commutative), while at the same time using the
commutativity/associativity of addition/multiplication to reduce the
cardinality of reach[].
Code above also available at:
along with literally gigabytes of other useless code, data, and humor.
I think the answer to your question lays in the command Groupings. This allows you to create a binary tree of a list. The binary tree is very usefull as each of the operations you allow Plus, Subtract, Times, Divide, Power take two arguments. Eg.
In> Groupings[3,2]
Out> {List[List[1,2],3],List[1,List[2,3]]}
Thus all we need to do is replace List with any combination of the allowed operations.
However, Groupings seems to be almighty as it has an option to do this. Imagine you have two functions foo and bar and both take 2 arguments, then you can make all combinations as :
In> Groupings[3,{foo->2,bar->2}]
Out> {foo[foo[1,2],3],foo[1,foo[2,3]],foo[bar[1,2],3],foo[1,bar[2,3]],
Now it is possible to count the amount of combinations we have :
In> Groupings[Permutations[#],
] &# {a,b,c,d,e};
In> Length#%
In> DeleteDuplicates#%%
In> Length#%
Out> 1050000
Out> 219352
This means that for 5 distinct numbers, we have 219352 unique combinations.
Sadly, many of these combinations cannot be evaluated due to overflow, division by zero or underflow. However, it is not evident which ones to remove. The value a^(b^(c^(d^e))) could be humongous, or just small. Fractional powers could result in perfect roots and divisions by large numbers can become perfect.
In> Groupings[Permutations[#],
] &# {2, 3, 4};
In> Union[Cases[%, _?(IntegerQ[#] && # >= 0 &)]];
In> Split[%, #2 - #1 <= 1 &][[1]]
Out> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Mathematica, define multiple functions using for loop

I am using usual for-loop for computation in Mathematica:
For[i=1,i<n+1,i++, ...calculation... ]
For each i I need to define a function F_i[x_,y_]:=.... Here "i" is suuposed to be a label of the function. This is however not the corrcet Mathematica expression.
The question is, how to define multiple functions distinguished by the label i? I mean, what is the correct syntax?
Thanks a lot.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but I have some confidence that the for loop is not the way to go in Mathematica. Mathematica already has pattern matching that likely eliminates the need for the loop.
What about something like this
f[i_][x_,y_]:= i(x+y)
or something like this
or even
Here are some steps which may help. There are two versions below, the second one includes the value of i on the RHS of the function definition.
n = 2;
For[i = 1, i < n + 1, i++,
f[i][x_, y_] := (x + y)*i]
f[1][x_,y_] := (x+y) i
f[2][x_,y_] := (x+y) i
f[2][2, 3]
5 i
n = 2;
For[i = 1, i < n + 1, i++,
With[{j = i},
f[i][x_, y_] := (x + y)*j]]
f[1][x$,y$] := (x$+y$) 1
f[2][x$,y$] := (x$+y$) 2
f[2][2, 3]

How to apply HoldForm to a list of variables without the variables in the list being evaluated first?

I am writing a debug function, which prints a variable name, and its value. I call this debug function with a list of variables from anywhere in the program. So the idea is for it to work like this:
debug[var_List] := Module[{values = ReleaseHold[var], i},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[values], i++,
Print[var[[i]], " = ", values[[i]]]
Now I use the above, like this
x = 3; y = 5;
debug[{HoldForm[x], HoldForm[y]}]
and I see in the console the following
x = 3
y = 5
But I have a large program and long list of variables at different places I want to debug. And I do not want to type HoldForm to each variable to make up the list to call the debug[] function. Much easier to Map it if possible. Less typing each time. But this does not work:
debug[ Map[HoldForm,{x,y}]]
The reason is that {x,y} was evaluated before HoldForm got hold of it. So I end up with a list that has the values in it, like this:
3 = 3
5 = 5
I could not find a way to Map HoldForm without the list being evaluated.
The best I could find is this:
debug[HoldForm[Defer[{x, y}]]]
which gives the following output from the above debug[] function:
{x,y} = {3,5}
Since Defer[{x, y}] has length 1, and it is just one thing, I could not break it up to make a 2 column list like in the above example.
It will be better if I can get an output of the form
x = 3
y = 5
easier to match the variable with its value since I have many variables.
question is: Any one knows of a programming trick to convert HoldForm[{x,y}] to {HoldForm[x],HoldForm[y]}
Just use Thread:
Thread[HoldForm[{x, y}]]
Map[HoldForm, Unevaluated[{x, y}]]
Here is a longer alternative demonstrating use of Hold, found in Roman Maeder's Programming In Mathematica (3rd ed.), page 137:
e1 = Hold[{x, y}];
e2 = MapAt[Hold, e1, {1, 0}];
e3 = Map[HoldForm, e2, {2}];
e4 = MapAt[ReleaseHold, First[e3], {0}];
I did a PrintIt function using attributes that does what you want. I posted it here, I repeat the code:
SetAttributes[System`ShowIt, HoldAll];
System`ShowIt[code__] := System`ShowIt[{code}];
System`ShowIt[code_] :=
With[{y = code},
Print[Defer[code = y]];
SetAttributes[System`PrintIt, {HoldAll,Listable}];
System`PrintIt[expr_] := System`ShowIt[expr];
