Using Win32 Event Objects - winapi

Noob question:
This link shows an example of CreateEvent and CreateThread
My question is if the ThreadProc is truly thread safe?
Specifically, the dwWaitResult variable. Since all threads are waiting on the same event, it turns out this code works but had different events been created, for example, this would not work correct?

The dwWaitResult variable is a local variable in that function. Thus each individual thread has its own copy, which assures that the variable is thread safe. Each thread has its own stack, therefore all local variables are specific to the individual thread.

The Event is created by name, so if the event is already created is reused in any other thread "creating" an event with the same name. As a result, the example code IS thread safe.


MFC CEvent class member function SetEvent , difference with Thread Lock() function?

what i s the difference between SetEvent() and Thread Lock() function? anyone please help me
Events are used when you want to start/continue processing once a certain task is completed i.e. you want to wait until that event occurs. Other threads can inform the waiting thread about the completion of this task using SetEvent.
On the other hand, critical section is used when you want only one thread to execute a block of code at a time i.e. you want a set of instructions to be executed by one thread without any other thread changing the state at that time. For example, you are inserting an item into a linked list which involves multiple steps, at that time you don't want another thread to come and try to insert one more object into the list. So you block the other thread until first one finishes using critical sections.
Events can be used for inter-process communication, ie synchronising activity amongst different processes. They are typically used for 'signalling' the occurrence of an activity (e.g. file write has finished). More information on events:
Critical sections can only be used within a process for synchronizing threads and use a basic lock/unlock concept. They are typically used to protect a resource from multi-threaded access (e.g. a variable). They are very cheap (in CPU terms) to use. The inter-process variant is called a Mutex in Windows. More info:

Mutex vs Event in Windows

can somebody please explain what is the difference if I do
mutex = createMutex
event = createEvent
I'm so confused, can I use both versions for the synchronization? thanks in advance for any help
You use a mutex to ensure that only one thread of execution can be accessing something. For example, if you want to update a list that can potentially be used by multiple threads, you'd use a mutex:
acquire mutex
update list
release mutex
With a mutex, only one thread at a time can be executing the "update list".
You use a manual reset event if you want multiple threads to wait for something to happen before continuing. For example, you started multiple threads, but they're all paused waiting for some other event before they can continue. Once that event happens, all of the threads can start running.
The main thread would look like this:
create event, initial value false (not signaled)
start threads
do some other initialization
signal event
Each thread's code would be:
do thread initialization
wait for event to be signaled
do thread processing
Yes, both can be used for synchronization but in different ways.
Mutex is a mutual exclusion object and can be acquired only by a single instance at a time. It is used to avoid the simultaneous use of a common resource, such as a global variable, by pieces of computer code
Event is an objet that can be explicitly set to a state by use of the SetEvent function.

PostThreadMessage usage across threads created in two c++ files

I have a thread created in the main function and PostThreadMessage from ther is invoked with the corresponding thread ID. If one more thread is created in a seperate file how can we invoke PostThreadMessage as we dont know the thread ID which is a parameter for invoking
You have to either:
Store/pass the thread ID (or thread handle) from whatever created the thread to whatever needs to know about the thread; or
Have some way to find the thread via an object it creates. (e.g. If it creates a window with a unique class, you could find that window and then ask the OS which thread owns the window.)
Other than that, there is no magical way to "find a particular thread with no known attributes that was created by another thread that didn't tell anyone about", unless you want to enumerate all threads within your process (but you would have no way to know thread was the right one, unless you did something like #1 or #2 above, and if you do either of them then you don't need to enumerate in the first place).
Note that there will almost always be more threads in your process than the ones you explicitly create, so you cannot just look for "any thread except the two I already know about," because you might pick up a system worker-thread or similar that you should not mess with.

What's the equivalent C# 'Thread.Join()' in Cocoa?

I'm making an iPhone app using threads.
I was used C# for a while, there was a method Thread.Join() which blocks current thread for specific thread completes execution. What's the equivalent in Cocoa for it? Or Alternatives?
PS. I'm using NSThread.
I'm finding a method like 'waitForThreadExit' which blocks caller thread until thread completes execution.
The threads created with Cocoa cannot be created as detached. NSThread instances always wrap attached POSIX threads for resource management reasons. As quoted in the Thread Programming Guide:
If you do want to create joinable
threads, the only way to do so is
using POSIX threads. POSIX creates
threads as joinable by default. To
mark a thread as detached or joinable,
modify the thread attributes using the
pthread_attr_setdetachstate function
prior to creating the thread. After
the thread begins, you can change a
joinable thread to a detached thread
by calling the pthread_detach
function. For more information about
these POSIX thread functions, see the
pthread man page. For information on
how to join with a thread, see the
pthread_join man page.
If you are looking for a way to be notified of the end of a NSThread, you can use the NSThreadWillExitNotification notification.
NSThread does not expose a Join method by any name. NSThread is a very simple, high level, wrapper class. It's very useful for doing threading in a GUI app as it simplifies calling back onto the main thread. For simple backgrounding of tasks and communicating the result back to the main thread on completion this should be sufficient and is fairly easy to get right. If you want to do more "advanced" things (and that includes Join, here) then you'll either have to go to pthreads or layer the semantics on top of NSThread (perhaps by using NSCondition).
If you are using pthreads, then use: pthread_join.
On the other hand, if you are using NSThread class, there is no equivalent to join method you are referring to.
You could try wiht NSObject's message performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
But I am not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish here.
Here's is Apple's Multithreading Programming Guide.
You can do this yourself using NSConditionLock. Define two conditions: "running" and "terminated". The worker thread acquires the lock "running" and upon termination it unlocks with condition "terminated". A join would then be to acquire the lock "terminated" and then unlock it "terminated".

Why use ReadDirectoryChangesW asynchronously?

I've read the documentation for ReadDirectoryChangesW() and also seen the CDirectoryChangeWatcher project, but neither say why one would want to call it asynchronously. I understand that the current thread will not block, but, at least for the CDirectoryChangeWatcher code that uses a completion port, when it calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus(), that thread blocks anyway (if there are no changes).
So if I call ReadDirectoryChangesW() synchronously in a separate thread in the first place that I don't care if it blocks, why would I ever want to call ReadDirectoryChangesW() asynchronously?
When you call it asynchronously, you have more control over which thread does the waiting. It also allows you to have a single thread wait for multiple things, such as a directory change, an event, and a message. Finally, even if you're doing the waiting in the same thread that set up the watch in the first place, it gives you control over how long you're willing to wait. GetQueuedCompletionStatus has a timeout parameter that ReadDirectoryChangesW doesn't offer by itself.
You would call ReadDirectoryChangesW such that it returns its results asynchronously if you ever needed the calling thread to not block. A tautology, but the truth.
Candidates for such threads: the UI thread & any thread that is solely responsible for servicing a number of resources (Sockets, any sort of IPC, independent files, etc.).
Not being familiar with the project, I'd guess the CDirectoryChangeWatcher doesn't care if its worker thread blocks. Generally, that's the nature of worker threads.
I tried using ReadDirectoryChanges in a worker thread synchronously, and guess what, it blocked so that the thread wouldn't exit by itself at the program exit.
So if you don't want to use evil things like TerminateThread, you should use asynchronous calls.
