Unexpected token in attribute selector: '!' - firefox

what to do? where to start? my slideshow doesnt show images on firefox, chrome. works fine with safari.

I believe that is due to a JQuery warning message. There is more information on that particular (apparently harmless) warning here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7535
If this is, indeed, what is causing you grief, don't hold your breath for a fix - it's a "wontfix" ticket for them...


How to check and solve "The byte stream was erroneous according to the character encoding that was declared" in Firefox?

this issue was stated in How to solve byte stream erroneous too. But no real solution was there. Especially no way to check it was named.
This error is shown in Firefox, but not in Chrome. So I am not sure if the issue is only with Firefox.
Unfortunately I do not get more details on that error in the console of Firefox.
Try this page for example. I only get the issue on product pages. I have verified that the template is UTF-8 with Linux command file and I have saved the template with Notepad++ explicied to UTF-8.
Since this did not worked, I like to check what causes this issue. Does anyone have a clue how to check and determine the chars / content causing this issue?

Firefox and ydn.db page reload bug

ydn.db-isw-core-e-cur-qry-dev-raw.js v1.0.2 crashed at the string 28537
In logs I read:
request = index.openKeyCursor(key_range, this.dir);
It crashed in latest Firefox, but works with other browsers.
I can't find the reason of this error. Sometimes, when I try to debug it by stepping into function, it works without crashing.
What is causing this bug?
So, when I try to call history.replaceState() in callback of db.put() it causes a page reload. Why? How can I prevent that?
See debug log by ydn.debug.log ('ydn.db', 'finest')
So... I didn't find any reason, but placing history.replaceState() in setTimeout() make it work in FireFox. Maybe there are some problems with context... but it works in other browsers. So, I think that it is very strange bug of firefox.

Unable to scroll down

I'm struggling on my website which worked well since the shareaholic widget install. I've tried to remove it but the bug remains.
A picture is worth thousand words so it's about : www.mywebshop.org, we can't scroll anymore on the website and I must admit I've never seen that bug (except when using fixed position ;-)).
I'm totally stuck... no cache is active, I can't see anything out of the ordinary... I'm having this issue on every browser on my mac.
Any clues?
Thank in advance ;-)
hey there I have seen your site. Please remove the overflow-y:hidden; from the body selector in the style.css file on line number:2793
That should do it

CloudFlare Error on Page

I seem to be getting an error while using cloudflare on my domain. No matter what i do it won't go away, I've tried turning off various options in cloudflare and my joomla CP, using jbetolo for minification,merging and compression of js and css files.
the error is as follows: Failed to Load Resource http://website.com/cdn-cgi/pe/bag?r[]=http%3A%2F%2Fwebsite.com%3A80%2Fcdn-cgi%2Fnexp%2Fv%3D1443929931%2Fapps%2Fga_key.js cloudflare.min.js:35
I can't find any resources on this error. here is more output of the console reporting the error. Could anyone tell me why this happens, how to fix it, or if this is normal? Thanks.
a.function.a.object.a.object.d.(anonymous function).object.d.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)cloudflare.min.js:37
a.function.a.object.a.object.d.(anonymous function).object.d.(anonymous function).(anonymous function)cloudflare.min.js:37
browsing to the link returns a 405 Not Allowed error, I guess this is a little obvious.
For anyone else looking for a solution, changing the "Rocket Loader" setting under the SPEED menu from "Automatic" to "Off" fixed the problem for me. While in "Automatic" mode, my JavaScripts were being wrapped in a CDATA block, which caused the error, but disabling the "Rocket Loader" removed the wrapper.
Note that you can still use JavaScript minification while turning off the "Rocket Loader".
The "Rocket Loader" at the time of posting is still in Beta mode, so it's possible that some bugs remain. It is unclear why one javascript file causes the problem, while others do not.
That appears to likely being caused by CloudFlare's Auto Minify option. Did you turn this off?
Note: You don't want to have CloudFlare's minify turned on with another option (can definitely see issues).
Contact CloudFlare with the domain if turning off Auto Minify doesn't fix it & we can have an engineer check it out.

IE8 won't load JavaScript file in "Compatibility View."

Here's my JS insert:
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/profile.js"></script>
In IE8 with "Compatibility View," the file never loads. The first line in the file is a simple alert() call, so that I know it loaded. Change the browser to Standards View, and it loads fine.
Also, if I add:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=100" >
It forces to Standards View and it loads fine.
Any idea why this would be the case? I've not been able to test against IE7, but I know the JS file also does not load in IE6.
Right now the tag is in the section of the file.
It would seem that IE8, Safari, Firefox, et al will tolerate certain JavaScript syntax errors. IE7 and IE6 (and IE8 in 'compatibility view') will not, and they will also not throw a parse error or any other kind of clue.
Pasting my code into http://www.jslint.com/ revealed a couple of syntax errors that weren't affecting the code's operation in other browsers. So boo on me.
Okay. Had the same problem on IE8 and safari 5 on windows and finally got this working. This one is really beauty...
I had a function with a parameter named 'class' which was causing the issue. Renaming to clsname fixed the problem. Apparently FF and chrome were lenient about this.
Turn on script debugging and see if you are getting a javascript error in compatibility mode. The presence of an error would keep the javascript from executing even if it is loaded. You might also want to use the developer tools in IE8 to debug the javascript and/or verify if the file is loaded or not.
just spent couple of hours on this - IE7 & 8 suffers from "return" identificator
I had:
m["return"] = 123;
var x = m.return; // SILENT ERROR!
Obviously, renamaing identificator solves this
