Unable to scroll down - scroll

I'm struggling on my website which worked well since the shareaholic widget install. I've tried to remove it but the bug remains.
A picture is worth thousand words so it's about : www.mywebshop.org, we can't scroll anymore on the website and I must admit I've never seen that bug (except when using fixed position ;-)).
I'm totally stuck... no cache is active, I can't see anything out of the ordinary... I'm having this issue on every browser on my mac.
Any clues?
Thank in advance ;-)

hey there I have seen your site. Please remove the overflow-y:hidden; from the body selector in the style.css file on line number:2793
That should do it


Is there a way to speed up TinyMCE placeholder load time?

I have recently upgraded TinyMCE to the latest version and the editor itself loads almost immediately. The issue I'm having is that the placeholder value takes up to 3-4 seconds to appear. I using the latest tinymce-django version and have gone through all of the docs and can't find a way to speed up the appearance of the placeholder. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I've attempted to turn on the compressor but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Because the interface loads right away it's hard for me to tell if the compressor is in fact turned on and if it's working.
So it seems to never fail....but after posting this question...I played with my init file....as it was giving me an error in the developer console....
I would up commenting out the line that was trying to reference my CSS file in the init and this seemed to speed up the load time even more. Now the placeholder loads instantly...This is the line that I commented out...
content_css: [
I don't appear to need this setting for now based on how I've used the source files to change my config appearance. I had an extra slash in front of the library and that seemed to be what was causing the placeholder load time delay. On to the next....

Bootstrap not working in Magento theme

I've got a silly problem. It's probably just down to me not being able to see the wood for the trees... one of you geniuses might spot the problem immediately, or at least I hope so!
I've developed a theme for a Magento site using Bootstrap. First I built static HTML templates, which were tested for responsiveness, and they all worked fine.
I then integrated those templates into Magento... and the responsive elements stopped working. They were working initially, but at some point during the site development, they stopped working.
I've looked and looked at it and I can't see what's wrong. I presume there's some sort of conflict with Bootstrap somewhere but I just can't see it. There are no script errors that I can see and everything is loading correctly, but the responsive elements refuse to work.
Can someone take a look at the site at http://www.collaredclergywear.co.uk/ and tell me what I'm missing? I think it's probably something simple but I can't see the wood for the trees anymore.
One thing in style.css try commenting it. better remove style.css completely and test
.wrapper {
min-width: 954px;

Finding the file that is being loaded on the fly in joomla

im using a joomla template in my localhost. I would like to edit one of the on-screen module's position. i used chrome and firefox to inspect the elements and even changed the properties. it works the way i want, but the problem is, im not sure where these actual files are residing in my localhost. There are 100s of files and its frustrating there isn't an easy way to find out the exact file that i have to edit.
I understand that joomla contents are generated on the fly and thus it isn't easy to find the exact file. I have also seen some of the past related questions in stackoverflow.com, asked by desperate users like myself, nothing works.
Im hoping someone knows of a tool or a trick that can help me. I even tried indexing the localhost folder (c:\wamp\www\demo) to search file contents, it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
Pls help.
The position of the module is almost certainly determined only by the css in your template. Using web inspector in Firefox or Chrome you can see which file (and the file path) of any styles that are currently being applied to the module, so you can simply modify the rules in that files.
I love Mac
Since my files are in the localhost, i have been trying to search for the div class that is generated on the fly, but my pc couldn't thoroughly search the contents of the file.
On my mac, i searched for the div class word and hey! it showed me a list of files that contained the div class and i found the file in a matter of seconds! how cool is that!!
Thanks Guys, hope this helps someone too!

Codekit 2 not refreshing browser

Codekit 2 does seem to be refreshing in any browsers. I've literally just installed it and been setting it up to my own preferences.
I use my Mac's hosts file to point http://localhost.sites to localhost. I've never had an issue with this in the past (I just set Codekit to refresh on any URL including the word localhost).
Now in the new settings file I'm slightly lost as to where to put it... after a load of mucking about I think I'm in a real state and here are my current settings:
Can anyone shed any light on this? Codekit is not refreshing the browser (all files are compiling fine).
I was having the same issue, #Djave.
Now, while I won't assume you make the same mistakes I do, I found that some errors in my
were causing Chrome to ignore the refresh. Specifically, the closing tag was missing. Instead, I had
<script... />
instead of
Hope you found the issue on your end.
As Bryan from Incident 57 told me, the refreshing process in Codekit 2 is totally different to the refreshing process in Codekit 1.
Codekit comes with its own server which you are required to run. You can click it in the top right hand corner of the program and it will launch.
You need to have this running to get going. If you have PHP files (or other server side code) Codekit won't run it – so this is where you need your external server running but it is important that you still view the site you're testing at the address given i.e. http://djave.local:5757.
For a far better explanation of all of this you can watch Bryan the creator of Codekit walk you through this in this video here.

Joomla and JomSocial Error

I'm having problem with a client site. I'm not good with Joomla (we mostly do Wordpress), but one of my long-time clients asked me to move a site from another developer that never finished it, so I obliged. The problem is, everything is working great except for the Community page:
The only errors I'm finding are with the Facebook integration (which they told me the previous dev never finished/fixed). I'm really confused here...anyone out there have any ideas? It seems instead of showing the proper titles that Com_community_somethingElseHere is replacing everything.
Thank you guys in advance for your help!
Seems something is wrong with the en-GB.com_community.ini file.
Location: gettingripped.com/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_community.ini
I could not find the file in the above location!!!
Put this file in that folder and it will work!!!
If you can't find the file to put in the folder, create your own and place it there.. how? Well, google for this string as it is (including double quotes) "en-GB.com_community.ini" and open the first couple of results.
Then copy paste the displayed file content into your own ini file (name it en-GB.com_community.ini) and place it in your en-GB folder.
Load the page and it will show up as it should!
