Can you install both Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 preview 6? - xcode

Is it possible to have both Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 on the same OS instance? Is it possible to write production code in Xcode 4 and then compile it for app store in Xcode 3 ? (From practical point of view)

You can install XCode into any folder, you don't have to use the default.
Mark is right, don't upgrade the Unix package. I make a Beta folder and install the betas into that folder.

Well yes and no. :)
As of today with Xcode 4 GM seed, IF YOU USE THE DEFAULT LOCATION, it looks like Xcode 4 will now overwrite your /Developer and replace your Xcode 3.x. I think this is fairly new, as I have installed several of the earlier betas and have not had this happen.
So, as of now, I am a happy Xcode 4 user! <:/
Steve O'Sullivan

You can install both Xcode 3 and 4 at the same time: Xcode 4 is installed into /Xcode4 while Xcode 3 is installed into the usual /Developer.
However, be advised that if you upgrade the UNIX development package, it will replace the Xcode 3 and stock Mac OS X versions of certain command line tools with the Xcode 4 versions.
For the most part, you'll need to use Xcode 3 for any code heading to the app store.


Swift 3 mode has been deprecated

In Xcode 10.1 whenever I build my app I get the warning
Swift 3 mode has been deprecated and will be removed in a later
version of Xcode. Please migrate "My Appp" to Swift 4.2 using "Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…" in the Edit menu. (in target 'My App')
How can I suppress the warning?
I tried to convert but conversion fails and besides that my app depends on some Pods / libraries that I can not convert any way.
Is there a way to stop seeing the warning?
Unfortunately, there's no way to remove this. You'll need to manually update your Pods / libraries to Swift 4.x or wait until someone does the job for you. Otherwise, you won't be able to build your project with a newer Xcode version at some point in the future.
Xcode 10 is the last release that will support Swift 3. Migrate your projects from Swift 3 code to Swift 4.2 syntax by opening the project and choosing Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax… (43101816)
Download Xcode 10.1 to be able to compile your code with Swift 3 or Pod decencies:

Xcode switching between Swift 2.2 and Swift 3.0

Ever since I downloaded the new Xcode and converted/updated my syntax, Xcode has been randomly switching between the above mentioned versions of Swift. I ran 'swift -version' in my Terminal and it confirmed (for the moment) that I am running Swift 2.2
I saw this question (Swift compiler is confusing version 2 and 3) but I'm too new to add a comment and ask more questions (like why can't I find that in the targets section of my project?).
How can I set my syntax so that it stays on Swift 3 and doesn't change without warning? This will be about the fourth time I've updated everything for the sake of testing/running my app.
Hopefully this is an issue for other people and this question helps them too - I feel awful asking when I'm new. I hope to be able to know enough to help other users soon.
You can set Swift in the Terminal to be the same version as Xcode 8's with xcode-select. Point it at Xcode beta like this:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
You can also set the toolchain right in Xcode 8, in menu Xcode > Toolchains > Manage Toolchains:

How to check Xcode 6.4 code after switching to Xcode 7

I have saved a version of my app code that runs on XCode 6.4 and made a copy and converted it to work with the latest XCode 7 beta.
The problem is Xcode_6.4.dmg was auto-installed using the App Store and I don't have that file available and I can't download it because it is installed from the App Store. I have some the beta versions but not the released.
Will I be able to run my Swift 1.2 code somehow as a baseline to whether a bug existed before the transition to Swift 2.0?
Download Xcode 6.4 at
You can manually keep any number of Xcode versions in /Applications. Just name each one uniquely before opening them.

XCode 5 and XCode 5.1 side by side

I have some apps on app store that support iOS 5 and above. XCode 5.1 doesn't support iOS 5 any more.
Can i have both, xcode 5 and xcode 5.1 side by side?
I m aware the fact that the update from xcode 5 to 5.1 is not a .dmg and just a simple update file.
Any help will great!
Yes, you can download Xcode as .dmg file from Apple server.
You need to go to this link:
Make sure you logged in. In the list, you can find Xcode and download it as .dmg file
make duplicate in of Xcode in Application folder with other name, I have 4 and 5 for older projects

MonoTouch 4: The type or namespace name 'Outlet' could not be found

I have purchased MonoTouch last October from Novell. Now that I updated to MonoDevelop 2.8.5, and XCode 4.2, my projects won't build because the designer files complain:
The type or namespace name 'Outlet' could not be found
I have Monotouch 4.0.3, and just read in the Transitioning to XCode 4 article that Monotouch or greater is required for XCode 4 support. When I try to update Monotouch, I can only find a MonoTouch 5 dmg, but it complains my current license does not allow me to upgrade to MonoTouch 5 (a natural thing because it now belongs to Xamarin)
So you could help me out with either of the two:
Tell me how I can download MonoTouch or greater (but less than 5 due to licensing - I do not want to buy a new license)
How I can fix the problem of namespace during build
Any directions are greatly appreciated
Tell me how I can download MonoTouch or greater
Please contact
They will be able to validate your license and allow you to download all/any versions you are entitled for.
How I can fix the problem of namespace during build
I don't think you can, without updating to, if you used Xcode's interface builder to develop your user interfaces.
MonoDevelop 2.8 is meant to be used with MonoTouch 5 (and Xcode 4.2), while MonoDevelop 2.6 is for MonoTouch 4.
This is an unfortunate artifact of the changes required in MonoDevelop to properly support iOS 5 (they were substantial, and the extra work required to be backwards compatible with older versions of MonoTouch was deemed to be too big).
