hitest on a TTStyledText returns a empty frame even when user clicks on a valid link - three20

I have styled text with multiple URLs. While all the URLs links get highlighted, only some pass the hittest when the user taps on them. As a result of this not all links are handled properly in three20 framework. Any ideas?

The style class name needs to end with : and the stylesheet selector with get the state when style is retrieved.
The easiest way would be to not to specify the class name at all. The label works well in this scenario. the problem occurs only when one specifies a custom class for the the label.


Apex main region header with dynamic value

I have tried everything I know to make title of header replicate items value, including substitution string &P10_TITLE_TEXT. inside headers title property. Generally, this would work for normal region, but in my case I try to modify value of pages main region, which is rendering first, before any other item. My assumption is that title text is not showing because it cannot see items value yet.
Is there a simple way to refresh title header after items are ready, or perhaps another better solution?
PS: This is main header of the modal dialog page, that has no property for setting static id, and it's template is less adjustable then normal regions.
Try the following javascript in "Execute When Page Loads" of the modal page:
$('.ui-dialog-title',parent ? parent.document : document).text( apex.items. P10_TITLE_TEXT.value );
Pre-Rendering computations may be the solution here.
You can try creating a computation before Regions under Pre-Rendering to set &P10_TITLE_TEXT.. There will be no need to "refresh". This is if you are simply loading it once.
If you are trying to set headers based on input every time you change it, I would advise separating into two pages so you can submit the page and APEX can reload and process, or just use javascript.

What exactly does aria-controls do for the user? How is it affected by AJAX usage?

I have a set of tabs with proper roles and attributes for accessibility support. The content that tab controls gets loaded in via ajax. But each wrapper for the content loaded in also has proper tab pane roles and attributes.
The problem is, when I run an automated audit using Chrome Accessibility Tools, the test fails stating that the corresponding ID of the tab pane is missing for all of the tabs except the one that's currently active (because that wrapper with ID has been loaded). The exact error states: "ARIA attributes which refer to other elements by ID should refer to elements which exist in the DOM."
Since the ID will exist once the tab with the corresponding aria-controls attribute is active, is this really an error? Or is this just a case of a false positive because it's an automated test and they can only do so much.
In summary, What does aria-controls do and does it really need to refer to an ID that currently exists in the DOM?
aria-controls give your assisting technology a way to move to the controlled element.
If this element is not in the DOM or can't be accessed, then yes it's an error.
The two (the element with aria-controls as well the element with the referenced id) must exist at the same time, whether at page render or via JS injection.
The DOM is parsed by the UA/AT combo before the user even gets to the control or your script fires to make it exist. If you use JS injection then you need to make sure the DOM is re-parsed.
This would apply to aria-owns as well.
I don't know whether the following would work in your architecture, but it would solve the error problem:
Design the tabs so they are all in the page at the time it loads. Format those that should not be shown to be outside the viewport using absolute positioning and something like "left: -99em." Use AJAX to reset the positioning when the time has come to display the tabs. The result is that the ARIA ID dependencies will always be valid because the tabs are always part of the DOM.

Change text of Please fill out this field tooltip in Joomla 3

It is set by default that when I create input fields and set them to be required, when users don't fill in anything, they got a massage:
Please fill out this field
I am creating a website with Joomla, and this tooltip pops out in every browser displaying the above text. How to change the text.
I tried to look up in Joomla language ini files, but no success. Is there some easy way to change this, or some advice where it could be?
This is not a Joomla string, it's the message displayed by the HTML5 required attribute. To change the message you have to check the loads of suggestions in the following questions:
HTML5 form required attribute. Set custom validation message?
How to change default “please fill out this field” in two field
if you are writing your own component (or module/plugin), it sounds like this is the description - field in the form-xml for your component. If the form is auto-generated from a component-creator, the file should be found in
but some more info on where/what you are doing would help.
regards Jonas

Orchard CMS widget Display Type

I have a widget which is using a query to display details. Is it possible to specify the display type of the widget (the query is using Summary and all is displayed as i want) because the header of the widget has a display type of Detail and i want it to use summary so i can override the shape when i place it in different sections (mainly the header text), but when in the content zone i would want it to be details. I am using the bootstrap theme. So basically if i stick my widget any where other than content i want it to use summary
Hope this makes sense.
Ah, we meet again.
Widgets are built and injected into the layout in a class called Orchard.Widgets.Filters.WidgetFilter. There doesn't appear to be any way to modify the display type used for a widget (the default WidgetFilter uses the default value of "Detail").
To get around this, you can use your own implementation of WidgetFilter. Copy the existing code into your own class, and add an [OrchardSuppressDependency("Orchard.Widgets.Filters.WidgetFilter")] attribute to your class. This will make sure that the existing WidgetFilter isn't used, and yours is.
If you read through the OnResultExecuting method, you'll see that right near the end there is a call to BuildDisplay. The second argument to this method can be a display type. You can check widgetPart.Record.Zone to see where the widget has been placed, and pass in different values for the displayType parameter accordingly.
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant way, but it's where I'd start. Perhaps someone else might have a neater solution.

MVP pattern. Using multiple view's with GWT's TabPanel

I need implement a UI where "header" and "footer" always static. i.e. this content(widgets) dont change along application live. In center I have TabPanel.
So my question: it is normal(according to MVP) to make one Main view with its own presenter, where will be located all this regions(header,footer,center) and for each tab in TabPanel(center) make it own view and presenter? Or better to make one View-presenter pair for header, one view and presenter for footer, and make view\presenter for each tab?
I have a structure like this, i have a simple class with uiBinder to create the structure. header and footers, almost static, can receive some notifications from EventBus (like username change for header).
This class handles the TabPanel, which contains a real View-presenter set for each tab, using deferred loading.
my 2 cents :)
