Orchard CMS widget Display Type - asp.net-mvc-3

I have a widget which is using a query to display details. Is it possible to specify the display type of the widget (the query is using Summary and all is displayed as i want) because the header of the widget has a display type of Detail and i want it to use summary so i can override the shape when i place it in different sections (mainly the header text), but when in the content zone i would want it to be details. I am using the bootstrap theme. So basically if i stick my widget any where other than content i want it to use summary
Hope this makes sense.

Ah, we meet again.
Widgets are built and injected into the layout in a class called Orchard.Widgets.Filters.WidgetFilter. There doesn't appear to be any way to modify the display type used for a widget (the default WidgetFilter uses the default value of "Detail").
To get around this, you can use your own implementation of WidgetFilter. Copy the existing code into your own class, and add an [OrchardSuppressDependency("Orchard.Widgets.Filters.WidgetFilter")] attribute to your class. This will make sure that the existing WidgetFilter isn't used, and yours is.
If you read through the OnResultExecuting method, you'll see that right near the end there is a call to BuildDisplay. The second argument to this method can be a display type. You can check widgetPart.Record.Zone to see where the widget has been placed, and pass in different values for the displayType parameter accordingly.
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant way, but it's where I'd start. Perhaps someone else might have a neater solution.


Nightwatch Page Object hierarchy/re-use

I'd like to use Nightwatch's Page Objects system for UI components used across our app. Because nightwatch has their own way of reading/initializing them, I don't see a way of properly extending/re-using them.
For example I want an DateInputPageObject for "date fields". It would identify the label, input, date picker, etc.
I'd use it on any page with a date input field.
I would also like to extend page objects. For example, class FooModal extends Modal. The ModalPageObject would define selectors for elements all modals have - the overlay, container, close button, etc.
I can't find any way to do this in nightwatch, is it possible at all?
The problem is not with nightwatch per se as it's just following the basic structure of page object model BUT that is a very good question and it brings out one of the drawbacks of page object model.
Page object model has been around for some time and the problem with that is that it doesn't serve the needs of modern web applications that use component libraries & living style-guides and re-using components.
Personally I found it easier to use a global json file with all the components structured based on their type. e.g. labels, fields, buttons, etc.

Stop Magento/tinyMCE forcing object tag type

So iv been reading about peoples problems with tiny MCE "messing up" code. I understand it isn't, but I have a very minor problem that is become a major problem.
Im trying to add a simple object tag to one of my CMS pages. I need the object type to be "text/html" but whenever I save the page it converts this to "application/x-shockwave-flash"
I don't want to turn off the tinyMCE cleanup option as by the sounds of things this is a really bad thing to do.
So is there a way to stop it changing just the type attribute?
I have tried adding the code to a CMS widget and adding the widget to the page but this get the same altered result.
This thread (Object tag is not working) seems similar, but simply changing the type isn't working for me as it is automatically changing back to flash upon save.
The url i am trying to load looks like this...
(http://www.domain.com/animations/embed/one/o-t-t-d?player_width=100%&player_height=100%) I have been told that this will return flash if it is available or html if not.
Im assuming that because i'm saving the page on a PC with flash available its recognising and changing the type.
Any help appreciated.
You can edit the file js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js to make this happen.
Look for the settings array (around line 100). Add 'extended_valid_elements' there, like this;
var settings = {
extended_valid_elements: 'object[type]',
This way, TinyMCE will know the type attribute is valid and won't change it.

How can I take better advantage of Entity Model validation?

I currently have:
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.PurchasePrice)
I would like to split this into 2 separate fields separated by a decimal (for price input obviously). But if I do that using basic text boxes I will loose the ability to take advantage of ASP.NET's validation.
Is there a way to do this, in Razor or by using attributes, so that I am able to keep the JS and server-side validation against my Entity model?
I can easily do it somewhere else by creating my own functions within the viewmodel, but I'm new to MVC3 and not entirely sure if that would be the best route or there is a simpler method.
This is kind of the direction I am thinking, I do not fully understand how this works.
I set 2 fields, 1 as ppDollar and 1 as ppCents. In the controller I have:
modelname.PurchasePrice = Request["ppDollar"] + Request["ppCent"];
But, I can look at that and tell that's not going to work. So, I guess the question really is how is user input validated against the entity model and how can I better take advantage of the built in functionality?
You can create custom editors for particular types that are rendered by EditorFor. You can find a lot of examples of how to do this online, most of them focusing on a custom DateTime editor but the same idea applies to any type. Just one example from a quick search:
In short, the process is:
Create a partial view template, placed in the Views\Shared\EditorTemplates folder, with the same name as the type (e.g. Decimal.cshtml).
The view should use, as its model, the type you want to display: #inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<System.Decimal>
Make the view display whatever you want, using some field naming convention or whatever.
You can also pass HTML attributes via the appropriate EditorFor overload, referenced in your template through the ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues property.
One thing to note: once you define an editor template it will be used for every call to EditorFor. You can scope them to a specific controller by moving the EditorTemplates folder into the appropriate view subfolder instead of the shared one.

Multi-language store- Changing custom menu's language dynamically

I am doing Multi-language store in magento. i have some custom menu in header section like how to order, Help etc. .
now currently these menu i have given direct link like
<li>how to order</li>
i am not sure how multi-language feature will work with this menu.. How can i write these top menu as if It will change with language change.
any suggestions will be helpful for me.
Any text that is hard-coded into your template needs to be wrapped in the translation helper.
echo $this->__('Help');
But make sure the block it applies to has a helper declared, otherwise you'll need to load the generic helper.
Then, you can edit the relevant translation CSV file. By putting "Help" in the first column, and the translation in the second column.
Although, you'll be able to use translate in-line once you are using the above PHP.

Orchard CMS pass data from View to Theme layout

I'm writing a custom Orchard module with a custom Theme. I would like to pass data from the View back to the Layout to change the layout based on data determined in the View.
In my example, I have a left-nav in my theme - certain views should be able to instruct the layout not to render this left-nav.
In standard mvc 3 I would just pass the value up through the ViewBag, but this doesn't seem to be working within Orchard - I'm guessing that the layout code is executed before the View is rendered?
I've looked into using a Shape to move this data around but looks like it might be a little heavyweight for what i'm trying to achieve.
What's the best practice for passing data around like this as an alternative to ViewBag?
Update: After playing around with it a bit more i've just noticed that TempData is being picked up in the Layout - can anyone explain why TempData is transmitted, but ViewData isn't? And is it safe to use from an Orchard POV?
It's easier than that... All templates have access to the Layout shape, which is a dynamic object. This means that you can modify it on the fly, add it properties, etc.
In your specific case, suppressing a zone, you may even be able to just set that to null: zones are just shapes, and in the case of top-level zones they are expandos on Layout. So if you have a zone named Foo, setting Layout.Foo to null should do the trick. As a matter of facts, I'm doing exactly that in one of my themes, to suppress the side bars from my error pages without having to create a specific widget layer:
Layout.AsideFirst = null;
Layout.AsideSecond = null;
