How to create a temporary directory? - bash

I use to create a tempfile, delete it and recreate it as a directory:
rm -f $temp
# <breakpoint>
mkdir $temp
The problem is, when it runs to the <breakpoint>, there happens to be another program wants to do the same thing, which mkdir-ed a temp dir with the same name, will cause the failure of this program.

Use mktemp -d. It creates a temporary directory with a random name and makes sure that file doesn't already exist. You need to remember to delete the directory after using it though.

For a more robust solution i use something like the following. That way the temp dir will always be deleted after the script exits.
The cleanup function is executed on the EXIT signal. That guarantees that the cleanup function is always called, even if the script aborts somewhere.
# the directory of the script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# the temp directory used, within $DIR
# omit the -p parameter to create a temporal directory in the default location
WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d -p "$DIR"`
# check if tmp dir was created
if [[ ! "$WORK_DIR" || ! -d "$WORK_DIR" ]]; then
echo "Could not create temp dir"
exit 1
# deletes the temp directory
function cleanup {
rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
echo "Deleted temp working directory $WORK_DIR"
# register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal
trap cleanup EXIT
# implementation of script starts here
Directory of bash script from here.
Bash traps.

My favorite one-liner for this is
cd $(mktemp -d)

The following snippet will safely create and then clean up a temporary directory.
The first trap line executes exit 1 command when any of the specified signals is received. The second trap line removes the $TEMPD on program's exit (both normal and abnormal). We initialize these traps after we check that mkdir -d succeeded to avoid accidentally executing the exit trap with $TEMPD in an unknown state.
# set -x # un-comment to see what's going on when you run the script
# Create a temporary directory and store its name in a variable.
TEMPD=$(mktemp -d)
# Exit if the temp directory wasn't created successfully.
if [ ! -e "$TEMPD" ]; then
>&2 echo "Failed to create temp directory"
exit 1
# Make sure the temp directory gets removed on script exit.
trap "exit 1" HUP INT PIPE QUIT TERM
trap 'rm -rf "$TEMPD"' EXIT

Here is a simple explanation about how to create a temp dir using templates.
Creates a temporary file or directory, safely, and prints its name.
TEMPLATE must contain at least 3 consecutive 'X's in last component.
If TEMPLATE is not specified, it will use tmp.XXXXXXXXXX
directories created are u+rwx, minus umask restrictions.
PARENT_DIR=./temp_dirs # (optional) specify a dir for your tempdirs
TEMPLATE_PREFIX='tmp' # prefix of your new tempdir template
TEMPLATE_RANDOM='XXXX' # Increase the Xs for more random characters
# create the tempdir using your custom $TEMPLATE, which may include
# a path such as a parent dir, and assign the new path to a var
# create the tempdir in parent dir, using default template
# 'tmp.XXXXXXXXXX' and assign the new path to a var
# create a tempdir in your systems default tmp path e.g. /tmp
# using the default template 'tmp.XXXXXXXXXX' and assign path to var
NEW_TEMP_DIR_PATH=$(mktemp -d)
# Do whatever you want with your generated temp dir and var holding its path

I need the following features:
Put all temp files into a single directory with a specific namespace for reusing.
Create temp files with filename prefix and suffix (extension).
With bash script on macOS:
$ namespace="com.namespace.mktemp"
# find directory for reusing
$ ls -d "${TMPDIR}${namespace}"*
# create directory if not exists
$ mktemp -d -t "$namespace"
# create tempfile with directory name and file prefix
$ mktemp -t "com.namespace.mktemp.HjqGT6w2/file-prefix"
# add suffix - `mktemp` on macOS does not support `--suffix`
mv "/var/folders/s_/.../file-prefix.sZDvjo14" "/var/folders/s_/.../file-prefix.sZDvjo14.txt"
The gmktemp (brew install coreutils) is a little different:
supports --suffix and --tmpdir
Xs are required in template and prefix
template should not contain directory, set TMPDIR instead
$ namespace="com.namespace.gmktemp"
# create directory if not exists
$ gmktemp -d -t "$namespace.XXXXXXXX"
# set TMPDIR
# create tempfile with directory name and file prefix
$ gmktemp --suffix=".txt" -t "prefix.XXXXXXXX"


BASH Script for creating multiple directories, moving files, and then renaming said files

I am trying to make a bash script to create directories with the same name as each file in a given directory, then move said files to their respective directories, and then rename the files.
Basically - a quantum chemistry program that I use requires that the input files be named "ZMAT". So, if I have multiple jobs, I currently need to manually create directories, and then move the ZMAT files into them (can only run one job per folder).
When I run my code, I get "binary operator expected". I am not sure what this means. Some help please.
Here is what I have so far:
if [ -e *.ZMAT ];
echo "CFOUR Job Detected"
for INPFILE in *.ZMAT; do
BASENAME=$(basename $INPFILE )
if [ ! -e $ERRORFILE ];
# Create folder in scratch directory with the basename
mkdir /scratch/CFOUR/$BASENAME
# Move the file to its directory
# cd to the new directory
cd /scratch/CFOUR/$BASENAME
# Change the file name to just ZMAT
echo "Submitting CFOUR Job"
# Submit to scheduler
echo "Error File Detected - Not Submitting Job"
An alternative would be to create symlinks to the original files.
As you said before, each ZMAT symlink would need to be in its own directory.
The upside is that the original data doesn't move, so less risk of breaking it, but the tool you want to use should read the symlinks as if they are the files it is looking for.
This one-liner creates an out directory in the current folder that you could subsequently move wherever you want it. You could easily create it where you do want it by replacing "out" with whatever absolute path you wanted
for i in *.ZMAT; do mkdir -p out/$i ; ln -s $PWD/$i out/$i/ZMAT ; done
I believe I have solved my problem. Here is the new script, which appears to be working fine. Any input is welcome though!
for i in *.ZMAT; do
BASENAME=$(basename $i .ZMAT)
if [ ! -e $ERRORFILE ];
mkdir /scratch/CFOUR/$BASENAME # Create Scratch Folder
cp $INPFILE /scratch/cdc/CFOUR/$BASENAME # Move Input to Scratch
cd /scratch/CFOUR/$BASENAME #cd to Scratch Folder
mv -f $INPFILE ZMAT # Change Input Name
echo "Submitting CFOUR Job"
# Submit to scheduler
cd $SUBDIR #Go back to SUBDIR
echo "Error File Already Exists"

Unix Bash Script Create Directory parent and child method

I'm trying to create directory using if condition statement, while running script i am not able to find any expected result from the script, but when i am running manually only mkdir command alone its creating as we expected; here the sample code.
if [[ -d $dir_path ]]; then
mkdir -p /tmp/opt/app/software/{A,B,C,D}
can you please advise, how we can create this..
dir_path is a "list" of directory paths due to the {} parameter expansion. If you write this out:
dir_path=/tmp/opt/app/software/A /tmp/opt/app/software/B /tmp/opt/app/software/C /tmp/opt/app/software/D
This is what's being used in the test of the if statement.
Either you want to iterate over the list of sub directories, or just pass them to mkdir. mkdir simply won't create the directory if it already exists.
Your mkdir command actually expands out to:
mkdir -p /tmp/opt/app/software/A /tmp/opt/app/software/B /tmp/opt/app/software/C /tmp/opt/app/software/D
If you want to itterate and still do a check (which while needless in this example can still be useful other times.)
# Declare the variable `dirs` to be an array and use
# parameter expansion to populate it
declare -a dirs=(/tmp/opt/app/software/{A,B,C,D});
# Iterate over the array of directory names
for dir in ${dirs[#]}; do
if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
# The directory does not exsist
mkdir -p "$dir"; # Make the directory

Is it possible to CD into a file?

I find a list of files that I need to cd to (obviously to the parent directory).
If I do cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json I get the error cd: not a directory:, which makes sense.
But isn't there a way to allow for that? Because manipulating the path-string is pretty cumbersome and to me that would make total sense to have an option for that, since cd is a directory function and it would be cool that if the path would not end up in a file, it would recursively jump higher and find the "first dir" from the given path.
So cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json would put me into ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/ without going on my nerves, telling me that I have chosen a file rather than a dir.
You could write a shell function to do it.
cd() {
local args=() arg
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ $arg != -* && -e $arg && ! -d $arg ]]; then
args+=("$(dirname "$arg")")
builtin cd ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}
Put it in your ~/.bashrc if you want it to be the default behavior. It won't be inherited by shell scripts or other programs so they won't be affected.
It modifies cd's arguments, replacing any file names with the parent directory. Options with a leading dash are left alone. command cd calls the underlying cd builtin so we don't get trapped in a recursive loop.
(What is this unholy beast: ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}? It's like "${args[#]}", which expands the array of arguments, but it avoids triggering a bash bug with empty arrays on the off chance that your bash version is 4.0-4.3 and you have set -u enabled.)
This function should do what you need:
cdd() { test -d "$1" && cd "$1" || cd $(dirname "$1") ; }
If its first argument "$1" is a directory, just cd into it,
otherwise cd into the directory containing it.
This function should be improved to take into account special files such as devices or symbolic links.
You can if you enter a bit longer line (or create dedicated shell script)
cd $(dirname ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json)
If you add it in script it can be :
cd $(dirname $1)
but you need to execute it on this way:
. script_name ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json
You can put this function in your ~/.bashrc:
function ccd() {
TP=$1 # destination you're trying to reach
while [ ! -d $TP ]; do # if $TP is not a directory:
TP=$(dirname $TP) # remove the last part from the path
done # you finally got a directory
cd $TP # and jump into it
Usage: ccd /etc/postfix/strangedir/anotherdir/file.txt will get you to /etc/postfix.

Bash script to change parent shell directory [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why can't I change directories using "cd" in a script?
(33 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
What I'm trying to do
I've created a shell script that I've added to my $PATH that will download and get everything setup for a new Laravel project. I would like the script to end by changing my terminal directory into the new project folder.
From what I understand right now currently it's only changing the directory of the sub shell where the script is actually running. I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
#! /usr/bin/env bash
echo -e '\033[1;30m=========================================='
## check for a directory
if test -z "$1"; then
echo -e ' \033[0;31m✖ Please provide a directory name'
## check if directory already exist
if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
mkdir $1
echo -e ' \033[0;31m✖ The '"$1"' directory already exists'
# move to directory
cd $1
## Download Laravel
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mDownloading Laravel...'
curl -s -L >
## Unzip, move, and clean up Laravel
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mUnzipping and cleaning up files...'
unzip -q
cd *-laravel-*
mv * ..
cd ..
rm -R *-laravel-*
## Make the /storage directory writable
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mMaking /storage directory writable...'
chmod -R o+w storage
## Download and install the Generators
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mInstalling Generators...'
curl -s -L > application/tasks/generate.php
## Update the application key
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mUpdating Application Key...'
MD5=`date +”%N” | md5`
sed -ie 's/YourSecretKeyGoesHere!/'"$MD5"'/' application/config/application.php
rm application/config/application.phpe
## Create .gitignore and initial git if -git is passed
if [ "$2" == "-git" ]; then
echo -e ' \033[0;32m+ \033[0mInitiating git...'
touch .gitignore
curl -s -L > .gitignore
# Create a local git repo
git init --quiet
git add * .gitignore
git commit -m 'Initial commit.' --quiet
echo -e '\033[1;30m=========================================='
echo -e ' \033[0;32m✔ Laravel Setup Complete\033[0m'
## Change parent shell directory to new directory
## Currently it's only changing in the sub shell
cd "$filepath"
You can technically source your script to run it in your parent shell instead of spawning a subshell to run it. This way whatever changes you make to your current shell (including changing directories) persist.
source /path/to/my/script/script
. /path/to/my/script/script
But sourcing has its own dangers, use carefully.
(Peripherally related: how to use scripts to change directories)
Use a shell function to front-end your script
setup () {
# first, call your big script.
# (It could be open-coded here but that might be a bit ugly.)
# then finally...
cd someplace
Put the shell function in a shell startup file.
Child processes (including shells) cannot change current directory of parent process. Typical solution is using eval in the parent shell. In shell script echo commands you want to run by parent shell:
echo "cd $filepath"
In parent shell, you can kick the shell script with eval:
eval `sh`
Note that all standard output will be executed as shell commands. Messages should output to standard error:
echo "Some messages" >&2
command ... >&2
This can't be done. Use exec to open a new shell in the appropriate directory, replacing the script interpreter.
exec bash
I suppose one possibility would be to make sure that the only output of your script is the path name you want to end up in, and then do:
cd `/path/to/my/script`
There's no way your script can directly affect the environment (including it's current directory) of its parent shell, but this would request that the parent shell itself change directories based on the output of the script...

Mac Terminal search and move files not containing pattern in name

I use a program to rip radio music. Sadly one can not set the temporary folder apart from the folder where the finished mp3's end up later. So I cannot set the output folder to auto add to iTunes.
I'm alright in coding java and what not but have no experience with shell scripts.
I need a script that iterates through all the files within a folder like every 10 minutes and moves them to a different location if they don't start with the string "Track". All temp files are called "Track..." so it should only move finished ones then. Could anyone give me a help getting started?
Here's an example script. You should set the DESTINATION directory properly before uncommenting the line which moves the files. Otherwise, you may end up moving them somewhere undesirable.
In the terminal, cd to the location where you save the snippet below and run the following commands to execute.
Prep work:
cd /save/location
chmod +x # makes the file executable
Schedule a job:
crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /path/to/
crontab -l # view list of scheduled jobs
With some minor tweaks you can make this accept CLI options.
# files to skip
# location to move the files
# directory to read from
# PWD is the working directory
# make the directory(ies) if it doesn't exists
if [ ! -f ${DESTINATION} ]; then
mkdir -p ${DESTINATION}
# get the collection of files in the
for FILE in $( ls ${TARGET} )
# if the current file does not begin with TRACK, move it
if [[ ! ${FILE} =~ ${REGEX} ]]; then
echo ${FILE}
# if [ -f ${FILE} ]; then # uncomment if you want to
# ensure it's a file and not a directory
# mv ${FILE} ${DESTINATION} # move the file
# fi # uncomment to ensure it's a file (end if)
Edit the crontab with EDITOR=nano crontab -e and add a line like this:
*/10 * * * * shopt -s extglob; mv ~/Music/Temp/!(Track)*.mp3 ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Automatically\ Add\ to\ iTunes.localized/
shopt -s extglob adds support for !(). See /usr/share/doc/bash/bash.html.
