Is it possible to CD into a file? - bash

I find a list of files that I need to cd to (obviously to the parent directory).
If I do cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json I get the error cd: not a directory:, which makes sense.
But isn't there a way to allow for that? Because manipulating the path-string is pretty cumbersome and to me that would make total sense to have an option for that, since cd is a directory function and it would be cool that if the path would not end up in a file, it would recursively jump higher and find the "first dir" from the given path.
So cd ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json would put me into ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/ without going on my nerves, telling me that I have chosen a file rather than a dir.

You could write a shell function to do it.
cd() {
local args=() arg
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ $arg != -* && -e $arg && ! -d $arg ]]; then
args+=("$(dirname "$arg")")
builtin cd ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}
Put it in your ~/.bashrc if you want it to be the default behavior. It won't be inherited by shell scripts or other programs so they won't be affected.
It modifies cd's arguments, replacing any file names with the parent directory. Options with a leading dash are left alone. command cd calls the underlying cd builtin so we don't get trapped in a recursive loop.
(What is this unholy beast: ${args[0]+"${args[#]}"}? It's like "${args[#]}", which expands the array of arguments, but it avoids triggering a bash bug with empty arrays on the off chance that your bash version is 4.0-4.3 and you have set -u enabled.)

This function should do what you need:
cdd() { test -d "$1" && cd "$1" || cd $(dirname "$1") ; }
If its first argument "$1" is a directory, just cd into it,
otherwise cd into the directory containing it.
This function should be improved to take into account special files such as devices or symbolic links.

You can if you enter a bit longer line (or create dedicated shell script)
cd $(dirname ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json)
If you add it in script it can be :
cd $(dirname $1)
but you need to execute it on this way:
. script_name ./src/components/10-atoms/fieldset/package.json

You can put this function in your ~/.bashrc:
function ccd() {
TP=$1 # destination you're trying to reach
while [ ! -d $TP ]; do # if $TP is not a directory:
TP=$(dirname $TP) # remove the last part from the path
done # you finally got a directory
cd $TP # and jump into it
Usage: ccd /etc/postfix/strangedir/anotherdir/file.txt will get you to /etc/postfix.


What is the zsh equivalent of a bash script getting the script's directory?

I want to translate this bash-script intro a zsh-script. Hence I have no experience with this I hope I may get help here:
bash script:
if([ -h "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]) then
while([ -h "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]) do SCRIPT_PATH=`readlink "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`; done
pushd . > /dev/null
cd `dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH}` > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
What I already know is that I can use
SCRIPT_PATH="$0"; to get the path were the script is located at. But then I get errors with the "readlink" statement.
Thanks for your help
Except for BASH_SOURCE I see no changes that you need to make. But what is the purpose of the script? If you want to get directory your script is located at there is ${0:A:h} (:A will resolve all symlinks, :h will truncate last path component leaving you with a directory name):
and that’s all. Note that original script has something strange going on:
if(…) and while(…) launch … in a subshell. You do not need subshell here, it is faster to do these checks using just if … and while ….
pushd . is not needed at all. While using pushd you normally replace the cd call with it:
pushd "$(dirname $SCRIPT_PATH)" >/dev/null
popd >/dev/null
cd `…` will fail if … outputs something with spaces. It is possible for a directory to contain a space. In the above example I use "$(…)", "`…`" will also work.
You do not need trailing ; in variable declarations.
There is readlink -f that will resolve all symlinks thus you may consider reducing original script to SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))" (the behavior may change as your script seems to resolve symlinks only in last component): this is bash equivalent to ${0:A:h}.
if [ -h "$SCRIPT_PATH" ] is redundant since while body with the same condition will not be executed unless script path is a symlink.
readlink $SCRIPT_PATH will return symlink relative to the directory containing $SCRIPT_PATH. Thus original script cannot possibly used to resolve symlinks in last component.
There is no ; between if(…) and then. I am surprised bash accepts this.
All of the above statements apply both to bash and zsh.
If resolving only symlinks only in last component is essential you should write it like this:
function ResolveLastComponent()
pushd "$1:h" >/dev/null
local R="$(readlink "$1")"
popd >/dev/null
echo $R
while test -h "$SCRIPT_PATH" ; do
SCRIPT_PATH="$(ResolveLastComponent "$SCRIPT_PATH")"
To illustrate 7th statement there is the following example:
Create directory $R/bash ($R is any directory, e.g. /tmp).
Put your script there without modifications, e.g. under name $R/bash/script_path.bash. Add line echo "$SCRIPT_PATH" at the end of it and line #!/bin/bash at the start for testing.
Make it executable: chmod +x $R/bash/script_path.bash.
Create a symlink to it: cd $R/bash && ln -s script_path.bash link.
cd $R
Launch $R/bash/1. Now you will see that your script outputs $R while it should output $R/bash like it does when you launch $R/bash/script_path.bash.

customizing cd command

Generally I keep directory specific settings in .bashrc and whenever I change directory execute the command source .bashrc to make those settings effective.
Now I was thinking of manipulating cd command in ~/.bashrc, so whenever I cd to new directory and if any .bashrc exists there, it will be loaded automatically.
Similar to this cd $1; source .bashrc ( I have verified that $1 is valid path), but problem is cd is shell builting, so it's a recursive loop ( cd always points to modifed cd ). We do not have elf file of cd ( which generally we have of other commands viz scp or others). So how can I achieve this ?
Also if shopt -s cdspell is supported then also I need to have cd spelled path in argument of $1.
You want the "builtin" command;
builtin shell-builtin [arguments]
Execute the specified shell builtin,
passing it arguments, and return its exit status. This is useful when
defining a function whose name is the same as a shell builtin,
retaining the functionality of the builtin within the function. The cd
builtin is commonly redefined this way. The return status is false if
shell-builtin is not a shell builtin command.
So, you could have something like (untested, don't have a bash handy either);
function cd() {
builtin cd $1 \
&& test -e .bashrc \
&& source .bashrc
You might check out direnv.
RVM does this:
$ type cd
cd is a function
cd ()
if builtin cd "$#"; then
[[ -n "${rvm_current_rvmrc:-}" && "$*" == "." ]] && rvm_current_rvmrc="" || true;
return 0;
return $?;
And yes, this works on my machine. Essentially, as #RoryHunter said, use builtin and run some code if it succeeds, or return the exit code if it fails.
You could try this:
function cdd(){ cd $1; if [ -e ./.bashrc ] ; then source ./.bashrc; fi; }
alias cd = 'cdd'
Didn't tested this much, however.

How to change current working directory inside command_not_found_handle

I'm trying to write a not found handle in Bash that does the following:
If $1 exists and it's a directory, cd into it.
If $1 exists inside a user defined directory $DEV_DIR, `cd into it.
If the previous conditions don't apply, fail.
Right now I have something like this:
export DEV_DIR=/Users/federico/programacion/
function command_not_found_handle () {
if [ -d $1 ]; then # the dir exists in '.'
cd $1
if [ -d $to ]; then
cd $to
echo `pwd`
echo "${1}: command not found"
And although it seems to be working (the echo pwd command prints the expected dir), the directory in the actual shell does not change.
I was under the impression that since this is a function inside my .bashrc the shell wouldn't fork and I could do the cd but apparently that's not working. Any tips on how to solve this would be appreciated.
I think what's going on is that the shell fork()s after setting up any redirections but before looking for commands, so command_not_found_handle can't affect the interactive shell process.
What you seem to want to do may partly possible using the autocd feature:
shopt -s autocd
From man bash:
autocd - If set, a command name that is the name of a directory
is executed as if it were the argument to the cd com‐
mand. This option is only used by interactive shells.
Otherwise, just create a function that you invoke by name that performs the actions you are trying to use command_not_found_handle for.
It won't change directies if you run this program as a script in your main shell because it creates a sub-shell when it executes. If you source the script in your current shell then it will have the desired effect.
~/wbailey> source
That said, I think the following would achieve the same result:
wesbailey#feynman:~/code_katas> cd xxx 2> /dev/null || cd ..; pwd
just replace the ".." with your env var defined directory and create an alias in your .bashrc file.
I've had the very same wish and the solution that I've been using for a while was opening a new tab in gnome terminal by issuing the command gnome-terminal --tab --working-directory="$FOLDER" from inside the command_not_found handle.
But today I've come up with a solution which is not tied to a specific terminal application, but has exactly the intended behaviour.
The solution uses the PROMPT_COMMAND, which is run before each prompt. The PROMPT_COMMAND is bound to a function responsible for checking for a file related to current shell, and cd'ing into the directory specified in that file.
Then, the command_not_found_handle fills in the file when a change in directory is desired. My original command_not_found_handle also checkout a git branch if the current directory is a git repository and the name matches an existing branch. But to keep focus on answering the current question, I've stripped that part of code.
The command_not_found_handle uses find for searching for the directory matching the given name and goes only 2 levels deep in the directory tree, starting from a configured list.
The code to be added to bash_rc follows:
current_shell_cd() {
if [ -r "$CD_FILE" ]; then
local CD_TARGET="$( cat "$CD_FILE" )"
[ ! -z "$CD_TARGET" ] && cd "$CD_TARGET" 2>/dev/null
rm "$CD_FILE"
command_not_found_handle () {
local COMMAND="$1";
# List folders which are going to be checked
local FOLDER=$(
find "${BASE_FOLDER_LIST[#]}" \
-maxdepth 2 -type d \
-iname "$COMMAND" -print -quit )
if [ ! -z "$FOLDER" -a -d "$FOLDER" ]
mkdir -p "$( dirname "$CD_FILE" )"
echo "$FOLDER" > "$CD_FILE"
printf "%s: command not found\n" "$1" 1>&2
return 127

Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I get the directory where a Bash script is located from within the script itself?
(74 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a Bash script that needs to know its full path. I'm trying to find a broadly-compatible way of doing that without ending up with relative or funky-looking paths. I only need to support Bash, not sh, csh, etc.
What I've found so far:
The accepted answer to Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within addresses getting the path of the script via dirname $0, which is fine, but that may return a relative path (like .), which is a problem if you want to change directories in the script and have the path still point to the script's directory. Still, dirname will be part of the puzzle.
The accepted answer to Bash script absolute path with OS X (OS X specific, but the answer works regardless) gives a function that will test to see if $0 looks relative and if so will pre-pend $PWD to it. But the result can still have relative bits in it (although overall it's absolute) — for instance, if the script is t in the directory /usr/bin and you're in /usr and you type bin/../bin/t to run it (yes, that's convoluted), you end up with /usr/bin/../bin as the script's directory path. Which works, but...
The readlink solution on this page, which looks like this:
# Absolute path to this script. /home/user/bin/
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f $0)
# Absolute path this script is in. /home/user/bin
But readlink isn't POSIX and apparently the solution relies on GNU's readlink where BSD's won't work for some reason (I don't have access to a BSD-like system to check).
So, various ways of doing it, but they all have their caveats.
What would be a better way? Where "better" means:
Gives me the absolute path.
Takes out funky bits even when invoked in a convoluted way (see comment on #2 above). (E.g., at least moderately canonicalizes the path.)
Relies only on Bash-isms or things that are almost certain to be on most popular flavors of *nix systems (GNU/Linux, BSD and BSD-like systems like OS X, etc.).
Avoids calling external programs if possible (e.g., prefers Bash built-ins).
(Updated, thanks for the heads up, wich) It doesn't have to resolve symlinks (in fact, I'd kind of prefer it left them alone, but that's not a requirement).
Here's what I've come up with (edit: plus some tweaks provided by sfstewman, levigroker, Kyle Strand, and Rob Kennedy), that seems to mostly fit my "better" criteria:
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
That SCRIPTPATH line seems particularly roundabout, but we need it rather than SCRIPTPATH=`pwd` in order to properly handle spaces and symlinks.
The inclusion of output redirection (>/dev/null 2>&1) handles the rare(?) case where cd might produce output that would interfere with the surrounding $( ... ) capture. (Such as cd being overridden to also ls a directory after switching to it.)
Note also that esoteric situations, such as executing a script that isn't coming from a file in an accessible file system at all (which is perfectly possible), is not catered to there (or in any of the other answers I've seen).
The -- after cd and before "$0" are in case the directory starts with a -.
I'm surprised that the realpath command hasn't been mentioned here. My understanding is that it is widely portable / ported.
Your initial solution becomes:
SCRIPT=$(realpath "$0")
And to leave symbolic links unresolved per your preference:
SCRIPT=$(realpath -s "$0")
The simplest way that I have found to get a full canonical path in Bash is to use cd and pwd:
ABSOLUTE_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
Using ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} instead of $0 produces the same behavior regardless of whether the script is invoked as <name> or source <name>.
I just had to revisit this issue today and found Get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
There's more variants at the linked answer, e.g. for the case where the script itself is a symlink.
Get the absolute path of a shell script
It does not use the -f option in readlink, and it should therefore work on BSD/Mac OS X.
source ./script (When called by the . dot operator)
Absolute path /path/to/script
Relative path like ./script
When called from symlink
When symlink is nested eg) foo->dir1/dir2/bar bar->./../doe doe->script
When caller changes the scripts name
I am looking for corner cases where this code does not work. Please let me know.
pushd . > /dev/null
while([ -h "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]); do
cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`"
SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink "`basename "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`")";
cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
echo "srcipt=[${SCRIPT_PATH}]"
echo "pwd =[`pwd`]"
Known issus
The script must be on disk somewhere. Let it be over a network. If you try to run this script from a PIPE it will not work
wget -o /dev/null -O - http://host.domain/dir/ |bash
Technically speaking, it is undefined. Practically speaking, there is no sane way to detect this. (A co-process can not access the environment of the parent.)
SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname `which $0`)
which prints to standard output the full path of the executable that would have been executed when the passed argument had been entered at the shell prompt (which is what $0 contains)
dirname strips the non-directory suffix from a file name.
Hence you end up with the full path of the script, no matter if the path was specified or not.
As realpath is not installed per default on my Linux system, the following works for me:
SCRIPT="$(readlink --canonicalize-existing "$0")"
SCRIPTPATH="$(dirname "$SCRIPT")"
$SCRIPT will contain the real file path to the script and $SCRIPTPATH the real path of the directory containing the script.
Before using this read the comments of this answer.
Easy to read? Below is an alternative. It ignores symlinks
cd $(dirname "$0")
echo -n "current "
echo script $currentDir
Since I posted the above answer a couple years ago, I've evolved my practice to using this linux specific paradigm, which properly handles symlinks:
ORIGIN=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
BASEDIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname)
Fancy operators are not needed.
You may try to define the following variable:
CWD="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)"
Or you can try the following function in Bash:
realpath () {
[[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"
This function takes one argument. If the argument already has an absolute path, print it as it is, otherwise print $PWD variable + filename argument (without ./ prefix).
Bash script absolute path with OS X
Get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself
Answering this question very late, but I use:
SCRIPT=$( readlink -m $( type -p ${0} )) # Full path to script handling Symlinks
BASE_DIR=`dirname "${SCRIPT}"` # Directory script is run in
NAME=`basename "${SCRIPT}"` # Actual name of script even if linked
We have placed our own product realpath-lib on GitHub for free and unencumbered community use.
Shameless plug but with this Bash library you can:
get_realpath <absolute|relative|symlink|local file>
This function is the core of the library:
function get_realpath() {
if [[ -f "$1" ]]
# file *must* exist
if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
# file *may* not be local
# exception is ./file.ext
# try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
local tmppwd="$PWD"
cd - &>/dev/null
# file *must* be local
local tmppwd="$PWD"
# file *cannot* exist
return 1 # failure
# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success
It doesn't require any external dependencies, just Bash 4+. Also contains functions to get_dirname, get_filename, get_stemname and validate_path validate_realpath. It's free, clean, simple and well documented, so it can be used for learning purposes too, and no doubt can be improved. Try it across platforms.
Update: After some review and testing we have replaced the above function with something that achieves the same result (without using dirname, only pure Bash) but with better efficiency:
function get_realpath() {
[[ ! -f "$1" ]] && return 1 # failure : file does not exist.
[[ -n "$no_symlinks" ]] && local pwdp='pwd -P' || local pwdp='pwd' # do symlinks.
echo "$( cd "$( echo "${1%/*}" )" 2>/dev/null; $pwdp )"/"${1##*/}" # echo result.
return 0 # success
This also includes an environment setting no_symlinks that provides the ability to resolve symlinks to the physical system. By default it keeps symlinks intact.
Considering this issue again: there is a very popular solution that is referenced within this thread that has its origin here:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
I have stayed away from this solution because of the use of dirname - it can present cross-platform difficulties, particularly if a script needs to be locked down for security reasons. But as a pure Bash alternative, how about using:
DIR="$( cd "$( echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" )" && pwd )"
Would this be an option?
If we use Bash I believe this is the most convenient way as it doesn't require calls to any external commands:
THIS_DIR=$(dirname $THIS_PATH)
The accepted solution has the inconvenient (for me) to not be "source-able":
if you call it from a "source ../../yourScript", $0 would be "bash"!
The following function (for bash >= 3.0) gives me the right path, however the script might be called (directly or through source, with an absolute or a relative path):
(by "right path", I mean the full absolute path of the script being called, even when called from another path, directly or with "source")
echo $0 executed
function bashscriptpath() {
local _sp=$1
local ascript="$0"
local asp="$(dirname $0)"
#echo "b1 asp '$asp', b1 ascript '$ascript'"
if [[ "$asp" == "." && "$ascript" != "bash" && "$ascript" != "./.bashrc" ]] ; then asp="${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}"
elif [[ "$asp" == "." && "$ascript" == "./.bashrc" ]] ; then asp=$(pwd)
if [[ "$ascript" == "bash" ]] ; then
asp="$(dirname $ascript)"
#echo "b2 asp '$asp', b2 ascript '$ascript'"
if [[ "${ascript#/}" != "$ascript" ]]; then asp=$asp ;
elif [[ "${ascript#../}" != "$ascript" ]]; then
while [[ "${ascript#../}" != "$ascript" ]]; do
elif [[ "${ascript#*/}" != "$ascript" ]]; then
if [[ "$asp" == "." ]] ; then asp=$(pwd) ; else asp="$(pwd)/${asp}"; fi
eval $_sp="'$asp'"
bashscriptpath H
export H=${H}
The key is to detect the "source" case and to use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} to get back the actual script.
One liner
`dirname $(realpath $0)`
Bourne shell (sh) compliant way:
SCRIPT_HOME=`dirname $0 | while read a; do cd $a && pwd && break; done`
Perhaps the accepted answer to the following question may be of help.
How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?
Given that you just want to canonicalize the name you get from concatenating $PWD and $0 (assuming that $0 is not absolute to begin with), just use a series of regex replacements along the line of abs_dir=${abs_dir//\/.\//\/} and such.
Yes, I know it looks horrible, but it'll work and is pure Bash.
Try this:
cd $(dirname $([ -L $0 ] && readlink -f $0 || echo $0))
I have used the following approach successfully for a while (not on OS X though), and it only uses a shell built-in and handles the 'source' case as far as I have seen.
One issue with the (hastily put together) example code below is that the function uses $PWD which may or may not be correct at the time of the function call. So that needs to be handled.
function canonical_path() {
# Handle relative vs absolute path
[ ${1:0:1} == '/' ] && x=$1 || x=$PWD/$1
# Change to dirname of x
cd ${x%/*}
# Combine new pwd with basename of x
echo $(pwd -P)/${x##*/}
echo $(canonical_path "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
type [
type cd
type echo
type pwd
Just for the hell of it I've done a bit of hacking on a script that does things purely textually, purely in Bash. I hope I caught all the edge cases.
Note that the ${var//pat/repl} that I mentioned in the other answer doesn't work since you can't make it replace only the shortest possible match, which is a problem for replacing /foo/../ as e.g. /*/../ will take everything before it, not just a single entry. And since these patterns aren't really regexes I don't see how that can be made to work. So here's the nicely convoluted solution I came up with, enjoy. ;)
By the way, let me know if you find any unhandled edge cases.
canonicalize_path() {
local path="$1"
read -a parts < <(echo "$path")
local i=${#parts[#]}
local j=0
local back=0
local -a rev_canon
while (($i > 0)); do
case "${parts[$i]}" in
""|.) ;;
..) ((back++));;
*) if (($back > 0)); then
while (($j > 0)); do
echo -n "/${rev_canon[$j]}"
canonicalize_path "/.././..////../foo/./bar//foo/bar/.././bar/../foo/bar/./../..//../foo///bar/"
Yet another way to do this:
shopt -s extglob
while [[ -L "$selfpath" ]];do
selfpath=$(readlink "$selfpath")
if [[ ! "$selfpath" =~ ^/ ]];then
echo $selfpath $selfdir
More simply, this is what works for me:
MY_DIR=`dirname $0`
source $MY_DIR/

Is there a Bash shortcut for traversing similar directory structures?

The KornShell (ksh) used to have a very useful option to cd for traversing similar directory structures; e.g., given the following directories:
Then if you were in the /home/sweet... directory then you could change to the equivalent directory in andy's structure by typing
cd sweet andy
So if ksh saw 2 arguments then it would scan the current directory path for the first value, replace it with the second and cd there. Is anyone aware of similar functionality built into Bash? Or if not, a hack to make Bash work in the same way?
Other solutions offered so far suffer from one or more of the following problems:
Archaic forms of tests - as pointed out by Michał Górny
Incomplete protection from directory names containing white space
Failure to handle directory structures which have the same name used more than once or with substrings that match: /canis/lupus/lupus/ or /nicknames/Robert/Rob/
This version handles all the issues listed above.
cd ()
local pwd="${PWD}/"; # we need a slash at the end so we can check for it, too
if [[ "$1" == "-e" ]]
# start from the end
[[ "$2" ]] && builtin cd "${pwd%/$1/*}/${2:-$1}/${pwd##*/$1/}" || builtin cd "$#"
# start from the beginning
[[ "$2" ]] && builtin cd "${pwd/\/$1\///$2/}" || builtin cd "$#"
Issuing any of the other versions, which I'll call cdX, from a directory such as this one:
/canis/lupus/lupus/specimen $ cdX lupus familiaris
bash: cd: /canis/familiaris/lupus/specimen: No such file or directory
fails if the second instance of "lupus" is the one intended. In order to accommodate this, you can use the "-e" option to start from the end of the directory structure.
/canis/lupus/lupus/specimen $ cd -e lupus familiaris
/canis/lupus/familiaris/specimen $
Or issuing one of them from this one:
/nicknames/Robert/Rob $ cdX Rob Bob
bash: cd: /nicknames/Bobert/Rob: No such file or directory
would substitute part of a string unintentionally. My function handles this by including the slashes in the match.
/nicknames/Robert/Rob $ cd Rob Bob
/nicknames/Robert/Bob $
You can also designate a directory unambiguously like this:
/fish/fish/fins $ cd fish/fins robot/fins
/fish/robot/fins $
By the way, I used the control operators && and || in my function instead of just for the sake of variety.
cd "${PWD/sweet/andy}"
No, but...
Michał Górny's substitution expression works nicely. To redefine the built-in cd command, do this:
cd () {
if [ "x$2" != x ]; then
builtin cd ${PWD/$1/$2}
builtin cd "$#"
