I have the following post-build event in my web application in Visual Studio.
It's causing an exit code of 1. Any ideas why this might be the case?
This might help you out
Cant stop my project in visual studio 2015. stop debugging button is disabled also i cant close my application.stop debugging button disables
When i closing my application that message is showing
I had the same issue when I used some external methods from a system dll.
The code started to execute the external method but it never terminated and the whole thing stucked. I wasn't able to stop it, even in task manager. Every time the code called that problematic ext method, I had to restart my computer to stop it.
Try to find something like this, and disable the call. If you can stop the debugging after that, then it is the problem.
(If you want to know: It was the system32.dll and the problem was caused by a wrong HDD driver.)
I am running into an issue with my Post Build Event in VS 2010, I am recieving the following errors on my projects, but I don't know what ths means and I cannot seem to even edit the original Post-build Event. Let me know what my options are? thanks in advance.
Error 1 The command "copy "C:\Users\Paul.Rykiel\Desktop\Sitecore Notes\YAFIntegrationSource\YAFIntegrationSource\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Classes.Utils.*" "d:\projects\Sitecore\yaf2\Sitecore\www\bin\"" exited with code 1. YAF.Classes.Utils
Error 2 The command "copy "C:\Users\Paul.Rykiel\Desktop\Sitecore Notes\YAFIntegrationSource\YAFIntegrationSource\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Classes.UI.*" "d:\projects\Sitecore\yaf2\Sitecore\www\bin\"" exited with code 1. YAF.Classes.UI
Error 3 The command "copy "C:\Users\Paul.Rykiel\Desktop\Sitecore Notes\YAFIntegrationSource\YAFIntegrationSource\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Classes.Base.*" "d:\projects\Sitecore\yaf2\Sitecore\www\bin\"" exited with code 1. YAF.Classes.Base
Error 4 The command "copy "C:\Users\Paul.Rykiel\Desktop\Sitecore Notes\YAFIntegrationSource\YAFIntegrationSource\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Classes.Config.*" "d:\projects\Sitecore\yaf2\Sitecore\www\bin\"" exited with code 1. YAF.Classes.Config
1. Remove the post-build event
Fix the commands defined in the post-build event
Fix the underlying problem that's preventing the commands from working
Ignore the failures?
It's not clear why you can't edit the post-build event. You can't find where in the UI to edit it? These are unfortunately different depending on the type of project you're working on. I think we'll need more information (like what you've tried) in order to provide more help.
I hope someone got an idea for a little problem of mine...
I got the following Postbuild-event script in my visual-studio 2010 project:
copy "D:\Sources\Project/output\program.exe" "D:\Project\Testserver\"
cd "D:\Project\Testserver\"
start "" /I "D:\Project\Testserver\program.exe"
The program is starting properly in a new window but the build-process is not ending before I stop the batch.
The same command in a normal windows shell does create a new independent instance but visual studio seems to wait for the process to end, why? I just want it to copy and start the program and then complete the build-process, is there a way to accomplish this? Thanks!
Oh and the follwing error is thrown in the visual studio output window:
Error: The input redirection is not supported. Process will be killed immediately.
(I translated this from german text but still google does not find anything to this error-message)
Would be cool if someone has experience with this. Thanks!
My post-build event works, but in some situations I am quite sure it is showing an error in the console window. However, because the window closes immediately, I'm not able to read any of it.
This is the build event:
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release start xcopy /y "$(TargetDir)*.dll" "$(ProjectDir)../../bin"
Basically it copies the built dlls over to another directory.
Is there a way to force the console window invoked by start to remain open until I close it?
I think that the information that you want is written in the "Output" (Views > Output or Ctrl-W + O). That information is still written/available after everything has ran.
For example, the output for
echo Information on the post build event
Information on the post build event
'some_non_existant_command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
which will give you a better hint at what's going wrong than the Error List (Ctrl-W + E) which will only display something cryptical, like "... exited with code 9009".
So, my advice, check the Output!
Hope it helps.
I would like to know if there is any command or tool that can be used to start a process and then pause it immediately.
I need this function so that I can have time to attach a debugger to it. I have tried visual studio's /debugexe feature, but the behavior of the program seemed changed. So I need to find other way to attach it and debug.
Thank you.
You can use CreateProcess() with CREATE_SUSPENDED flag. This will start the process with the main thread suspended. Then you call ResumeThread() after having attached.
In your main routine insert the line:
Compile in debug mode.
Run your program and it will break and prompt you to attach a debugger. If you have studio open it will ask if you want to use it to debug.
How about adding a Sleep() call as the very first statement.
You can also add a call to
in the code. It will suspend the program and then ask you to choose the debugger you want to use. You can then attach to a running Visual Studio instance. If you're already running from a debugger, it will simply break as if it would have hit a breakpoint.